Liberal SLATE columnist admits UNBORN ARE PEOPLE

Truth be told, I don't know what I want in "a" or "God". But it works for many and be it Allah, Jahova or God that's cool with me. Good, bad and ugly is life dude. I just don't see any reason to be abrasive on purpose about it.

when you guys take your silly little superstitions and keep them to yourselves, THEN I will stop being abrasive about it.

But if you insist on making policies based on what God wants, then I feel it's perfectly appropriate to question you, and point out all the crazy shit that's in that book you all swear feality to but never read.

Your deflecting Joe....keep on topic...I know it's difficult when your worldly believe system is shattered by other liberals....
We just want to stop you liberals murdering people...

then you need to advocate arresting women who have abortions. Stop pussy-footing around, guy, that should be your platform.

You see, the only woman I knew who had an abortion was a Christian, Asian girl from a traditional household who wanted her boyfriend (not me) to marry her, and got an abortion because she didn't want her parents to know she wasn't still a virgin at 22.

She wasn't a "liberal" at all. She was just a person who made bad choices.

What about the other person?

what other person? Fetuses aren't people.
Babies are people, liberals said so...
And here in lies the rub, your imaginary girl should have maybe been on the pill if her boyfriend did not want to use a rubber. Or she could have gone to Walmart and got her a day after pill. Abortion is marketed by you libs as birth control and that's not cool. It's used to pad bank accounts of those at planned parenthood as well as the politicians who insist on keeping it avaliable to the black and brown people who keep them in office.

She was on the pill. She stopped taking them because she said they made her ill, but we all knew she was trying to pigeon-hole this poor schlub into marriage. (They broke up, got back together and the same thing happened again a year later.)

Morning after pills weren't available in the 1990's. Not in the US, anyway.

I don't think anyone is "marketting" it as birth control, some women just use it as such.

Um, it's not like a guy has a gun to your head saying "convert or die" Joe. Calm down man.

Not for lack of trying. frankly, Xianity has been around for 2000 years, and for most of that, they not only killed people who didn't believe in the Naked Zombie on a Stick, but they killed each other over disagreements on weather he was made of wafers or not.
Your deflecting Joe....keep on topic...I know it's difficult when your worldly believe system is shattered by other liberals....

there's no topic here. Salaten has an opinion. It's just wrong and impractical. He's not a doctor or a lawyer... and he doesn't have a uterus... so his opinion doesn't count for much.
A high profile respected liberal saying a baby is a person...I can feel for you being crushed like that after your defense of baby killing....
A high profile respected liberal saying a baby is a person...I can feel for you being crushed like that after your defense of baby killing....

Are you going ot keep banging your head against the wall like Corky the retard:banghead: on this point that no one but you cares about?
Liberals declaring babies are people? We all need to celebrate their step forward in the evolutionary path....
I've never understood why left wingers feel so freakin' obligated to be so intellectually dishonest on this issue.

Most of us who are pro choice are willing to admit that a fetus is developing human life. We are also willing to admit that an abortion is not a positive thing.

We just feel that this is one of those tough decisions a society has to make, and all things considered, we'd rather see a woman have the choice.

We'd also like to see both ends of this issue channel their considerable passion into keeping abortions down and maximizing adoption opportunities.

The dishonesty and insults and attacks really aren't needed.
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Naw, there's no complexity at all here.

1) It's her body, it's her decision.
2) The One Percenters have been been playing people like you for fools for 40 years on this issue.
3) If there is one way for the GOP to commit political suicide, it would be to declare 50 million women defacto murderers.
1) Seems it's not since its two people....
2) I am a 1%'er
3) it seems liberal condone women killing people

1) No, fetuses aren't people. Not in the law, not in medical science, not even in the Bible.
2) Guy, you are too much of a loser to be a 1%er. Real 1%ers don't give a fuck about abortion.
3) I would take your concern for "children' more seriously, if you weren't constantly trying to snatch food out of the mouths of poor kids to give millionaires tax breaks.
You're an idiot. It's republicans that give the most to charity. Your talking points are a lie.
I've never understood why left wingers feel so freakin' obligated to be so intellectually dishonest on this issue.

Most of us who are pro choice are willing to admit that a fetus is developing human life. We are also willing to admit that an abortion is not a positive thing.

We just feel that this is one of those tough decisions a society has to make, and all things considered, we'd rather see a woman have the choice.

We'd also like to see both ends of this issue channel their considerable passion into keeping abortions down and maximizing adoption opportunities.

The dishonesty and insults and attacks really aren't needed.
You mean the baby IS a human life?
I've never understood why left wingers feel so freakin' obligated to be so intellectually dishonest on this issue.

Most of us who are pro choice are willing to admit that a fetus is developing human life. We are also willing to admit that an abortion is not a positive thing.

We just feel that this is one of those tough decisions a society has to make, and all things considered, we'd rather see a woman have the choice.

We'd also like to see both ends of this issue channel their considerable passion into keeping abortions down and maximizing adoption opportunities.

The dishonesty and insults and attacks really aren't needed.
You mean the baby IS a human life?
A fetus is human life.
OK, so now that liberal pro-deathers think this, now what?

Slate Columnist Admits Unborn Are People, But… - Affluent Investor

Pro-abortion ideology does funny things to people’s heads–even smart people like Will Saletan of Slate (who I’m pretty sure is the smartest liberal commentator around). Here’s an example of what I’m talking about:

“I can’t get past the feeling that pregnancy is one person growing inside another and that every part of that conundrum—one person, growing, another person—has to be taken into account. And I’m a sucker for context. So I cling to the mushy, unprincipled belief that… while there ought to be fewer abortion decisions—and there would be, if pro-lifers would magically redirect their energy from abortion bans to birth control—when those decisions arise, they’re best made by the people directly involved.”

Why is his opinion any more valuable than yours?
I've never understood why left wingers feel so freakin' obligated to be so intellectually dishonest on this issue.

Most of us who are pro choice are willing to admit that a fetus is developing human life. We are also willing to admit that an abortion is not a positive thing.

We just feel that this is one of those tough decisions a society has to make, and all things considered, we'd rather see a woman have the choice.

We'd also like to see both ends of this issue channel their considerable passion into keeping abortions down and maximizing adoption opportunities.

The dishonesty and insults and attacks really aren't needed.
You mean the baby IS a human life?
A fetus is human life.

An appendix is human life.
I've never understood why left wingers feel so freakin' obligated to be so intellectually dishonest on this issue.

Most of us who are pro choice are willing to admit that a fetus is developing human life. We are also willing to admit that an abortion is not a positive thing.

We just feel that this is one of those tough decisions a society has to make, and all things considered, we'd rather see a woman have the choice.

We'd also like to see both ends of this issue channel their considerable passion into keeping abortions down and maximizing adoption opportunities.

The dishonesty and insults and attacks really aren't needed.
You mean the baby IS a human life?
A fetus is human life.
Yes it is, you are is human...and all humans have the natural right to life...
I've never understood why left wingers feel so freakin' obligated to be so intellectually dishonest on this issue.

Most of us who are pro choice are willing to admit that a fetus is developing human life. We are also willing to admit that an abortion is not a positive thing.

We just feel that this is one of those tough decisions a society has to make, and all things considered, we'd rather see a woman have the choice.

We'd also like to see both ends of this issue channel their considerable passion into keeping abortions down and maximizing adoption opportunities.

The dishonesty and insults and attacks really aren't needed.
You mean the baby IS a human life?
A fetus is human life.

An appendix is human life.
Are you an appendix human? Seems you ruptured and went bad....:lol:
OK, so now that liberal pro-deathers think this, now what?

Slate Columnist Admits Unborn Are People, But… - Affluent Investor

Pro-abortion ideology does funny things to people’s heads–even smart people like Will Saletan of Slate (who I’m pretty sure is the smartest liberal commentator around). Here’s an example of what I’m talking about:

“I can’t get past the feeling that pregnancy is one person growing inside another and that every part of that conundrum—one person, growing, another person—has to be taken into account. And I’m a sucker for context. So I cling to the mushy, unprincipled belief that… while there ought to be fewer abortion decisions—and there would be, if pro-lifers would magically redirect their energy from abortion bans to birth control—when those decisions arise, they’re best made by the people directly involved.”

Why is his opinion any more valuable than yours?
Because liberals typically promote baby murder....
Your deflecting Joe....keep on topic...I know it's difficult when your worldly believe system is shattered by other liberals....

there's no topic here. Salaten has an opinion. It's just wrong and impractical. He's not a doctor or a lawyer... and he doesn't have a uterus... so his opinion doesn't count for much.

You don't have a uterus either...therefore your opinion doesn't count for much
I've never understood why left wingers feel so freakin' obligated to be so intellectually dishonest on this issue.

Most of us who are pro choice are willing to admit that a fetus is developing human life. We are also willing to admit that an abortion is not a positive thing.

We just feel that this is one of those tough decisions a society has to make, and all things considered, we'd rather see a woman have the choice.

We'd also like to see both ends of this issue channel their considerable passion into keeping abortions down and maximizing adoption opportunities.

The dishonesty and insults and attacks really aren't needed.
You mean the baby IS a human life?
A fetus is human life.

An appendix is human life.
Are you an appendix human? Seems you ruptured and went bad....:lol:

Would you make abortion illegal, the crime of murder, and prosecute women who have abortions accordingly?
OK, so now that liberal pro-deathers think this, now what?

Slate Columnist Admits Unborn Are People, But… - Affluent Investor

Pro-abortion ideology does funny things to people’s heads–even smart people like Will Saletan of Slate (who I’m pretty sure is the smartest liberal commentator around). Here’s an example of what I’m talking about:

“I can’t get past the feeling that pregnancy is one person growing inside another and that every part of that conundrum—one person, growing, another person—has to be taken into account. And I’m a sucker for context. So I cling to the mushy, unprincipled belief that… while there ought to be fewer abortion decisions—and there would be, if pro-lifers would magically redirect their energy from abortion bans to birth control—when those decisions arise, they’re best made by the people directly involved.”

Why is his opinion any more valuable than yours?
Because liberals typically promote baby murder....

You have the rhetoric of an abortion clinic bomber. Let's hope your gutlessness prevents you from acting out.

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