Liberalism's 'Worthy' Adversaries.

The brilliant Dennis Prager has summarized the great divide in this way:
There are two kinds of people: those who fear terrorism, and those who fear second hand smoke.

The Left is content to fight imaginary evil, such as carbon emissions and second hand smoke and income inequality.

Yesterday, in the WSJ, Bret Stephens fleshes out the image of addle-brained Liberals, and their battles with windmills.

1. "Little children have imaginary friends. Modern liberalism has imaginary enemies.

Hunger in America is an imaginary enemy. Liberal ... claim that one in seven Americans is hungry—in a country [with] the highest rates of obesity.
The statistic is a preposterous extrapolation from a dubious Agriculture Department measure of “food insecurity.” [This] gives those advocacy groups a reason to exist while feeding the liberal narrative of America as a savage society of haves and have nots.

2. The campus-rape epidemic—in which one in five female college students is said to be the victim of sexual assault—is an imaginary enemy. Never mind the debunked rape scandals at Duke and the University of Virginia, or the soon-to-be-debunked case at the heart of “The Hunting Ground,” a documentary about an alleged sexual assault at Harvard Law School.

The real question is: If modern campuses were really zones of mass predation—Congo on the quad—why would intelligent young women even think of attending a coeducational school?

... there is no epidemic.But the campus-rape narrative sustains liberal fictions of a never-ending war on women.

3. Institutionalized racism is an imaginary enemy. Somehow we’re supposed to believe that the same college administrators who have made a religion of diversity are really the second coming of Strom Thurmond.
Somehow we’re supposed to believe that twice electing a black president is evidence of our racial incorrigibility. We’re supposed to believe this anyway because the future of liberal racialism—from affirmative action to diversity quotas to slavery reparations—requires periodic sightings of the ghosts of a racist past."
Liberalism’s Imaginary Enemies
I've always found it fascinating how righties are fixated on their own self perceptions as "tough guys" or "tough girls"

I can explain that by the fact that self identifying "conservatives" usually have heightened intuition when identifying threats. I'm sure in some circumstances it's out of fear, and others perhaps experience.

It's too bad righties have allowed themselves to think all lefties are pussies, and also too bad that lefties have allowed themselves to think all righties are racist bullies.

None of that's really true in a general sense.

And it keeps people in tight groups that vote according to the way someone wants them to.

Nothing sinister, just life in politics
Fear tactics. Imagine that
I just Binged "do republicans use fear tactics" and got 12.6 million results... lol

Ever read a book?

Book: A set of written, printed,or blank pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers.

Ever read a book?

What a stupid response. What is it that you are trying to ask?

Do Republican use fear tactics? Sure they do.Thats all they have to offer.

Be afraid, be VERY afraid. Of Republicans.

Yes, be very afraid they might turn back the clock from socialism to American traditions and free-market capitalism creating a prosperous economy once more.
Fear tactics. Imagine that
I just Binged "do republicans use fear tactics" and got 12.6 million results... lol

Ever read a book?

Book: A set of written, printed,or blank pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers.
I don't understand

You referred to Google.

I'd appreciate it if you would articulate your point,as I did mine in the OP.
It contains specific examples that none have denied.
Im not going to. I am well aware of the lefts fear tactics. I am just aware that BOTH parties use fear tactics.
BTW, it was BING lol..

"I am well aware of the lefts fear tactics. I am just aware that BOTH parties use fear tactics."

Just not well enough to give examples of same.

You might wish to mull over my suggestion about reading books.
Fear tactics. Imagine that
I just Binged "do republicans use fear tactics" and got 12.6 million results... lol

Ever read a book?

Book: A set of written, printed,or blank pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers.

Ever read the Bible? It teaches you to have faith in the existence of that which is otherwise imaginary.

Is this the point of your thread? To discredit the Bible? To discredit religion?

Now, for your edification, here is the correct use of "So...." agree that any danger due to second hand smoke, hunger in America, the campus-rape epidemic, institutionalized racism or income inequality is imaginary.


I'll put you in a place you have rarely been found....the "true" column.

Now...the difference between belief in God and the acceptance of what we just stipulated is "imaginary" is that the former is not a basis for public policy.

Pretty significant, huh?

I did not stipulate to any such things. So you're lying.

Religion plays a VERY significant role in public policy. Your assertion that is doesn't is your second lie.

You wrote this, didn't you: "....have faith in the existence of that which is otherwise imaginary."

Skewered you again, huh?
Fear tactics. Imagine that
I just Binged "do republicans use fear tactics" and got 12.6 million results... lol

Ever read a book?

Book: A set of written, printed,or blank pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers.
I don't understand

You referred to Google.

I'd appreciate it if you would articulate your point,as I did mine in the OP.
It contains specific examples that none have denied.
Im not going to. I am well aware of the lefts fear tactics. I am just aware that BOTH parties use fear tactics.
BTW, it was BING lol..

"I am well aware of the lefts fear tactics. I am just aware that BOTH parties use fear tactics."

Just not well enough to give examples of same.

You might wish to mull over my suggestion about reading books.
Really PC? smh
Fear tactics. Imagine that
I just Binged "do republicans use fear tactics" and got 12.6 million results... lol

Ever read a book?

Book: A set of written, printed,or blank pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers.

Ever read the Bible? It teaches you to have faith in the existence of that which is otherwise imaginary.

Is this the point of your thread? To discredit the Bible? To discredit religion?

Now, for your edification, here is the correct use of "So...." agree that any danger due to second hand smoke, hunger in America, the campus-rape epidemic, institutionalized racism or income inequality is imaginary.


I'll put you in a place you have rarely been found....the "true" column.

Now...the difference between belief in God and the acceptance of what we just stipulated is "imaginary" is that the former is not a basis for public policy.

Pretty significant, huh?

I did not stipulate to any such things. So you're lying.

Religion plays a VERY significant role in public policy. Your assertion that is doesn't is your second lie.

You wrote this, didn't you: "....have faith in the existence of that which is otherwise imaginary."

Skewered you again, huh?

I wrote that in reference to the Bible, which as you can see in my last post,

you declared as the basis for the Constitution, despite having just denied that belief in the imaginary was a basis for public policy.
Fear tactics. Imagine that
I just Binged "do republicans use fear tactics" and got 12.6 million results... lol

Ever read a book?

Book: A set of written, printed,or blank pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers.

Ever read a book?

What a stupid response. What is it that you are trying to ask?

Do Republican use fear tactics? Sure they do.Thats all they have to offer.

Be afraid, be VERY afraid. Of Republicans. about YOU produce a list of GOP "scare tactics"
The brilliant Dennis Prager has summarized the great divide in this way:
There are two kinds of people: those who fear terrorism, and those who fear second hand smoke.

The Left is content to fight imaginary evil, such as carbon emissions and second hand smoke and income inequality.

Yesterday, in the WSJ, Bret Stephens fleshes out the image of addle-brained Liberals, and their battles with windmills.

1. "Little children have imaginary friends. Modern liberalism has imaginary enemies.

Hunger in America is an imaginary enemy. Liberal ... claim that one in seven Americans is hungry—in a country [with] the highest rates of obesity.
The statistic is a preposterous extrapolation from a dubious Agriculture Department measure of “food insecurity.” [This] gives those advocacy groups a reason to exist while feeding the liberal narrative of America as a savage society of haves and have nots.

2. The campus-rape epidemic—in which one in five female college students is said to be the victim of sexual assault—is an imaginary enemy. Never mind the debunked rape scandals at Duke and the University of Virginia, or the soon-to-be-debunked case at the heart of “The Hunting Ground,” a documentary about an alleged sexual assault at Harvard Law School.

The real question is: If modern campuses were really zones of mass predation—Congo on the quad—why would intelligent young women even think of attending a coeducational school?

... there is no epidemic.But the campus-rape narrative sustains liberal fictions of a never-ending war on women.

3. Institutionalized racism is an imaginary enemy. Somehow we’re supposed to believe that the same college administrators who have made a religion of diversity are really the second coming of Strom Thurmond.
Somehow we’re supposed to believe that twice electing a black president is evidence of our racial incorrigibility. We’re supposed to believe this anyway because the future of liberal racialism—from affirmative action to diversity quotas to slavery reparations—requires periodic sightings of the ghosts of a racist past."
Liberalism’s Imaginary Enemies
I've always found it fascinating how righties are fixated on their own self perceptions as "tough guys" or "tough girls"

I can explain that by the fact that self identifying "conservatives" usually have heightened intuition when identifying threats. I'm sure in some circumstances it's out of fear, and others perhaps experience.

It's too bad righties have allowed themselves to think all lefties are pussies, and also too bad that lefties have allowed themselves to think all righties are racist bullies.

None of that's really true in a general sense.

And it keeps people in tight groups that vote according to the way someone wants them to.

Nothing sinister, just life in politics

When you recover consciousness you may realize that your post is not related to anything I've posted.

It, in fact, is more related to Hamlet's soliloquy....sans any literary achievements.
You live your life according to the dictates of an imaginary supernatural being.
The facts are articulated here regarding liberalism's play book and in haste you pop off with some nonsense lashing out at religion....Brilliant come back.

The charge was that liberals live according to beliefs that are imaginary. You believe in an imaginary supernatural being.

What's the difference? Other than the fact that the first statement is false and the second is true...
"Now...the difference between belief in God and the acceptance of what we just stipulated is "imaginary" is that the former is not a basis for public policy."

Pretty significant, huh?

It's very significant, given that less than a month ago you said this:

"The Constitution is based on the Bible, too."

Interesting. lolol.

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The founding of this country and its laws are based on Juedeo Christian tenets. I am well aware that fact is acid to the gullet of liberalism.
You live your life according to the dictates of an imaginary supernatural being.
The facts are articulated here regarding liberalism's play book and in haste you pop off with some nonsense lashing out at religion....Brilliant come back.

The investigation of Ferguson, MO found systematic, institutionalized racism in the local government. That is fact, not imagination.
You live your life according to the dictates of an imaginary supernatural being.
The facts are articulated here regarding liberalism's play book and in haste you pop off with some nonsense lashing out at religion....Brilliant come back.

The charge was that liberals live according to beliefs that are imaginary. You believe in an imaginary supernatural being.

What's the difference? Other than the fact that the first statement is false and the second is true...
Huge difference. The religious teachings go back thousands of years. Liberalism in it present form is but a few decades in age.
Comparing the two is moot....
You are not debating the issue of a political ideology and its manner of holding it's base, you are rationalizing.
"Now...the difference between belief in God and the acceptance of what we just stipulated is "imaginary" is that the former is not a basis for public policy."

Pretty significant, huh?

It's very significant, given that less than a month ago you said this:

"The Constitution is based on the Bible, too."

Interesting. lolol.

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The founding of this country and its laws are based on Juedeo Christian tenets. I am well aware that fact is acid to the gullet of liberalism.

The basis for the Bible is the belief in an imaginary supernatural being.

The first Commandment is a commandment that the God of the Bible be one's one and only God.
Fear tactics. Imagine that
I just Binged "do republicans use fear tactics" and got 12.6 million results... lol

Ever read a book?

Book: A set of written, printed,or blank pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers.

Ever read a book?

What a stupid response. What is it that you are trying to ask?

Do Republican use fear tactics? Sure they do.Thats all they have to offer.

Be afraid, be VERY afraid. Of Republicans.

Yes, be very afraid they might turn back the clock from socialism to American traditions and free-market capitalism creating a prosperous economy once more.

Excellent post, sis!

And in that vein, the next generations may be just what you predict:

"...a generation that hasn’t been fully defined but appears to break from millennials—and one that doesn’t yet have a widely accepted name. MTV is looking to change that, and the network will announce a new name Wednesday: the Founders.

MTV President Sean Atkins says the name acknowledges that while millennials have disrupted society, it’s this new generation’s job to rebuild it. “They have this self-awareness that systems have been broken,” he told TIME ahead of the announcement. “But they can’t be the generation that says we’ll break it even more.”
Here's What MTV Is Calling the Generation After Millennials

Imagine....a generation that has had enough of the socialist/Liberal/Progressives/Democrats!

"'Tis a consummation. Devoutly to be wished. "
You live your life according to the dictates of an imaginary supernatural being.
The facts are articulated here regarding liberalism's play book and in haste you pop off with some nonsense lashing out at religion....Brilliant come back.

The charge was that liberals live according to beliefs that are imaginary. You believe in an imaginary supernatural being.

What's the difference? Other than the fact that the first statement is false and the second is true...
Huge difference. The religious teachings go back thousands of years. Liberalism in it present form is but a few decades in age.
Comparing the two is moot....
You are not debating the issue of a political ideology and its manner of holding it's base, you are rationalizing.

All sorts of bad things go back thousands of years.

The United States were ZERO decades old at the time of the writing of the Constitution. Are you claiming that lack of longevity delegitimizes this country and its form of government?
You live your life according to the dictates of an imaginary supernatural being.
The facts are articulated here regarding liberalism's play book and in haste you pop off with some nonsense lashing out at religion....Brilliant come back.

The charge was that liberals live according to beliefs that are imaginary. You believe in an imaginary supernatural being.

What's the difference? Other than the fact that the first statement is false and the second is true...
Huge difference. The religious teachings go back thousands of years. Liberalism in it present form is but a few decades in age.
Comparing the two is moot....
You are not debating the issue of a political ideology and its manner of holding it's base, you are rationalizing.

He's simply doing his regular schtick: obfuscation.

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