Liberalism and Limitless Welfare: An Explanation.

And the republicans are any better? No, they're not. They don't even bother trying to fix the problem. The problem is good for them. They're like the electrician who always does a shoddy job, so he gets called out time and time and time again.
Who says I agree with them lock stock and barrel........If they are a shitty electrician then they are a shitty electrician........Doesn't matter on the party.

But the parties are shoddy. Right to the core.'re not a reliable Democrat voter?
Did you vote for Romney?

Never voted Republican OR Democrat.[/QUOTE]

Best news I've had all day.
More logical for you perhaps.
Logic is not subjective.
You seem to think you understand liberals, when you're not one.
I was when I was young. You know the saying, "a young person who is not liberal has no heart; a mature person who is liberal has no brain".
Sure, the right get results. They get money in their pockets,
I'm with you so far...
...they get lower people killed, they get crime, they get all that they need for themselves to be better off and ef everyone else.
You lost me there. The right thinks people are responsible for their own well being. They think it's better to teach a man to fish than it is to give a man a fish. But the right is more generous with charitable giving than the left. The left is more generous with other peoples money.
What REALLY surprises me are the hangers on who don't benefit from the the Republican way and yet still vote for them, still deny the reality of the situation.
We don't always agree with who benefits. When I was younger and working, I believed that unemployment was a bad thing. When you apply for a job what do you say you were doing for the last 6 months? If unemployment wasn't available, you'd take any job for the time being. So unemployment is a short term benefit, but a long term liablity.
So, while the RICH are logical, the poorer Republicans are getting it right where the sun don't shine. And they're happy about it.
More rich are demonrat than republican. Demonrats don't care about America. I don't agree with half of what republicans stand for, but I do believe they care about America. Ronald Reagan was the first republican I supported, Jimmy "Peanut Brain" Carter was the last demonrat I supported.

Logic is perceptive if what you think is logical isn't logical for another person.

Sayings are sayings, and sometimes they're not true.
What your saying means is that the interests of the young is hope for the future. Young people look to the future. The old look to the past and want to just be comfortable with life.

However some people get older and want to live life, look to the future and hope other people around them will also be able to live a good life. Do I want the young people of the future to inherit a dead planet? No. Why? When it won't be my problem. Because maybe, even as I get older, I'm not turning into a selfish person. It happens.

Where I lost you. The right look for their own interests. It's clearly in the interests of the rich in the US to be able to ef over people in other countries. It's been happening for a long, long time now.
Iraq, Libya, Venezuela and Iran, the attack on OPEC, making sure it's fragmented, that there's little power in the anti-American parts, killing lots of people, getting Americans killed too, just so the Middle East (especially) is unstable. Who give a foowk about other people's lives as long as the rich are making money?

Crime is higher because of the right. You can't be tough on crime, without the crime. You can't profit from crime without the crime.

Louisiana is the world s prison capital

Here's an example of capitalist prisons for you. One purpose, make money.

Crime also allows to put people in fear so that draconian measures can be put in place more easily, but mainly for the fear factor to be able to tell people how they're going to make it better.

Back to foreign affairs, it's the same. Make al-Qaeda, make ISIS, make the instability which is clearly going to cause terrorism. Then be tough on terrorism, and gain support for talking about how being tough, how having a large military etc will make people feel safer in the future.

So you say the "The right thinks people are responsible for their own well being.", but the reality is the right needs people to fear, needs people to know their place, needs people to do what the right wants them to do.

You talk about teaching a fisherman to fish, but that isn't the Republican Party. They don't make education a massive priority. They don't say "teach a kid how to cook healthy food and to eat properly and know the nutritional value of food", they say "ef it, education costs too much money, it's not our problem to solve it". They don't talk about learning skills in school, they don't big up education. Louisiana state prisons are the perfect example. They need people to not learn their lesson so they can go back in prison and make more money for those who own and run the prisons.
It's about making money for themselves, making sure the poor don't rise up and take their jobs or their children's jobs and that the money will keep coming in.
I can give millions of examples to prove my point here.

You don't agree with Republicans but you agree they care huh? Just means you get taken in with their message. They care? How?

Bush cared about America when he made the world more unstable, made life harder for Americans abroad, got 4,500 killed in Iraq, 10 times this number maimed, plus Afghanistan on top of this. With friends like this you don't need enemies, another saying that sort of fits here.

I don't think the people at the top of the Republican Party give two hoots about the US. What they care about is their own situation and they need to keep things as they like it for their own benefit.

I'd say someone who cares about the US would want democracy (PR or something similar), would want decent education, would want decent healthcare, would want a lot of things to make the country proud. What does America have to make people proud? That it can go around the world deposing who it likes and get millions of people killed in the process? Oh, well that's just great.
"Why should I leave?"
You said Scandanavia (psst....that's not a country) was better than this nation.

No shite. And if you actually bothered to read, and if you had any inkling of grammar, you'd realise I said "In certain countries like in Scandinavia," I didn't say "In certain countries like Scandinavia", go learn something before you make pathetic attempts at putting people down.

"...but that doesn't mean someone can't fight for what is right."
Heck, no. That's what we did, and why we won the Senate.

Laughable. It's all I can say really. Five presidents. Each and every one of the last five presidents has not had the Senate or the House. It's hardly a surprise. Did you feel really bad when the Reps lost the Senate under Bush? So you go and dance and celebrate in the victory of the moment, then turn around and realise that your party, and the other party, are still messing everything up big time, that NOTHING has changed, and it's still going downhill.

"The same as telling Martin Luther King to go back to Africa, more or less."
No, actually, it's not.
And you sure aren't MLK,Jr.

"a massive weakness on the part of your "argument"
I don't argue. I simply explain why I'm right.

The themes here, are four-fold.

a. Liberal welfare policies are colossal failures.

b. Liberals who continue to advance said polices simply don't care.

c. In a post above I explained, well, Voegeli explained, that Liberal compassion is really all about making themselves feel better.

d. The only government that can approach the stated aims of Liberals is a dictatorship.

You have not even touched on any....simply revealed how unhappy you are with your life, and with the nation.

Perhaps you'd be happier somewhere else....somewhere where your uninformed vote wouldn't cancel mine.

Do drop a postcard when you are set up.

And I've given up on the rest of your crap post. It's all partisan bull, nothing but you trying to improve your rubbish life by pretending that you're really great because you're Republican. But it doesn't make your life better.
More logical for you perhaps.
Logic is not subjective.
You seem to think you understand liberals, when you're not one.
I was when I was young. You know the saying, "a young person who is not liberal has no heart; a mature person who is liberal has no brain".
Sure, the right get results. They get money in their pockets,
I'm with you so far...
...they get lower people killed, they get crime, they get all that they need for themselves to be better off and ef everyone else.
You lost me there. The right thinks people are responsible for their own well being. They think it's better to teach a man to fish than it is to give a man a fish. But the right is more generous with charitable giving than the left. The left is more generous with other peoples money.
What REALLY surprises me are the hangers on who don't benefit from the the Republican way and yet still vote for them, still deny the reality of the situation.
We don't always agree with who benefits. When I was younger and working, I believed that unemployment was a bad thing. When you apply for a job what do you say you were doing for the last 6 months? If unemployment wasn't available, you'd take any job for the time being. So unemployment is a short term benefit, but a long term liablity.
So, while the RICH are logical, the poorer Republicans are getting it right where the sun don't shine. And they're happy about it.
More rich are demonrat than republican. Demonrats don't care about America. I don't agree with half of what republicans stand for, but I do believe they care about America. Ronald Reagan was the first republican I supported, Jimmy "Peanut Brain" Carter was the last demonrat I supported.

Logic is perceptive if what you think is logical isn't logical for another person.

Sayings are sayings, and sometimes they're not true.
What your saying means is that the interests of the young is hope for the future. Young people look to the future. The old look to the past and want to just be comfortable with life.

However some people get older and want to live life, look to the future and hope other people around them will also be able to live a good life. Do I want the young people of the future to inherit a dead planet? No. Why? When it won't be my problem. Because maybe, even as I get older, I'm not turning into a selfish person. It happens.

Where I lost you. The right look for their own interests. It's clearly in the interests of the rich in the US to be able to ef over people in other countries. It's been happening for a long, long time now.
Iraq, Libya, Venezuela and Iran, the attack on OPEC, making sure it's fragmented, that there's little power in the anti-American parts, killing lots of people, getting Americans killed too, just so the Middle East (especially) is unstable. Who give a foowk about other people's lives as long as the rich are making money?

Crime is higher because of the right. You can't be tough on crime, without the crime. You can't profit from crime without the crime.

Louisiana is the world s prison capital

Here's an example of capitalist prisons for you. One purpose, make money.

Crime also allows to put people in fear so that draconian measures can be put in place more easily, but mainly for the fear factor to be able to tell people how they're going to make it better.

Back to foreign affairs, it's the same. Make al-Qaeda, make ISIS, make the instability which is clearly going to cause terrorism. Then be tough on terrorism, and gain support for talking about how being tough, how having a large military etc will make people feel safer in the future.

So you say the "The right thinks people are responsible for their own well being.", but the reality is the right needs people to fear, needs people to know their place, needs people to do what the right wants them to do.

You talk about teaching a fisherman to fish, but that isn't the Republican Party. They don't make education a massive priority. They don't say "teach a kid how to cook healthy food and to eat properly and know the nutritional value of food", they say "ef it, education costs too much money, it's not our problem to solve it". They don't talk about learning skills in school, they don't big up education. Louisiana state prisons are the perfect example. They need people to not learn their lesson so they can go back in prison and make more money for those who own and run the prisons.
It's about making money for themselves, making sure the poor don't rise up and take their jobs or their children's jobs and that the money will keep coming in.
I can give millions of examples to prove my point here.

You don't agree with Republicans but you agree they care huh? Just means you get taken in with their message. They care? How?

Bush cared about America when he made the world more unstable, made life harder for Americans abroad, got 4,500 killed in Iraq, 10 times this number maimed, plus Afghanistan on top of this. With friends like this you don't need enemies, another saying that sort of fits here.

I don't think the people at the top of the Republican Party give two hoots about the US. What they care about is their own situation and they need to keep things as they like it for their own benefit.

I'd say someone who cares about the US would want democracy (PR or something similar), would want decent education, would want decent healthcare, would want a lot of things to make the country proud. What does America have to make people proud? That it can go around the world deposing who it likes and get millions of people killed in the process? Oh, well that's just great.


Spending on education 6% of the GDP in this country.........We've been throwing massive money at it forever.......The Strawman of the left is that the GOP doesn't do anything about education and historical evidence is to the contrary.................Throwing money at every problem as our Gov't does doesn't always fix the problem as we've been throwing money at it forever..........

The Solution is COMMON lower the bar and make it easier for the lower grade earners to feel good about themselves while holding back those who excel...........Yeah, lets lower the standards to improve education........A JOKE.

Coal is a rubbish source of energy. Even Margret Thatcher, Reagan's best buddy, got rid of coal in the UK. Even the Chinese are trying to reduce dependence on coal, because it pollutes the hell out of their cities.

You're stuck in the 1980s with this topic. Hardly anything new.
Never voted Republican OR Democrat.

Best news I've had all day.

Oh good. Your lack of anything post isn't the best thing I've had all day by a long, LONG shot.

Wow....that is one tire-fire of a post!

Waiting for you to say something intelligent is like putting a candle in the window for Jimmy Hoffa.

You like insulting huh? I'm not going to bother with your nonsense. Go away.
OP is total bs because we're still spending 400 billion a year helping victims of the Boosh World Depression/Pub obstruction...duh.


You must mean the one caused by Democrat know, the ones that began by ignoring Article I, section 8 of the Constitution.

Now....owing to your short and long term memory lapse problem, take notes this time:

1. Democrat FDR shredded the Constitution....ignoring article I, section 8, the enumerated powers.

He created GSE's Fannie and Freddie to do something the Constitution didn't authorize: meddle in housing.

2. Democrat Carter....the CRA, constraining banking policy

3. Democrat Clinton....strengthened the CRA

Under Clinton, HUD threatened banks, again, to give unrequited loans.

Henchmen: Democrats Cisneros and Cuomo.

4. Democrats Frank and Dodd barred any governmental discipline in this area.

That's the CliffNotes version.

I don't believe you can handle the details.
"Why should I leave?"
You said Scandanavia (psst....that's not a country) was better than this nation.

No shite. And if you actually bothered to read, and if you had any inkling of grammar, you'd realise I said "In certain countries like in Scandinavia," I didn't say "In certain countries like Scandinavia", go learn something before you make pathetic attempts at putting people down.

"...but that doesn't mean someone can't fight for what is right."
Heck, no. That's what we did, and why we won the Senate.

Laughable. It's all I can say really. Five presidents. Each and every one of the last five presidents has not had the Senate or the House. It's hardly a surprise. Did you feel really bad when the Reps lost the Senate under Bush? So you go and dance and celebrate in the victory of the moment, then turn around and realise that your party, and the other party, are still messing everything up big time, that NOTHING has changed, and it's still going downhill.

"The same as telling Martin Luther King to go back to Africa, more or less."
No, actually, it's not.
And you sure aren't MLK,Jr.

"a massive weakness on the part of your "argument"
I don't argue. I simply explain why I'm right.

The themes here, are four-fold.

a. Liberal welfare policies are colossal failures.

b. Liberals who continue to advance said polices simply don't care.

c. In a post above I explained, well, Voegeli explained, that Liberal compassion is really all about making themselves feel better.

d. The only government that can approach the stated aims of Liberals is a dictatorship.

You have not even touched on any....simply revealed how unhappy you are with your life, and with the nation.

Perhaps you'd be happier somewhere else....somewhere where your uninformed vote wouldn't cancel mine.

Do drop a postcard when you are set up.

And I've given up on the rest of your crap post. It's all partisan bull, nothing but you trying to improve your rubbish life by pretending that you're really great because you're Republican. But it doesn't make your life better.

1. We both know why you 'gave up' on this part of the post:

The themes here, are four-fold.

a. Liberal welfare policies are colossal failures.

b. Liberals who continue to advance said polices simply don't care.

c. In a post above I explained, well, Voegeli explained, that Liberal compassion is really all about making themselves feel better.

d. The only government that can approach the stated aims of Liberals is a dictatorship.

2. "....pretending that you're really great ...."



Spending on education 6% of the GDP in this country.........We've been throwing massive money at it forever.......The Strawman of the left is that the GOP doesn't do anything about education and historical evidence is to the contrary.................Throwing money at every problem as our Gov't does doesn't always fix the problem as we've been throwing money at it forever..........

The Solution is COMMON lower the bar and make it easier for the lower grade earners to feel good about themselves while holding back those who excel...........Yeah, lets lower the standards to improve education........A JOKE.

Countries Compared by Education Education spending of GDP. International Statistics at

% of GDP spent on Education by country.
1. Cuba, 18.7%
37. USA 5.7%

First world country.

However it's not always just pure spending that matters. It's what you do with that money.

I was talking with someone about sex education. They made a false claim, posted a report on it claiming the report backed them up, it didn't.
It said sex education which teaches abstinence with other forms of sex education, like contraceptives, was the best form. Throw the same amount of money at sex ed with ONLY abstinence and you get the worst form (worse than nothing perhaps too) of sex education.

And it was you who made the point that money is thrown at education. I agree. I also agree that lowering standards isn't the answer. I don't like the right or the left's views on education. Austria spends the same % of GDP as the US and has an education which is far better.

Seeing as the US fed govt spends 3 times more on defence, it's pretty sad.
Booosh regulator/bank cronies allowed toxic assets to be rated A+, insured, and sold around the world. Frank protected F+F, which had little to do with it...

Coal is a rubbish source of energy. Even Margret Thatcher, Reagan's best buddy, got rid of coal in the UK. Even the Chinese are trying to reduce dependence on coal, because it pollutes the hell out of their cities.

You're stuck in the 1980s with this topic. Hardly anything new.
The path to hell is paved with good intentions..................

Do you think replacing 60% of the power production in this country is FREE..............Under Obama it has fell 20% due to the back door EPA policies............and his goal and yours to END COAL as an energy source..........PERIOD...........

There is a price tag to this logic......................

Who's gonna pay for it.............

THE SAME PEOPLE YOU CLAIM TO BE THE CHAMPIONS OF...............Those in the poverty levels and on welfare.....................paying more for ELECTRICITY..............

What do you say when Grandma has to turn the heat off because of your policies and freezes to death...............SORRY GRANNY................

Your policies and Agenda can be the death of Americans......................don't think death by heat waves because people in this country can't afford to the A/C on....................

BTW we have a 200 year supply of Coal in the United States............

Never voted Republican OR Democrat.

Best news I've had all day.

Oh good. Your lack of anything post isn't the best thing I've had all day by a long, LONG shot.

Wow....that is one tire-fire of a post!

Waiting for you to say something intelligent is like putting a candle in the window for Jimmy Hoffa.

You like insulting huh? I'm not going to bother with your nonsense. Go away.

Welcome to the Karma Cafe....
There are no menus, but everyone gets what they deserve.


Spending on education 6% of the GDP in this country.........We've been throwing massive money at it forever.......The Strawman of the left is that the GOP doesn't do anything about education and historical evidence is to the contrary.................Throwing money at every problem as our Gov't does doesn't always fix the problem as we've been throwing money at it forever..........

The Solution is COMMON lower the bar and make it easier for the lower grade earners to feel good about themselves while holding back those who excel...........Yeah, lets lower the standards to improve education........A JOKE.

Countries Compared by Education Education spending of GDP. International Statistics at

% of GDP spent on Education by country.
1. Cuba, 18.7%
37. USA 5.7%

First world country.

However it's not always just pure spending that matters. It's what you do with that money.

I was talking with someone about sex education. They made a false claim, posted a report on it claiming the report backed them up, it didn't.
It said sex education which teaches abstinence with other forms of sex education, like contraceptives, was the best form. Throw the same amount of money at sex ed with ONLY abstinence and you get the worst form (worse than nothing perhaps too) of sex education.

And it was you who made the point that money is thrown at education. I agree. I also agree that lowering standards isn't the answer. I don't like the right or the left's views on education. Austria spends the same % of GDP as the US and has an education which is far better.

Seeing as the US fed govt spends 3 times more on defence, it's pretty sad.
You've gotta be kidding me.........Cuba doesn't even come close to comparison to us......................

Do you want to spend 18% of the GDP on education......................HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND..................

The problem is the break up of the family and both parents having to work and the new IPOD culture where if they have to use a pencil and a paper to do a math problems can't do it...............As they google the answers.........

In foreign countries they are doing Full Calculous in High School.......all the way to Dif E Q..........BEFORE getting out of high school.............

What's our current solution........GOING BACKWARDS with Common Core...............
Booosh regulator/bank cronies allowed toxic assets to be rated A+, insured, and sold around the world. Frank protected F+F, which had little to do with it...

Even a dope like you must know that that isn't true.

New Agency Proposed to Oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae
Published: September 11, 2003

WASHINGTON, Sept. 10— The Bush administration today recommended the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago.

Under the plan, disclosed at a Congressional hearing today, a new agency would be created within the Treasury Department to assume supervision of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored companies that are the two largest players in the mortgage lending industry.

The proposal is the opening act in one of the biggest and most significant lobbying battles of the Congressional session.

After the hearing, Representative Michael G. Oxley, chairman of the Financial Services Committee, and Senator Richard Shelby, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, announced their intention to draft legislation based on the administration's proposal. Industry executives said Congress could complete action on legislation before leaving for recess in the fall.

''The regulator has not only been outmanned, it has been outlobbied,'' said Representative Richard H. Baker, the Louisiana Republican who has proposed legislation similar to the administration proposal and who leads a subcommittee that oversees the companies. ''Being underfunded does not explain how a glowing report of Freddie's operations was released only hours before the managerial upheaval that followed. This is not world-class regulatory work.''

Significant details must still be worked out before Congress can approve a bill. Among the groups denouncing the proposal today were the National Association of Home Builders and Congressional Democrats who fear that tighter regulation of the companies could sharply reduce their commitment to financing low-income and affordable housing.

''These two entities -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- are not facing any kind of financial crisis,'' said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. ''The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.''

Representative Melvin L. Watt, Democrat of North Carolina, agreed.
New Agency Proposed to Oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae - New York Times

Booosh regulator/bank cronies allowed toxic assets to be rated A+, insured, and sold around the world. Frank protected F+F, which had little to do with it...
Frank helped stop the debate on the Housing Problem with Reins......or whatever that dumb ass dem who cooked the books..............

It is well known that the committees tried to get a handle on it but were firmly rejected by the Dems..............

The too big to fail are the product of Self Regulation, aka NO REGULATION, with Commercial and Investment Banking assets combined.............signed by Clinton who also signed NAFTA to address another topic.
Back to the deep insecurities and psychological problems that make one a Liberal.....

Not only don't Liberals care if poverty and suffering is alleviated....but, them seem to enjoy having it around.

12. "Indeed, if you’re trying to prove your heart is in the right place, the failure of government programs to alleviate suffering is not only an acceptable outcome but in many ways the preferred one. Sometimes empathizers, such as those in the “helping professions,” acquire a vested interest in the study, management, and perpetuation—as opposed to the solution and resulting disappearance—of sufferers’ problems.

This is why so many government programs initiated to conquer a problem end up, instead, colonizing it by building sprawling settlements where the helpers and the helped are endlessly, increasingly co-dependent.

... there are vital psychic benefits for those who regard their own compassion as the central virtue that makes them good, decent, and admirable people—people whose sensitivity readily distinguishes them from mean-spirited conservatives.

“Pity is about how deeply I can feel,” wrote the late political theorist Jean Bethke Elshtain. “And in order to feel this way, to experience the rush of my own pious reaction, I need victims the way an addict needs drugs.”
Current Issue

So....the ongoing sort-of-war on poverty has the advantage of allowing Liberals to feel...pious.

Fits the data.

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