Liberal SLATE columnist admits UNBORN ARE PEOPLE

I've never understood why left wingers feel so freakin' obligated to be so intellectually dishonest on this issue.

Most of us who are pro choice are willing to admit that a fetus is developing human life. We are also willing to admit that an abortion is not a positive thing.

We just feel that this is one of those tough decisions a society has to make, and all things considered, we'd rather see a woman have the choice.

We'd also like to see both ends of this issue channel their considerable passion into keeping abortions down and maximizing adoption opportunities.

The dishonesty and insults and attacks really aren't needed.
You mean the baby IS a human life?
A fetus is human life.
Yes it is, you are is human...and all humans have the natural right to life...

Rights are secured by government. Ours does not recognize fetuses as persons. That's where you lose the argument,

all your crying about it notwithstanding.
I've never understood why left wingers feel so freakin' obligated to be so intellectually dishonest on this issue.

Most of us who are pro choice are willing to admit that a fetus is developing human life. We are also willing to admit that an abortion is not a positive thing.

We just feel that this is one of those tough decisions a society has to make, and all things considered, we'd rather see a woman have the choice.

We'd also like to see both ends of this issue channel their considerable passion into keeping abortions down and maximizing adoption opportunities.

The dishonesty and insults and attacks really aren't needed.
You mean the baby IS a human life?
A fetus is human life.

An appendix is human life.
Are you an appendix human? Seems you ruptured and went bad....:lol:

Would you make abortion illegal, the crime of murder, and prosecute women who have abortions accordingly?
I've never understood why left wingers feel so freakin' obligated to be so intellectually dishonest on this issue.

Most of us who are pro choice are willing to admit that a fetus is developing human life. We are also willing to admit that an abortion is not a positive thing.

We just feel that this is one of those tough decisions a society has to make, and all things considered, we'd rather see a woman have the choice.

We'd also like to see both ends of this issue channel their considerable passion into keeping abortions down and maximizing adoption opportunities.

The dishonesty and insults and attacks really aren't needed.
You mean the baby IS a human life?
A fetus is human life.
Yes it is, you are is human...and all humans have the natural right to life...

Rights are secured by government. Ours does not recognize fetuses as persons. That's where you lose the argument,

all your crying about it notwithstanding.
Not sure if serious....are you an American?
You mean the baby IS a human life?
A fetus is human life.

An appendix is human life.
Are you an appendix human? Seems you ruptured and went bad....:lol:

Would you make abortion illegal, the crime of murder, and prosecute women who have abortions accordingly?

Ok, so you don't believe abortion is murder, which means you can't believe that abortion is the killing of a human person,

why do you keep saying so.
OK, so now that liberal pro-deathers think this, now what?

Slate Columnist Admits Unborn Are People, But… - Affluent Investor

Pro-abortion ideology does funny things to people’s heads–even smart people like Will Saletan of Slate (who I’m pretty sure is the smartest liberal commentator around). Here’s an example of what I’m talking about:

“I can’t get past the feeling that pregnancy is one person growing inside another and that every part of that conundrum—one person, growing, another person—has to be taken into account. And I’m a sucker for context. So I cling to the mushy, unprincipled belief that… while there ought to be fewer abortion decisions—and there would be, if pro-lifers would magically redirect their energy from abortion bans to birth control—when those decisions arise, they’re best made by the people directly involved.”

Why is his opinion any more valuable than yours?
Because liberals typically promote baby murder....

You have the rhetoric of an abortion clinic bomber. Let's hope your gutlessness prevents you from acting out.
Baby butcher clinics are legal....I have no probl m with that...I also have no problem with petitioning my .gov to change that....
A fetus is human life.

An appendix is human life.
Are you an appendix human? Seems you ruptured and went bad....:lol:

Would you make abortion illegal, the crime of murder, and prosecute women who have abortions accordingly?

Ok, so you don't believe abortion is murder, which means you can't believe that abortion is the killing of a human person,

why do you keep saying so.
No, abortion is murder...
I've never understood why left wingers feel so freakin' obligated to be so intellectually dishonest on this issue.

Most of us who are pro choice are willing to admit that a fetus is developing human life. We are also willing to admit that an abortion is not a positive thing.

We just feel that this is one of those tough decisions a society has to make, and all things considered, we'd rather see a woman have the choice.

We'd also like to see both ends of this issue channel their considerable passion into keeping abortions down and maximizing adoption opportunities.

The dishonesty and insults and attacks really aren't needed.
You mean the baby IS a human life?
A fetus is human life.
Yes it is, you are is human...and all humans have the natural right to life...

Rights are secured by government. Ours does not recognize fetuses as persons. That's where you lose the argument,

all your crying about it notwithstanding.
Not sure if serious....are you an American?

The Constitution, which secures our rights, does not recognize the fetus as a person who is entitled to those rights.
OK, so now that liberal pro-deathers think this, now what?

Slate Columnist Admits Unborn Are People, But… - Affluent Investor

Pro-abortion ideology does funny things to people’s heads–even smart people like Will Saletan of Slate (who I’m pretty sure is the smartest liberal commentator around). Here’s an example of what I’m talking about:

“I can’t get past the feeling that pregnancy is one person growing inside another and that every part of that conundrum—one person, growing, another person—has to be taken into account. And I’m a sucker for context. So I cling to the mushy, unprincipled belief that… while there ought to be fewer abortion decisions—and there would be, if pro-lifers would magically redirect their energy from abortion bans to birth control—when those decisions arise, they’re best made by the people directly involved.”

Why is his opinion any more valuable than yours?
Because liberals typically promote baby murder....

You have the rhetoric of an abortion clinic bomber. Let's hope your gutlessness prevents you from acting out.
Baby butcher clinics are legal....I have no probl m with that...I also have no problem with petitioning my .gov to change that....

You just said you don't want to change that, because you don't want to make abortion illegal.
OK, so now that liberal pro-deathers think this, now what?

Slate Columnist Admits Unborn Are People, But… - Affluent Investor

Pro-abortion ideology does funny things to people’s heads–even smart people like Will Saletan of Slate (who I’m pretty sure is the smartest liberal commentator around).

Apparently your pals at RedState disagree:

Slate's William Saletan: the dumbest man on the internet | RedState

are discussing the op....please get your mommy to help read it to you...
An appendix is human life.
Are you an appendix human? Seems you ruptured and went bad....:lol:

Would you make abortion illegal, the crime of murder, and prosecute women who have abortions accordingly?

Ok, so you don't believe abortion is murder, which means you can't believe that abortion is the killing of a human person,

why do you keep saying so.
No, abortion is murder...

You just said 'NO' when I asked you if you would make abortion the crime of murder.

Are you having a spell? Try to make sense.

The PETA people say Meat is Murder. Is that the style of rhetoric you're using?
Link to
You mean the baby IS a human life?
A fetus is human life.
Yes it is, you are is human...and all humans have the natural right to life...

Rights are secured by government. Ours does not recognize fetuses as persons. That's where you lose the argument,

all your crying about it notwithstanding.
Not sure if serious....are you an American?

The Constitution, which secures our rights, does not recognize the fetus as a person who is entitled to those rights.
fetus in the constitution?

Hint: it may be next to muskets, marriage and abortion... :lol:
OK, so now that liberal pro-deathers think this, now what?

Slate Columnist Admits Unborn Are People, But… - Affluent Investor

Pro-abortion ideology does funny things to people’s heads–even smart people like Will Saletan of Slate (who I’m pretty sure is the smartest liberal commentator around).

Apparently your pals at RedState disagree:

Slate's William Saletan: the dumbest man on the internet | RedState

are discussing the op....please get your mommy to help read it to you...

You expressed your opinion about how smart this guy is; I offered you an opinion disputing that.
Are you an appendix human? Seems you ruptured and went bad....:lol:

Would you make abortion illegal, the crime of murder, and prosecute women who have abortions accordingly?

Ok, so you don't believe abortion is murder, which means you can't believe that abortion is the killing of a human person,

why do you keep saying so.
No, abortion is murder...

You just said 'NO' when I asked you if you would make abortion the crime of murder.

Are you having a spell? Try to make sense.

The PETA people say Meat is Murder. Is that the style of rhetoric you're using?
My discussion is well above your on-line degree education level...
Link to
A fetus is human life.
Yes it is, you are is human...and all humans have the natural right to life...

Rights are secured by government. Ours does not recognize fetuses as persons. That's where you lose the argument,

all your crying about it notwithstanding.
Not sure if serious....are you an American?

The Constitution, which secures our rights, does not recognize the fetus as a person who is entitled to those rights.
fetus in the constitution?

Hint: it may be next to muskets, marriage and abortion... :lol:

It is nowhere, not even implied.

That's why the pro-lifers want to amend the Constitution to put it there. Because it isn't there now.
OK, so now that liberal pro-deathers think this, now what?

Slate Columnist Admits Unborn Are People, But… - Affluent Investor

Pro-abortion ideology does funny things to people’s heads–even smart people like Will Saletan of Slate (who I’m pretty sure is the smartest liberal commentator around).

Apparently your pals at RedState disagree:

Slate's William Saletan: the dumbest man on the internet | RedState

are discussing the op....please get your mommy to help read it to you...

You expressed your opinion about how smart this guy is; I offered you an opinion disputing that.
Do try to keep up...
Link to
Yes it is, you are is human...and all humans have the natural right to life...

Rights are secured by government. Ours does not recognize fetuses as persons. That's where you lose the argument,

all your crying about it notwithstanding.
Not sure if serious....are you an American?

The Constitution, which secures our rights, does not recognize the fetus as a person who is entitled to those rights.
fetus in the constitution?

Hint: it may be next to muskets, marriage and abortion... :lol:

It is nowhere, not even implied.

That's why the pro-lifers want to amend the Constitution to put it there. Because it isn't there now.
No duh....:lol:
Would you make abortion illegal, the crime of murder, and prosecute women who have abortions accordingly?

Ok, so you don't believe abortion is murder, which means you can't believe that abortion is the killing of a human person,

why do you keep saying so.
No, abortion is murder...

You just said 'NO' when I asked you if you would make abortion the crime of murder.

Are you having a spell? Try to make sense.

The PETA people say Meat is Murder. Is that the style of rhetoric you're using?
My discussion is well above your on-line degree education level...

You said abortion was murder, then it wasn't, then it was.

IF abortion is murder, then it should be codified as the crime of murder, and women who have abortions should be prosecuted as murderers.

What part of that do you disagree with?
1) liberals say they
2) get more education beyond your on-line degree, it works
3) link to how you determine which babies will be poor

I'm not sure which liberals say so.

But here's the reality. Women will have abortions no matter what the law is.

In the Philippines, abortion is illegal in most cases. Filipina women STILL have 500,000 to 800,000 abortions a year. 4200 women a year are admitted to hospitals as a result of botched abortions.

Unintended Pregnancy and Unsafe Abortion in the Philippines

Now, if you guys were serious about reducing the number of abortions, and not just getting played by the One Percent for the last 40 years, you'd be for universal health care, more welfare, family and medical leave. That's how you reduce abortions.

But you are too busy being played for chumps.
Progressives like yourself should only speak for themselves, and not what they think others should think. You should get out of your moms basement more often....

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