Liberalism and Limitless Welfare: An Explanation.

You've gotta be kidding me.........Cuba doesn't even come close to comparison to us......................

Do you want to spend 18% of the GDP on education......................HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND..................

The problem is the break up of the family and both parents having to work and the new IPOD culture where if they have to use a pencil and a paper to do a math problems can't do it...............As they google the answers.........

In foreign countries they are doing Full Calculous in High School.......all the way to Dif E Q..........BEFORE getting out of high school.............

What's our current solution........GOING BACKWARDS with Common Core...............

In what are you referring to with Cuba?

It doesn't come close because 18% isn't as much because they've had their biggest neighbor embargo them for a long time and their economy isn't great?
Actually in education, especially for like doctors and things, they have a high reputation. But then you've only ever heard negative things about Cuba because the govt and their lackies have decided this is all you're allowed to hear.

Do you want to 18% of the GDP on the military..............HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND......................

...........only it's a reality.

The problem with education is not the break up of the family. It might play a part, but surely education levels are far better now than in the 1950s, for most people.

How much do you know about what foreign countries are teaching in their schools? Really?

And yes, going backwards isn't great, but it does happen in other countries. China teaches a load of rubbish mostly, no skills, especially thinking skills. I've taught a Chinese kid to do the SATs, and it was impossible, couldn't think up anything original, anything creative, didn't have enough knowledge of books or how to make an argument. Aced the math part though. Robots essentially.
In Germany and Austria they teach skills that are needed in the real world. Now, there's a thought both the dems and reps won't have for a LONG time, it's not in their interests.

Also, reading what people write about education, the right getting all pissy because Michelle Obama wanted to limit the amount of ketchup in school meals, you can understand why the US is moving backwards at a massive pace. Most countries try and improve education and use modern methodology and so on. Healthy eating is important in learning. But clearly not in the US where sugar RULES..... can't have Mr Sugar man's donations to politicians dwindle, it might mean their control over the people weakens, and with more obese people unwilling to take up arms, or vote, or do anything other than what they're told to do, everyone's happy.


Spending on education 6% of the GDP in this country.........We've been throwing massive money at it forever.......The Strawman of the left is that the GOP doesn't do anything about education and historical evidence is to the contrary.................Throwing money at every problem as our Gov't does doesn't always fix the problem as we've been throwing money at it forever..........

The Solution is COMMON lower the bar and make it easier for the lower grade earners to feel good about themselves while holding back those who excel...........Yeah, lets lower the standards to improve education........A JOKE.

Countries Compared by Education Education spending of GDP. International Statistics at

% of GDP spent on Education by country.
1. Cuba, 18.7%
37. USA 5.7%

First world country.

However it's not always just pure spending that matters. It's what you do with that money.

I was talking with someone about sex education. They made a false claim, posted a report on it claiming the report backed them up, it didn't.
It said sex education which teaches abstinence with other forms of sex education, like contraceptives, was the best form. Throw the same amount of money at sex ed with ONLY abstinence and you get the worst form (worse than nothing perhaps too) of sex education.

And it was you who made the point that money is thrown at education. I agree. I also agree that lowering standards isn't the answer. I don't like the right or the left's views on education. Austria spends the same % of GDP as the US and has an education which is far better.

Seeing as the US fed govt spends 3 times more on defence, it's pretty sad.

You're not seriously quoting stats provided by Cuba.....are you, you imbecile?????
F+F's share of the market went from 75% TO 25% AS MONEY RAN TO PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS "DEREGULATED" by Booshies. Blaming Frank, FDR, Carter, and Clinton is brainwashed BULLSHYTTE.
F+F's share of the market went from 75% TO 25% AS MONEY RAN TO PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS "DEREGULATED" by Booshies. Blaming Frank, FDR, Carter, and Clinton is brainwashed BULLSHYTTE.

I used to believe you were a moron and a liar.

Now I have a much lower opinion of you.
You've gotta be kidding me.........Cuba doesn't even come close to comparison to us......................

Do you want to spend 18% of the GDP on education......................HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND..................

The problem is the break up of the family and both parents having to work and the new IPOD culture where if they have to use a pencil and a paper to do a math problems can't do it...............As they google the answers.........

In foreign countries they are doing Full Calculous in High School.......all the way to Dif E Q..........BEFORE getting out of high school.............

What's our current solution........GOING BACKWARDS with Common Core...............

In what are you referring to with Cuba?

It doesn't come close because 18% isn't as much because they've had their biggest neighbor embargo them for a long time and their economy isn't great?
Actually in education, especially for like doctors and things, they have a high reputation. But then you've only ever heard negative things about Cuba because the govt and their lackies have decided this is all you're allowed to hear.

Do you want to 18% of the GDP on the military..............HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND......................

...........only it's a reality.

The problem with education is not the break up of the family. It might play a part, but surely education levels are far better now than in the 1950s, for most people.

How much do you know about what foreign countries are teaching in their schools? Really?

And yes, going backwards isn't great, but it does happen in other countries. China teaches a load of rubbish mostly, no skills, especially thinking skills. I've taught a Chinese kid to do the SATs, and it was impossible, couldn't think up anything original, anything creative, didn't have enough knowledge of books or how to make an argument. Aced the math part though. Robots essentially.
In Germany and Austria they teach skills that are needed in the real world. Now, there's a thought both the dems and reps won't have for a LONG time, it's not in their interests.

Also, reading what people write about education, the right getting all pissy because Michelle Obama wanted to limit the amount of ketchup in school meals, you can understand why the US is moving backwards at a massive pace. Most countries try and improve education and use modern methodology and so on. Healthy eating is important in learning. But clearly not in the US where sugar RULES..... can't have Mr Sugar man's donations to politicians dwindle, it might mean their control over the people weakens, and with more obese people unwilling to take up arms, or vote, or do anything other than what they're told to do, everyone's happy.
Again, 18% of the GDP is the issue I addressed.............The TOTAL AVERAGE REVENUE for the United States since WWII is 18.1% of the GDP on Revenue for the Federal Gov't...........Using Cuba as an example is a joke................

Do you understand now.............That would take ALL FEDERAL REVENUE IF YOU APPLIED THAT LOGIC...............We spend a hell of a lot of money here and over the decades have continually increase that amount...............and the results for increasing that money hasn't hit the mark on increasing the knowledge level of our younger generation...............

Using common sense to that means that the MONEY ISN'T THE CORE PROBLEM.........and it Sure as hell isn't COMMON Lowering our standards instead of Increasing the levels of learning.............That is the car in reverse, which is why Common core is BS.
#104- Not reported by cowardly corporate media, or the disgraceful Pub Propaganda Machine, of course, Pub dupe. But just remember the size of the bailouts. F+F only 25% of the bailouts.
#104- Not reported by cowardly corporate media, or the disgraceful Pub Propaganda Machine, of course, Pub dupe. But just remember the size of the bailouts. F+F only 25% of the bailouts.

Enlighten me on the actual bailouts as I'm well versed on it........................and while your at it tell me why Obama kept the same policy as Bush on NON DISCLOSURE OF WHO RECEIVED THIS MONEY...........

Tell me about many times as I've told this story on these boards you should know it too.
So how do you fix it then? All the whining about how bad the system is. That's fine but then provide the welfare people with jobs that pay a decent salary and benefits. 7.25 an hour comes from slavery.
So how do you fix it then? All the whining about how bad the system is. That's fine but then provide the welfare people with jobs that pay a decent salary and benefits. 7.25 an hour comes from slavery.
Some were already mentioned in the energy sector.....................ending some of the regulations that increase the costs of doing business here are already posted as well..............allowing drilling on federal lands......................Stop attacking Coal.......and fossil fuels because these areas right now are saving our collective asses on the jobs our production capacity increases.........

The debt and the continued manipulation of our currency are part of the we continue to wreck our buying power...........The Gov't needs to live within it's means instead of the continued cycle of debt that will economically destroy this nation.

The market manipulation will cause another crash, because it has been done with Fiat currency which is why you don't see the results in the workforce.

Free Trade needs to end, and tariffs installed on unfair trade practices on nations like China......Slippery slope there...........and I'll draw fire from my side of the equation for saying so.................

Fix it's driving up costs and premiums for all businesses...........It did the opposite of what was promised...............and it's a job killer.........

30 hour on Obamacare was a piece of PURE IDIOCY..............We don't need to mandate part time jobs here..........

and on and on...........

Complex subject on a case by case problem................but no one up there is listening..............because they like BIG GOV'T.
$7.25 is not slavery.................It is a product of higher prices due to the manipulation of currency and the destruction of our currency values..............increasing beyond the INFLATION rate is all that should be applied, but hell the Gov't even lies about that..................

Raising minimum wage is a temp fix and the problem is the deeper core issues with our economy.
So how do you fix it then? All the whining about how bad the system is. That's fine but then provide the welfare people with jobs that pay a decent salary and benefits. 7.25 an hour comes from slavery.
Welfare is just fine, hater dupe. Those who can ALREADY have jobs like that, and are ALREADY screened for drugs. You are, as always, HIGHLY misinformed like all Pub dupes.
TARP was part (most) of it, genius. I gave you the approximate final tally.

1968's min. wage would be almost $11. Way overdue, brainwashed Pub dupe. Average benificiary of rise to 10.10 would be age 35.
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TARP was part (most) of it, genius. I gave you the approximate final tally.

1968's min. wage would be almost $11. Way overdue, brainwashed Pub dupe. Average benificiary of rise to 10.10 would be age 35.
Not even close..........
I invite any of you to name the conservative economic policy initiatives that are designed specifically to make America's poor and low income individuals/families better off economically.

One initiative at a time, and be specific, please.

this is not government's job.

Well, what is or isn't the government's job, when you have a government of the People and by the People,

is what the People decide is or isn't the government's job.

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