Liberalism's 'Worthy' Adversaries.

3. Institutionalized racism is an imaginary enemy. Somehow we’re supposed to believe that the same college administrators who have made a religion of diversity are really the second coming of Strom Thurmond.
Somehow we’re supposed to believe that twice electing a black president is evidence of our racial incorrigibility. We’re supposed to believe this anyway because the future of liberal racialism—from affirmative action to diversity quotas to slavery reparations—requires periodic sightings of the ghosts of a racist past."
Liberalism’s Imaginary Enemies

They play this card too often, it is 2015 and very little can be hidden...
The brilliant Dennis Prager has summarized the great divide in this way:
There are two kinds of people: those who fear terrorism, and those who fear second hand smoke.
Real liberals fear neither...

I have yet to see you provide any indication that you have even the slightest indication of of what a real liberal is.

That usually means a classical liberal...a conservative.

You, on the other hand, are a fake liberal...a socialist.

We've established that many times.
The brilliant Dennis Prager has summarized the great divide in this way:
There are two kinds of people: those who fear terrorism, and those who fear second hand smoke.
Real liberals fear neither...

I have yet to see you provide any indication that you have even the slightest indication of of what a real liberal is.

That usually means a classical liberal...a conservative.

You, on the other hand, are a fake liberal...a socialist.

We've established that many times.

Nowhere is it established in the English language that the only proper use of the term 'liberal' is to describe a 'classical liberal'.

Since you're a foreigner you can have another 'get out of ignorance free' card on that one.
The brilliant Dennis Prager has summarized the great divide in this way:
There are two kinds of people: those who fear terrorism, and those who fear second hand smoke.
Real liberals fear neither...

I have yet to see you provide any indication that you have even the slightest indication of of what a real liberal is.

That usually means a classical liberal...a conservative.

You, on the other hand, are a fake liberal...a socialist.

We've established that many times.

Nowhere is it established in the English language that the only proper use of the term 'liberal' is to describe a 'classical liberal'.

Since you're a foreigner you can have another 'get out of ignorance free' card on that one.

Amusing, isn't it, that I'm a foreigner, yet know so very much more than you do.

Now for your remedial instruction:

1. The nation was founded by classical liberals, what would be called conservatives today.

2.The litmus test (I probably have to teach you what that means, too) is to ask which group's doctrines is based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

a. “The American intellectual class from the mid 19th century onward has disliked liberalism (which originally referred to individualism, private property, and limits on power) precisely because the liberal society has no overarching goal.”

3. Now, don't you feel stupid?
The brilliant Dennis Prager has summarized the great divide in this way:
There are two kinds of people: those who fear terrorism, and those who fear second hand smoke.

The Left is content to fight imaginary evil, such as carbon emissions and second hand smoke and income inequality.

Yesterday, in the WSJ, Bret Stephens fleshes out the image of addle-brained Liberals, and their battles with windmills.

1. "Little children have imaginary friends. Modern liberalism has imaginary enemies.

Hunger in America is an imaginary enemy. Liberal ... claim that one in seven Americans is hungry—in a country [with] the highest rates of obesity.
The statistic is a preposterous extrapolation from a dubious Agriculture Department measure of “food insecurity.” [This] gives those advocacy groups a reason to exist while feeding the liberal narrative of America as a savage society of haves and have nots.

2. The campus-rape epidemic—in which one in five female college students is said to be the victim of sexual assault—is an imaginary enemy. Never mind the debunked rape scandals at Duke and the University of Virginia, or the soon-to-be-debunked case at the heart of “The Hunting Ground,” a documentary about an alleged sexual assault at Harvard Law School.

The real question is: If modern campuses were really zones of mass predation—Congo on the quad—why would intelligent young women even think of attending a coeducational school?

... there is no epidemic.But the campus-rape narrative sustains liberal fictions of a never-ending war on women.

3. Institutionalized racism is an imaginary enemy. Somehow we’re supposed to believe that the same college administrators who have made a religion of diversity are really the second coming of Strom Thurmond.
Somehow we’re supposed to believe that twice electing a black president is evidence of our racial incorrigibility. We’re supposed to believe this anyway because the future of liberal racialism—from affirmative action to diversity quotas to slavery reparations—requires periodic sightings of the ghosts of a racist past."
Liberalism’s Imaginary Enemies
It's easier to fight an imaginary enemy than a real one.
The brilliant Dennis Prager has summarized the great divide in this way:
There are two kinds of people: those who fear terrorism, and those who fear second hand smoke.

The Left is content to fight imaginary evil, such as carbon emissions and second hand smoke and income inequality.

Yesterday, in the WSJ, Bret Stephens fleshes out the image of addle-brained Liberals, and their battles with windmills.

1. "Little children have imaginary friends. Modern liberalism has imaginary enemies.

Hunger in America is an imaginary enemy. Liberal ... claim that one in seven Americans is hungry—in a country [with] the highest rates of obesity.
The statistic is a preposterous extrapolation from a dubious Agriculture Department measure of “food insecurity.” [This] gives those advocacy groups a reason to exist while feeding the liberal narrative of America as a savage society of haves and have nots.

2. The campus-rape epidemic—in which one in five female college students is said to be the victim of sexual assault—is an imaginary enemy. Never mind the debunked rape scandals at Duke and the University of Virginia, or the soon-to-be-debunked case at the heart of “The Hunting Ground,” a documentary about an alleged sexual assault at Harvard Law School.

The real question is: If modern campuses were really zones of mass predation—Congo on the quad—why would intelligent young women even think of attending a coeducational school?

... there is no epidemic.But the campus-rape narrative sustains liberal fictions of a never-ending war on women.

3. Institutionalized racism is an imaginary enemy. Somehow we’re supposed to believe that the same college administrators who have made a religion of diversity are really the second coming of Strom Thurmond.
Somehow we’re supposed to believe that twice electing a black president is evidence of our racial incorrigibility. We’re supposed to believe this anyway because the future of liberal racialism—from affirmative action to diversity quotas to slavery reparations—requires periodic sightings of the ghosts of a racist past."
Liberalism’s Imaginary Enemies
It's easier to fight an imaginary enemy than a real one.

This from the OP:

"2. The campus-rape epidemic—in which one in five female college students is said to be the victim of sexual assault—is an imaginary enemy. Never mind the debunked rape scandals at Duke and the University of Virginia, or the soon-to-be-debunked case at the heart of “The Hunting Ground,” a documentary about an alleged sexual assault at Harvard Law School.

The real question is: If modern campuses were really zones of mass predation—Congo on the quad—why would intelligent young women even think of attending a coeducational school?

... there is no epidemic.But the campus-rape narrative sustains liberal fictions of a never-ending war on women."

With a certain amount of schadenfreude, I must bring this up: following Liberal talking points, Hillary trapped herself thus:

Hillary Clinton

"To every survivor of sexual assault...You have the right to be heard. You have the right to be believed. We're with you." —Hillary
1:24 PM - 14 Sep 2015

"... they have “the right to be believed.”

Well, as it happens, her own husband has been accused of sexual assault. Not once,but several times. And contrary to Clinton’s bold new standard, the media and Democrats alike elected not to believe a single accusation.
No, Hillary Clinton, Rape Victims Don’t Have ‘Right to Be Believed’
The left sees boogeymen behind every corner
This is more dangerous to the democrats.....


Than this......


Not an exaggeration. One group votes one way, and so does the other group.

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