Steve Martin had to delete his Tweet on Carrie Fisher???

I am pretty sure no side will "win out" in the case with my minions specifically, all sides have lost already so now they bicker about the past and useless "what if" scenarios. ....
There is some hope, though I'm a bit loath to play the game... They merely need an enemy there is potential to beat and they'll come "together" again. I could just manipulate them onto a new target to realign them, but I am having a moral conflict as to which is more damaging; that I manipulate them, or that I allow them to continue to tear each other apart. I have never sought such power over my friends ideologies and I'm not keen to do so now, even if for their own good - I am after all an individualist. I suppose in truth, I am hoping the DNC will pull their heads out of their asses and resolve this for me, but it's not looking hopeful...

It seems the DNC is pushing a few options as the "new enemy," but by my reckoning none seem to be catching... ......
Fascinating, I feel like a zoologist reading that, lol.

I think that there is an obvious target for the people of the USA to unite behind, and I think even the leftish Democrats can get behind it as well; the multinational corporations that have created this huge corporate crony network of lobbyists, bought politicians and media talking heads all orchestrated to cement these multinationals into permanent power. This network has always existed in this country since corporations were contrived, but now, with all financial restraints removed from them by a corrupt and addle minded SCOTUS, and conniving Bush and Clinton families, these vile beings are poised to take complete control of our nation irrevocably given a little more success at the box office.

Truthfulness is useful for just that reason; it is more efficient and effective at galvanizing people together when they can just hear and see the real threats.
Hmm there are some bad corporations I'm sure, and if the damn public were capable of seeing in anything other than black or white, I'd agree - however we both know the retaliation would be universal rather than just those who've done wrong. I could not support a political war against corporate America, regardless of which party was throwing daggers...

Not to mention it's a bit rough to pull that kind of stint when we've just opened the floodgates to prosperity via corporations - again the rug has been pulled out from under that one for the next 4 to 8 so I don't think it'd work at this time anyway.
The offensive part to left wing nut jobs telling other people how they can remember Carrie memory of her is as Princess a movie that showed good v. evil and the good guys standing up against the evil guys....I could care less what she did in her later life....that role was what I remember about her.....

The left are totalitarian assholes and they need to be stood up to...Martin should not only retweet that message he should say how hot she was in that bikini......just because they attacked him for his original tweet...
Militant feminism. Where it's considered an insult to call someone beautiful before you comment on them being witty and brilliant. I guarantee if Martin had said that first the horde wouldn't have made a peep.
You know, Steve Martin was simply stating what everyone else was thinking. Yeah, we noticed her for her looks first, but then we appreciated her for her mind and humor when we got to know her a bit better.
The offensive part to left wing nut jobs telling other people how they can remember Carrie memory of her is as Princess a movie that showed good v. evil and the good guys standing up against the evil guys....I could care less what she did in her later life....that role was what I remember about her.....

The left are totalitarian assholes and they need to be stood up to...Martin should not only retweet that message he should say how hot she was in that bikini......just because they attacked him for his original tweet...
She is remembered as Princess Leia -- and that bikini. That's what Steve Martin was talking about. Nothing "wrong" (or right) about that. It just IS. Good Allah you "can't" even mention that you think a woman is "beautiful" according to the feminist nutjobs? I don't know a single woman who don't appreciate being noticed because she looks good.

Libs piss me off more and more every day.
This is unbelievable. WTF is wrong with people? He was being kind and sincere, for christ's sake!

Steve Martin deletes Twitter tribute to Carrie Fisher after backlash
Steve Martin deletes Twitter tribute to Carrie Fisher after backlash

"On Tuesday, the comic wrote in a since-deleted tweet, "When I was a young man, Carrie Fisher was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. She turned out to be witty and bright as well."

What do you think happened? The party of bedwetters freaked out.

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