Liberalism's 'Worthy' Adversaries.

You live your life according to the dictates of an imaginary supernatural being.
The facts are articulated here regarding liberalism's play book and in haste you pop off with some nonsense lashing out at religion....Brilliant come back.

The charge was that liberals live according to beliefs that are imaginary. You believe in an imaginary supernatural being.

What's the difference? Other than the fact that the first statement is false and the second is true...
Huge difference. The religious teachings go back thousands of years. Liberalism in it present form is but a few decades in age.
Comparing the two is moot....
You are not debating the issue of a political ideology and its manner of holding it's base, you are rationalizing.

I am using the same exact standard that you and the OP are using to try to attack liberals.

A good example:

Kim Davis's belief that gay marriage is wrong because her God told her so. Do you wish to argue that is not an atttempt to use a belief in the imaginary to effect public policy?
Fear tactics. Imagine that
I just Binged "do republicans use fear tactics" and got 12.6 million results... lol

Ever read a book?

Book: A set of written, printed,or blank pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers.

Ever read the Bible? It teaches you to have faith in the existence of that which is otherwise imaginary.

Is this the point of your thread? To discredit the Bible? To discredit religion?

Now, for your edification, here is the correct use of "So...." agree that any danger due to second hand smoke, hunger in America, the campus-rape epidemic, institutionalized racism or income inequality is imaginary.


I'll put you in a place you have rarely been found....the "true" column.

Now...the difference between belief in God and the acceptance of what we just stipulated is "imaginary" is that the former is not a basis for public policy.

Pretty significant, huh?

I did not stipulate to any such things. So you're lying.

Religion plays a VERY significant role in public policy. Your assertion that is doesn't is your second lie.

But I didn't write 'religion,' did I?

I wrote "belief in God."

Religion...morality...should be the basis for public policy...after all the nation was founded on same, and the Constitution based on the Bible.

Skewered you a second time, huh?
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"Now...the difference between belief in God and the acceptance of what we just stipulated is "imaginary" is that the former is not a basis for public policy."

Pretty significant, huh?

It's very significant, given that less than a month ago you said this:

"The Constitution is based on the Bible, too."

Interesting. lolol.

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The founding of this country and its laws are based on Juedeo Christian tenets. I am well aware that fact is acid to the gullet of liberalism.

Do you believe humanity is incapable of maintaining a civilized, moral society without the crutch of a belief in imaginary supernatural beings?
Fear tactics. Imagine that
I just Binged "do republicans use fear tactics" and got 12.6 million results... lol

Ever read a book?

Book: A set of written, printed,or blank pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers.

Ever read the Bible? It teaches you to have faith in the existence of that which is otherwise imaginary.

Is this the point of your thread? To discredit the Bible? To discredit religion?

Now, for your edification, here is the correct use of "So...." agree that any danger due to second hand smoke, hunger in America, the campus-rape epidemic, institutionalized racism or income inequality is imaginary.


I'll put you in a place you have rarely been found....the "true" column.

Now...the difference between belief in God and the acceptance of what we just stipulated is "imaginary" is that the former is not a basis for public policy.

Pretty significant, huh?

I did not stipulate to any such things. So you're lying.

Religion plays a VERY significant role in public policy. Your assertion that is doesn't is your second lie.

But I didn't right 'religion,' did I?

I wrote "belief in God."

Religion...morality...should be the basis for public policy...after all the nation was founded on same, and the Constitution based on the Bible.

Skewered you a second time, huh?

Now you're throwing God under the bus. Goddam! no pun intended. Well, maybe a pun intended.

Now you're saying the 'Bible' and 'belief in God' are mutually exclusive?

You live your life according to the dictates of an imaginary supernatural being.
The facts are articulated here regarding liberalism's play book and in haste you pop off with some nonsense lashing out at religion....Brilliant come back.

The investigation of Ferguson, MO found systematic, institutionalized racism in the local government. That is fact, not imagination.

The "fact" is that a racist, politically biased Department of Justice stated that.
You of all people should recognize why, NYLiar.
Ever read a book?

Book: A set of written, printed,or blank pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers.

Ever read the Bible? It teaches you to have faith in the existence of that which is otherwise imaginary.

Is this the point of your thread? To discredit the Bible? To discredit religion?

Now, for your edification, here is the correct use of "So...." agree that any danger due to second hand smoke, hunger in America, the campus-rape epidemic, institutionalized racism or income inequality is imaginary.


I'll put you in a place you have rarely been found....the "true" column.

Now...the difference between belief in God and the acceptance of what we just stipulated is "imaginary" is that the former is not a basis for public policy.

Pretty significant, huh?

I did not stipulate to any such things. So you're lying.

Religion plays a VERY significant role in public policy. Your assertion that is doesn't is your second lie.

But I didn't right 'religion,' did I?

I wrote "belief in God."

Religion...morality...should be the basis for public policy...after all the nation was founded on same, and the Constitution based on the Bible.

Skewered you a second time, huh?

Now you're throwing God under the bus. Goddam! no pun intended. Well, maybe a pun intended.

Now you're saying the 'Bible' and 'belief in God' are mutually exclusive?


What I'm proving is that I am precise in the language I use.

That's why I regularly refer to you as a liar.
You live your life according to the dictates of an imaginary supernatural being.
The facts are articulated here regarding liberalism's play book and in haste you pop off with some nonsense lashing out at religion....Brilliant come back.

The investigation of Ferguson, MO found systematic, institutionalized racism in the local government. That is fact, not imagination.
It did? How so?....Please, if you are going to spout statistics on the population of Ferguson vs the racial makeup of the local government, don't bother. It is no one's fault but the voters of Ferguson who show up to vote at a whopping 110% of registered turnout.
This is another liberal scare tactic to enrage blacks. Lying to them that the reasons for their poverty and inability to advance themselves out of their current situation has created a permanent underclass and given rise to anger among blacks.
The fact is liberal policies designed to move people out of poverty and to encourage blacks away from self segregation have not worked. In response your side's candidates run for office on a "don't vote GOP. We empathize with your problems. We will fix them. above all the GOP is the party of White people. They are racist and want to keep your down."....
Through decades of this, nothing. In fact democrat policies have made things worse. The election of the first black president was supposed to fix all of this. Instead, the nation has not been ideologically and racially divided as much as it is now.
And all you people can do is blame the villain. White conservatives.
You liberals will not own your actions. Never.
Fear tactics. Imagine that
I just Binged "do republicans use fear tactics" and got 12.6 million results... lol

Ever read a book?

Book: A set of written, printed,or blank pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers.

Ever read the Bible? It teaches you to have faith in the existence of that which is otherwise imaginary.

Is this the point of your thread? To discredit the Bible? To discredit religion?

Now, for your edification, here is the correct use of "So...." agree that any danger due to second hand smoke, hunger in America, the campus-rape epidemic, institutionalized racism or income inequality is imaginary.


I'll put you in a place you have rarely been found....the "true" column.

Now...the difference between belief in God and the acceptance of what we just stipulated is "imaginary" is that the former is not a basis for public policy.

Pretty significant, huh?

I did not stipulate to any such things. So you're lying.

Religion plays a VERY significant role in public policy. Your assertion that is doesn't is your second lie.

But I didn't right 'religion,' did I?

I wrote "belief in God."

Religion...morality...should be the basis for public policy...after all the nation was founded on same, and the Constitution based on the Bible.

Skewered you a second time, huh?

Let's remind people what were the two statements you made:

"Now...the difference between belief in God and the acceptance of what we just stipulated is "imaginary" is that the former is not a basis for public policy."

"The Constitution is based on the Bible, too."

Reconcile the two.
Ever read the Bible? It teaches you to have faith in the existence of that which is otherwise imaginary.

Is this the point of your thread? To discredit the Bible? To discredit religion?

Now, for your edification, here is the correct use of "So...." agree that any danger due to second hand smoke, hunger in America, the campus-rape epidemic, institutionalized racism or income inequality is imaginary.


I'll put you in a place you have rarely been found....the "true" column.

Now...the difference between belief in God and the acceptance of what we just stipulated is "imaginary" is that the former is not a basis for public policy.

Pretty significant, huh?

I did not stipulate to any such things. So you're lying.

Religion plays a VERY significant role in public policy. Your assertion that is doesn't is your second lie.

But I didn't right 'religion,' did I?

I wrote "belief in God."

Religion...morality...should be the basis for public policy...after all the nation was founded on same, and the Constitution based on the Bible.

Skewered you a second time, huh?

Now you're throwing God under the bus. Goddam! no pun intended. Well, maybe a pun intended.

Now you're saying the 'Bible' and 'belief in God' are mutually exclusive?


What I'm proving is that I am precise in the language I use.

That's why I regularly refer to you as a liar.

No. I'm proving that you that you make contradictory statements, and then entertain us with comica flailings trying to weasel out from under them.
Ever read the Bible? It teaches you to have faith in the existence of that which is otherwise imaginary.

Is this the point of your thread? To discredit the Bible? To discredit religion?

Now, for your edification, here is the correct use of "So...." agree that any danger due to second hand smoke, hunger in America, the campus-rape epidemic, institutionalized racism or income inequality is imaginary.


I'll put you in a place you have rarely been found....the "true" column.

Now...the difference between belief in God and the acceptance of what we just stipulated is "imaginary" is that the former is not a basis for public policy.

Pretty significant, huh?

I did not stipulate to any such things. So you're lying.

Religion plays a VERY significant role in public policy. Your assertion that is doesn't is your second lie.

But I didn't right 'religion,' did I?

I wrote "belief in God."

Religion...morality...should be the basis for public policy...after all the nation was founded on same, and the Constitution based on the Bible.

Skewered you a second time, huh?

Now you're throwing God under the bus. Goddam! no pun intended. Well, maybe a pun intended.

Now you're saying the 'Bible' and 'belief in God' are mutually exclusive?


What I'm proving is that I am precise in the language I use.

That's why I regularly refer to you as a liar.

Yes you regularly use namecalling in lieu of any attempt at an intelligent response.
Fear tactics. Imagine that
I just Binged "do republicans use fear tactics" and got 12.6 million results... lol

Ever read a book?

Book: A set of written, printed,or blank pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers.

Ever read the Bible? It teaches you to have faith in the existence of that which is otherwise imaginary.

Is this the point of your thread? To discredit the Bible? To discredit religion?

Now, for your edification, here is the correct use of "So...." agree that any danger due to second hand smoke, hunger in America, the campus-rape epidemic, institutionalized racism or income inequality is imaginary.


I'll put you in a place you have rarely been found....the "true" column.

Now...the difference between belief in God and the acceptance of what we just stipulated is "imaginary" is that the former is not a basis for public policy.

Pretty significant, huh?

I did not stipulate to any such things. So you're lying.

Religion plays a VERY significant role in public policy. Your assertion that is doesn't is your second lie.

But I didn't write 'religion,' did I?

I wrote "belief in God."

Religion...morality...should be the basis for public policy...after all the nation was founded on same, and the Constitution based on the Bible.

Skewered you a second time, huh?

Name ten items from the Constitution that are based on the Bible but are wholly devoid of any connection to a belief in God.
Now, for your edification, here is the correct use of "So...." agree that any danger due to second hand smoke, hunger in America, the campus-rape epidemic, institutionalized racism or income inequality is imaginary.


I'll put you in a place you have rarely been found....the "true" column.

Now...the difference between belief in God and the acceptance of what we just stipulated is "imaginary" is that the former is not a basis for public policy.

Pretty significant, huh?

I did not stipulate to any such things. So you're lying.

Religion plays a VERY significant role in public policy. Your assertion that is doesn't is your second lie.

But I didn't right 'religion,' did I?

I wrote "belief in God."

Religion...morality...should be the basis for public policy...after all the nation was founded on same, and the Constitution based on the Bible.

Skewered you a second time, huh?

Now you're throwing God under the bus. Goddam! no pun intended. Well, maybe a pun intended.

Now you're saying the 'Bible' and 'belief in God' are mutually exclusive?


What I'm proving is that I am precise in the language I use.

That's why I regularly refer to you as a liar.

Yes you regularly use namecalling in lieu of any attempt at an intelligent response.

You mean like "NYLiar"?

Correct identification is an intelligent response.

GEORGE ORWELL ONCE SAID: “Sometimes the first duty of intelligent men is the restatement of the obvious.”
Ever read a book?

Book: A set of written, printed,or blank pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers.

Ever read the Bible? It teaches you to have faith in the existence of that which is otherwise imaginary.

Is this the point of your thread? To discredit the Bible? To discredit religion?

Now, for your edification, here is the correct use of "So...." agree that any danger due to second hand smoke, hunger in America, the campus-rape epidemic, institutionalized racism or income inequality is imaginary.


I'll put you in a place you have rarely been found....the "true" column.

Now...the difference between belief in God and the acceptance of what we just stipulated is "imaginary" is that the former is not a basis for public policy.

Pretty significant, huh?

I did not stipulate to any such things. So you're lying.

Religion plays a VERY significant role in public policy. Your assertion that is doesn't is your second lie.

But I didn't write 'religion,' did I?

I wrote "belief in God."

Religion...morality...should be the basis for public policy...after all the nation was founded on same, and the Constitution based on the Bible.

Skewered you a second time, huh?

Name ten items from the Constitution that are based on the Bible but are wholly devoid of any connection to a belief in God.

As I said....the Constitution is based on the Bible.

1. The most quoted source was the Bible. Established in the original writings of our Founding Fathers we find that they discovered in Isaiah 33:22 the three branches of government: Isaiah 33:22 “For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; he will save us.” Here we see the judicial, the legislative and the executive branches.

2. In Ezra 7:24 we see where they established the tax exempt status of the church: Ezra 7:24 “Also we certify you, that touching any of the priests and Levites, singers, porters, Nethinims, or ministers of this house of God, it shall not be lawful to impose toll, tribute, or custom, upon them.”

3. When we look at our Constitution we see in Article 4 Section 4 that we are guaranteed a Republican form of government, that was found in Exodus 18:21: “Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens:” This indicates that we are to choose, or elect God fearing men and women.

4. Looking at Article 3 Section 3 we see almost word for word Deuteronomy 17:6: ‘No person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses. . .’ Deuteronomy 17:6 “At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses. . .”.

5. The next paragraph in Article 3 Section 3 refers to who should pay the price for treason. In England, they could punish the sons for the trespasses of the father, if the father died.
Roger Anghis -- Bring America Back To Her Religious Roots, Part 7
You live your life according to the dictates of an imaginary supernatural being.
The facts are articulated here regarding liberalism's play book and in haste you pop off with some nonsense lashing out at religion....Brilliant come back.

The investigation of Ferguson, MO found systematic, institutionalized racism in the local government. That is fact, not imagination.
It did? How so?....Please, if you are going to spout statistics on the population of Ferguson vs the racial makeup of the local government, don't bother. It is no one's fault but the voters of Ferguson who show up to vote at a whopping 110% of registered turnout.
This is another liberal scare tactic to enrage blacks. Lying to them that the reasons for their poverty and inability to advance themselves out of their current situation has created a permanent underclass and given rise to anger among blacks.
The fact is liberal policies designed to move people out of poverty and to encourage blacks away from self segregation have not worked. In response your side's candidates run for office on a "don't vote GOP. We empathize with your problems. We will fix them. above all the GOP is the party of White people. They are racist and want to keep your down."....
Through decades of this, nothing. In fact democrat policies have made things worse. The election of the first black president was supposed to fix all of this. Instead, the nation has not been ideologically and racially divided as much as it is now.
And all you people can do is blame the villain. White conservatives.
You liberals will not own your actions. Never.

Okay so it's the fault of the blacks in Ferguson that institutionalized racism exists in their community because they don't get out and vote out the white racist Republicans who are in power.

I can buy that in its entirety.
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Ever read the Bible? It teaches you to have faith in the existence of that which is otherwise imaginary.

Is this the point of your thread? To discredit the Bible? To discredit religion?

Now, for your edification, here is the correct use of "So...." agree that any danger due to second hand smoke, hunger in America, the campus-rape epidemic, institutionalized racism or income inequality is imaginary.


I'll put you in a place you have rarely been found....the "true" column.

Now...the difference between belief in God and the acceptance of what we just stipulated is "imaginary" is that the former is not a basis for public policy.

Pretty significant, huh?

I did not stipulate to any such things. So you're lying.

Religion plays a VERY significant role in public policy. Your assertion that is doesn't is your second lie.

But I didn't write 'religion,' did I?

I wrote "belief in God."

Religion...morality...should be the basis for public policy...after all the nation was founded on same, and the Constitution based on the Bible.

Skewered you a second time, huh?

Name ten items from the Constitution that are based on the Bible but are wholly devoid of any connection to a belief in God.

As I said....the Constitution is based on the Bible.

1. The most quoted source was the Bible. Established in the original writings of our Founding Fathers we find that they discovered in Isaiah 33:22 the three branches of government: Isaiah 33:22 “For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; he will save us.” Here we see the judicial, the legislative and the executive branches.

Very good. That proves you were mistaken when you claimed a distinction between being based on the Bible

and based on a belief in God.

The imaginary being, the Lord, is our King? How is that NOT a belief in the imaginary?
You live your life according to the dictates of an imaginary supernatural being.
The facts are articulated here regarding liberalism's play book and in haste you pop off with some nonsense lashing out at religion....Brilliant come back.

The charge was that liberals live according to beliefs that are imaginary. You believe in an imaginary supernatural being.

What's the difference? Other than the fact that the first statement is false and the second is true...
In your opinion, there is no difference. Based on that, you create imaginary enemies of your side's protected classes. This insures their votes for your side's candidates.

1. The most quoted source was the Bible. Established in the original writings of our Founding Fathers we find that they discovered in Isaiah 33:22 the three branches of government: Isaiah 33:22 “For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; he will save us.” Here we see the judicial, the legislative and the executive branches.

The three branches of our government are for the purposes of separation of powers. In the above there is no such separation;
the LORD is the one power over all three branches. That is as far from the Constitution as one can get on the subject,
in fact, it is more representative of the absolutism of a monarchy of divine right, such as, you know,

England? The guys we broke free of? Eh?
You live your life according to the dictates of an imaginary supernatural being.
The facts are articulated here regarding liberalism's play book and in haste you pop off with some nonsense lashing out at religion....Brilliant come back.

The charge was that liberals live according to beliefs that are imaginary. You believe in an imaginary supernatural being.

What's the difference? Other than the fact that the first statement is false and the second is true...
In your opinion, there is no difference. Based on that, you create imaginary enemies of your side's protected classes. This insures their votes for your side's candidates.

They are protected for a reason. Go read a history book.
You live your life according to the dictates of an imaginary supernatural being.
The facts are articulated here regarding liberalism's play book and in haste you pop off with some nonsense lashing out at religion....Brilliant come back.

The investigation of Ferguson, MO found systematic, institutionalized racism in the local government. That is fact, not imagination.
It did? How so?....Please, if you are going to spout statistics on the population of Ferguson vs the racial makeup of the local government, don't bother. It is no one's fault but the voters of Ferguson who show up to vote at a whopping 110% of registered turnout.
This is another liberal scare tactic to enrage blacks. Lying to them that the reasons for their poverty and inability to advance themselves out of their current situation has created a permanent underclass and given rise to anger among blacks.
The fact is liberal policies designed to move people out of poverty and to encourage blacks away from self segregation have not worked. In response your side's candidates run for office on a "don't vote GOP. We empathize with your problems. We will fix them. above all the GOP is the party of White people. They are racist and want to keep your down."....
Through decades of this, nothing. In fact democrat policies have made things worse. The election of the first black president was supposed to fix all of this. Instead, the nation has not been ideologically and racially divided as much as it is now.
And all you people can do is blame the villain. White conservatives.
You liberals will not own your actions. Never.

Okay so it's the fault of the blacks in Ferguson that institutionalized racism exists in their community because they don't get out and vote out the white racist Republicans who are in power.

I can buy that in it's entirety.
There is no institutionalized racism. That term was made up by hyper race conscious liberals as a means to motivate the so called victims to vote for liberal candidates.
It is also a term used by liberals as a means of perpetuating the notion of racism even though, those policies which made up what was considered institutionalized racism have all been outlawed.
Examples....Separate but equal. Laws which guarantee access to public accommodations. Equal Opportunity and other employment law Etc....
Your side to this day continues the message that despite these policies that were passed out of simple human decency, mean nothing.
Your side now accuses others have "still having thoughts" and that even though overt racism is mostly gone, its never really that far away.
The "racist hiding under every piece of furniture" message.

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