Liberals always win!


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
When it comes to social issues in the US, liberals always win the argument.

From the abolition of slavery to womens right to vote to civil rights, liberal ideology always wins out.
In the end, Conservatives accept liberal concepts as their own
Liberals always win because they think everyone should get a trophy and get graded on a curve.
Founding of the Country........Liberals win
Abolition of slavery........Liberals win
Womens vote........Liberals win
Child labor laws........Liberals win
40 hour workweek........Liberals win
Workplace safety........Liberals win
Social Security........Liberals win
Civil Rights........Liberals win
Environmental Protection........Liberals win
Womans rights........Liberals win
Gay rights........Liberals win
Founding of the Country........Liberals win
Abolition of slavery........Liberals win
Womens vote........Liberals win
Child labor laws........Liberals win
40 hour workweek........Liberals win
Workplace safety........Liberals win
Social Security........Liberals win
Civil Rights........Liberals win
Environmental Protection........Liberals win
Womans rights........Liberals win
Gay rights........Liberals win
Why you no list "Strong Economy"? Why no "Job Creation"? there? :confused:
Founding of the Country........Liberals win
Abolition of slavery........Liberals win
Womens vote........Liberals win
Child labor laws........Liberals win
40 hour workweek........Liberals win
Workplace safety........Liberals win
Social Security........Liberals win
Civil Rights........Liberals win
Environmental Protection........Liberals win
Womans rights........Liberals win
Gay rights........Liberals win
Why you no list "Strong Economy"? Why no "Job Creation"? there? :confused:

Do we have "Strong Economy" laws?
There is no liberty, the foundation of liberal concepts, in forced tolerance. So they may "win" the argument, but there is nothing liberal about their position. Authoritarian is much more accurate.
Let's also not forget the insurmountable hypocracy of most of todays "liberals" positions. Such as we shoud all have "free" healthcare, unless you're on the assassination list.
There is no liberty, the foundation of liberal concepts, in forced tolerance. So they may "win" the argument, but there is nothing liberal about their position. Authoritarian is much more accurate.


"Forced" tolerance.

Gotta love it.

That's part of the structure of the United States Constitution.

"Forcing" the Majority to respect the rights of the Minority.
Was it LIBERALISM that gave us the PATRIOT ACT?

That is a social policy, too.

Doesn't seem very anti-authoritarian to me.
And yet, it is still completely true. Individual liberty as a protection is not part of the axiom of modern day "liberal" concepts. The idea is not to "force" anyone to do anything, but rather to protect the individuals rights. A concept that completely blindsides the LOLberal in todays world.
"Was it LIBERALISM that gave us the PATRIOT ACT?

That is a social policy, too.

Doesn't seem very anti-authoritarian to me."

(just because I can't 'thanks' twice)
"Individual liberty as a protection is not part of the axiom of modern day "liberal" concepts."

I don't know what a 'liberal' is for certain, but, as with most political groups, most of that group's members are probably not certain, either.

It is possible, however, for one to think that one's own safety and liberty is made more sure when as many others as possible are happy.

Theoretically, protection of the individual is at least in part bound up with protection of all.

Brother(and Sister)hood.

Love others as yourself.
"Individual liberty as a protection is not part of the axiom of modern day "liberal" concepts."

I don't know what a 'liberal' is for certain, but, as with most political groups, most of that group's members are probably not certain, either.

It is possible, however, for one to think that one's own safety and liberty is made more sure when as many others as possible are happy.

Theoretically, protection of the individual is at least in part bound up with protection of all.

Brother(and Sister)hood.

Love others as yourself.

Hence why forced tolerance is not a liberal concept. Authoritarian it is, liberal it is not. If it were true that the todays liberals cared about the happiness of others, they wouldn't be so quick to use government's monopoly on the use of force to exact their version of "social justice".

The last 100 years is ripe with the hypocracy of this concept. Special interest groups is what todays "liberal" focuses on, not the individuals liberty. Or we wouldn't have force racial integration, forced participation in government ponzi schemes, etc.

Liberalism died years ago and was replaced by special interest group "liberalism". Which is both a modern day republican and democrat position. The only difference is in which way these two groups wish to apply force onto everyone via the iron fist and for what cause/idea.
"Individual liberty as a protection is not part of the axiom of modern day "liberal" concepts."

I don't know what a 'liberal' is for certain, but, as with most political groups, most of that group's members are probably not certain, either.

It is possible, however, for one to think that one's own safety and liberty is made more sure when as many others as possible are happy.

Theoretically, protection of the individual is at least in part bound up with protection of all.

Brother(and Sister)hood.

Love others as yourself.

Hence why forced tolerance is not a liberal concept. Authoritarian it is, liberal it is not. If it were true that the todays liberals cared about the happiness of others, they wouldn't be so quick to use government's monopoly on the use of force to exact their version of "social justice".

The last 100 years is ripe with the hypocracy of this concept. Special interest groups is what todays "liberal" focuses on, not the individuals liberty. Or we wouldn't have force racial integration, forced participation in government ponzi schemes, etc.

Liberalism died years ago and was replaced by special interest group "liberalism". Which is both a modern day republican and democrat position. The only difference is in which way these two groups wish to apply force onto everyone via the iron fist and for what cause/idea.

There is no "forced tolerance"

You just can't force the government to enforce your intollerance

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