Liberals and Progressives Fear Sarah Palin

She is to progressive liberals as holy water is to vampires, Ssssss...:lol:

Liberals and Progressives Fear Sarah Palin

June 01, 2011

Talk show host Rush Limbaugh says that, if he were President Barack Obama, he would not want to face a staunch conservative such as former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin because she carries a frightening message — that he is beatable. Limbaugh also said on Fox News Thursday night that the GOP establishment fears Palin as well.

Fox News’ Greta van Susteren asked Limbaugh whether Palin’s announced bus trip marks the beginning of her presidential campaign.

“I think this bus trip — it’s certainly designed to get people speculating that she’s in,” Limbaugh said. “The thing about Sarah Palin to me is that she has now learned to relish and to profit from all the attention — negative or positive — and she certainly knows negative attention.

Liberals and Progressives Fear Sarah Palin // Current TV

I don't think they fear her. She's an easy target, that's all. She puts her foot in her mouth almost every time she talks. There are many conservative women who are a lot smarter than she is. About her only claim to fame are her catch phrases and sound bites, which account for her popularity and unpopularity at the same time.

She is to progressive liberals as holy water is to vampires, Ssssss...:lol:

Liberals and Progressives Fear Sarah Palin

June 01, 2011

Talk show host Rush Limbaugh says that, if he were President Barack Obama, he would not want to face a staunch conservative such as former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin because she carries a frightening message — that he is beatable. Limbaugh also said on Fox News Thursday night that the GOP establishment fears Palin as well.

Fox News’ Greta van Susteren asked Limbaugh whether Palin’s announced bus trip marks the beginning of her presidential campaign.

“I think this bus trip — it’s certainly designed to get people speculating that she’s in,” Limbaugh said. “The thing about Sarah Palin to me is that she has now learned to relish and to profit from all the attention — negative or positive — and she certainly knows negative attention.

Liberals and Progressives Fear Sarah Palin // Current TV

I don't think they fear her. She's an easy target, that's all. She puts her foot in her mouth almost every time she talks. There are many conservative women who are a lot smarter than she is. About her only claim to fame are her catch phrases and sound bites, which account for her popularity and unpopularity at the same time.

You start out handicapped...:eusa_hand:

She is to progressive liberals as holy water is to vampires, Ssssss...:lol:

Liberals and Progressives Fear Sarah Palin

June 01, 2011

Talk show host Rush Limbaugh says that, if he were President Barack Obama, he would not want to face a staunch conservative such as former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin because she carries a frightening message — that he is beatable. Limbaugh also said on Fox News Thursday night that the GOP establishment fears Palin as well.

Fox News’ Greta van Susteren asked Limbaugh whether Palin’s announced bus trip marks the beginning of her presidential campaign.

“I think this bus trip — it’s certainly designed to get people speculating that she’s in,” Limbaugh said. “The thing about Sarah Palin to me is that she has now learned to relish and to profit from all the attention — negative or positive — and she certainly knows negative attention.

Liberals and Progressives Fear Sarah Palin // Current TV

I don't think they fear her. She's an easy target, that's all. She puts her foot in her mouth almost every time she talks. There are many conservative women who are a lot smarter than she is. About her only claim to fame are her catch phrases and sound bites, which account for her popularity and unpopularity at the same time.

You start out handicapped...:eusa_hand:

You've been handicapped your entire life if you have to do juvenile things like boldface sentence fragments. It's obvious you have the mentality of a child and you are incapable of having an adult conversation.
How Sarah Palin Is Right About Washington

By Margaret Carlson Apr 29, 2013

We call it the “nerd prom,” hoping that a dose of irony will inoculate us. But there’s no use denying it: The White House Correspondents’ Association’s annual dinner is a deeply narcissistic event.


Not Funny
The heart of the evening is a monologue by a hired comedian. (This year it was Conan O’Brien.) The president goes first, however, reading jokes written for him by speechwriters who could be doing other things. President Barack Obama, like George W. Bush before him, has mastered the self-deprecating joke. Even when the lines -- from the president or the professional -- aren’t funny, we all chuckle indiscriminately, because none of us wants to fail the exam or lose the student- council election. We fail to notice we have become what we used to criticize.

The criticism that the dinner constitutes an exchange of favors between the political, celebrity and journalistic classes misses the point. The politicians see the dinner mostly as an obligation. The celebrities see it mostly as a disappointment. A few years ago comedian Larry David attended. When he was asked to come again he said no, adding that you have to be a dinner virgin to attend in the first place. George Clooney said he was surprised when his car pulled up to a hotel: He thought the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner was at the White House, not in a basement ballroom with 2,500 other people. I don’t think he was joking.


How Sarah Palin Is Right About Washington - Bloomberg
Margaret Carlson? That's funny. I noticed she now has blonde hair. She's desperate for attention and relevance - so she is leaning right.
Yeah, because she is an absolute buffoon. She has no credibility anymore. Anyone claiming that liberals are scared Of her because she is telling the truth is delusional. I was scared because she was that close to being president, and is one of the biggest imbeciles to ever grace the political scene.

You're a buffoon and that's total bullshit. Anyone calling Sarah Palin an idiot is automatically lying or an idiot themselves. You offer the usual proof: none.
Palin instantly redlines the gay hate-o-meter. It's pretty funny to watch.

I believe they hate the fertile.

Palin accuses president of ‘shuck and jive’ on Libya

By Erik Wemple

Like many conservative pundits, Sarah Palin is criticizing President Obama for his administration’s inconsistent statements on the Benghazi, Libya, attack. Unlike many conservative pundits, Palin used the term “shuck and jive” to describe Obama’s behavior.

In a Facebook post today, Palin wrote: “Obama’s Shuck and Jive Ends With Benghazi Lies.” She also used the term in the text of the post, which concludes, “President Obama’s shuck and jive shtick with these Benghazi lies must end.”


Palin accuses president of ‘shuck and jive’ on Libya - Erik Wemple - The Washington Post


Hypocrisy: Chris Matthews says 'shuck and jive' racist, but used term 3 times
election 2012

October 25, 2012
By: Joe Newby

On Wednesday, Chris Matthews called Sarah Palin a racist for using the term "shuck and jive," but Newsbusters' Scott Whitlock wrote Wednesday evening that Matthews used the phrase "while talking to Rachel Maddow about her visit to Afghanistan."

Matthews was upset because Palin wrote a Facebook note entitled, "Obama's shuck and jive ends with Benghazi lies."

“The blatantness of this thing, I think, went through the roof the other day when Sarah Palin, who people have mixed views, put out a Facebook post titled ‘Obama’s shuck and jive ends with Benghazi lies,’” Matthews told Clarence Page.

“A dog whistle is a dog whistle. A trumpet call is another,” he said.

But it turns out that the perpetually angry MSNBC host used the phrase at least three times.

"What has it been like, as you shuck and jive, hang out with the men over there, the women over there, in uniform risking their lives every day?" he asked Rachel Maddow on July 7, 2010.

"The outrageously outraged reaction to this expression from perennial hypocrites like Chris Matthews has only made me laugh," she wrote. "Mr. Matthews, let me share with you my favorite Irish toast: 'May we always be happy, and may our enemies always know it.'”


Chris Matthews: Support for Romney driven by racial hatred of Obama

MSNBC: Saying 'golf' and 'Chicago' is racist

Rush Limbaugh: MSNBC loony bin of uncontrollable rage and anger

MSNBC still network of insane liberal hate

Yes, Virginia, there is a Democrat-media complex

MSNBC's Chris Matthews: Racism behind Obama's falling popularity among whites

Hypocrisy: Chris Matthews says 'shuck and jive' racist, but used term 3 times - Spokane Conservative |

Is Matthews a jiveass?

Hell yes, he is.

Sarah Palin for Senate? Some tea party activists want her to run

By Kim Murphy
April 30, 2013

SEATTLE — Sarah Palin’s last elective position in Alaska ended early when in 2009 she abandoned the governorship midway through her first term.

But tea party activists appear eager for a comeback, urging supporters to contribute money toward recruiting Palin to run for the U.S. Senate in her home state, where, according to an email sent out this week, she has a “clear path” to defeat incumbent Democrat Mark Begich.

“You and I both know that Sarah Palin is a fighter who will stand up to Harry Reid and his pals in the Senate to protect our Constitution in issues like amnesty, gun control and our nation’s crushing debt,” said the email from Todd Cefaratti of the Tea Party Leadership Fund.

“We know that, with Sarah in the Senate, conservatives across America can rest a little easier at night knowing that she’s at the watch,” it said.


Sarah Palin for Senate? Some tea party activists want her to run -


please run her for the senate and we'll have a Mourdock/Akin/O'Donnell redux :eusa_whistle:

More of the tolerate left EAGERLY awaiting an opportunity to judge others.

Odd that you would hold those you disagree with to a higher standard of being tolerant than yourself, and then judge them against it in the same sentence in which you are complaining about them being judgmental. That's fucking idiotic dude.

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