Liberal SLATE columnist admits UNBORN ARE PEOPLE

Saletan is a smart guy and has both eyes open on this complex issue:

What Pro-lifers Can Learn From the Declining Abortion Rate

There’s no need to choose between contraception, choice, and a culture of life. You can use birth control precisely because you don’t want to risk an abortion. You can acknowledge the immorality of abortion, relative to pregnancy prevention, without abandoning the individual as the decision-maker. Together, the cultural message and the technical means can drive down the abortion rate. Everybody wins.

His only problem is that his thoughts don't fit on bumper sticker or protest sign.
no one wins until they stop killing babies....
Yes, and losers like you think life is all about winning elections and having the power ---- sin and God be damned.

Naw, man, God and I had a chat last night. He told me he's totally cool with abortion.


Just as silly as the Pope or Rev. Falwell claiming God told them he was against abortion.

Other people (call them the wise) clearly understand God is our Creator and has communicated our purpose of existence. A great deal of that is to love your neighbor as yourself. That child in the womb is your neighbor. Quit being an arrogant fool.

People who believe in Bronze Age Sky Pixies aren't "wise". God is the excuse that primitive people use to explain things they don't understand.

If your God was so against abortion, he should have very clearly said abortion is wrong. YOu know, unlike where he clearly said you should kill people having sex before marriage or picking up sticks on the Sabbath, he never said anything on point about abortion.
Yes, and losers like you think life is all about winning elections and having the power ---- sin and God be damned.

Naw, man, God and I had a chat last night. He told me he's totally cool with abortion.


Just as silly as the Pope or Rev. Falwell claiming God told them he was against abortion.

Other people (call them the wise) clearly understand God is our Creator and has communicated our purpose of existence. A great deal of that is to love your neighbor as yourself. That child in the womb is your neighbor. Quit being an arrogant fool.

People who believe in Bronze Age Sky Pixies aren't "wise". God is the excuse that primitive people use to explain things they don't understand.

If your God was so against abortion, he should have very clearly said abortion is wrong. YOu know, unlike where he clearly said you should kill people having sex before marriage or picking up sticks on the Sabbath, he never said anything on point about abortion.
I doubt Saletan believes in
OK, so now that liberal pro-deathers think this, now what?

Slate Columnist Admits Unborn Are People, But… - Affluent Investor

Pro-abortion ideology does funny things to people’s heads–even smart people like Will Saletan of Slate (who I’m pretty sure is the smartest liberal commentator around). Here’s an example of what I’m talking about:

“I can’t get past the feeling that pregnancy is one person growing inside another and that every part of that conundrum—one person, growing, another person—has to be taken into account. And I’m a sucker for context. So I cling to the mushy, unprincipled belief that… while there ought to be fewer abortion decisions—and there would be, if pro-lifers would magically redirect their energy from abortion bans to birth control—when those decisions arise, they’re best made by the people directly involved.”
A truly stupid, ignorant thread premise.
OK, so now that liberal pro-deathers think this, now what?

Slate Columnist Admits Unborn Are People, But… - Affluent Investor

Pro-abortion ideology does funny things to people’s heads–even smart people like Will Saletan of Slate (who I’m pretty sure is the smartest liberal commentator around). Here’s an example of what I’m talking about:

“I can’t get past the feeling that pregnancy is one person growing inside another and that every part of that conundrum—one person, growing, another person—has to be taken into account. And I’m a sucker for context. So I cling to the mushy, unprincipled belief that… while there ought to be fewer abortion decisions—and there would be, if pro-lifers would magically redirect their energy from abortion bans to birth control—when those decisions arise, they’re best made by the people directly involved.”
A truly stupid, ignorant thread premise.
Most of what liberals say is....which is why this truth from a truly fascist liberal stood out.....
1) liberals say they
2) get more education beyond your on-line degree, it works
3) link to how you determine which babies will be poor

I'm not sure which liberals say so.

But here's the reality. Women will have abortions no matter what the law is.

In the Philippines, abortion is illegal in most cases. Filipina women STILL have 500,000 to 800,000 abortions a year. 4200 women a year are admitted to hospitals as a result of botched abortions.

Unintended Pregnancy and Unsafe Abortion in the Philippines

Now, if you guys were serious about reducing the number of abortions, and not just getting played by the One Percent for the last 40 years, you'd be for universal health care, more welfare, family and medical leave. That's how you reduce abortions.

But you are too busy being played for chumps.
1) liberals say they
2) get more education beyond your on-line degree, it works
3) link to how you determine which babies will be poor

I'm not sure which liberals say so.

But here's the reality. Women will have abortions no matter what the law is.

In the Philippines, abortion is illegal in most cases. Filipina women STILL have 500,000 to 800,000 abortions a year. 4200 women a year are admitted to hospitals as a result of botched abortions.

Unintended Pregnancy and Unsafe Abortion in the Philippines

Now, if you guys were serious about reducing the number of abortions, and not just getting played by the One Percent for the last 40 years, you'd be for universal health care, more welfare, family and medical leave. That's how you reduce abortions.

But you are too busy being played for chumps.
Read the did learn reading in your on-line degree I assume....
Yes, and losers like you think life is all about winning elections and having the power ---- sin and God be damned.

Naw, man, God and I had a chat last night. He told me he's totally cool with abortion.


Just as silly as the Pope or Rev. Falwell claiming God told them he was against abortion.

Other people (call them the wise) clearly understand God is our Creator and has communicated our purpose of existence. A great deal of that is to love your neighbor as yourself. That child in the womb is your neighbor. Quit being an arrogant fool.

People who believe in Bronze Age Sky Pixies aren't "wise". God is the excuse that primitive people use to explain things they don't understand.

If your God was so against abortion, he should have very clearly said abortion is wrong. YOu know, unlike where he clearly said you should kill people having sex before marriage or picking up sticks on the Sabbath, he never said anything on point about abortion.
Actually, He said QUITE A LOT that your ego is incapable of processing.
You are blind Joe, I am afraid -- by choice.
You pretend there is no evidence for God.
You think when you die there is nothing more or nothing to worry about.
How totally sad and bizarre that sounds.
I suppose I could be more charitable in my words, but would that make a difference?
Read the did learn reading in your on-line degree I assume....

Why? It's stupid...

reality check. I'll take people who have a uterus more seriously on this issue than people who don't.
Of course it is to you, you've been programmed to be sheep and here comes a liberal free thinking outside your worried about the potential loss of profits?
Actually, He said QUITE A LOT that your ego is incapable of processing.
You are blind Joe, I am afraid -- by choice.
You pretend there is no evidence for God.
You think when you die there is nothing more or nothing to worry about.
How totally sad and bizarre that sounds.
I suppose I could be more charitable in my words, but would that make a difference?

I agree, after my mom died after everyone prayed for her to get better, I realize there are no pixies in the sky listening to prayers.

There is no evidence for a magic sky pixie. Everything can be explained by science.
Actually, He said QUITE A LOT that your ego is incapable of processing.
You are blind Joe, I am afraid -- by choice.
You pretend there is no evidence for God.
You think when you die there is nothing more or nothing to worry about.
How totally sad and bizarre that sounds.
I suppose I could be more charitable in my words, but would that make a difference?

I agree, after my mom died after everyone prayed for her to get better, I realize there are no pixies in the sky listening to prayers.

There is no evidence for a magic sky pixie. Everything can be explained by science.
Wow....a lost little man preaching from his soap box....

Sorry about your mom.....
Of course it is to you, you've been programmed to be sheep and here comes a liberal free thinking outside your worried about the potential loss of profits?

dude, until about 10 years ago, I was one of you Right Wing assholes.

Then I realized how the rich use these issues to get working people to vote against their own economic interests.

Now my goal is to utterly crush your stupidity so we can have debates on the REAL issues- workers rights, economic fairness, etc.

But first, we have to dispense with the stupid issues like abortion and gay marriage where working folks keep voting for the rich and then wonder why their jobs go to China.
Of course it is to you, you've been programmed to be sheep and here comes a liberal free thinking outside your worried about the potential loss of profits?

dude, until about 10 years ago, I was one of you Right Wing assholes.

Then I realized how the rich use these issues to get working people to vote against their own economic interests.

Now my goal is to utterly crush your stupidity so we can have debates on the REAL issues- workers rights, economic fairness, etc.

But first, we have to dispense with the stupid issues like abortion and gay marriage where working folks keep voting for the rich and then wonder why their jobs go to China.
I was conservative at birth....luckily my mom thought I was a person just like your mom did....

You don't have enough education to tie my shoes, but good luck with that....:lol:
I was conservative at birth....luckily my mom thought I was a person just like your mom did....

You don't have enough education to tie my shoes, but good luck with that...

Guy, people who talk about how rich they are on message boards are like guys who talk about their penis length on message boards.

Here's the thing. If you are holding a belief from birth without questioning it, that shows a mind that doesn't really adapt.

I stopped believing in God when everyone prayed for Mom to get better and she didn't.

I stopped being a conservative when Bush gave you everything you ever wanted and caused the worst economic catastrophe in 80 years.

In short, I held a belief only up until the point it was proven not to work. When I get evidence something isn't so, I change.
Actually, He said QUITE A LOT that your ego is incapable of processing.
You are blind Joe, I am afraid -- by choice.
You pretend there is no evidence for God.
You think when you die there is nothing more or nothing to worry about.
How totally sad and bizarre that sounds.
I suppose I could be more charitable in my words, but would that make a difference?

I agree, after my mom died after everyone prayed for her to get better, I realize there are no pixies in the sky listening to prayers.

There is no evidence for a magic sky pixie. Everything can be explained by science.

Folks die Joe. We all do it. No religion states that we don't die.
Actually, He said QUITE A LOT that your ego is incapable of processing.
You are blind Joe, I am afraid -- by choice.
You pretend there is no evidence for God.
You think when you die there is nothing more or nothing to worry about.
How totally sad and bizarre that sounds.
I suppose I could be more charitable in my words, but would that make a difference?

I agree, after my mom died after everyone prayed for her to get better, I realize there are no pixies in the sky listening to prayers.

There is no evidence for a magic sky pixie. Everything can be explained by science.
Well then pardon my vitriol, sometimes I just say it wrong.

But do not mistake that for thinking I am judging you or have no feelings for those who appear lost or filled with anger.

But to decide God does not exist because death overcomes one you have asked for healing is not exactly a confirming validation that God cannot be.

All too often it may be as bleak as the words from the film The Brothers Karamazov:

Alexei (to his atheist brother): “I feel sorry for you, Ivan.”

Ivan: “Why is that?”

Alexei: “Because you want to believe there is a God, but you cannot.“

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