Liberalism is a Psychology Not an ideology.


Gold Member
May 24, 2016
The endless battle between those who are liberal and those who are conservative can be seen here and on all political boards day in and day out...they call each other names, they hate each other, and it goes on between liberal pc republicans and True conservative republicans and between elitist liberal democrats and the more conservative working class democrats. In fact it can be said that the liberal/conservative divide is at the root of Americas political stagnation....this battle so conflicts this nation's best interests that many have become hopeless...seeing no remedy.

Is there a remedy? I am very pessimistic...this great divide in America is going to have increasingly disastrous results unless people become more pragmatic and willing to actually try and resolve the differences....the media does not help...the media is part of the problem if not the main problem. Spinning and lying will only increase the great divide in this nation.

Let us look at liberalism first.

"Liberalism is a psychology, not an ideology. And as such, it’s unreasonable to expect it to be limited to a person’s politics; it should show through to many different aspects of a person’s life, and it does. Liberals tend to dominate fields like academia, the news and entertainment media, and the legal professions, and they populate the elite social circles, all because they’re so concerned with their egos."

"In academia, teachers and professors are revered as wise and accomplished, and they exercise almost absolute power over dozens to hundreds of students. People in the media are famous and seen as powerful, intelligent, charismatic, and accomplished. Lawyers have enormous power over people's lives, and like celebrities are seen as intelligent, charismatic, and accomplished, and are also generally seen as moral people (by people who substitute law for morality). Judges are esteemed and seen as a source of wisdom and knowledge, and they too hold enormous power over people's lives and are seen as moral in the same way lawyers are. I won't even get into liberal politicians (yet).

There's a trend here. Liberal professions offer many benefits to the ego. Liberals want to be society's elite and powerful, much more than they want to be wealthy (although they often go hand in hand). They want to feel good about themselves, and that of course depends partially on how other people feel about them. The same thing that motivates their politics motivates many aspects of their personal lives". – Liberalism is a Psychology - Beltt

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It all boils down to scapegoating. Judging others makes these people feel better about themselves. The harsher the judgment and witch hunt, the more exonerated their conscience. Which is handy, because additionally, it correlates with with the heights of exhilaration they feel, brought on by the extent of the witchhunt; how much terror and loss they put their victims through.


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