Liberals are supporting and encouraging violence against Trump

Now you are lying. Your last refuge....and one you return to often.

I'm lying? Seriously? You don't follow the news at all, do you?

Clinton blames Trump for violence at his events -

Yes. You are lying. Clinton has condemned the violence every time protesters have become violent. So has Sanders.

You are the liar, she has never Condemned the leftists, only the Trump supporters. So has Sanders

Still nothing from you on this, gnat. Where has Hillary condemned the leftist protesters for violence?

Now you are lying. Your last refuge....and one you return to often.

I'm lying? Seriously? You don't follow the news at all, do you?

Clinton blames Trump for violence at his events -

Yes. You are lying. Clinton has condemned the violence every time protesters have become violent. So has Sanders.

You are the liar, she has never Condemned the leftists, only the Trump supporters. So has Sanders

Still nothing from you on this, gnat. Where has Hillary condemned the leftist protesters for violence?

Hello again, loser. You are using silly names because you have lost. I'll provide one for you. Please take your medicine like a good boy and admit your error. For once.

Clinton Responds To Trump Rally: 'Violence Has No Place In Our Politics'

As I lost.

She's blaming Trump, moron. Right from the start of the quote: "The divisive rhetoric we are seeing should be of grave concern to us all." You seriously don't see that as a reference to Trump but the protesters? She says nothing about the protesters in that quote much less condemning them. She's actually rationalizing it by saying the problem is caused by the "divisive rhetoric."

Leftist hypocrisy on opposing divisive rhetoric being another topic ...
They have the force of law over the executive branch. Did you read the definition you posted?
Yes, idiot.

United States federal executive departments - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That doesn't say the President has power to issue EOs over other branches of the Federal government.

So can the President issue an EO banning abortion for all reasons across the nation? Where did you get the idea that the United States is a dictatorship? Why did the founding fathers bother writing a Constitution when according to you the President has all authority over everyone and everything simply by issuing an executive order?
I said nothing of the kind, dumbass.

Of course you are, you're arguing the President can issue an EO making immigration law which is binding over the legislature even though he has no Constitutional authority to do so.

So the President with your same rule could easily issue an EO making it a crime for any government agency, insurance company or employer to provide women with free birth control. That's exactly the same power as unilaterally changing immigration laws ignoring the legislature

Watch the libs scream about separation of powers if the president ever did that.

Yes, they would suddenly get it
You realize you just posted what bripat said, he can issue them only to the executive branch, which is what he has Constitutional authority over. He cannot issue executive orders that span other branches of government
So, EO's don't cover Congress or the Judiciary? They still have the force of law.

No, not really. Obama can't issue an EO imposing a tax on any American. He can't issue an EO making something illegal that was formerly legal. The only people required to comply with EO's are executive branch personnel.
Plenty of power: United States federal executive departments - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That doesn't change the fact that an EO is not a law. EO's can't conflict with laws passed by Congress, and they can't tell the executive branch not to enforce laws passed by Congress.
Since I live in the real world, the force of law has the same "force" as a law.

Regardless of how it comes about, if it can be enforced the same way, it is the same, in reality. The rest is semantics.

Yes, you live in the "real world" where government can run healthcare competently, government can create jobs without creating economic value and grown men can pee with little girls ...
I'm lying? Seriously? You don't follow the news at all, do you?

Clinton blames Trump for violence at his events -

Yes. You are lying. Clinton has condemned the violence every time protesters have become violent. So has Sanders.

You are the liar, she has never Condemned the leftists, only the Trump supporters. So has Sanders

Still nothing from you on this, gnat. Where has Hillary condemned the leftist protesters for violence?

I'm lying? Seriously? You don't follow the news at all, do you?

Clinton blames Trump for violence at his events -

Yes. You are lying. Clinton has condemned the violence every time protesters have become violent. So has Sanders.

You are the liar, she has never Condemned the leftists, only the Trump supporters. So has Sanders

Still nothing from you on this, gnat. Where has Hillary condemned the leftist protesters for violence?

Hello again, loser. You are using silly names because you have lost. I'll provide one for you. Please take your medicine like a good boy and admit your error. For once.

Clinton Responds To Trump Rally: 'Violence Has No Place In Our Politics'

As I lost.

The violence is all instigated by leftwing thugs hired by George Soros.

That's OK. It's only a problem when the Koch brothers do it
Come on, you asshole....I NEVER stated that all those video were from FOX.....did I ????

All I stated that a FOX video showed a kind of "scary" republican who boasted that he was a tough ex military, stating that he called the cops.....By the way, if this guy went in to vote, who the hell was "intimidated"??? His mother?

Just because it didn't turn into a fist fight and somebody getting hurt doesn't mean he wasn't intimidated.
First of all, I (for one) wished those two clowns with a night stick would have wound up in a jail....

But, yesterday I early voted on my state's primary.....In the parking lot there was a 6' 5" guy with a Trump T-shirt (make america great again) with a gun (since in my state it is open-carry)......
DID THAT stop me from going in to vote???? Absolutely NOT !!!!
And there were dozens of other voters before and following me to also go vote.....and all I told that big moron, was, "nice outfit."

Let me get this straight: this large guy with a gun was standing right in front of the door of the voting place? He was blocking your path to vote?

Or are you just reaching for straws trying to make a false comparison?
First of all, I (for one) wished those two clowns with a night stick would have wound up in a jail....

But, yesterday I early voted on my state's primary.....In the parking lot there was a 6' 5" guy with a Trump T-shirt (make america great again) with a gun (since in my state it is open-carry)......
DID THAT stop me from going in to vote???? Absolutely NOT !!!!
And there were dozens of other voters before and following me to also go vote.....and all I told that big moron, was, "nice outfit."

Let me get this straight: this large guy with a gun was standing right in front of the door of the voting place? He was blocking your path to vote?

Or are you just reaching for straws trying to make a false comparison?

What's amazing is that when a large man with a gun ... works for the government ... that makes him feel safe
By blaming the victim, you are implicitly endorsing the violence.

No.......that is a dumb "conclusion"......I am NOT condoning any violence; however, when Trump volunteers to pay for the court bills incurred by HIS followers' violence, THAT is both stupid and unforgivable.

"I am not condoning rape, HOWEVER when women dress like tramps and get drunk with men, that is both stupid and unforgivable."

You are blaming the victim and thus condoning the violence.
Vouchers are hardly a solution. That's simpleton stuff. That's where you fail.

So you support the point that getting kids into better schools is the solution yet you oppose helping or even allowing parents in poor neighborhoods to put their kids in better schools.

You're right, you are a clown. Promise me you'll never change the avatar. It's classic how often people self identify

Dummy. Let's make ALL THE SCHOOLS better. Then ALL THE KIDS get to go to good schools. While we are at it....let's make ALL THE NEIGHBORHOODS better.

So you support the point that getting kids into better schools is the solution yet you oppose helping or even allowing parents in poor neighborhoods to put their kids in better schools.

You're right, you are a clown. Promise me you'll never change the avatar. It's classic how often people self identify

Dummy. Let's make ALL THE SCHOOLS better. Then ALL THE KIDS get to go to good schools. While we are at it....let's make ALL THE NEIGHBORHOODS better.

Vouchers are a weak attempt to further segregate schools.

Democrats including Hillary repeatedly not only don't criticize the leftists physically attacking Trump supporters and physically trying to stop them from going to Trump rallies, but they continually blast the Trump supporters and blame them for it. They are clearly approving of and prodding leftist wackos to further attacks. Only a mindless, kool-aid swilling Democrat automaton would fail to see that

Yet your standard for them is they have to SAY they support the leftists goons directly. You also said "Vouchers are a weak attempt to further segregate schools." So by your standard, where is your quote from Republicans supporting vouchers they want to segregate schools?

Now you are lying. Your last refuge....and one you return to often.

I'm lying? Seriously? You don't follow the news at all, do you?

Clinton blames Trump for violence at his events -

Wow. Just wow.

"Clinton, speaking to a fired-up crowd at a gym in Indianapolis, hit Trump for dividing people without understanding the consequences, arguing that those actions have led to the violent protests that have occurred around some of his events."

Maybe she should consider how much she and other liberals divide the nation with their CONSTANT use of the Race Card.

Does she understand the consequences of that, or does she just not give a damn?
Timothy McVeigh was a RW conservative terrorist for starters. But here is a more comprehensive guide to RW terrorism in America:

They and untold thousands like them are the extremists who hide among us, the right-wing militants who, since 2002, have killed more people in the United States than jihadis have. In that time, according to New America, a Washington think tank, Islamists launched nine attacks that murdered 45, while the right-wing extremists struck 18 times, leaving 48 dead. These Americans thrive on hate and conspiracy theories, many fed to them by politicians and commentators who blithely blather about government concentration camps and impending martial law and plans to seize guns and other dystopian gibberish, apparently unaware there are people listening who don’t know it’s all lies. These extremists turn to violence—against minorities, non-Christians, abortion providers, government officials—in what they believe is a fight to save America. And that potential for violence is escalating every day.

And do NOT forget the RW conservative Greensboro massacre of peaceful Communist Worker's Party demonstrators. The RW doesn't just attack the police and peaceful rallies they KILL people. BTW the Greensboro Massacre case went to trial which culminated in a court ordered paltry sum of $350,000 awarded to the victims or survivors of deceased victims. Among the plaintiffs was the local police department because the PD failed to provide protection for the demonstrators even though an informant had warned them the RW conservatives were planning violence.
Trying to broadbrush conservatives with McVeigh is intellectually dishonest.
He is simply one example. The "broadbrush" was well in place before McVeigh was born. That is why I used other examples .
You are simply one example of a libtard halfwit. Your attempt to smear the conservative right with a mass murdering lunatic is a lowlife move. It's all you have to offer.

Don't blame me. I'm just the messenger. Read the link I posted above and educate yourself. The conservative right includes a host of extremists, many of them high school drop outs and PWT. So why are you surprised by their barbarism?
You are a messenger of stupidity. McVeigh doesn't represent me or any conservative I know. You are a liar and a smear monger, go suck a turd.

I can understand you wanting to distance yourself from McVeigh but the GOP is full of conservatives like him (and you.) I never said McVeigh represented you personally, but he and that ilk are ensconced within the GOP and call themselves conservatives. Calling me a liar won't change the facts. I can back up what I say and make you look even more of a fool than you already are. BTW your anger belies your pain. Ohh, I feel yer pain…. heh heh heh!
Trying to broadbrush conservatives with McVeigh is intellectually dishonest.
He is simply one example. The "broadbrush" was well in place before McVeigh was born. That is why I used other examples .
You are simply one example of a libtard halfwit. Your attempt to smear the conservative right with a mass murdering lunatic is a lowlife move. It's all you have to offer.

Don't blame me. I'm just the messenger. Read the link I posted above and educate yourself. The conservative right includes a host of extremists, many of them high school drop outs and PWT. So why are you surprised by their barbarism?
You are a messenger of stupidity. McVeigh doesn't represent me or any conservative I know. You are a liar and a smear monger, go suck a turd.

I can understand you wanting to distance yourself from McVeigh but the GOP is full of conservatives like him (and you.) I never said McVeigh represented you personally, but he and that ilk are ensconced within the GOP and call themselves conservatives. Calling me a liar won't change the facts. I can back up what I say and make you look even more of a fool than you already are. BTW your anger belies your pain. Ohh, I feel yer pain…. heh heh heh!

The GOP full of conservatives like McVeigh?


Sure, that's why there have been MILLIONS of major attacks on Federal Buildings in the last twenty years.

Tens of millions.

Because that is what you just claimed.
He is simply one example. The "broadbrush" was well in place before McVeigh was born. That is why I used other examples .
You are simply one example of a libtard halfwit. Your attempt to smear the conservative right with a mass murdering lunatic is a lowlife move. It's all you have to offer.

Don't blame me. I'm just the messenger. Read the link I posted above and educate yourself. The conservative right includes a host of extremists, many of them high school drop outs and PWT. So why are you surprised by their barbarism?

We do blame you because you're obviously a lying douche bag piece of shit.
Who is "WE"? You and the other RW high school drop outs that constantly loiter here at USMB? Gosh…. I feel so honored…heh heh heh!
Is this all you have? Seriously? Go find some kids somewhere to impress.
Aw, clean up the peanut shells, donut crumbs and beer cans from around your computer. You are another nut with a chair shaped ass that lives on USMB.
He is simply one example. The "broadbrush" was well in place before McVeigh was born. That is why I used other examples .
You are simply one example of a libtard halfwit. Your attempt to smear the conservative right with a mass murdering lunatic is a lowlife move. It's all you have to offer.

Don't blame me. I'm just the messenger. Read the link I posted above and educate yourself. The conservative right includes a host of extremists, many of them high school drop outs and PWT. So why are you surprised by their barbarism?
You are a messenger of stupidity. McVeigh doesn't represent me or any conservative I know. You are a liar and a smear monger, go suck a turd.

I can understand you wanting to distance yourself from McVeigh but the GOP is full of conservatives like him (and you.) I never said McVeigh represented you personally, but he and that ilk are ensconced within the GOP and call themselves conservatives. Calling me a liar won't change the facts. I can back up what I say and make you look even more of a fool than you already are. BTW your anger belies your pain. Ohh, I feel yer pain…. heh heh heh!

The GOP full of conservatives like McVeigh?


Sure, that's why there have been MILLIONS of major attacks on Federal Buildings in the last twenty years.

Tens of millions.

Because that is what you just claimed.

No, dummy, there are many angry RW White males in the GOP with the potential to do bad things individually or in groups. Its the McVeigh mindset that I am referring to, not necessarily his actions.
The author in the excerpt said that , not me dummy. Your reading comprehension exemplifies the vacuousness of your PWT mind. How you could have read a sentence and then missed the part you are now arguing about. That is incredibly stupid. Here it is again:
Verdicts were returned against the Greensboro police field commander, J. H. "Rooster" Cooper, control agent for Ed Dawson, and five Klan-Nazi defendants, including Dawson. You are just too stupid to warrant any further discussion on ANY TOPIC
You are living proof that simple people need simple answers. Using your idiotic logic the Unibomber represents all of the left.
UNIBOMBER? Who the hell is that. I have heard of the Unabomber. See what i mean? You dumb ass hicks don't even know who or what you're talking about half the time.
You are simply one example of a libtard halfwit. Your attempt to smear the conservative right with a mass murdering lunatic is a lowlife move. It's all you have to offer.

Don't blame me. I'm just the messenger. Read the link I posted above and educate yourself. The conservative right includes a host of extremists, many of them high school drop outs and PWT. So why are you surprised by their barbarism?
You are a messenger of stupidity. McVeigh doesn't represent me or any conservative I know. You are a liar and a smear monger, go suck a turd.

I can understand you wanting to distance yourself from McVeigh but the GOP is full of conservatives like him (and you.) I never said McVeigh represented you personally, but he and that ilk are ensconced within the GOP and call themselves conservatives. Calling me a liar won't change the facts. I can back up what I say and make you look even more of a fool than you already are. BTW your anger belies your pain. Ohh, I feel yer pain…. heh heh heh!

The GOP full of conservatives like McVeigh?


Sure, that's why there have been MILLIONS of major attacks on Federal Buildings in the last twenty years.

Tens of millions.

Because that is what you just claimed.

No, dummy, there are many angry RW White males in the GOP with the potential to do bad things individually or in groups. Its the McVeigh mindset that I am referring to, not necessarily his actions.

Sooo, 10 of millions of POTENTIAL McVieighs?

Still laughable.

If Timothy McVeigh's political beliefs and mindset was half the country, you'd know it, because of the nightly body counts on the news.

You are fearmongering and hatemongering.

You want to walk that back some more, or is this where you start personally attacking me?
Sooo, 10 of millions of POTENTIAL McVieighs?

Still laughable.

If Timothy McVeigh's political beliefs and mindset was half the country, you'd know it, because of the nightly body counts on the news.

You are fearmongering and hatemongering.

You want to walk that back some more, or is this where you start personally attacking me?

Well that's one of the differences between the left and the right.

On the right we admit there are kooks; there always are in any group. On the left, they can never do wrong. There is no such thing as a bad liberal or Democrat. They may "misspeak" they may have said something that was not meant the way they said it, but they are never at fault.
  • Anti-Trumpers Surround Black Trump Supporters & Spew Vile Epithets At Him (VIDEO) ^
    The peaceful, tolerant Left was out in force in San Diego this weekend. We've chronicled their crime and mayhem that started Friday. This time the mob turned their malice on a black Trump supporter. They surrounded him and spewed vile racial insults at him. In their world, if you're black you're not allowed to think for yourself. And if you try, the mob will turn on you and make you into an unperson - a sub-human not worthy of respect or the most basic dignity. It's despicable. And it's been on display at anti-Trump protests for months. This is just...

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