Steve Martin had to delete his Tweet on Carrie Fisher???



which one?

the worm squished on the bottom of the chicks foot

You know, there was nothing wrong with that tweet. Steve Martin was simply referring to the fact that she rose to cult idol status BECAUSE of how good looking she was, and later, everyone noticed she was smart and funny as well and had depth. Not only did she produce and star in her own show, but she has also written several best selling books as well.

Yeah, we first noticed her for her looks, but we also noticed her for her brains and humor as well. That's all Steve Martin was referring to.

If you have to get offended, get offended at the Cinnabon tweet that showed Carrie Fisher with a large cinnamon roll as one of her famous braids, and saying that she will always have the best buns in the galaxy. That was nothing more than a shameful marketing ploy, using her death as a way to sell their product.
I agree with your comments about Steve Martin, but then you seem to go off the rails again over the cinnabon thing.

I thought it was a humorous tribute to Fishers iconic hair job in the first Star Wars film, so what?

If your libtards would start pegging yourselves with pure carbon strap ons you could make diamond, methinks.
I dont' see anything wrong with his tweet.
To me, the only thing wrong with the picture is his two pennies being removed from it. If people didn't like what he had to say, who is forcing them to have anything to do with him in the first place?

God bless you and Steve always!!!

You know, there was nothing wrong with that tweet. Steve Martin was simply referring to the fact that she rose to cult idol status BECAUSE of how good looking she was, and later, everyone noticed she was smart and funny as well and had depth. Not only did she produce and star in her own show, but she has also written several best selling books as well.

Yeah, we first noticed her for her looks, but we also noticed her for her brains and humor as well. That's all Steve Martin was referring to.

If you have to get offended, get offended at the Cinnabon tweet that showed Carrie Fisher with a large cinnamon roll as one of her famous braids, and saying that she will always have the best buns in the galaxy. That was nothing more than a shameful marketing ploy, using her death as a way to sell their product.
I agree with your comments about Steve Martin, but then you seem to go off the rails again over the cinnabon thing.

I thought it was a humorous tribute to Fishers iconic hair job in the first Star Wars film, so what?

If your libtards would start pegging yourselves with pure carbon strap ons you could make diamond, methinks. your opinion, it's okay to use the death of a famous person to sell your product?
I'm a big liberal here. I like Steve Martin's comments. First and foremost he is a comedian. Second he was stating that sometime we don't appreciate all the qualities of someone when we are first introduced to them. Steve should have held his ground.
Makes you wonder... can a person die from profound grief. Apparently Debbie and Carrie were very close and actually lived next door to each other.

If one of my daughters passed away I'm not sure how I would cope with it. Or even my godson/son-in-law. Parents are not supposed to out-live their offspring. That's practically a law of nature. We expect them to live longer than we do.

It would be absolutely heartbreaking. Perhaps Debbie Reynolds died of a broken heart.
This is unbelievable. WTF is wrong with people? He was being kind and sincere, for christ's sake!

Steve Martin deletes Twitter tribute to Carrie Fisher after backlash
Steve Martin deletes Twitter tribute to Carrie Fisher after backlash

"On Tuesday, the comic wrote in a since-deleted tweet, "When I was a young man, Carrie Fisher was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. She turned out to be witty and bright as well."
I was an adult when Star Wars came out, and did not think that Carrie Fisher was hot, or even particularly good looking. When I discovered that a whole generation to teenaged boys had pupped their puds to her, I was amazed at their lack of good taste in women. your opinion, it's okay to use the death of a famous person to sell your product?
It is starting with a very tacky idea, but if it is done right it can work.

Certainly there should be no law against it, and there are so many things of far greater importance than to harass small businesses that do such things.
So what you are saying is that all liberals should agree with what all liberals do, even the most radical. Do you equate this same ideology to all conservatives?
No, not "should" but this is what liberals expect of each other. Liberals are generally not bothered with the facts or reasons of why someone dissents within their ranks, but they sure as hell do punish them for it when it occurs, which is why few liberals ever dissent from their herd any more at all.

That used to be the hall mark of the classic liberal, but it such no more. No more Gore Vidals who would be cursed and run out of the Democratic Party today alogn with Jim Webb. They both think way too much independently..
^ There is some truth in this statement. My liberal minions have been in a civil war since the election, there are three very well defined camps: Sanders, Democrats, Hillary. Anyone who steps out of line is immediately thrown into a different "camp" and further argument ensues as to which "camp" they'll be ostracized to. It's fascinating, but I can't say much or they go completely ballistic about me being on one side or the other - even though they are all well aware I voted for Trump.
^ There is some truth in this statement. My liberal minions have been in a civil war since the election, there are three very well defined camps: Sanders, Democrats, Hillary. Anyone who steps out of line is immediately thrown into a different "camp" and further argument ensues as to which "camp" they'll be ostracized to. It's fascinating, but I can't say much or they go completely ballistic about me being on one side or the other - even though they are all well aware I voted for Trump.
That is sad. Once the ideologues take over anything, civil wars ensue due to the fragmentation of tolerance within the once larger group.

Hopefully the most pragmatic faction will win out, most likely, and we can have a decent opposition party to the GOP once again.
I am pretty sure no side will "win out" in the case with my minions specifically, all sides have lost already so now they bicker about the past and useless "what if" scenarios. Some good has come of it at least - they're no longer pissing their beds that Trump is going to send people out to gun them down ~rolls eyes~ Though that is kind of the fascinating part for me personally, their war with each other has put the "true enemy" completely out of their minds - divide and conquer in all it's glory. The mental gymnastics have really brought to the fore how ill prepared these folks are for the real world; that is to say that on election night these people were literally having nightmares and panic attacks, then as though a switch was flipped they turned upon each other like packs of wolves and began inventing reasons to hate each other from thin air.

There is some hope, though I'm a bit loath to play the game... They merely need an enemy there is potential to beat and they'll come "together" again. I could just manipulate them onto a new target to realign them, but I am having a moral conflict as to which is more damaging; that I manipulate them, or that I allow them to continue to tear each other apart. I have never sought such power over my friends ideologies and I'm not keen to do so now, even if for their own good - I am after all an individualist. I suppose in truth, I am hoping the DNC will pull their heads out of their asses and resolve this for me, but it's not looking hopeful...

It seems the DNC is pushing a few options as the "new enemy," but by my reckoning none seem to be catching... The "far right" or "alt right" - I don't think there's enough of them out there to satisfy the liberals "need" for a "worthy" enemy. Option two is apparently the Russian's, but if my minions are any indication that idea is a complete wash - if anything over half my minions are angered by the suggestion (generally the Dem's and the Bern's); one stated that if Russia had a hand in exposing the corruption then they thank them. ( Though to be fair, a good number of my minions are Alaskans and have had direct contact and, thus have gained respect for, many Russian's - in fact some number of my minions are Russian. ) The fake news angle is failing miserably since their own puppets are snared in that scheme. Then there is the latest addition, Israel, which has been thoroughly rejected within my group as some number are avid supporters. China seemed to have a little traction and I'd hope that would put an end to it, but it seems like the DNC dropped that for whatever reason.

In general the reaction within my group has been far from visceral for any of the DNC's suggestions, the DNC will need to dig much further. They're in a serious hurt box because the rug is pulled out from under their typical go-to enemies; capitalists, rich people, corporations, etc. All of that is a lost cause now, and will be for the next 4 to 8. The DNC is going to have to pull something major out of their ass to straighten this mess out. I am just crossing my fingers that the DNC isn't quick enough to start an actual war before they're out of power. If the DNC had half a brain they'd throw the UN under the bus since it may very well be a lost cause now, but since Obama is considered to move in there I suspect they won't (and it'll be a major blow if the UN goes down after they put him in, making matters far worse. I almost feel like they're setting themselves up for failure by /not/ capitalizing on the faltering UN support.) I can hope they'd turn on Turkey or Iran (likely lost causes as well,) but again the big picture would be warped.

They've really painted themselves into a corner this time and I'm not sure how they'll get out of it.

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