Liberals are now focusing on Melania's Pith helmet.

Liberals again show they don't care about asking what Melania has learned on her tour of impoverished African nations. They are all transfixed on the Pith Helmet she decided to wear and nothing else matters. How demeaning to women when you think all that is important is what they wear.

Melania Trump Pith Hat in Africa - Melania Trump Wears a Controversial Colonial-Era Hat During Her Trip to Africa

Symbols have meanings. It's really that simple.
Right on!

When I went on safari, most everyone was wearing a pith helmet. They help with the sun and heat. This isn’t an issue.
Sorry you’re right she doesn’t stick out at all. Its only a hat. Haha


Yes god forbid the First Lady dress poorly. Maybe you didn’t read, but the article was about the pith helmet.
That article was garbage, I’ll give you that. I stopped taking Cosmo articles seriously right after I read my first one.
It’s all a bunch of hoopla.
Agreed. The article was lame. I saw an interview with Melaniawhere she took issue with questions about her outfit which I thought was comical for the reasons I mentioned.
There are bigger issues. About as dumb as when people got worked up over Michelle wearing shorts.
Liberals again show they don't care about asking what Melania has learned on her tour of impoverished African nations. They are all transfixed on the Pith Helmet she decided to wear and nothing else matters. How demeaning to women when you think all that is important is what they wear.

Melania Trump Pith Hat in Africa - Melania Trump Wears a Controversial Colonial-Era Hat During Her Trip to Africa
You have no idea what Liberals are concentrating on or anything else, brainwashed super dupe.
Liberals again show they don't care about asking what Melania has learned on her tour of impoverished African nations. They are all transfixed on the Pith Helmet she decided to wear and nothing else matters. How demeaning to women when you think all that is important is what they wear.

Melania Trump Pith Hat in Africa - Melania Trump Wears a Controversial Colonial-Era Hat During Her Trip to Africa
Mike, Why do you say this is a liberal complaint? Assume much? And I have to agree this is the stupidest and most insignificant gripe of a FLOTUS since Michelle tired bangs. But there is an interesting tidbit at the end of the article, as follows:

"Also, a reminder that President Trump's policies loosen regulations on trophy hunting and importing animal parts so Melania's wildlife tour was a little in the first place, and her fashion statement is just adding insult to injury at this point."

Not his stalwart sons can go shoot the last caged lion/tiger/rhino/cheetah in comfort. What a rush, this power of life and death over some creature no danger to you!

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Liberals again show they don't care about asking what Melania has learned on her tour of impoverished African nations. They are all transfixed on the Pith Helmet she decided to wear and nothing else matters. How demeaning to women when you think all that is important is what they wear.

Melania Trump Pith Hat in Africa - Melania Trump Wears a Controversial Colonial-Era Hat During Her Trip to Africa
How clueless our First Lady is

Doesn’t she have people to help her?
Liberals again show they don't care about asking what Melania has learned on her tour of impoverished African nations. They are all transfixed on the Pith Helmet she decided to wear and nothing else matters. How demeaning to women when you think all that is important is what they wear.

Melania Trump Pith Hat in Africa - Melania Trump Wears a Controversial Colonial-Era Hat During Her Trip to Africa

Symbols have meanings. It's really that simple.

About 17 people care.
Liberals again show they don't care about asking what Melania has learned on her tour of impoverished African nations. They are all transfixed on the Pith Helmet she decided to wear and nothing else matters. How demeaning to women when you think all that is important is what they wear.

Melania Trump Pith Hat in Africa - Melania Trump Wears a Controversial Colonial-Era Hat During Her Trip to Africa
Mike, Why do you say this is a liberal complaint? Assume much? And I have to agree this is the stupidest and most insignificant gripe of a FLOTUS since Michelle tired bangs. But there is an interesting tidbit at the end of the article, as follows:

"Also, a reminder that President Trump's policies loosen regulations on trophy hunting and importing animal parts so Melania's wildlife tour was a little in the first place, and her fashion statement is just adding insult to injury at this point."

Not his stalwart sons can go shoot the last caged lion/tiger/rhino/cheetah in comfort. What a rush, this power of life and death over some creature no danger to you!

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If her hat offends progressives that’s only a good thing, because all progressives are cowardly pieces of shit....
You would think that there would be someone on the staff who would help her with this sort of thing.
If that hat offends anybody they deserve the world of misery... Because they are fucking cowardly control freaks like yourself so shut the fuck up
You know how terrible things are for the left when their best play is talking about a hat.:113::113:

Dont blame me....been telling these bozos for days to go out and grab some KY while it's still on the shelves.

Hats! :iyfyus.jpg:
More proof of how socially tone deaf the Trumps are
They play the clueless billionaire act to the hilt

What next?
A lawn jockey at the White House?
Liberals again show they don't care about asking what Melania has learned on her tour of impoverished African nations. They are all transfixed on the Pith Helmet she decided to wear and nothing else matters. How demeaning to women when you think all that is important is what they wear.

Melania Trump Pith Hat in Africa - Melania Trump Wears a Controversial Colonial-Era Hat During Her Trip to Africa

Symbols have meanings. It's really that simple.

Like flags and national anthems?
Liberals again show they don't care about asking what Melania has learned on her tour of impoverished African nations. They are all transfixed on the Pith Helmet she decided to wear and nothing else matters. How demeaning to women when you think all that is important is what they wear.

Melania Trump Pith Hat in Africa - Melania Trump Wears a Controversial Colonial-Era Hat During Her Trip to Africa

Symbols have meanings. It's really that simple.

Star Wars fantasy.

Cymbals serve a purpose.

They have meaning.
Liberals again show they don't care about asking what Melania has learned on her tour of impoverished African nations. They are all transfixed on the Pith Helmet she decided to wear and nothing else matters. How demeaning to women when you think all that is important is what they wear.

Melania Trump Pith Hat in Africa - Melania Trump Wears a Controversial Colonial-Era Hat During Her Trip to Africa
If she doesn’t want to talk about her clothes then she shouldn’t wear costumes when she goes out in public. Dress normal and nobody will say anything.

What a maroon.

Just because you wear white shoes and plaid after Labor day, while on the golf course doesn't give you license to insult





To keep the sun off of her face.

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