Liberals and Liberal Media Attack Steve Martin Over Carrie Fisher Tribute


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"When I was a young man, Carrie Fisher was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. She turned out to be witty and bright as well."
-- Steve Martin

THESE are the comments that drove Intolerant Liberal snowflakes bat-shit crazy and drove them to attack Steve Martin for being a 'Sexist'. Martin pulled the tribute after being attacked.


When you 1st saw/see Carrie Fisher (or any woman) do you immediately notice her extremely large intellect and her witty personality? Umm, NO.

Aside from there being absolutely NOTHING wrong with what Martin said - no ill intent meant, in his defense - stating a FACT -- what young boy did NOT have this poster up on his wall in his room growing up at the time?


If you didn't you were 1) not a Star Wars fan and/or 2) GAY


Steve Martin deletes Twitter tribute to Carrie Fisher after backlash
Intolerant Communists invented PC (Political Correctness). It's the enemy of Free Speech. I thought his tribute was fine. He shouldn't have given in to the Safe Spacer Snowflake assholes. He gave them exactly what they wanted.
They just can't help themselves.

At least people are laughing at it now.
When you 1st saw/see Carrie Fisher (or any woman) do you immediately notice her extremely large intellect and her witty personality? Umm, NO.
Exactly. You have to get to know a person to see if there is anything more to them than just their appearance.

God bless you and her family and Steve always!!!


P.S. In my opinion, him taking down his tribute only gave his "haters" a win on a silver platter.
Because liberalfilth (one word now) have become the ultimate hate group (and I used to be a leftist hippie years ago myself so I know), and I'm convinced that these humorless, joyless, leftist testaments to everything mankind has ever done wrong, want everyone else to be as miserable as they are. Yes, I was VERY turned on by Return of the Jedi's, Leia-gold-bikini as any other boy at the time. Carrie had such a big, bawdy sense of humor about herself, she would have certainly taken that as a compliment. In real life, Carrie Fisher was quite a colorful character.

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