Liberals are NOT racists

Why can't you debate the topic? What's the point of attacking me? I made a point that liberals are not racists. ALL minorities vote for liberals. ALL. Does that make me old far leftie? Why? Because cons are racists, that makes me a far left drone?
Nobody in their right mind would engage in such a pigeon hole thread.
You made an accusation accompanied by a conclusion( about conservatives)..Your idea of debate is to coerce those you accuse to defend themselves against the accusation.....
That bullshit isn't going to fly.....
So go shove broken glass up your nose.

That accusation is backed by real life evidence. I clearly provided the evidence to the statement "Liberals are not racists" by saying liberals get support from almost ALL ethnic group. So point 1 is proven.

Point 2: Cons are racists. That point is proven by the fact that many cons use N word and oppose Obama purely on the basis of his skin color. Obama is a conservative, not a liberal. And cons oppose Obama only because of his skin color, not because of his policies. Obamacare is a conservative plan, not a liberal plan.

Thanks for your reply.

Cons are not racists necessarily, but racists are by definition conservative. It's the nature of the beast.

This is why you're difficult to take seriously and I consider you just another Democratic Party race baiter.
Last edited:
You said: "Poor Blacks have been voting for Democrats for years, they're still stuck in the ghettos, they're still under-educated and they're still poor. Then theirs the historical Democrat Party and that's all about racism. Jim Crow laws, the KKK ... Democratic Party sponsored ..You are young and dumb or just dumb."


I say: Nope, the KKK was taken over by the cons. So were JC laws. Cons are denying voting rights to minorities. Notice, how you have to go back 100 years or more to blame the dems. No sir, sorry, you lost minorities no matter how many times you bring up KKK and JC, the minorities know who the real racists are. And it's not dems. Nice try.

100 years? Are you really this dumb? Bull O'Connor, Lester Maddox, Al Gore Sr., Robert Byrd--the Democrat Party stood opposed to the Civil Rights Act.

Dem party of the past is dead. Here let me simplyfy it for you. Dems were racists. Cons are racists. Understood? Let me repeat: Dems were racists. Cons are racists. Do you understand now?
Why can't you debate the topic? What's the point of attacking me? I made a point that liberals are not racists. ALL minorities vote for liberals. ALL. Does that make me old far leftie? Why? Because cons are racists, that makes me a far left drone?
Liberals are not racists. They get the votes from Jews, latinos, blacks, whites, Muslims, Asians, women. Liberalism welcomes all people including republicans and conservatives. Conservatives are more likely to be racists. We saw that in 2008 and 2012.

One argument cons often put forth about Obama is: "We are not racists, we disagree with his policies". Nope, I don't buy that. The real reason cons hate Obamacare is not because they don't like that plan. ACA is a republican plan to begin with. Cons often use the N word on line to describe Obama. Not all cons, but many do.

This is not to say all cons are racists. But I believe that most racists, an overwhelming majority of racists, are cons. Liberals are not racists. If they were, they wouldn't attract ALL the minorities to their party. And I don't mean just blacks, I mean many other ethnic groups as well.

Again, don't confuse this as an indictment against ALL cons. It is however a sorry commentary on their party and their extremist wing.
Poor Blacks have been voting for Democrats for years, they're still stuck in the ghettos, they're still under-educated and they're still poor. Then theirs the historical Democrat Party and that's all about racism. Jim Crow laws, the KKK ... Democratic Party sponsored ..

Nnnnnope. The KKK has never been "sponsored" by any party. You're not entitled to your ow history.
Learn to spell and you're full of crap.
Why can't you debate the topic? What's the point of attacking me? I made a point that liberals are not racists. ALL minorities vote for liberals. ALL. Does that make me old far leftie? Why? Because cons are racists, that makes me a far left drone?
Nobody in their right mind would engage in such a pigeon hole thread.
You made an accusation accompanied by a conclusion( about conservatives)..Your idea of debate is to coerce those you accuse to defend themselves against the accusation.....
That bullshit isn't going to fly.....
So go shove broken glass up your nose.

That accusation is backed by real life evidence. I clearly provided the evidence to the statement "Liberals are not racists" by saying liberals get support from almost ALL ethnic group. So point 1 is proven.

Point 2: Cons are racists. That point is proven by the fact that many cons use N word and oppose Obama purely on the basis of his skin color. Obama is a conservative, not a liberal. And cons oppose Obama only because of his skin color, not because of his policies. Obamacare is a conservative plan, not a liberal plan.

Thanks for your reply.
Who's real life? Yours? So you are so arrogant that you believe your personal experiences to be comprehensive?
Libs receive minority votes because of the politics of race( which is in and of itself a form of racism) on the part of the left.
Opinion is not evidence.
Please provide evidence of the use of the N word by ALL conservatives....
And don't you dare claim to be all inclusive when your entire premise is based on blanket generalizations.
Obama a conservative?.....That doesn't even rise to the level of stupid......
Finally, your conclusion that all conservatives are opposed to Obama based solely on race is a lie on two fronts..
First, you have framed that statement based only on your opinion.....
Second, your premise ignores the existence of conservatives that are also members of minority groups.....
I find it amusing how you beat up yourself in using your own argument.
Look, you're new here. I get it.
But you're in the big water little man. Mind your manners.
When liberals feel the need to scream "we are not racists" it indicates that they feel the pressure and the guilt. The democrat party has been the party of racism from Lincoln to FDR to LBJ to Barry Hussein.

Once again, dems get ALL minorities. I repeat: Dems get all minorities. Effectively, you just said minorities vote for racists by calling dems racists. So if dems are racists, then you should also agree that Jews, blacks, women, latinos, Asians, Muslims, gays vote for racists.

Boy, it's so easy to refute cons. Thanks for the entertainment.

Dems get all minorities? Is that a liberal axiom that gets democrats elected even when republicans won the biggest mid term landslide in history barely six months ago? Oh yeah, democrats can't rely on minority turnout so they play the racist card and pretend that American minorities don't have enough sense to obtain a freaking photo I.D. card that is necessary to modern living. How does that sit with "minorities"? Overt and latent racism is rampant in the democrat party and they don't even realize it while they pretend that "minorities" are still on the democrat based government plantation that LBJ created forty years ago.

One minute, they're claiming "Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act!" In the next minute, LBJ did it to "keep blacks on a plantation". Like they can't remember what they just said.

Partisan hackery -- a spectator sport. :eusa_dance:
Liberals are not racists. They get the votes from Jews, latinos, blacks, whites, Muslims, Asians, women. Liberalism welcomes all people including republicans and conservatives. Conservatives are more likely to be racists. We saw that in 2008 and 2012.

One argument cons often put forth about Obama is: "We are not racists, we disagree with his policies". Nope, I don't buy that. The real reason cons hate Obamacare is not because they don't like that plan. ACA is a republican plan to begin with. Cons often use the N word on line to describe Obama. Not all cons, but many do.

This is not to say all cons are racists. But I believe that most racists, an overwhelming majority of racists, are cons. Liberals are not racists. If they were, they wouldn't attract ALL the minorities to their party. And I don't mean just blacks, I mean many other ethnic groups as well.

Again, don't confuse this as an indictment against ALL cons. It is however a sorry commentary on their party and their extremist wing.
Wow...Another lefty expressing delusion...
Hey genius. One of the definitions of racism is that when a person singles out another person or group of people based solely on their race.
Libs do this ALL OF THE TIME......
You people live and die on the politics of identity.
So if you see yourself as pure as the new fallen snow, you are lying to yourself.

Horseshit. Link us a dictionary that defines it that way. Racism is the belief that one race is inferior to another --- not the acknowledgement that races exist. Holy shit you're a dumb fuck.
If that makes you feel better, you keep believing that..
There are two kinds of racism....One is singling out a person or group based on their race. The other is NOT singling them out because of their race
Here's what liberals say and do when a black person dares venture off the political plantation. Oh, and I literally have dozens of more examples. Liberals aren't or can't be racist, what bullshit.

Racist tweets hurled at Clueless star after Romney edorsement - NY Daily News

Vile Racist Obama supporters call Stacey Dash house negro Uncle Tom Oreo Twitchy

@kyleward3 @unixgod Stacy Dash is an oreo, white man dik hopping uncle tom ghetto gagger may she get cancer twice and die once.

Blackbuda2k12 (@UMDftplayersUck) October 08, 2012

After actress Stacey Dash announced her support for Mitt Romney Sunday, vicious libs urged her to kill herself and called her a “fake black.”

But the Left’s repulsive venom didn’t end there. Obama supporters targeted Dash with the revolting racial slur “Oreo.”

Others hurled perennial leftist favorites like “house negro” and “Uncle Tom.”
Liberals are not racists. They get the votes from Jews, latinos, blacks, whites, Muslims, Asians, women. Liberalism welcomes all people including republicans and conservatives. Conservatives are more likely to be racists. We saw that in 2008 and 2012.

One argument cons often put forth about Obama is: "We are not racists, we disagree with his policies". Nope, I don't buy that. The real reason cons hate Obamacare is not because they don't like that plan. ACA is a republican plan to begin with. Cons often use the N word on line to describe Obama. Not all cons, but many do.

This is not to say all cons are racists. But I believe that most racists, an overwhelming majority of racists, are cons. Liberals are not racists. If they were, they wouldn't attract ALL the minorities to their party. And I don't mean just blacks, I mean many other ethnic groups as well.

Again, don't confuse this as an indictment against ALL cons. It is however a sorry commentary on their party and their extremist wing.
Wow...Another lefty expressing delusion...
Hey genius. One of the definitions of racism is that when a person singles out another person or group of people based solely on their race.
Libs do this ALL OF THE TIME......
You people live and die on the politics of identity.
So if you see yourself as pure as the new fallen snow, you are lying to yourself.

Horseshit. Link us a dictionary that defines it that way. Racism is the belief that one race is inferior to another --- not the acknowledgement that races exist. Holy shit you're a dumb fuck.
If that makes you feel better, you keep believing that..
There are two kinds of racism....One is singling out a person or group based on their race. The other is NOT singling them out because of their race

LOL, you just pulled that definition right out of your ass.
Here's what liberals say and do when a black person dares venture off the political plantation. Oh, and I literally have dozens of more examples. Liberals aren't or can't be racist, what bullshit.

Racist tweets hurled at Clueless star after Romney edorsement - NY Daily News

@kyleward3 @unixgod Stacy Dash is an oreo, white man dik hopping uncle tom ghetto gagger may she get cancer twice and die once.

Blackbuda2k12 (@UMDftplayersUck) October 08, 2012

After actress Stacey Dash announced her support for Mitt Romney Sunday, vicious libs urged her to kill herself and called her a “fake black.”

But the Left’s repulsive venom didn’t end there. Obama supporters targeted Dash with the revolting racial slur “Oreo.”

Others hurled perennial leftist favorites like “house negro” and “Uncle Tom.”
You said: "Poor Blacks have been voting for Democrats for years, they're still stuck in the ghettos, they're still under-educated and they're still poor. Then theirs the historical Democrat Party and that's all about racism. Jim Crow laws, the KKK ... Democratic Party sponsored ..You are young and dumb or just dumb."


I say: Nope, the KKK was taken over by the cons. So were JC laws. Cons are denying voting rights to minorities. Notice, how you have to go back 100 years or more to blame the dems. No sir, sorry, you lost minorities no matter how many times you bring up KKK and JC, the minorities know who the real racists are. And it's not dems. Nice try.

KKK was always made of conservatives and still is. Although in its first incarnation which lasted less than 15 years, probably better described as insurgents.
Why can't you debate the topic? What's the point of attacking me? I made a point that liberals are not racists. ALL minorities vote for liberals. ALL. Does that make me old far leftie? Why? Because cons are racists, that makes me a far left drone?
Nobody in their right mind would engage in such a pigeon hole thread.
You made an accusation accompanied by a conclusion( about conservatives)..Your idea of debate is to coerce those you accuse to defend themselves against the accusation.....
That bullshit isn't going to fly.....
So go shove broken glass up your nose.

That accusation is backed by real life evidence. I clearly provided the evidence to the statement "Liberals are not racists" by saying liberals get support from almost ALL ethnic group. So point 1 is proven.

Point 2: Cons are racists. That point is proven by the fact that many cons use N word and oppose Obama purely on the basis of his skin color. Obama is a conservative, not a liberal. And cons oppose Obama only because of his skin color, not because of his policies. Obamacare is a conservative plan, not a liberal plan.

Thanks for your reply.

Cons are not racists necessarily, but racists are by definition conservative. It's the nature of the beast.
Wow..Just wow.
That post is representative of the willful ignorance of those on the political left.
Liberals are not racists. They get the votes from Jews, latinos, blacks, whites, Muslims, Asians, women. Liberalism welcomes all people including republicans and conservatives. Conservatives are more likely to be racists. We saw that in 2008 and 2012.

One argument cons often put forth about Obama is: "We are not racists, we disagree with his policies". Nope, I don't buy that. The real reason cons hate Obamacare is not because they don't like that plan. ACA is a republican plan to begin with. Cons often use the N word on line to describe Obama. Not all cons, but many do.

This is not to say all cons are racists. But I believe that most racists, an overwhelming majority of racists, are cons. Liberals are not racists. If they were, they wouldn't attract ALL the minorities to their party. And I don't mean just blacks, I mean many other ethnic groups as well.

Again, don't confuse this as an indictment against ALL cons. It is however a sorry commentary on their party and their extremist wing.

Dude, this is so yesterday. Move on, Obama era is ending.
Why can't you debate the topic? What's the point of attacking me? I made a point that liberals are not racists. ALL minorities vote for liberals. ALL. Does that make me old far leftie? Why? Because cons are racists, that makes me a far left drone?
Nobody in their right mind would engage in such a pigeon hole thread.
You made an accusation accompanied by a conclusion( about conservatives)..Your idea of debate is to coerce those you accuse to defend themselves against the accusation.....
That bullshit isn't going to fly.....
So go shove broken glass up your nose.

That accusation is backed by real life evidence. I clearly provided the evidence to the statement "Liberals are not racists" by saying liberals get support from almost ALL ethnic group. So point 1 is proven.

Point 2: Cons are racists. That point is proven by the fact that many cons use N word and oppose Obama purely on the basis of his skin color. Obama is a conservative, not a liberal. And cons oppose Obama only because of his skin color, not because of his policies. Obamacare is a conservative plan, not a liberal plan.

Thanks for your reply.

Cons are not racists necessarily, but racists are by definition conservative. It's the nature of the beast.

This is why you're difficult to take seriously and I consider you just another Democratic Party a race baiter.

LOL, all I care about is that cons have most of the racists and minorities know it very well. Your opinions don't change any facts. Dems have the minority votes. You don't have to accept the facts if you don't like them ("Romney in a landslide")! LOL!
Liberals aren't racist? The Democrat Party let Robert Byrd stay in office, even days away from death they wheeled him in. A leader of the KKK, voted against the Civil Rights Act--they reelected him over and over, and defended him over and over.

The author of the OP is an idiot.

Might wanna be circumspect with the term "idiot" if you don't know Byrd quit the KKK before he ever even ran for public office and renounced it.

Damn, I didn't think I bought ALL the history books...
Liberals are not racists. They get the votes from Jews, latinos, blacks, whites, Muslims, Asians, women. Liberalism welcomes all people including republicans and conservatives. Conservatives are more likely to be racists. We saw that in 2008 and 2012.

One argument cons often put forth about Obama is: "We are not racists, we disagree with his policies". Nope, I don't buy that. The real reason cons hate Obamacare is not because they don't like that plan. ACA is a republican plan to begin with. Cons often use the N word on line to describe Obama. Not all cons, but many do.

This is not to say all cons are racists. But I believe that most racists, an overwhelming majority of racists, are cons. Liberals are not racists. If they were, they wouldn't attract ALL the minorities to their party. And I don't mean just blacks, I mean many other ethnic groups as well.

Again, don't confuse this as an indictment against ALL cons. It is however a sorry commentary on their party and their extremist wing.

Dude, this is so yesterday. Move on, Obama era is ending.

I agree Obama era will end in two years. But republican racism will not. Again, not all cons are racists. Bye.
Here's what liberals say and do when a black person dares venture off the political plantation. Oh, and I literally have dozens of more examples. Liberals aren't or can't be racist, what bullshit.

Racist tweets hurled at Clueless star after Romney edorsement - NY Daily News

Vile Racist Obama supporters call Stacey Dash house negro Uncle Tom Oreo Twitchy

@kyleward3 @unixgod Stacy Dash is an oreo, white man dik hopping uncle tom ghetto gagger may she get cancer twice and die once.

Blackbuda2k12 (@UMDftplayersUck) October 08, 2012

After actress Stacey Dash announced her support for Mitt Romney Sunday, vicious libs urged her to kill herself and called her a “fake black.”

But the Left’s repulsive venom didn’t end there. Obama supporters targeted Dash with the revolting racial slur “Oreo.”

Others hurled perennial leftist favorites like “house negro” and “Uncle Tom.”

Sorry, that page doesn't exist.

Twitchy is as credible as worldnutdaily.
Here's what liberals say and do when a black person dares venture off the political plantation. Oh, and I literally have dozens of more examples. Liberals aren't or can't be racist, what bullshit.

Racist tweets hurled at Clueless star after Romney edorsement - NY Daily News

Vile Racist Obama supporters call Stacey Dash house negro Uncle Tom Oreo Twitchy

@kyleward3 @unixgod Stacy Dash is an oreo, white man dik hopping uncle tom ghetto gagger may she get cancer twice and die once.

Blackbuda2k12 (@UMDftplayersUck) October 08, 2012

After actress Stacey Dash announced her support for Mitt Romney Sunday, vicious libs urged her to kill herself and called her a “fake black.”

But the Left’s repulsive venom didn’t end there. Obama supporters targeted Dash with the revolting racial slur “Oreo.”

Others hurled perennial leftist favorites like “house negro” and “Uncle Tom.”
And let us not forget the racist caricatures of Condi Rice...
Racist cartoons of Condoleezza Rice Alas a Blog
Remember When Condoleezza Rice Was Called a House Nigga National Review Online
You said: "Poor Blacks have been voting for Democrats for years, they're still stuck in the ghettos, they're still under-educated and they're still poor. Then theirs the historical Democrat Party and that's all about racism. Jim Crow laws, the KKK ... Democratic Party sponsored ..You are young and dumb or just dumb."


I say: Nope, the KKK was taken over by the cons. So were JC laws. Cons are denying voting rights to minorities. Notice, how you have to go back 100 years or more to blame the dems. No sir, sorry, you lost minorities no matter how many times you bring up KKK and JC, the minorities know who the real racists are. And it's not dems. Nice try.

100 years? Are you really this dumb? Bull O'Connor, Lester Maddox, Al Gore Sr., Robert Byrd--the Democrat Party stood opposed to the Civil Rights Act.

My stars and little fishes you're a mental midget.

The original House version:
  • Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
  • Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
  • >>> ALL SOUTHERNERS: 7-97 (6.7%--93.3%)

  • Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94 – 6%)
  • Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85 – 15%)
  • >>> ALL NORTHERNERS: 283-33 (89.6%--11.4%)
The Senate version:
  • Southern Democrats: 1–20 (5–95%)
  • Southern Republicans: 0–1 (0–100%)
  • Northern Democrats: 45–1 (98–2%)
  • Northern Republicans: 27–5 (84–16%)
  • ALL SOUTHERNERS: 1--21 (4.5%--95.5%)
  • ALL NORTHERNERS: 72--6 (92.3%--7.7%)

Yes, there is a party pattern in that each line shows more support from the D side than the R side. But again, 94 versus 85 on one side is not significant.

But 96 on one side versus 92 on the other side?? You just hit the motherlode. NOW you can cite chew some polarization. BIG time.

The numbers don't lie; your pattern is clearly there but it's regional, not political. And regional, once again for you slow readers who can't think of a point on your own and crutch on Googly Image Bullshit, means cultural.

You take the numbers from the North -- both Dems and Repubs are for it.
You take the numbers from the South -- both Dems and Repubs are agin' it.
It's truly bipartisan in both directions. (!)

Liberals aren't racist? The Democrat Party let Robert Byrd stay in office, even days away from death they wheeled him in. A leader of the KKK, voted against the Civil Rights Act--they reelected him over and over, and defended him over and over.

The author of the OP is an idiot.

Might wanna be circumspect with the term "idiot" if you don't know Byrd quit the KKK before he ever even ran for public office and renounced it.

Damn, I didn't think I bought ALL the history books...

Oh, for the love of Gawd, are they trotting out Byrd again?
Liberals are not racists. They get the votes from Jews, latinos, blacks, whites, Muslims, Asians, women. Liberalism welcomes all people including republicans and conservatives. Conservatives are more likely to be racists. We saw that in 2008 and 2012.

One argument cons often put forth about Obama is: "We are not racists, we disagree with his policies". Nope, I don't buy that. The real reason cons hate Obamacare is not because they don't like that plan. ACA is a republican plan to begin with. Cons often use the N word on line to describe Obama. Not all cons, but many do.

This is not to say all cons are racists. But I believe that most racists, an overwhelming majority of racists, are cons. Liberals are not racists. If they were, they wouldn't attract ALL the minorities to their party. And I don't mean just blacks, I mean many other ethnic groups as well.

Again, don't confuse this as an indictment against ALL cons. It is however a sorry commentary on their party and their extremist wing.

Dude, this is so yesterday. Move on, Obama era is ending.

I agree Obama era will end in two years. But republican racism will not. Again, not all cons are racists. Bye.

Not all libs beat their partners.

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