Liberalism's 'Worthy' Adversaries.

2. In Ezra 7:24 we see where they established the tax exempt status of the church: Ezra 7:24 “Also we certify you, that touching any of the priests and Levites, singers, porters, Nethinims, or ministers of this house of God, it shall not be lawful to impose toll, tribute, or custom, upon them.”

And you think belief in God has nothing to do with that passage? lol, good one.

1. The most quoted source was the Bible. Established in the original writings of our Founding Fathers we find that they discovered in Isaiah 33:22 the three branches of government: Isaiah 33:22 “For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; he will save us.” Here we see the judicial, the legislative and the executive branches.

The three branches of our government are for the purposes of separation of powers. In the above there is no such separation;
the LORD is the one power over all three branches. That is as far from the Constitution as one can get on the subject,
in fact, it is more representative of the absolutism of a monarchy of divine right, such as, you know,

England? The guys we broke free of? Eh?
HA....yet depending upon which party is in the White House, you look either to the POTUS or if in the case the executive branch is GOP, the Courts as the supreme authority.
Not once have you people in the last 7 years, been in the least bit interested in "Separation of Powers" just stop the nonsense.
And, now, perhaps the most egregious of 'imaginary' enemies....the hot air summit in Paris.

6. Stephens writes: "I’m not the first to notice the incongruity of this huge gathering of world leaders meeting to combat a notional enemy in the same place where a real enemy just inflicted so much mortal damage.

.... reality-substitution is how modern liberalism conducts political business. What is the central liberal project of the 21st century, if not to persuade people that climate change represents an infinitely greater threat to human civilization than the barbarians—....[of the Seventh Century.]

Here again the same dishonest pattern is at work.

The semantic trick in the phrase “climate change”—allowing every climate anomaly to serve as further proof of the overall theory. The hysteria generated by an imperceptible temperature rise of 1.7 degrees Fahrenheit since 1880—as if the trend is bound to continue forever, or is not a product of natural variation, or cannot be mitigated except by drastic policy interventions." Liberalism’s Imaginary Enemies

"The temperature of the planet has increased about one degree Fahrenheit in the last century. So imagine a summer afternoon when it’s 63 degrees and the next thing you know it’s …64 degrees! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Run for your lives, everybody!

Women and children first!

Where’s FEMA, dammit?"

You live your life according to the dictates of an imaginary supernatural being.
The facts are articulated here regarding liberalism's play book and in haste you pop off with some nonsense lashing out at religion....Brilliant come back.

The charge was that liberals live according to beliefs that are imaginary. You believe in an imaginary supernatural being.

What's the difference? Other than the fact that the first statement is false and the second is true...
In your opinion, there is no difference. Based on that, you create imaginary enemies of your side's protected classes. This insures their votes for your side's candidates.

They are protected for a reason. Go read a history book.
No...You look upon the members of these classes as infallible. They can do no wrong. They cannot hate. They cannot commit acts of racial bigotry or hate crimes.
History has ZERO to do with this.
You libs are forgetting that you scream "equality",,,,Yet with your ingredient of "protection" in effect, these classes are in your eyes. "more equal"....
There are a litany of examples....
The latest is the college campus protests by black students and the ridiculous demands they present.
Demanding all non black students and faculty be forced to take diversity classes or face sanctions. The creation of areas on campus where black students can never be exposed to any point of view or written word which does not agree with their point of view. The banning of "free speech for all".....Yes, this particular protected class is claiming free speech for all is......racist. And they want it banned,
Instead of promoting personal responsibility, you people on the left have set up a system where any member of your side's protected classes can simply lay blame for their own inadequacies on someone else. Mainly on "white people"....
There should be NO protected classes. But the left does not think of us as individuals. No. The left in order to have a say in policy, must place people into groups.
Fear tactics. Imagine that
I just Binged "do republicans use fear tactics" and got 12.6 million results... lol

Ever read a book?

Book: A set of written, printed,or blank pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers.

Ever read the Bible? It teaches you to have faith in the existence of that which is otherwise imaginary.

Is this the point of your thread? To discredit the Bible? To discredit religion?
If this is the argument you wish to present, you may as well stand down. You're not getting anywhere with this nonsense.
Fear tactics. Imagine that
I just Binged "do republicans use fear tactics" and got 12.6 million results... lol

Ever read a book?

Book: A set of written, printed,or blank pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers.

Ever read the Bible? It teaches you to have faith in the existence of that which is otherwise imaginary.

Is this the point of your thread? To discredit the Bible? To discredit religion?

Now, for your edification, here is the correct use of "So...." agree that any danger due to second hand smoke, hunger in America, the campus-rape epidemic, institutionalized racism or income inequality is imaginary.


I'll put you in a place you have rarely been found....the "true" column.

Now...the difference between belief in God and the acceptance of what we just stipulated is "imaginary" is that the former is not a basis for public policy.

Pretty significant, huh?

I did not stipulate to any such things. So you're lying.

Religion plays a VERY significant role in public policy. Your assertion that is doesn't is your second lie.
Wait a minute. You have been spewing the rationalization that liberal policy of creating imaginary crises and imaginary enemies is good policy because religious people believe in what you opine as imaginary. Now you admit that religion plays a significant role in public policy.".....With which you do not appear to object.
You live your life according to the dictates of an imaginary supernatural being.
The facts are articulated here regarding liberalism's play book and in haste you pop off with some nonsense lashing out at religion....Brilliant come back.

The charge was that liberals live according to beliefs that are imaginary. You believe in an imaginary supernatural being.

What's the difference? Other than the fact that the first statement is false and the second is true...
Huge difference. The religious teachings go back thousands of years. Liberalism in it present form is but a few decades in age.
Comparing the two is moot....
You are not debating the issue of a political ideology and its manner of holding it's base, you are rationalizing.

All sorts of bad things go back thousands of years.

The United States were ZERO decades old at the time of the writing of the Constitution. Are you claiming that lack of longevity delegitimizes this country and its form of government?
Deflect much?
That is not even close to what I posted.
You live your life according to the dictates of an imaginary supernatural being.
The facts are articulated here regarding liberalism's play book and in haste you pop off with some nonsense lashing out at religion....Brilliant come back.

The charge was that liberals live according to beliefs that are imaginary. You believe in an imaginary supernatural being.

What's the difference? Other than the fact that the first statement is false and the second is true...
Huge difference. The religious teachings go back thousands of years. Liberalism in it present form is but a few decades in age.
Comparing the two is moot....
You are not debating the issue of a political ideology and its manner of holding it's base, you are rationalizing.

I am using the same exact standard that you and the OP are using to try to attack liberals.

A good example:

Kim Davis's belief that gay marriage is wrong because her God told her so. Do you wish to argue that is not an atttempt to use a belief in the imaginary to effect public policy?
"I am using the same exact standard that you and the OP are using to try to attack liberals."
Only in your imagination. As you were told earlier, your attack on religion, which by the way you freely acknowledged plays an important role in making of policy, is merely rationalization of liberal policy of creating imaginary enemies.
Your message to blacks is that every single conservative Caucasian is by virtue of their skin color, a racist.
Your message to the enviro wacko voting bloc is that the earth is going to catch on fire and this MUST result in new and more confiscatory taxation.
"Now...the difference between belief in God and the acceptance of what we just stipulated is "imaginary" is that the former is not a basis for public policy."

Pretty significant, huh?

It's very significant, given that less than a month ago you said this:

"The Constitution is based on the Bible, too."

Interesting. lolol.

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The founding of this country and its laws are based on Juedeo Christian tenets. I am well aware that fact is acid to the gullet of liberalism.

Do you believe humanity is incapable of maintaining a civilized, moral society without the crutch of a belief in imaginary supernatural beings?
No..Man created religion as sort of a "rule book" of conduct. Without a set of rules and an authority to insure those rules are followed, human beings would be far less likely to conduct themselves in a civilized manner.
Some religious teachings are more primitive and potentially barbaric than others.
You live your life according to the dictates of an imaginary supernatural being.
The facts are articulated here regarding liberalism's play book and in haste you pop off with some nonsense lashing out at religion....Brilliant come back.

The investigation of Ferguson, MO found systematic, institutionalized racism in the local government. That is fact, not imagination.
It did? How so?....Please, if you are going to spout statistics on the population of Ferguson vs the racial makeup of the local government, don't bother. It is no one's fault but the voters of Ferguson who show up to vote at a whopping 110% of registered turnout.
This is another liberal scare tactic to enrage blacks. Lying to them that the reasons for their poverty and inability to advance themselves out of their current situation has created a permanent underclass and given rise to anger among blacks.
The fact is liberal policies designed to move people out of poverty and to encourage blacks away from self segregation have not worked. In response your side's candidates run for office on a "don't vote GOP. We empathize with your problems. We will fix them. above all the GOP is the party of White people. They are racist and want to keep your down."....
Through decades of this, nothing. In fact democrat policies have made things worse. The election of the first black president was supposed to fix all of this. Instead, the nation has not been ideologically and racially divided as much as it is now.
And all you people can do is blame the villain. White conservatives.
You liberals will not own your actions. Never.

Okay so it's the fault of the blacks in Ferguson that institutionalized racism exists in their community because they don't get out and vote out the white racist Republicans who are in power.

I can buy that in its entirety.
Are ALL white republicans racist?....Take care in your reply.
And....the advantages to Liberals of having bogus enemies to pretend to confront:

7. "The hyping of flimsy studies—melting Himalayan glaciers; vanishing polar ice—to press the political point. The job security and air of self-importance this provides the tens of thousands of people—EPA bureaucrats, wind-turbine manufacturers, litigious climate scientists, NGO gnomes—whose livelihoods depend on a climate crisis. The belief that even if the crisis isn’t quite what it’s cracked up to be, it does us all good to be more mindful about the environment.

And, of course, the chance to switch the subject. If your enemy is global jihad, then to defeat it you need military wherewithal, martial talents and political will. If your enemy is the structure of an energy-intensive global economy, then you need a compelling justification to change it. Climate dystopia can work wonders, provided the jihadists don’t interrupt too often.

Here’s a climate prediction for the year 2115:

Liberals will still be organizing campaigns against yet another mooted social or environmental crisis. Temperatures will be about the same." Liberalism’s Imaginary Enemies
You live your life according to the dictates of an imaginary supernatural being.
The facts are articulated here regarding liberalism's play book and in haste you pop off with some nonsense lashing out at religion....Brilliant come back.

The investigation of Ferguson, MO found systematic, institutionalized racism in the local government. That is fact, not imagination.
It did? How so?....Please, if you are going to spout statistics on the population of Ferguson vs the racial makeup of the local government, don't bother. It is no one's fault but the voters of Ferguson who show up to vote at a whopping 110% of registered turnout.
This is another liberal scare tactic to enrage blacks. Lying to them that the reasons for their poverty and inability to advance themselves out of their current situation has created a permanent underclass and given rise to anger among blacks.
The fact is liberal policies designed to move people out of poverty and to encourage blacks away from self segregation have not worked. In response your side's candidates run for office on a "don't vote GOP. We empathize with your problems. We will fix them. above all the GOP is the party of White people. They are racist and want to keep your down."....
Through decades of this, nothing. In fact democrat policies have made things worse. The election of the first black president was supposed to fix all of this. Instead, the nation has not been ideologically and racially divided as much as it is now.
And all you people can do is blame the villain. White conservatives.
You liberals will not own your actions. Never.

Okay so it's the fault of the blacks in Ferguson that institutionalized racism exists in their community because they don't get out and vote out the white racist Republicans who are in power.

I can buy that in its entirety.
Are ALL white republicans racist?....Take care in your reply.

No. What is wrong with you? Take care in your reply.
8. There is a motive, an impetus, for the Liberal pretend-crises: it justifies them having undeserved power to oppress the citizenry.

Latch on to a natural consequence of human nature....the myriad inequalities that exist, and will always exist....and claim such as a crime, one of those imaginary enemies of society.

What follows is regulation and taxation, i.e., power over the economy.....based on the risible claim to 'conquer economic inequalilty!'

Really? come the poorest cities in the nation have been under Liberal/Democrat control for over fifty years?

And abject failure is the least of it.....their predecessor, Soviet Communism, has the blood of over one hundred human being on their balance sheet, based on the same doctrines.
Really? come the poorest cities in the nation have been under Liberal/Democrat control for over fifty years?

Well its only been 50 years of failure. I'm sure when the cities hit 100 years of total liberal domination they will give up on liberalism!
8. There is a motive, an impetus, for the Liberal pretend-crises: it justifies them having undeserved power to oppress the citizenry.

Latch on to a natural consequence of human nature....the myriad inequalities that exist, and will always exist....and claim such as a crime, one of those imaginary enemies of society.

What follows is regulation and taxation, i.e., power over the economy.....based on the risible claim to 'conquer economic inequalilty!'

Really? come the poorest cities in the nation have been under Liberal/Democrat control for over fifty years?

And abject failure is the least of it.....their predecessor, Soviet Communism, has the blood of over one hundred human being on their balance sheet, based on the same doctrines.

Why are the richest cities in the US run by Democrats?

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