Liberalism is dividing and eating our country from within

Your right on its divisive rhetoric I just can't get past the fact that simple math tells anyone reasonable the liberal platform is impossible to sustain let alone stomach.
The liberalism of 1776 was the exact opposite of modern liberalism.

It always cracks me up when left-wing toadies try to identify with the Founding Fathers. In the very next post they'll call the Found Fathers white sexist racist homophobe reactionaries.

No it's not. I'm a modern Liberal, my foreign policy, my concentration on the Bill of Rights and the Constitution is more similar to the Founding Fathers ideals than the so-called authoritarian statist modern conservative, neocon, and progressives.

Where did I ever post that about the Founding Fathers?

Whooooa, statists are not conservative, they're leftwingers. Conservatives dont knee jerk to ban something because someone gets hurt with it, Conservatives dont tell people hey we made up a crises like global warming so now we can control your thermostat or what color your car is or if you can even have a car. Conservatives dont run "studies" that are phoney like acrylamide to ban foods
The only thing conservatives want to ban is killing kids (abortion) other than that, not much else.

Sorry to disappoint you but there are PLENTY of statists who call themselves conservatives. In fact those very statists are the ones who mock people like Ron Paul. Two notable ones are Limbaugh and Hannity, as well as their millions of lemmings who follow them. Remember the phrase regarding the PA that was made famous by them? Do you remember; "Well if you have nothing to hide, why are you worried about it?" ? How many people have been killed regarding the policies of global warming compared to the unconstitutional BIG GOVERNMENT War in Iraq that was started by some made up bullshit? I remember the conservative applauding it and then even using the UN (what they supposedly dislike) resolutions to try to justify the stupid war that COST US TRILLIONS of dollars and THOUSANDS of lives.
Conservatives are the ones who support and orchestrate the "Drug War", the conservatives supported the Individual Mandates here: "The Individual Mandate's Conservative Origins "
No it's not. I'm a modern Liberal, my foreign policy, my concentration on the Bill of Rights and the Constitution is more similar to the Founding Fathers ideals than the so-called authoritarian statist modern conservative, neocon, and progressives.

Where did I ever post that about the Founding Fathers?

You may wish to rephrase that.

The modern liberal is all about big government.

It was the classic liberal that championed the phrases, watch out for the man, look out for Big brother.

Two different animals

I'm not about "big government" , I do know plenty of conservatives who are for big government. I remember them applauding the PA and the creation of DHS, etc. ............Not me.
There are big government forces within each group.

It is part of the reason I have laughed at the libs complaining about the cuts to defense.
no you're confusing classical liberalism with new left liberalism, it's not the same at all.

I'm not confusing anything at all. I'm not some asshole neo-con republican who started to INACCURATELY label the opposition as "Libruls" and tarnish that name with their lemming listeners. Read the definition in my sig.

Ok first, the you lump the American Revolution in with the French Revolution
....OH HELLLLLLLLL NO!!!!!!!!!!!
French Revolution was full of marxists, they only way they were "liberal" was they were anti-monarchy. Other than that they were classic statists, big government, central planning types.
As for seperation of church and state, where is that in the Constitution. A

And who at the time of the Founding fathers didnt want a state chuch....BAPTISTS...... uh oh those right wing religion nuts you like to make fun of and baptists dont have a central authori we really dont like a central planner telling us what do do......
See the first amendment says free exercise of religion, so all these rules they put in place are bogus, because the founding fathers didnt ban religious text from schools, they did it in the 60s, close to 200 years after the founding...Why does congress and the supreme court start off with a prayer? Been doing it since those "classical liberal" folks of the Founding Fathers, they didnt have a problem with it, why should you?
And public officials cant have a nativity scene in their office?so if it's so obvious, why werent they banned earlier....and why didnt Horace Greeley ban them?

And classical liberalism is about equal opprutunity under the LAW (nothing about private lives or business), it's not about Affirmative action, the EEOC or other bullshit, it's NOT ABOUT equal RESULTS....IMPOSSIBLE to have them.....

God I love this suff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where did I allegedly " lump the American Revolution in with the French Revolution"?

Where did I do that?

Where have I stated anything different?
Some on the far right have also contributed to our current state of affairs but liberalism by far is destroying us from within. We are surrounded by nothing but divisive rhetoric that is ment to serve 2 purposes at the expense of our nation. 1: divide the electorate. 2: re-elect Obama.

I have always been a republican and I have never strived to have dirty water, poor neighbors, uninsured neighbors, dead elderly, dirty air or any other such nonsense. But that is exactly what is said about those of my ilk.

My Sig has never been more appropriate.

Because "every man for himself" and "let him die" is so much better. Or so the 'tards believe.
If you are from the left, I applaud that thinking.:clap2::clap2:

I'm probably or possibly "left" of you, so yeah I'm from "the left". :)

It would be interesting to see where we agree or disagree on a list of issues. We can start with the Bill of Rights. With a few exceptions, I'm an avid supporter of the ACLU.

Bill of Rights
Amendment 1 Freedoms, Petitions, Assembly (I'm a huge supporter)
Amendment 2 Right to bear arms (I'm a huge supporter)
Amendment 3 Quartering of soldiers (OK)
Amendment 4 Search and arrest (I'm a huge supporter against NDAA, the PA, and other ones like them))
Amendment 5 Rights in criminal cases (I'm a huge supporter)
Amendment 6 Right to a fair trial (I'm a huge supporter)
Amendment 7 Rights in civil cases (I'm a huge supporter)
Amendment 8 Bail, fines, punishment (I'm a huge supporter)
Amendment 9 Rights retained by the People (I'm a huge supporter)
Amendment 10 States' rights (I'm a huge supporter)

These only apply to the Federal USC. You realize you have a state constitution too ?

That one should have more sway in your life than the first.

I tend to be more liberal at the local level.

But I am huge ideaologue at the federal level.

I want our federal government to be a building on some corner in D.C.

That's it.

I'd prefer my state government be much larger (but the total be smaller).

Of course I realize that I/we have a state constitution, I'm also aware from history that states have taken away individual rights of their citizens that are supposed to guaranteed and protected by the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

P.S. I want both entities smaller and out of my life as much as possible.
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No it's not. I'm a modern Liberal, my foreign policy, my concentration on the Bill of Rights and the Constitution is more similar to the Founding Fathers ideals than the so-called authoritarian statist modern conservative, neocon, and progressives.

Where did I ever post that about the Founding Fathers?

Whooooa, statists are not conservative, they're leftwingers. Conservatives dont knee jerk to ban something because someone gets hurt with it, Conservatives dont tell people hey we made up a crises like global warming so now we can control your thermostat or what color your car is or if you can even have a car. Conservatives dont run "studies" that are phoney like acrylamide to ban foods
The only thing conservatives want to ban is killing kids (abortion) other than that, not much else.

Sorry to disappoint you but there are PLENTY of statists who call themselves conservatives. In fact those very statists are the ones who mock people like Ron Paul. Two notable ones are Limbaugh and Hannity, as well as their millions of lemmings who follow them. Remember the phrase regarding the PA that was made famous by them? Do you remember; "Well if you have nothing to hide, why are you worried about it?" ? How many people have been killed regarding the policies of global warming compared to the unconstitutional BIG GOVERNMENT War in Iraq that was started by some made up bullshit? I remember the conservative applauding it and then even using the UN (what they supposedly dislike) resolutions to try to justify the stupid war that COST US TRILLIONS of dollars and THOUSANDS of lives.
Conservatives are the ones who support and orchestrate the "Drug War", the conservatives supported the Individual Mandates here: "The Individual Mandate's Conservative Origins "

Uh dude, again we're talking individual know freedom and liberals love to ban shit faster than olympic athletes cross the finish line. But lets look at these topics

On the drug war, what do you propose? I'm ok if dope is legal, but I'm also ok with companies firing people showing up stoned (I know stoners and some cant control it, most can, I dont get the love of it)
Other dugs should remain illegal, I dont want people on PCP or coke running around. I'd rather have a non druggie with a gun than a guy on PCP with a knife.

Now what does Iraq have to do with statism? What liberal democracies and republics cant go to war? The patriot act violated your freedom awhole lot more than Iraq or Afganistan did, so please elaborate on how that makes it a big government intrusion into our lives?
Uh and as for that, conservatives believe in profiling, you know target people that are more apt to commit stuff, while liberals to be pure and "non racist" check every granny and 6 year old.....a huge attack of freedom from those of us not committing crimes and if you dont like it, take it amongst yourselves and fix the issue. Moderate muslims need to beatdown the crazies. Whites have done that, jim crow is gone and people just dont act like they did in the 60s because whites beatdown whites about that.

The funny thing about the profiling is when the DC Sniper was arround and everyone assumed he'd be white, I dont recall alot of liberals and civil rights groups pissed and marching on fact they didnt even disagree with it...WHY, because most serial killers are WHITE...DING DING, they racially profiled, but guess what, they still GOT THE KILLER, You can profile AND Still follow evidence, some people are just smart like that....

As for the War, lets see we just got hit with a terrorist attack you know the 9/11 thing, if you dont know read up on it.
Hussein violated UN resolutions 17 times, so something had to be done and it was, Hussein is dead and Iraq is better off now. NOW, again how does this quate to statism? Wasnt it liberals who called it imperialism that we were going to steal their oil, but guess what we didnt steal their oil, and they now can try democracy and we have one less brutal dictator in the world.....or you could say we have one less STATIST in the world
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No it's not. I'm a modern Liberal, my foreign policy, my concentration on the Bill of Rights and the Constitution is more similar to the Founding Fathers ideals than the so-called authoritarian statist modern conservative, neocon, and progressives.

Where did I ever post that about the Founding Fathers?

You may wish to rephrase that.

The modern liberal is all about big government.

It was the classic liberal that championed the phrases, watch out for the man, look out for Big brother.

Two different animals

I'm not about "big government" , I do know plenty of conservatives who are for big government. I remember them applauding the PA and the creation of DHS, etc. ............Not me.

Answer these questions, "yes" or "no:"

  1. Do you support Obamacare?
  2. Do you support TARP?
  3. Do you support the GM bailout?
  4. Do you believe taxes should be increased on the wealthy to reduce the deficit?
  5. Do you support Cap and Trade?
  6. Do you support government subsidizing "Green Energy?"
Some on the far right have also contributed to our current state of affairs but liberalism by far is destroying us from within. We are surrounded by nothing but divisive rhetoric that is ment to serve 2 purposes at the expense of our nation. 1: divide the electorate. 2: re-elect Obama.

I have always been a republican and I have never strived to have dirty water, poor neighbors, uninsured neighbors, dead elderly, dirty air or any other such nonsense. But that is exactly what is said about those of my ilk.

My Sig has never been more appropriate.

Because "every man for himself" and "let him die" is so much better. Or so the 'tards believe.

Only liberal turds believe the absense of welfare of socialized medicine means "let him die." That's because they know in their hearts they wouldn't lift a finger to help someone in need.

Liberalism is founded on an extremely negative opinion of human nature. Liberals assume everyone is as greedy, selfish and callous as they are.
You may wish to rephrase that.

The modern liberal is all about big government.

It was the classic liberal that championed the phrases, watch out for the man, look out for Big brother.

Two different animals

I'm not about "big government" , I do know plenty of conservatives who are for big government. I remember them applauding the PA and the creation of DHS, etc. ............Not me.

Answer these questions, "yes" or "no:"

  1. Do you support Obamacare?
  2. Do you support TARP?
  3. Do you support the GM bailout?
  4. Do you believe taxes should be increased on the wealthy to reduce the deficit?
  5. Do you support Cap and Trade?
  6. Do you support government subsidizing "Green Energy?"

Here are my answers;
taxes should be increased on the wealthy to reduce the deficit? HELL NO.
Cap and Trade?: NO
Government subsidizing "Green Energy?" NO
tbh, it's not liberalism. It's called tolerance of others.
How dare people go against your religious beliefs. I guess that gives you authority to mix religion with politics and infringe on the rights of others, tbh.
Some on the far right have also contributed to our current state of affairs but liberalism by far is destroying us from within. We are surrounded by nothing but divisive rhetoric that is ment to serve 2 purposes at the expense of our nation. 1: divide the electorate. 2: re-elect Obama.

I have always been a republican and I have never strived to have dirty water, poor neighbors, uninsured neighbors, dead elderly, dirty air or any other such nonsense. But that is exactly what is said about those of my ilk.

My Sig has never been more appropriate.

Your post is proof that what you say is not true. You are creating divisiveness right here in your post. I find it comical that you can't see that.

I find it comical that you apparently think I have a platform that will influence anyone. I'm referring to politicians with microphones and tv personalities .


Oh, you are blaming all this "divisiveness" on "liberal" politicians and TV personalities? So in doing so you are completely ignoring "conservative" politicians and TV personalities that call the President a MarxistSocialistMuslimKenyan?

Now let's take a look at polling regarding compromise. See, most Americans want compromise...with some small exceptions. Let's see where those exceptions are...

(From Gallup)

Conservatives Divided Over Need to Compromise, but Liberals, Moderates Demand It

There are sharp political and ideological differences in these beliefs. Conservatives and Republicans are closely split over whether leaders should stick to their beliefs or compromise. However, the preponderance of moderates, liberals, independents, and Democrats favor compromise. But even among the more conservative segments of the population, roughly a third are at the "compromise" end of the spectrum.

Tea Party supporters stand out as the sole group that shows a clear preference for sticking to beliefs rather than compromising, 45% vs. 31%, although less than a majority of even this group chooses one of the two options at the "compromise" end of the scale.


Grampa...tell us that story about "liberal" divisiveness again...
No, I saw that you stated that "SOME on the far right have also contributed to our current state of affairs", but yet you are biased and don't state that SOME Liberals are destroying us, instead you stated:" but liberalism by far is destroying us from within". I think that's a bunch of crap.

Liberalism is the only entity eating away at the moral fabric of our country. Conservatives on the far right are not the ones excusing abhorrent behavior. For example: OWS public displays of terrible behavior and the left excusing it.

Liberalism is what founded this country, Liberalism is what fought for the Bill of Rights in Our Constitution, Liberalism is what ended slavery, Liberalism is what ended Jim Crow laws and Black Codes, Liberalism is what fought for Unions, voting rights for ALL American citizens, Liberalism is what fights against attacks on Our Civil Liberties and rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, Liberalism is what pushed the Civil Rights movement. Conservatism FOUGHT AGAINST AND FIGHTS AGAINST ALL OF THE ABOVE.

And, liberalism is the reason we are now $16 Trillion dollars in debt.
Liberalism is the only entity eating away at the moral fabric of our country. Conservatives on the far right are not the ones excusing abhorrent behavior. For example: OWS public displays of terrible behavior and the left excusing it.

Liberalism is what founded this country, Liberalism is what fought for the Bill of Rights in Our Constitution, Liberalism is what ended slavery, Liberalism is what ended Jim Crow laws and Black Codes, Liberalism is what fought for Unions, voting rights for ALL American citizens, Liberalism is what fights against attacks on Our Civil Liberties and rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, Liberalism is what pushed the Civil Rights movement. Conservatism FOUGHT AGAINST AND FIGHTS AGAINST ALL OF THE ABOVE.

And, liberalism is the reason we are now $16 Trillion dollars in debt.

And NOT classic Liberalism as the Founders...but MODERN version known as Statists/Marxists/Progressive Communists that have taken over the Democrat Party.

Wordof caution? The Republicans aren't far behind.
conservatives are going to have to get organized better and start showing muscle in the form of doing things peacefully but showing the libs they are can either leave the country to leave the country as is.

Ah, but that's the point. Conservatives are free individuals. No two Conservatives ever agree, because each is a unique individual with independent thoughts. If Conservatives organize into a hive like the leftists, then we will lose what makes us valuable.

The question is though, is the collective actually more powerful than a free people? I say "no."
Because the first amendment says they can, any more questions? Liberalism does not concern itself with such meaningless questions as the appropriateness or popularity of free speech.

You just seek to crush it.

Oppose gay marriage, have business licenses denied - it's the way of the anti-liberty left.
conservatives are going to have to get organized better and start showing muscle in the form of doing things peacefully but showing the libs they are can either leave the country to leave the country as is.

Ah, but that's the point. Conservatives are free individuals. No two Conservatives ever agree, because each is a unique individual with independent thoughts. If Conservatives organize into a hive like the leftists, then we will lose what makes us valuable.

The question is though, is the collective actually more powerful than a free people? I say "no."

Truth is? conservatives can disagree...and come to the table with fellow Conservatives and discuss without destroying each other.

And you're correct. Liberty is everything to free people and they will step up to defend it.

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