Liberals and Progressives Fear Sarah Palin

Palin to campaign for N.J. Senate candidate Lonegan

Martha T. Moore,October 10, 2013

Sarah Palin is the latest conservative star heading to New Jersey to support Republican Steve Lonegan in his uphill fight for the Senate against Newark Mayor Cory Booker. On Saturday, Palin will appear with Lonegan at a speedway rally and training session for campaign workers in New Egypt, N.J.

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul and Texas Gov. Rick Perry have also campaigned for Lonegan, a former mayor of Bogota, N.J., and former state director of Americans for Prosperity, a conservative political group backed by billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch.


Palin to campaign for N.J. Senate candidate Lonegan

Man, I hope she runs for president. Not only would that be hilarious entertainment value, but it would be a guaranteed win for the democratic party.

This thread is something else. I have heard some whopper OPs on this forum, but this is just ridiculous lol.

You know the only Republican that i think the democratic party should be worried about is Chris Christie. That guy could shake things up in 2016. But Palin? Come on. What planet are you on dude? This is a new whacky low for this forum.
Wouldn't be surprised if the Tea Party selected Palin to run again.

She is to progressive liberals as holy water is to vampires, Ssssss...:lol:

Liberals and Progressives Fear Sarah Palin

June 01, 2011

Talk show host Rush Limbaugh says that, if he were President Barack Obama, he would not want to face a staunch conservative such as former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin because she carries a frightening message — that he is beatable. Limbaugh also said on Fox News Thursday night that the GOP establishment fears Palin as well.

Fox News’ Greta van Susteren asked Limbaugh whether Palin’s announced bus trip marks the beginning of her presidential campaign.

“I think this bus trip — it’s certainly designed to get people speculating that she’s in,” Limbaugh said. “The thing about Sarah Palin to me is that she has now learned to relish and to profit from all the attention — negative or positive — and she certainly knows negative attention.

Liberals and Progressives Fear Sarah Palin // Current TV

you mistake total hysterical laughing for fear... that's your problem ... when I hear her talking, I can't stop laughing at her ...

BillyGoat, I especially set this thread up to be a flame for "people" like you, triple Zero and PJ , and here you are...rolmao

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Palin to campaign for N.J. Senate candidate Lonegan

Martha T. Moore,October 10, 2013

Sarah Palin is the latest conservative star heading to New Jersey to support Republican Steve Lonegan in his uphill fight for the Senate against Newark Mayor Cory Booker. On Saturday, Palin will appear with Lonegan at a speedway rally and training session for campaign workers in New Egypt, N.J.

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul and Texas Gov. Rick Perry have also campaigned for Lonegan, a former mayor of Bogota, N.J., and former state director of Americans for Prosperity, a conservative political group backed by billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch.


Palin to campaign for N.J. Senate candidate Lonegan

Man, I hope she runs for president. Not only would that be hilarious entertainment value, but it would be a guaranteed win for the democratic party.

This thread is something else. I have heard some whopper OPs on this forum, but this is just ridiculous lol.

You know the only Republican that i think the democratic party should be worried about is Chris Christie. That guy could shake things up in 2016. But Palin? Come on. What planet are you on dude? This is a new whacky low for this forum.

Hey triple Zero, this might help you out, hint she's not running...:lol:

She is to progressive liberals as holy water is to vampires, Ssssss...:lol:

Liberals and Progressives Fear Sarah Palin

June 01, 2011

Talk show host Rush Limbaugh says that, if he were President Barack Obama, he would not want to face a staunch conservative such as former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin because she carries a frightening message — that he is beatable. Limbaugh also said on Fox News Thursday night that the GOP establishment fears Palin as well.

Fox News’ Greta van Susteren asked Limbaugh whether Palin’s announced bus trip marks the beginning of her presidential campaign.

“I think this bus trip — it’s certainly designed to get people speculating that she’s in,” Limbaugh said. “The thing about Sarah Palin to me is that she has now learned to relish and to profit from all the attention — negative or positive — and she certainly knows negative attention.

Liberals and Progressives Fear Sarah Palin // Current TV

LOL, I'm a Liberal and I don't "fear" Sarah Palin. I'm not an admirer of her politics, but I think that she has a right to voice and advocate her ideology. Wasn't Our country 's political system based upon a free and open exchange of ideas and opinions?
What liberals did to Governor Palin is highly illustrative of their continuing war on women. Not an imagined war - a real one. Demonstrated when they nominate weak female candidates to run in districts where no Democrat has any chance - then crowing about how women can't win.

Not so much that they fear Ms. Palin - more that they fear being caught out.

She is to progressive liberals as holy water is to vampires, Ssssss...:lol:

Liberals and Progressives Fear Sarah Palin

June 01, 2011

Talk show host Rush Limbaugh says that, if he were President Barack Obama, he would not want to face a staunch conservative such as former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin because she carries a frightening message — that he is beatable. Limbaugh also said on Fox News Thursday night that the GOP establishment fears Palin as well.

Fox News’ Greta van Susteren asked Limbaugh whether Palin’s announced bus trip marks the beginning of her presidential campaign.

“I think this bus trip — it’s certainly designed to get people speculating that she’s in,” Limbaugh said. “The thing about Sarah Palin to me is that she has now learned to relish and to profit from all the attention — negative or positive — and she certainly knows negative attention.

Liberals and Progressives Fear Sarah Palin // Current TV


And some people still take their cue from an obese junkie:eusa_whistle:

She is to progressive liberals as holy water is to vampires, Ssssss...:lol:

Liberals and Progressives Fear Sarah Palin

June 01, 2011

Talk show host Rush Limbaugh says that, if he were President Barack Obama, he would not want to face a staunch conservative such as former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin because she carries a frightening message — that he is beatable. Limbaugh also said on Fox News Thursday night that the GOP establishment fears Palin as well.

Fox News’ Greta van Susteren asked Limbaugh whether Palin’s announced bus trip marks the beginning of her presidential campaign.

“I think this bus trip — it’s certainly designed to get people speculating that she’s in,” Limbaugh said. “The thing about Sarah Palin to me is that she has now learned to relish and to profit from all the attention — negative or positive — and she certainly knows negative attention.

Liberals and Progressives Fear Sarah Palin // Current TV

LOL, I'm a Liberal and I don't "fear" Sarah Palin. I'm not an admirer of her politics, but I think that she has a right to voice and advocate her ideology. Wasn't Our country 's political system based upon a free and open exchange of ideas and opinions?

Yes, You need to make/ask that statement/question to yo liberal buddies...:eusa_angel:
Good point, AJ.

Exchanges of opinions are eventually decided in elections.

The black man won, twice; his signal legislation passed; SCOTUS supported it.

No more "just once more".
Good point, AJ.

Exchanges of opinions are eventually decided in elections.

The black man won, twice; his signal legislation passed; SCOTUS supported it.

No more "just once more".

Snarkey, 30yrs from now they will treat obongo like carter, another clown. Oh by the way he's a zebra and he don't like his white side and I expect michelle is not fond of it either...:eusa_shhh:


She is to progressive liberals as holy water is to vampires, Ssssss...:lol:

Liberals and Progressives Fear Sarah Palin

June 01, 2011

Talk show host Rush Limbaugh says that, if he were President Barack Obama, he would not want to face a staunch conservative such as former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin because she carries a frightening message — that he is beatable. Limbaugh also said on Fox News Thursday night that the GOP establishment fears Palin as well.

Fox News’ Greta van Susteren asked Limbaugh whether Palin’s announced bus trip marks the beginning of her presidential campaign.

“I think this bus trip — it’s certainly designed to get people speculating that she’s in,” Limbaugh said. “The thing about Sarah Palin to me is that she has now learned to relish and to profit from all the attention — negative or positive — and she certainly knows negative attention.

Liberals and Progressives Fear Sarah Palin // Current TV

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't think she has a chance. She may be strong for the Tea Party but to tell you the truth I feel that America is pretty pissed at the Tea Party right now. If you put her or Cruz in the race their tea is going to be quit weak I can almost guarantee there are not enough supporters with what Cruz did.
You know I'M on post 218 and you progressive/liberals got all wee weed up on a two-2 yr old article, rolmao, get with the program morons...:lol:

a record 10 4 1...:eusa_angel:

While were at it here's the pic that goes with that post...


She is to progressive liberals as holy water is to vampires, Ssssss...:lol:

Liberals and Progressives Fear Sarah Palin
June 01, 2011

Talk show host Rush Limbaugh says that, if he were President Barack Obama, he would not want to face a staunch conservative such as former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin because she carries a frightening message — that he is beatable. Limbaugh also said on Fox News Thursday night that the GOP establishment fears Palin as well.

Fox News’ Greta van Susteren asked Limbaugh whether Palin’s announced bus trip marks the beginning of her presidential campaign.

“I think this bus trip — it’s certainly designed to get people speculating that she’s in,” Limbaugh said. “The thing about Sarah Palin to me is that she has now learned to relish and to profit from all the attention — negative or positive — and she certainly knows negative attention.

Liberals and Progressives Fear Sarah Palin // Current TV

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't think she has a chance. She may be strong for the Tea Party but to tell you the truth I feel that America is pretty pissed at the Tea Party right now. If you put her or Cruz in the race their tea is going to be quit weak I can almost guarantee there are not enough supporters with what Cruz did.

Fixed pic...:eusa_shifty:
Sarah Palin to speak in Iowa next month

Catalina Camia, USA TODAY 12:36 p.m. EDT October 14, 2013


Sarah Palin suddenly seems to be everywhere.

The 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee has been added to the speaker's list for the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition's fall fundraiser on Nov. 9, reports the Des Moines Register.

Palin is not replacing Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, who remains the keynoter for the Des Moines event.

Why Lee? Some people may not remember that Lee was one of the first Republicans to make a big push to defund President Obama's health care law — a campaign he began in July. Even before the Senate's summer recess started, Lee put Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., on notice that he and Republicans who signed on to his strategy would tie their Obamacare proposal to the stopgap bill to fund the government.


Sarah Palin to speak in Iowa next month

The return of Sarah Palin

By Peter Hamby, CNN Digital National Political Reporter
updated 10:33 PM EDT, Fri October 25, 2013

(CNN) -- The Republican establishment can't stand her. The media mocks her. But Sarah Palin isn't going anywhere.

Far from it.

After laying low for much of this year, Palin is gingerly stepping back into the public arena with a national book tour, a trip to the always-important political state of Iowa, and an eye on making yet another series of splashy endorsements in a variety of competitive Republican primaries.

Five years after rocketing from Alaska obscurity to worldwide fame, Palin wants to be a political player in 2014.

Which raises the question: Does she still matter?


The return of Sarah Palin -
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