Liberals and Progressives Fear Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin Says Obama A Hypocrite For Supporting Gun Control Yet Allowing Abortion



Sarah Palin wrote:

“The hypocrisy of it all, however, is that while the President publicly acknowledges the value of “even one life” when it advances his own political agenda, he fails to acknowledge as much when it comes to protecting the lives of children soon to be born. In that same speech, he proclaimed that “when it comes to protecting the most vulnerable among us, we must act now.” Well, who is more vulnerable than those who find themselves at the mercy of others to honor their existence and receive them into our world?”


Read more at Sarah Palin Says Obama A Hypocrite For Supporting Gun Control Yet Allowing Abortion

Speech That Should Have Been Given At CPAC

March 18, 2013
By David Horowitz and Bill Whittle


Because even though we opposed this President for his policies right from the beginning, we all hoped for so much more. Even the Democrats are feeling it. Obama said he was going to fundamentally change our country. It’s the one promise he’s tried to keep. What we have seen from this man for the last four years has been change all right – a catastrophic change to the American economy here at home, and a catastrophic loss of prestige and bungled, even deadly foreign policy changes abroad.


On September 12 of last year one of the most terrible and shameful incidents in the history of the American presidency took place. Our diplomatic corps in Benghazi was attacked. It was attacked by al-Qaeda, the same terrorist force that had attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, eleven years before.

The shooting began at 9:42 pm, local time, and for the next seven and a half hours the Americans trapped in Benghazi were crying for help. But help never came. Two former Navy seals ran – like the American heroes they were – not from the sound of gunfire but toward it. Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, who were not at the compound when the shooting started, defied orders and decided to go to the aid of the others. For seven hours these men fought with incredible skill and courage, and saved many American lives that night. They fought for their friends and their colleagues; and they fought for their country; and throughout that awful night they continued to radio their government for help. But their government never answered their call. And help never came.

The White House has put out false claims about what actually happened and denied us information about many of the details. But thanks to the congressional hearings we do know this: The president was informed of the attack in the very first hour. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and General Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told him exactly what was going on, since we had a reconnaissance drone circling overhead.

And we also know this: After the call informing him that Americans were fighting for their lives, President Obama disappeared. Went AWOL. In fact, no one knows where he went. All we know is that he could not be reached. He knew that a battle was raging, and that Americans were in danger. But while the men who served him were fighting for their lives the President of the United States of America hung up the phone and left his post, and disappeared.

He just didn’t care.


Well, what about minorities, and the poor? Of course he cares about them, right? Obama is a Democrat and Democrats talk a good line about compassion. But when it comes to actually doing something about compassion, they just don’t care.

Washington, DC, Chicago, Illinois and Detroit, Michigan have been controlled by Democrats since Moses was just a tiny little boy, about this high…

Washington, Chicago and Detroit voted overwhelmingly for Obama. They just didn’t realize the two big things about him that he has revealed again and again since being elected: he doesn’t tell the truth, and he doesn’t care.


Some of us in Washington still care about things bigger than our golf games and our campaign coffers. Some of us still care about the poor, about inner city children who are not getting educated while teacher’s unions grow rich, and about the nation’s debt that grows larger and larger every day… a debt that has the newborn entering life as if they were pack animals, with millions of dollars of debt strapped to their backs. Some of us still care about the brave men and women who sacrifice their lives so that others may live. And some of us still care enough about the American people to stand up and tell them the truth.

Now you have to go out there and tell them the truth too! God bless you all, and God Bless our United States of America.

Speech That Should Have Been Given At CPAC

Sarah Palin is “loaded” for 2014


SarahPAC released a video touting Palin's past success at backing congressional candidates VIDEO

Sarah Palin’s super PAC released a two-minute ad, complete with a growling bear, that promises she’s “loaded” and ready to back conservatives in 2014, complete with a guest appearance by Sen. Ted Cruz, who says he couldn’t have been elected in 2012 without Palin’s help.


Sarah Palin is ?loaded? for 2014 -

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