Liberals and Progressives Fear Sarah Palin


Sarah Palin for Senate? Some tea party activists want her to run

By Kim Murphy
April 30, 2013

SEATTLE — Sarah Palin’s last elective position in Alaska ended early when in 2009 she abandoned the governorship midway through her first term.

But tea party activists appear eager for a comeback, urging supporters to contribute money toward recruiting Palin to run for the U.S. Senate in her home state, where, according to an email sent out this week, she has a “clear path” to defeat incumbent Democrat Mark Begich.

“You and I both know that Sarah Palin is a fighter who will stand up to Harry Reid and his pals in the Senate to protect our Constitution in issues like amnesty, gun control and our nation’s crushing debt,” said the email from Todd Cefaratti of the Tea Party Leadership Fund.

“We know that, with Sarah in the Senate, conservatives across America can rest a little easier at night knowing that she’s at the watch,” it said.


Sarah Palin for Senate? Some tea party activists want her to run -



She may be able to win a Senate seat in 2014 given the factional aspect of the Country and the lack of attention paid to mid-terms. Don't know why she would want to deprive herself of the revenue stream that conservative morons continue to infuse but that would be great. I can think of about 3,000 stand-up comedians who'd love to have this dolt in the public eye....she writes material for them.

Yes, there is a North and South Korea, Sarah.


Sarah Palin responds to the news of IRS targeting conservative groups

May 10, 2013
By: Christopher Collins

Sarah Palin, former governor of Alaska and 2008 vice-presidential candidate, released a statement today concerning the news that the IRS targeted conservative leaning groups during the 2012 presidential election.

She said, “today we learned that our government targeted and harassed conservative Americans who simply wanted to be involved in the national discussion. Is it any wonder why Americans are so distrustful of D.C.? I'm sure President Obama is grateful for all the help the IRS gave his reelection campaign, but, still, you have to wonder how the bureaucrats who tried to pull this off can sleep at night.”

“So many Americans knew this was happening, but many felt defenseless and even helpless against a government that seems to roll along without accountability or sense of obligation to the people it’s supposed to serve. These Americans were mocked for being concerned about this, but now we see the light shining on the truth, finally.”

“This IRS revelation is another step in the unraveling of the Obama administration's self-proclaimed “hope and change.” Between the Benghazi cover-up and the IRS targeting Obama’s political opponents, we see the corruption at the heart of big government, “Palin said.


An IRS spokesperson responded by saying, “Press reports are completely misleading and inaccurate."

Having been caught, the Internal Revenue Service today admitted that they did target conservative groups that include the names of "Tea Party" or "Patriot" during the 2012 election but then apologized and blamed it on "low-level” workers in Cincinnati.

Sarah Palin responds to the news of IRS targeting conservative groups - Atlanta Paulding County Republican |

Sarah Palin for Senate? Some tea party activists want her to run

By Kim Murphy
April 30, 2013

SEATTLE — Sarah Palin’s last elective position in Alaska ended early when in 2009 she abandoned the governorship midway through her first term.

But tea party activists appear eager for a comeback, urging supporters to contribute money toward recruiting Palin to run for the U.S. Senate in her home state, where, according to an email sent out this week, she has a “clear path” to defeat incumbent Democrat Mark Begich.

“You and I both know that Sarah Palin is a fighter who will stand up to Harry Reid and his pals in the Senate to protect our Constitution in issues like amnesty, gun control and our nation’s crushing debt,” said the email from Todd Cefaratti of the Tea Party Leadership Fund.

“We know that, with Sarah in the Senate, conservatives across America can rest a little easier at night knowing that she’s at the watch,” it said.


Sarah Palin for Senate? Some tea party activists want her to run -



She may be able to win a Senate seat in 2014 given the factional aspect of the Country and the lack of attention paid to mid-terms. Don't know why she would want to deprive herself of the revenue stream that conservative morons continue to infuse but that would be great. I can think of about 3,000 stand-up comedians who'd love to have this dolt in the public eye....she writes material for them.

Yes, there is a North and South Korea, Sarah.

Are there still 57 states? Speaking of dumb, you've already elected a guy who cant speak without a teleprompter, says he has a muslim faith and thinks terrorists dont like republicans, but love democrats(and I guess he's right, they both use the same talking points) about STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sarah Palin for Senate? Some tea party activists want her to run

By Kim Murphy
April 30, 2013

SEATTLE — Sarah Palin’s last elective position in Alaska ended early when in 2009 she abandoned the governorship midway through her first term.

But tea party activists appear eager for a comeback, urging supporters to contribute money toward recruiting Palin to run for the U.S. Senate in her home state, where, according to an email sent out this week, she has a “clear path” to defeat incumbent Democrat Mark Begich.

“You and I both know that Sarah Palin is a fighter who will stand up to Harry Reid and his pals in the Senate to protect our Constitution in issues like amnesty, gun control and our nation’s crushing debt,” said the email from Todd Cefaratti of the Tea Party Leadership Fund.

“We know that, with Sarah in the Senate, conservatives across America can rest a little easier at night knowing that she’s at the watch,” it said.


Sarah Palin for Senate? Some tea party activists want her to run -



She may be able to win a Senate seat in 2014 given the factional aspect of the Country and the lack of attention paid to mid-terms. Don't know why she would want to deprive herself of the revenue stream that conservative morons continue to infuse but that would be great. I can think of about 3,000 stand-up comedians who'd love to have this dolt in the public eye....she writes material for them.

Yes, there is a North and South Korea, Sarah.

Are there still 57 states? Speaking of dumb, you've already elected a guy who cant speak without a teleprompter, says he has a muslim faith and thinks terrorists dont like republicans, but love democrats(and I guess he's right, they both use the same talking points) about STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A dumber image you could not post.

you're not much for thought are you. It's funny and I guess to a commie wouldnt be.
The fact is you hammer Palin for statements she didnt even make (the russia comment was Tina Fey), but since you think a video started muslim riots on 9/11....I guess we can call you a low information voter.
She may be able to win a Senate seat in 2014 given the factional aspect of the Country and the lack of attention paid to mid-terms. Don't know why she would want to deprive herself of the revenue stream that conservative morons continue to infuse but that would be great. I can think of about 3,000 stand-up comedians who'd love to have this dolt in the public eye....she writes material for them.

Yes, there is a North and South Korea, Sarah.

Are there still 57 states? Speaking of dumb, you've already elected a guy who cant speak without a teleprompter, says he has a muslim faith and thinks terrorists dont like republicans, but love democrats(and I guess he's right, they both use the same talking points) about STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Man liberals get testy about that.....nice work!
[ame=""]Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States - YouTube[/ame]

Wait he said 57 and has one to go! so he thinks there is 58, we've been wrong this whole time!!!!!!!!!!!! Lets add Mexico...he gives enough speeches there

Palin: IRS Scandal ‘Another Step In The Unraveling’ Of Obama’s ‘Hope And Change’

May 13, 2013 10:34 AM


Former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin called the IRS revelation “another step in the unraveling of the Obama administration’s self-proclaimed ‘hope and change.’”

“Between the Benghazi cover-up and the IRS targeting Obama’s political opponents, we see the corruption at the heart of big government,” Palin posted on Facebook.

Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Iowa, called it a “stunning abuse of power.”

“The American people deserve answers as to who authorized it — it is hard to believe this was a ‘low-level’ decision,” she said in a statement to CBS News. “And as one of the key agencies charged with enforcing Obamacare, it is also reasonable to ask if any healthcare decisions have been based on political affiliation and what assurances we have that this type of intimidation will never happen again.”

The Tea Party has rejected the agency’s apology and has called for a full investigation into the matter.


Palin: IRS Scandal ?Another Step In The Unraveling? Of Obama?s ?Hope And Change? « CBS DC

"We've got to stop being the stupid party. It's time for a new Republican Party that talks like adults ..... We had a number of Republicans damage the brand this year with offensive and bizarre comments. I'm here to say we've had enough of that."
- Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal
Liberals and Progressives Fear Sarah Palin

Palin is definitely a member in good standing from the "stupid party" and any mention of her name is nothing more than a sad commentary as to how shallow the conservative talent pool has become.
Last edited:
"We've got to stop being the stupid party. It's time for a new Republican Party that talks like adults ..... We had a number of Republicans damage the brand this year with offensive and bizarre comments. I'm here to say we've had enough of that."
- Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal

Jindal: GOP must stop being 'stupid party'
Liberals and Progressives Fear Sarah Palin

Palin is definitely a member in good standing from the "stupid party" and any mention of her name is nothing more than a sad commentary as to how shallow the conservative talent pool has become.

Looks like the leftist talent pool is getting deep...:eusa_shhh:...

Sarah Palin for the Senate? Tea Party says: Run, Sarah, Run


WASHINGTON, May 23, 2013 — The Tea Party wants former Alaska governor Sarah Palin to join their favorites in the Senate, Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Rand Paul (R-Ky.). They say she can win and they have a poll to prove it. Yikes, is America ready for a Senator Palin?



“The Tea Party Leadership Fund has a broad audience of grassroots conservative activists, and they feel very strongly that she’s a champion of their values and would love to see her run, and we’re doing everything we can to see her run.”


Read more: Sarah Palin for the Senate? Tea Party says: Run, Sarah, Run | Washington Times Communities
She may be able to win a Senate seat in 2014 given the factional aspect of the Country and the lack of attention paid to mid-terms. Don't know why she would want to deprive herself of the revenue stream that conservative morons continue to infuse but that would be great. I can think of about 3,000 stand-up comedians who'd love to have this dolt in the public eye....she writes material for them.

Yes, there is a North and South Korea, Sarah.

Are there still 57 states? Speaking of dumb, you've already elected a guy who cant speak without a teleprompter, says he has a muslim faith and thinks terrorists dont like republicans, but love democrats(and I guess he's right, they both use the same talking points) about STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Sarah Palin: ‘America, we are so screwed’

By KATIE GLUECK | 6/6/13


That assessment came as the former GOP vice presidential nominee outlined her opposition to two new White House picks: U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice has been tapped to serve as national security adviser to President Barack Obama, and scholar and human rights activist Samantha Power will succeed Rice at the United Nations.


She also bashed Power’s husband, Harvard scholar and former White House “regulatory czar” Cass Sunstein, as “the very, very strange Obama pick for an early ‘czar’ position who wowed us with his numerous bizarre claims … But Mrs. Cass Sunstein’s character judgment in choosing her life partner is the least of America’s worries,” she continued, jabbing again at Power and pointing to work in conservative publications that question her record.

Read more: Sarah Palin: ?America, we are so screwed? - Katie Glueck -
Sarah Palin Hopes Bill Maher's 'White Wimpy A#*' Gets Flattened After Trig Palin Slur (TWEETS)

The Huffington Post
By Chris Gentilviso Posted: 06/13/2013

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin blasted comedian Bill Maher on Twitter Wednesday after learning of a slur he directed at her special needs son, Trig Palin.

The Las Vegas Review-Journal relayed background Wednesday on the incident from last Saturday, which saw former local TV personality Ron Futrell get escorted out of Maher's show for criticizing the host's decision to call the child "retarded."

Palin's first tweet was of a Breitbart report on the same events that occurred, followed by two comments aimed directly at Maher.


Sarah Palin ✔ [MENTION=36870]Sarah[/MENTION]PalinUSA
Audience Member Confronts Bill Maher After Comic Slammed Sarah Palin's Special Needs Child Audience Member Confronts Bill Maher After Comic Slammed Sarah Palin's Special Needs Child via @BreitbartNews9:53 PM - 12 Jun 2013

Sarah Palin ✔ [MENTION=36870]Sarah[/MENTION]PalinUSA
Hey bully, on behalf of all kids whom you hatefully mock in order to make yourself feel big, I hope one flattens your lily white wimpy a#*.9:54 PM - 12 Jun 2013

Sarah Palin ✔ [MENTION=36870]Sarah[/MENTION]PalinUSA
I'm in your neck of the woods this weekend, little Bill. Care to meet so I can tell you how I really feel? Audience Member Confronts Bill Maher After Comic Slammed Sarah Palin's Special Needs Child 9:55 PM - 12 Jun 2013

Sarah Palin Hopes Bill Maher's 'White Wimpy A#*' Gets Flattened After Trig Palin Slur (TWEETS)

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