Liberals and Progressives Fear Sarah Palin



Sarah Palin on Martin Bashir comments: ‘I move on and I charge forth’

November 24th, 2013
CNN's Ashley Killough

(CNN) – Sarah Palin responded publicly for the first time Sunday on the nasty comments thrown her way by MSNBC host Martin Bashir, who later apologized for saying she deserved degrading punishment.

"Everybody in life takes shots," the former Alaska governor said on "Fox News Sunday." "You have a decision to make when you take a shot. Are you going to become bitter or better? In a case like this, you know, I don't have to accept his words - his vile, evil comments. So they don't have to affect me. I move on and I charge forth."


Sarah Palin on Martin Bashir comments: ?I move on and I charge forth? ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

She is to progressive liberals as holy water is to vampires, Ssssss...:lol:

Liberals and Progressives Fear Sarah Palin

June 01, 2011

Talk show host Rush Limbaugh says that, if he were President Barack Obama, he would not want to face a staunch conservative such as former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin because she carries a frightening message — that he is beatable. Limbaugh also said on Fox News Thursday night that the GOP establishment fears Palin as well.

Fox News’ Greta van Susteren asked Limbaugh whether Palin’s announced bus trip marks the beginning of her presidential campaign.

“I think this bus trip — it’s certainly designed to get people speculating that she’s in,” Limbaugh said. “The thing about Sarah Palin to me is that she has now learned to relish and to profit from all the attention — negative or positive — and she certainly knows negative attention.

Liberals and Progressives Fear Sarah Palin // Current TV


She is to progressive liberals as holy water is to vampires, Ssssss...:lol:

Liberals and Progressives Fear Sarah Palin

June 01, 2011

Talk show host Rush Limbaugh says that, if he were President Barack Obama, he would not want to face a staunch conservative such as former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin because she carries a frightening message — that he is beatable. Limbaugh also said on Fox News Thursday night that the GOP establishment fears Palin as well.

Fox News’ Greta van Susteren asked Limbaugh whether Palin’s announced bus trip marks the beginning of her presidential campaign.

“I think this bus trip — it’s certainly designed to get people speculating that she’s in,” Limbaugh said. “The thing about Sarah Palin to me is that she has now learned to relish and to profit from all the attention — negative or positive — and she certainly knows negative attention.

Liberals and Progressives Fear Sarah Palin // Current TV


Oh look, a new moth/progressive/liberal...:welcome:

She is to progressive liberals as holy water is to vampires, Ssssss...:lol:

Liberals and Progressives Fear Sarah Palin

June 01, 2011

Talk show host Rush Limbaugh says that, if he were President Barack Obama, he would not want to face a staunch conservative such as former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin because she carries a frightening message — that he is beatable. Limbaugh also said on Fox News Thursday night that the GOP establishment fears Palin as well.

Fox News’ Greta van Susteren asked Limbaugh whether Palin’s announced bus trip marks the beginning of her presidential campaign.

“I think this bus trip — it’s certainly designed to get people speculating that she’s in,” Limbaugh said. “The thing about Sarah Palin to me is that she has now learned to relish and to profit from all the attention — negative or positive — and she certainly knows negative attention.

Liberals and Progressives Fear Sarah Palin // Current TV


Oh look, a new moth/progressive/liberal...:welcome:

You're defending the idea that anyone, in this case Liberals, fears Sarah Palin. Make your case.
Can you imagine if Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin had a kid? Part paranoid, part inarticulate, ALL idiotic.

Frankly, its a tragedy they both even have kids. God help them.

She is to progressive liberals as holy water is to vampires, Ssssss...:lol:

Liberals and Progressives Fear Sarah Palin

June 01, 2011

Talk show host Rush Limbaugh says that, if he were President Barack Obama, he would not want to face a staunch conservative such as former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin because she carries a frightening message — that he is beatable. Limbaugh also said on Fox News Thursday night that the GOP establishment fears Palin as well.

Fox News’ Greta van Susteren asked Limbaugh whether Palin’s announced bus trip marks the beginning of her presidential campaign.

“I think this bus trip — it’s certainly designed to get people speculating that she’s in,” Limbaugh said. “The thing about Sarah Palin to me is that she has now learned to relish and to profit from all the attention — negative or positive — and she certainly knows negative attention.

Liberals and Progressives Fear Sarah Palin // Current TV

And in other news:

"Three Year Old Train Engineer Scares the Hell Out of People With Common Sense"
This thread is a pipedream for the far, far right and that's about it. Palin has unfavorable rating with just about everyone. Most people recognize her for exactly what she is.
The below link offers up quite a few polls that show exactly what people from all sides of the aisle think of her. From favorable/unfavorable to whether she should run for president. Read these polls and come on back and try to convince us that anyone and I mean anyone is afraid of Ms. Palin.
Only a fool would make a claim that anyone is afraid of Palin.
Political Figures: P
Lots of hate towards Sarah Palin, there must be something to it so I am going to go out and listen to her speeches and ideas to see for myself what the controversy is.

Conservatives wish Sarah Palin a happy birthday

Caroline May 6:08 PM 02/10/2014

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin turns 50 on Tuesday, and Republicans are already wishing her a big happy birthday.

In a video posted to YouTube on Sunday, a who’s who of Republicans and conservative figures offer the former vice presidential candidate their best wishes. The group behind the video, ShePAC, supports conservative women running for office.

The video begins with a greeting from her former running mate, Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain.


Read more: Conservatives wish Sarah Palin a happy birthday | The Daily Caller

Read more: Conservatives wish Sarah Palin a happy birthday | The Daily Caller
No body fears her as a person.

But people do rightly fear what she represents -- Americans who fall in love with other people who fail upwards in America. Success through stupidity and blind luck -- the new American dream. People with no character, low intelligence, vindictive phonies who fall ass-backwards into money and power. She has little power except for the influence she has over the dopes that think she has any value at all.

She's the Khloe Kardashian of Politics. A political celebrity who's ambition far exceeds her intellect.

When I look at people like Beck, Palin, or Levin -- I see a potential Jim Jones or Comet Cult -- people listen to them and drink the Koolaide of stupidity.
Gee, and if Hillary were the subject of a vast array or Republican news networks and politicians, hazel, you'd be going apeshit over it right now. Funny how it appears one woman is so different from another, yet each are made in the same way. Pathetic.
Gee, and if Hillary were the subject of a vast array or Republican news networks and politicians, hazel, you'd be going apeshit over it right now. Funny how it appears one woman is so different from another, yet each are made in the same way. Pathetic.

What you've said makes no sense.
Putting up a hypothetical situation and then using it as a counter-argument?
Gee, and if Hillary were the subject of a vast array or Republican news networks and politicians, hazel, you'd be going apeshit over it right now. Funny how it appears one woman is so different from another, yet each are made in the same way. Pathetic.

What you've said makes no sense.
Putting up a hypothetical situation and then using it as a counter-argument?

You should be used to that by now.

Otherwise, liberals love Palin, they don’t ‘fear’ her.

The ignorance, fear, and stupidity she represents and fosters among the right help democrats win elections.
Gee, and if Hillary were the subject of a vast array or Republican news networks and politicians, hazel, you'd be going apeshit over it right now. Funny how it appears one woman is so different from another, yet each are made in the same way. Pathetic.

What you've said makes no sense.
Putting up a hypothetical situation and then using it as a counter-argument?

You should be used to that by now.

Otherwise, liberals love Palin, they don’t ‘fear’ her.

The ignorance, fear, and stupidity she represents and fosters among the right help democrats win elections.

I suppose I'm just disappointed...TK is normally such a skilled and informed debater.
Yet another illusion shattered.

Conservatives wish Sarah Palin a happy birthday

Caroline May 6:08 PM 02/10/2014

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin turns 50 on Tuesday, and Republicans are already wishing her a big happy birthday.

In a video posted to YouTube on Sunday, a who’s who of Republicans and conservative figures offer the former vice presidential candidate their best wishes. The group behind the video, ShePAC, supports conservative women running for office.

The video begins with a greeting from her former running mate, Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain.


Read more: Conservatives wish Sarah Palin a happy birthday | The Daily Caller

Read more: Conservatives wish Sarah Palin a happy birthday | The Daily Caller

Obama wished her a Happy 57th Birthday
Can you imagine if Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin had a kid? Part paranoid, part inarticulate, ALL idiotic.

Frankly, its a tragedy they both even have kids. God help them.

I'd take Sarah Palin over an asshole like you any day of the week.

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