Liberals and Progressives Fear Sarah Palin

Harvard Law school vs. the women who couldn't name one important supreme court case...

This is the dumbest thread ever.

Sarah Palin represents everything that is wrong with this country.

Yup. She is a money-grubbing social-climbing cellphone-obsessed whore who cares for nobody but herself and feigns adoration and selflessness in order to further her own agenda, which is that of power and money. She is no different from any other politician.

Liberals are not afraid of her. They are afraid of her getting in a position of real power, for fear of what that will mean for the country and the world.

"Did yawl know that Lakhola at USMB had a tiny brain"

Palin to Romney-Ryan: 'Go Rogue'

"America desperately needs to have a 'come to Jesus' moment..."

9:19 AM, Sep 22, 2012 • By DANIEL HALPER

Palin adds that Romney and Ryan are being "counted on" to get this right.

"At the founding of our country, a great American patriot wrote, 'If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace,'" says Palin."Obama's motto seems to be, 'Let the good times roll in my day. ---


The kids can deal with the catastrophic bankruptcy in theirs.' That's no way for the leader of a great nation to behave, and I hope Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney continue to call him out on it. Generations of American children are counting on them."

Palin to Romney-Ryan: 'Go Rogue' | The Weekly Standard
And when she was living, what did her legs look like? Did they have cellulite? Be honest!!!

My family members, past and present, are not open for discussion. Palin is a public figure.
By going public yourself in this forum, you expose you and your family to public scrutiny. That is what I do to people like you so be prepared.

Really? You sure about that? Might want to recheck the TOS, my friend.

Now Who Is Making Fun of Sarah Palin?

Democrats reverse course on urgent issue of writing on one’s hand.

By Virginia Choi

Not so long ago, writing on one’s hand was frowned upon in the political arena. In 2010, revelations that Sarah Palin had scribbled crib notes onto the palm of her hand ahead of a Tea Party convention Q&A session resulted in derision and mockery.

Even President Obama’s then-White House press secretary, Robert Gibbs, took a jab at Palin during a briefing as he displayed a grocery list written on his hands and joked, “I wrote down ‘eggs,’ ‘milk,’ and ‘bread’… then I wrote down ‘hope’ and ‘change’ just in case I forgot.” Reporters shared knowing laughter.

Since then, Obama staffers have evidently reversed course on the issue of writing on one’s hand. Last week, Stephanie Cutter, President Obama’s deputy campaign manager, made hand-writing an official White-House-endorsed action, encouraging Obama supporters to wear their support on their flesh.


Democrats write slogans on their hands: Nobody is making fun of Sarah Palin now. - Slate Magazine

Halle Berry: ‘I’m related to Sarah Palin’


Halle Berry was left stunned after a fan pointed out the actress is a distant relative of former U.S. Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

The Oscar winner was being interviewed on “Extra” with Tom Hanks, her co-star in new film “Cloud Atlas,” when she revealed her genealogy secret.

Berry asked the interviewer if he wanted to know who she was related to, before pulling a face and saying, “Sarah Palin!”

She adds, “In some twisted way (we are related)… somebody sent me this information that she was my distant (relative).”


Halle Berry:

Halle Berry: ‘I’m related to Sarah Palin’


Halle Berry was left stunned after a fan pointed out the actress is a distant relative of former U.S. Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

The Oscar winner was being interviewed on “Extra” with Tom Hanks, her co-star in new film “Cloud Atlas,” when she revealed her genealogy secret.

Berry asked the interviewer if he wanted to know who she was related to, before pulling a face and saying, “Sarah Palin!”

She adds, “In some twisted way (we are related)… somebody sent me this information that she was my distant (relative).”


Halle Berry:

Poor Halle, I wonder If she's on meds

Palin accuses president of ‘shuck and jive’ on Libya

By Erik Wemple

Like many conservative pundits, Sarah Palin is criticizing President Obama for his administration’s inconsistent statements on the Benghazi, Libya, attack. Unlike many conservative pundits, Palin used the term “shuck and jive” to describe Obama’s behavior.

In a Facebook post today, Palin wrote: “Obama’s Shuck and Jive Ends With Benghazi Lies.” She also used the term in the text of the post, which concludes, “President Obama’s shuck and jive shtick with these Benghazi lies must end.”


Palin accuses president of ‘shuck and jive’ on Libya - Erik Wemple - The Washington Post

Palin accuses president of ‘shuck and jive’ on Libya

By Erik Wemple

Like many conservative pundits, Sarah Palin is criticizing President Obama for his administration’s inconsistent statements on the Benghazi, Libya, attack. Unlike many conservative pundits, Palin used the term “shuck and jive” to describe Obama’s behavior.

In a Facebook post today, Palin wrote: “Obama’s Shuck and Jive Ends With Benghazi Lies.” She also used the term in the text of the post, which concludes, “President Obama’s shuck and jive shtick with these Benghazi lies must end.”


Palin accuses president of ‘shuck and jive’ on Libya - Erik Wemple - The Washington Post


Hypocrisy: Chris Matthews says 'shuck and jive' racist, but used term 3 times
election 2012

October 25, 2012
By: Joe Newby

On Wednesday, Chris Matthews called Sarah Palin a racist for using the term "shuck and jive," but Newsbusters' Scott Whitlock wrote Wednesday evening that Matthews used the phrase "while talking to Rachel Maddow about her visit to Afghanistan."

Matthews was upset because Palin wrote a Facebook note entitled, "Obama's shuck and jive ends with Benghazi lies."

“The blatantness of this thing, I think, went through the roof the other day when Sarah Palin, who people have mixed views, put out a Facebook post titled ‘Obama’s shuck and jive ends with Benghazi lies,’” Matthews told Clarence Page.

“A dog whistle is a dog whistle. A trumpet call is another,” he said.

But it turns out that the perpetually angry MSNBC host used the phrase at least three times.

"What has it been like, as you shuck and jive, hang out with the men over there, the women over there, in uniform risking their lives every day?" he asked Rachel Maddow on July 7, 2010.

"The outrageously outraged reaction to this expression from perennial hypocrites like Chris Matthews has only made me laugh," she wrote. "Mr. Matthews, let me share with you my favorite Irish toast: 'May we always be happy, and may our enemies always know it.'”


Chris Matthews: Support for Romney driven by racial hatred of Obama

MSNBC: Saying 'golf' and 'Chicago' is racist

Rush Limbaugh: MSNBC loony bin of uncontrollable rage and anger

MSNBC still network of insane liberal hate

Yes, Virginia, there is a Democrat-media complex

MSNBC's Chris Matthews: Racism behind Obama's falling popularity among whites

Hypocrisy: Chris Matthews says 'shuck and jive' racist, but used term 3 times - Spokane Conservative |

In the Energy Debate between Palin and Obama...Obama Lost

By Ben Voth


Even though the president apparently lost this energy debate to Sarah Palin, he was clearly right about one thing: the American people are not stupid. The American people have by way of their own ingenuity and hard work built a process for extracting oil and natural gas unanticipated by advanced energy gurus such as T. Boone Pickens. Pickens recently acknowledged that the abundance of natural gas means that energy alternatives such as wind are not economically viable. Predicting the future is difficult, but relying on the ingenuity and hard work of Americans has generally proven to be a safe bet -- you betcha!

Read more: Articles: In the Energy Debate between Palin and Obama...Obama Lost
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Her daughters are beautiful girls too! What a nice looking family and they were nice enough to let the shoe-shine boy stand in.

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