Liberals are supporting and encouraging violence against Trump

Timothy McVeigh was a RW conservative terrorist for starters. But here is a more comprehensive guide to RW terrorism in America:

They and untold thousands like them are the extremists who hide among us, the right-wing militants who, since 2002, have killed more people in the United States than jihadis have. In that time, according to New America, a Washington think tank, Islamists launched nine attacks that murdered 45, while the right-wing extremists struck 18 times, leaving 48 dead. These Americans thrive on hate and conspiracy theories, many fed to them by politicians and commentators who blithely blather about government concentration camps and impending martial law and plans to seize guns and other dystopian gibberish, apparently unaware there are people listening who don’t know it’s all lies. These extremists turn to violence—against minorities, non-Christians, abortion providers, government officials—in what they believe is a fight to save America. And that potential for violence is escalating every day.

And do NOT forget the RW conservative Greensboro massacre of peaceful Communist Worker's Party demonstrators. The RW doesn't just attack the police and peaceful rallies they KILL people. BTW the Greensboro Massacre case went to trial which culminated in a court ordered paltry sum of $350,000 awarded to the victims or survivors of deceased victims. Among the plaintiffs was the local police department because the PD failed to provide protection for the demonstrators even though an informant had warned them the RW conservatives were planning violence.
Trying to broadbrush conservatives with McVeigh is intellectually dishonest.
He is simply one example. The "broadbrush" was well in place before McVeigh was born. That is why I used other examples .
You are simply one example of a libtard halfwit. Your attempt to smear the conservative right with a mass murdering lunatic is a lowlife move. It's all you have to offer.

Don't blame me. I'm just the messenger. Read the link I posted above and educate yourself. The conservative right includes a host of extremists, many of them high school drop outs and PWT. So why are you surprised by their barbarism?
You are a messenger of stupidity. McVeigh doesn't represent me or any conservative I know. You are a liar and a smear monger, go suck a turd.
Isn't it telling that they latch on a lone killer and claim that equates to senators congressmen and a sitting President encouraging violence against a candidate for President?
He is simply one example. The "broadbrush" was well in place before McVeigh was born. That is why I used other examples .
You are simply one example of a libtard halfwit. Your attempt to smear the conservative right with a mass murdering lunatic is a lowlife move. It's all you have to offer.

Don't blame me. I'm just the messenger. Read the link I posted above and educate yourself. The conservative right includes a host of extremists, many of them high school drop outs and PWT. So why are you surprised by their barbarism?
You are a messenger of stupidity. McVeigh doesn't represent me or any conservative I know. You are a liar and a smear monger, go suck a turd.

I can understand you wanting to distance yourself from McVeigh but the GOP is full of conservatives like him (and you.) I never said McVeigh represented you personally, but he and that ilk are ensconced within the GOP and call themselves conservatives. Calling me a liar won't change the facts. I can back up what I say and make you look even more of a fool than you already are. BTW your anger belies your pain. Ohh, I feel yer pain…. heh heh heh!
I pointed out that you are a dishonest little piece of shit. Talking down to me won't cover it up.

I have nothing to do with McVeigh, I don't need to distant myself from him or anybody else. The fact that a stupid turd like you has to resort to such tactics proves you have no legitimate argument to make. Just smears.
Just look at the list of angry RW groupies in your fan club. Your vitriolic nonsense dissipates rapidly like the hot air it is. No person of any educational attainment would marginalize the erudite messages I have passed on from scholars just to support your delusional outrage.
McVeigh was a conservative just as all the RW haters are…and that includes YOU. You and your ilk BELONG to that group.
senators congressmen and a sitting President encouraging violence against a candidate for President?

HATING plus DRINKING causes someone to state the above...Who the hell needs proof, correct, right wingers.????? After all, you've got fox and Limbaugh so who the hell needs proof to make accusations.
UNIBOMBER? Who the hell is that. I have heard of the Unabomber. See what i mean? You dumb ass hicks don't even know who or what you're talking about half the time.

Ted Kaczynski - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ted Kaczynski was not the Unibomber… He was the UnAbomber. Stop trying to correct me and pay attention you dumb shit!
Wow, that changes everything. So much so you can prance around in victory! The point doesn't even matter, there was a spelling error to consider.

Who the fuck makes your day to day decisions? You sure can't.

That "spelling error" was also a misidentification of the subject. And no; none of your points matter to anyone except your fellow RW bigots. BTW, they are just as dumb as you are or they would have caught the error too. Also, I never would have mentioned it at all if you hadn't started by calling me a liar beforehand. After that, anything you said (or spelled) was fair game. Don't play with fire if you don't want to get burned.
I can understand you wanting to distance yourself from McVeigh but the GOP is full of conservatives like him (and you.) I never said McVeigh represented you personally, but he and that ilk are ensconced within the GOP and call themselves conservatives. Calling me a liar won't change the facts. I can back up what I say and make you look even more of a fool than you already are. BTW your anger belies your pain. Ohh, I feel yer pain…. heh heh heh!

The GOP full of conservatives like McVeigh?


Sure, that's why there have been MILLIONS of major attacks on Federal Buildings in the last twenty years.

Tens of millions.

Because that is what you just claimed.

No, dummy, there are many angry RW White males in the GOP with the potential to do bad things individually or in groups. Its the McVeigh mindset that I am referring to, not necessarily his actions.

Sooo, 10 of millions of POTENTIAL McVieighs?

Still laughable.

If Timothy McVeigh's political beliefs and mindset was half the country, you'd know it, because of the nightly body counts on the news.

You are fearmongering and hatemongering.

You want to walk that back some more, or is this where you start personally attacking me?
I don't know how many of you angry RW fuckers are out there but judging by your hateful saturation of the Internet, there ARE millions of you. Yes that mindset is rampant. I think we will see it manifested even more virulently if Trump loses his bid for the presidency. The Civil Rights Era has caused some of you freaks to go postal because you cry babies don't want to share; or you think something is being taken from you when a Black man or woman gets a good job. That is just one cause of your angst; ;but, race is always at the root of it. Hate mongering is part of your identity if you aspire to be a modern day conservative. That is why Trump is so popular with your kind!

So, as I suspected, now that I've called you out on your panic mongering and fear mongering, which you cannot refute because it is obviously TRUE,

you switch over to all that lefties have, the Personal Attack.

Do you ever stop to think how divisive it is to falsely accuse someone of racism?

You poisonously slander vast swatches of the population, angering them,

AND, all those who believe you, now look at those vast segments of the population as bad people, if not actually their enemies.
Your trouble is that you project your own worldview onto others; people you don't even know. What you see as a personal attack is really an indictment of the Angry White Male phenomenon that has become increasingly virulent in the past decade or so. I am simply echoing the sentiments of experts who are watching all of this and commenting accordingly.

If I accuse someone of racism it isn't a false accusation. I take great pains to scrutinize past posts and other markers that leave little doubt as to a person's racism. Frankly though, anyone who believes in race is a racist. I don't. Do you?

You said: Your poisonously slander vast swatches of the population, angering them,." Really? What slander is that? Everything posted here is written, not spoken. That makes you a dumb racist and your prognosis as to the effect of my "slander" on vast swatches of the population )( of USMB?) reflects your narrow tunnel vision and stupidity.
What right wingers on here conveniently "forget" is that one of their fellow nitwits began a thread entitled,

Really? REALLY? Instead of either telling the O/P what an idiot he/she is for blanketing ALL liberals in an accusation that is based on some personal opinion laced with lots of hatred (that would have been courageous, btw.) OR, simply avoiding the post.......a bunch of other hate-filled nuts piled on "supporting" the original imbecile.
Trying to broadbrush conservatives with McVeigh is intellectually dishonest.
He is simply one example. The "broadbrush" was well in place before McVeigh was born. That is why I used other examples .
You are simply one example of a libtard halfwit. Your attempt to smear the conservative right with a mass murdering lunatic is a lowlife move. It's all you have to offer.

Don't blame me. I'm just the messenger. Read the link I posted above and educate yourself. The conservative right includes a host of extremists, many of them high school drop outs and PWT. So why are you surprised by their barbarism?
You are a messenger of stupidity. McVeigh doesn't represent me or any conservative I know. You are a liar and a smear monger, go suck a turd.
Isn't it telling that they latch on a lone killer and claim that equates to senators congressmen and a sitting President encouraging violence against a candidate for President?

A lone killer? Don't make me drop a comprehensive list on you of RW killers starting with abortion clinic shootings.
The GOP full of conservatives like McVeigh?


Sure, that's why there have been MILLIONS of major attacks on Federal Buildings in the last twenty years.

Tens of millions.

Because that is what you just claimed.

No, dummy, there are many angry RW White males in the GOP with the potential to do bad things individually or in groups. Its the McVeigh mindset that I am referring to, not necessarily his actions.

Sooo, 10 of millions of POTENTIAL McVieighs?

Still laughable.

If Timothy McVeigh's political beliefs and mindset was half the country, you'd know it, because of the nightly body counts on the news.

You are fearmongering and hatemongering.

You want to walk that back some more, or is this where you start personally attacking me?
I don't know how many of you angry RW fuckers are out there but judging by your hateful saturation of the Internet, there ARE millions of you. Yes that mindset is rampant. I think we will see it manifested even more virulently if Trump loses his bid for the presidency. The Civil Rights Era has caused some of you freaks to go postal because you cry babies don't want to share; or you think something is being taken from you when a Black man or woman gets a good job. That is just one cause of your angst; ;but, race is always at the root of it. Hate mongering is part of your identity if you aspire to be a modern day conservative. That is why Trump is so popular with your kind!

So, as I suspected, now that I've called you out on your panic mongering and fear mongering, which you cannot refute because it is obviously TRUE,

you switch over to all that lefties have, the Personal Attack.

Do you ever stop to think how divisive it is to falsely accuse someone of racism?

You poisonously slander vast swatches of the population, angering them,

AND, all those who believe you, now look at those vast segments of the population as bad people, if not actually their enemies.
Your trouble is that you project your own worldview onto others; people you don't even know. What you see as a personal attack is really an indictment of the Angry White Male phenomenon that has become increasingly virulent in the past decade or so. I am simply echoing the sentiments of experts who are watching all of this and commenting accordingly.

If I accuse someone of racism it isn't a false accusation. I take great pains to scrutinize past posts and other markers that leave little doubt as to a person's racism. Frankly though, anyone who believes in race is a racist. I don't. Do you?

You said: Your poisonously slander vast swatches of the population, angering them,." Really? What slander is that? Everything posted here is written, not spoken. That makes you a dumb racist and your prognosis as to the effect of my "slander" on vast swatches of the population )( of USMB?) reflects your narrow tunnel vision and stupidity.

1. Lets see, "hateful", "you freaks", "cry babies", accused of racism, and "hatemonger". That you can claim to not have personally attacked me is both delusional and to be expected as you are a leftist.

2. "Experts"? LOL!!!!! Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Authority. Your argument is NOT supported by citing unnamed "experts".

3. The fact that you have managed to conveniently "forget" the dictionary definition of Racist, makes your claim to be "careful" about accusing people of it, laughable.

4. Your concern about the proper use of the word "slander" is absurd coming from someone who has deluded himself as to the meaning of the word "racist".

5. My point stands. Your (personal and group you) constant SLANDER AND LIBEL of vast swatches of the population is extremely divisive for the reasons I posted, ie angering your undeserving victims and radicalizing minorities.
What right wingers on here conveniently "forget" is that one of their fellow nitwits began a thread entitled,

Really? REALLY? Instead of either telling the O/P what an idiot he/she is for blanketing ALL liberals in an accusation that is based on some personal opinion laced with lots of hatred (that would have been courageous, btw.) OR, simply avoiding the post.......a bunch of other hate-filled nuts piled on "supporting" the original imbecile.

Everyone one of you liberals have either minimized, denied, deflected or defended the rioters and thugs.

As you have responded as a like minded group, sticking together, discussing you as a group is completely appropriate.
He is simply one example. The "broadbrush" was well in place before McVeigh was born. That is why I used other examples .
You are simply one example of a libtard halfwit. Your attempt to smear the conservative right with a mass murdering lunatic is a lowlife move. It's all you have to offer.

Don't blame me. I'm just the messenger. Read the link I posted above and educate yourself. The conservative right includes a host of extremists, many of them high school drop outs and PWT. So why are you surprised by their barbarism?
You are a messenger of stupidity. McVeigh doesn't represent me or any conservative I know. You are a liar and a smear monger, go suck a turd.
Isn't it telling that they latch on a lone killer and claim that equates to senators congressmen and a sitting President encouraging violence against a candidate for President?

A lone killer? Don't make me drop a comprehensive list on you of RW killers starting with abortion clinic shootings.
What you have are single individuals that are plainly crazy, funny how when we point out all the crazy leftwing fanatics that murder we are scolded for attributing any political bent to "crazy People".

Remind me of sitting Presidents, congressmen or Senators on the right that have actively encouraged violence against a person running for President.
It wouldn't surprise me at all if Trump was hiring "liberals" to come to his rallies to boost publicity and to anger more and more blue collars into voting for him out of hatred for "liberals who hate Trump".

Ingenious. The guy really does know how to close a deal.
It wouldn't surprise me at all if Trump was hiring "liberals" to come to his rallies to boost publicity and to anger more and more blue collars into voting for him out of hatred for "liberals who hate Trump".

Ingenious. The guy really does know how to close a deal.

Conspiracy time.....
You are simply one example of a libtard halfwit. Your attempt to smear the conservative right with a mass murdering lunatic is a lowlife move. It's all you have to offer.

Don't blame me. I'm just the messenger. Read the link I posted above and educate yourself. The conservative right includes a host of extremists, many of them high school drop outs and PWT. So why are you surprised by their barbarism?
You are a messenger of stupidity. McVeigh doesn't represent me or any conservative I know. You are a liar and a smear monger, go suck a turd.
Isn't it telling that they latch on a lone killer and claim that equates to senators congressmen and a sitting President encouraging violence against a candidate for President?

A lone killer? Don't make me drop a comprehensive list on you of RW killers starting with abortion clinic shootings.
What you have are single individuals that are plainly crazy, funny how when we point out all the crazy leftwing fanatics that murder we are scolded for attributing any political bent to "crazy People".

Remind me of sitting Presidents, congressmen or Senators on the right that have actively encouraged violence against a person running for President.
Can you be a bit more specific. I'm not good at guessing riddles . What the hell are you talking about?
Both on this board and across the US Liberals are in support of violence directed at Trump and his supporters. It is shameful and it will have consequences. As deafening silence comes from the White House and from those running for the democratic party nomination. This will cause those on the fence to come off of it in support of a man they may not know if they support or not. It proves that Illegals and liberals are arm in arm in an attempt to silence the very bedrock of our election process.

There is no parallel with the right. No right wing group has mounted dozens of attacks against police and peaceful political rallies.

Remember when the left claimed the Tea party was violent? They could not actually find any examples other then fabricated ones but there was much gnashing of teeth and calls for the Government to step in.

Obama is part of this violence he has spoken against Trump at several events and has encouraged the violence by his silence and his own attacks. As has Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Further the left wing press has claimed that the violence being perpetrated AGAINST Trump is some how his own fault. While saying nothing against or about the unlawful threats damage and attacks by left wing radicals.

You want war, keep it up you may just get it.

no. most "liberals" and any other people don't condone violence.

but you might want to look at drumpf saying things like "try not to hurt [protesters] but if you do, don't worry, i'll pay your legal bills" to see where the problem started.


If those who speak and represent the views of liberals vocalize and publicly (with strong language) condemn those actions of protesters who disagree with Trump, only then would you be able to say that. Our nation has already become devided through the rhetoric of Obama focusing on those who oppose him rather than speeches that demonstrate and backup this myth that democrats are capable of reaching across the isle in compromise to find common ground. We don't have a president or administration who recognizes the differences among the views of the voters and is representative to the needs of all the people, only to those who agree to his own ideology. This is the irony behind those who claim Trump is arrogant, cocky, and has created so much division across this nation through his political views.
You are simply one example of a libtard halfwit. Your attempt to smear the conservative right with a mass murdering lunatic is a lowlife move. It's all you have to offer.

Don't blame me. I'm just the messenger. Read the link I posted above and educate yourself. The conservative right includes a host of extremists, many of them high school drop outs and PWT. So why are you surprised by their barbarism?
You are a messenger of stupidity. McVeigh doesn't represent me or any conservative I know. You are a liar and a smear monger, go suck a turd.

I can understand you wanting to distance yourself from McVeigh but the GOP is full of conservatives like him (and you.) I never said McVeigh represented you personally, but he and that ilk are ensconced within the GOP and call themselves conservatives. Calling me a liar won't change the facts. I can back up what I say and make you look even more of a fool than you already are. BTW your anger belies your pain. Ohh, I feel yer pain…. heh heh heh!
I pointed out that you are a dishonest little piece of shit. Talking down to me won't cover it up.

I have nothing to do with McVeigh, I don't need to distant myself from him or anybody else. The fact that a stupid turd like you has to resort to such tactics proves you have no legitimate argument to make. Just smears.
Just look at the list of angry RW groupies in your fan club. Your vitriolic nonsense dissipates rapidly like the hot air it is. No person of any educational attainment would marginalize the erudite messages I have passed on from scholars just to support your delusional outrage.
McVeigh was a conservative just as all the RW haters are…and that includes YOU. You and your ilk BELONG to that group.
Doubling down on your stupidity might make sense to you but it isolates you as being a complete and total whackjob that can easily be dismissed. You offered nothing of substance. Finding an extremist and broadbrushing your enemy with them is propaganda. Clumsy puerile propaganda.
He is simply one example. The "broadbrush" was well in place before McVeigh was born. That is why I used other examples .
You are simply one example of a libtard halfwit. Your attempt to smear the conservative right with a mass murdering lunatic is a lowlife move. It's all you have to offer.

Don't blame me. I'm just the messenger. Read the link I posted above and educate yourself. The conservative right includes a host of extremists, many of them high school drop outs and PWT. So why are you surprised by their barbarism?
You are a messenger of stupidity. McVeigh doesn't represent me or any conservative I know. You are a liar and a smear monger, go suck a turd.
Isn't it telling that they latch on a lone killer and claim that equates to senators congressmen and a sitting President encouraging violence against a candidate for President?

A lone killer? Don't make me drop a comprehensive list on you of RW killers starting with abortion clinic shootings.
Wow, a half dozen religious zealots represent the entire conservative base. Meanwhile we should ignore all thousands of murdering done by lefties.

Don't blame me. I'm just the messenger. Read the link I posted above and educate yourself. The conservative right includes a host of extremists, many of them high school drop outs and PWT. So why are you surprised by their barbarism?
You are a messenger of stupidity. McVeigh doesn't represent me or any conservative I know. You are a liar and a smear monger, go suck a turd.

I can understand you wanting to distance yourself from McVeigh but the GOP is full of conservatives like him (and you.) I never said McVeigh represented you personally, but he and that ilk are ensconced within the GOP and call themselves conservatives. Calling me a liar won't change the facts. I can back up what I say and make you look even more of a fool than you already are. BTW your anger belies your pain. Ohh, I feel yer pain…. heh heh heh!
I pointed out that you are a dishonest little piece of shit. Talking down to me won't cover it up.

I have nothing to do with McVeigh, I don't need to distant myself from him or anybody else. The fact that a stupid turd like you has to resort to such tactics proves you have no legitimate argument to make. Just smears.
Just look at the list of angry RW groupies in your fan club. Your vitriolic nonsense dissipates rapidly like the hot air it is. No person of any educational attainment would marginalize the erudite messages I have passed on from scholars just to support your delusional outrage.
McVeigh was a conservative just as all the RW haters are…and that includes YOU. You and your ilk BELONG to that group.
Doubling down on your stupidity might make sense to you but it isolates you as being a complete and total whackjob that can easily be dismissed. You offered nothing of substance. Finding an extremist and broadbrushing your enemy with them is propaganda. Clumsy puerile propaganda.
Are you my enemy? I never really thought of you as an enemy. I though you were just a flawed fellow American with mental problems.

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