Liberalism Offers No Acceptable Path To Our Future

6.What is the reason that Liberals believe they can ignore equality,ā€¦ it their pursuit of power?

Sure is.

Thatā€™s why melanin is inordinately important to Liberals.

7.It behooves us to review what the nature of equality entails.

ā€œJustice means choice. The choice must be by recourse and devotion to laws made impartially, without respect to individuals, and applied impartially.

Should we extend our discussion to Justiceā€¦.with mitigating factors of oneā€™s childhood, race, or environment?
What weight to extenuationā€¦his supposed goodness to animals or to his mother...? Where is consideration for the needs of the citizenry for protection?

No where: if a jury is influenced by emotion, dramatics, flattery, ā€˜compassion,ā€™ then laws, which have been decided based on behaviors and not individuals are cast aside by reference to merit, or fairness, or compassionā€¦.all of which are inchoate, subjective and nonquantifiable.

a. It is not the governmentā€™s job to determine merit, rather to provide a set of laws that one may expect to be applied without intervention. Laws, under our Constitution, apply not to classes of people, but to classes of actions.

If ā€œfairnessā€ is associated with group-identity, with all of the associated accommodations, law will be reduced to constant petition of government for special and specific exemptions from justice. Law, to be just, but be written and carried out in ignorance of the identity of its claimants.
David Mamet, ā€œThe Secret Knowledgeā€

The lack of fairness, the dishonesty, of Liberals/Democrats does no service to the education, the nation, or the objects of their impartiality.
I am liberal by classical definition. You are not.

Yeah, and hip hop is classical music.

Hip hop is crap, like modern-day social liberalism.

You're living the results of liberalism. Which parts do you want to get rid of?

Civil rights for racial minorities? Women's suffrage? Worker's rights? Environment protection? Social Security? Medicaid? Gay rights?

Tell us. Give us a big list, with specifics.

Specifically, Democrats and their nonsense.

Wow, you couldn't/wouldn't object to a single example of major liberal causes over time that have become part of America.


What I object to is a political party erroneously calling itself liberal when it is not, and claiming a philosophical kinship with the Founders that it does not possess, having any decisive political power in the United States.
President Trump wants to treat American citizenship like a great privilege to be carefully awarded. Democrats feel it should be free to anyone who shows up or illegally sneaks in. With chain migration they want to give it away in bulk.
7. ā€œFor decades, the public schools of Edina, Minnesota, were the gold standard among the stateā€™s school districts. Edina is an upscale suburb of Minneapolis, but virtually overnight, its reputation has changed. Academic rigor is unraveling, high school reading and math test scores are sliding, and students increasingly fear bullying and persecution.

The shift began in 2013, when Edina school leaders adopted the ā€œAll for Allā€ strategic planā€”a sweeping initiative that reordered the districtā€™s mission from academic excellence for all students to ā€œracial equity.ā€

ā€œEquityā€ in this context does not mean ā€œequalityā€ or ā€œfairness.ā€ It means racial identity politicsā€”an ideology that blames minority studentsā€™ academic challenges on institutional racial biasā€¦ā€

ā€¦henceforth ā€œall teaching and learning experiencesā€ would be viewed through the ā€œlens of racial equity,ā€ and that only ā€œracially consciousā€ teachers and administrators should be hired.ā€
Inside a Public School Social Justice Factory

Is this the mission of our schools????

Or, is this a scandal of the highest proportions, malfeasance and fraud?

Time for jail sentences for Liberals.
8. And the chickensā€¦come home to roostā€¦.

ā€œElementary Schoolteachers Flee Classroom Violence

Dozens of schoolteachers have quit their jobs amid a wave of violence from students as young as 7 years old. The Harrisburg Educational Association says at least 45 teachers from Pennsylvaniaā€™s capital city resigned between July and October, and association president Jody Barksdale recently told the Associated Press that there have been more resignations since October.
a n
While problems with student violence are particularly bad in Harrisburg, this is a national problem. The National Center for Education Statistics released its 2016 Indicators of School Crime and Safety report, finding that ā€œ10 percent of elementary teachers and 9 percent of secondary teachers reported being threatened by a student from their school in 2011ā€“12.ā€ The same report found that ā€œ[d]uring the 2014ā€“15 school year, there were 1.3 million reported discipline incidents in the United States for reasons related to alcohol, illicit drugs, violence or weapons possession that resulted in a student being removed from the education setting for at least an entire school day.ā€

School violence is getting so bad because the moral fiber of America is breaking down.

Broken families across the nation are producing juvenile delinquents at an alarming rate. This situation has not been helped by government officials removing discipline."
Elementary Schoolteachers Flee Classroom Violence
9. And when education is replaced with indoctrination......

"....families who are serious about education are leaving the Edina schools. For example, Orlando Flores his wife pulled their sonā€”an academic superstarā€”out of Edina High School in his senior year to escape its hyper-political environment.

Flores, who fled a Marxist regime in Nicaragua as a child, had this to say: ā€œYears ago, we fled Communism to escape indoctrination, absolutist thinking and restrictions on our freedom of speech. If we see these traits in our schools in America, we must speak out and oppose it.ā€
Inside a Public School Social Justice Factory
10. Letā€™s take a look at the results of the Liberalsā€™ take-over of the education industry:

a. 76% of American high school grads were not adequately prepared for their first year college courses.

b. American students lag behind other students in the industrial world. They came in 31st out of the 35 OECD countries in overall scores in 2015.

24th in reading literacy

25th in science literacy

40th in mathematics

c. 37% of Americans cannot name any of their first amendment rights.

d. 74% could not name the three branches of US government
American Education Is Failing

Not satisfied with depriving generations of American children with education, as seen in this thread, Liberals have gone to the next level, ā€˜teachingā€™ that discipline and respect for authority must be eradicated from the classroom.
"The American university is becoming an appendage of the identity bureaucracy and identity studies. If the mission of higher education is no longer knowledge, but social justice, an emphasis on diversity, and indoctrination in ā€œanti-racism,ā€ ...."
Identity U.

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