Liberals Are Trying Hard to Tarnish Reagan’s Legacy

It's a Bold Assertion, not an argument....

Do you know anything about "The Committee for the Present Danger" or "Team B"?

You're not equipped....
I'm familiar with the Committee ON the Present Danger but not FOR the Present Danger. What do terrorism task forces have to do with choking the Soviet economy through arms build up? Did you get your brainwashing at Howard or Morgan St?

I'm going from memory, you from a fresh trip to Google....

You should have read further.....neither were "terrorism task forces".........I suggested that you were not equipped, and you just demonstrated it.....
Neither have anything to do with choking the Soviet economy through arms buildup.
Trade in your Grambling diploma and go get educated. you have no idea.......

take a hike......
Not agreeing with your propagated history revision doesn't mean I'm mistaken.
Reagan's arms buildup choked the Soviet economy and they ultimately collapsed. Carter and lefties were still pushing for and signing bogus arms reduction treaties. Lefties and media were expecting WWIII.
Reagan was right as history empirically demonstrated. Get over it!

If you don't know about the Committee on the Present Danger, or Team B, your version of events is entirely dependent on the Reagan Mythology, which, as the name implies, is not related in any meaningful way to the actual history...
It's a Bold Assertion, not an argument....

Do you know anything about "The Committee for the Present Danger" or "Team B"?

You're not equipped....
I'm familiar with the Committee ON the Present Danger but not FOR the Present Danger. What do terrorism task forces have to do with choking the Soviet economy through arms build up? Did you get your brainwashing at Howard or Morgan St?

I'm going from memory, you from a fresh trip to Google....

You should have read further.....neither were "terrorism task forces".........I suggested that you were not equipped, and you just demonstrated it.....
Neither have anything to do with choking the Soviet economy through arms buildup.
Trade in your Grambling diploma and go get educated. you have no idea.......

take a hike......
Not agreeing with your propagated history revision doesn't mean I'm mistaken.
Reagan's arms buildup choked the Soviet economy and they ultimately collapsed. Carter and lefties were still pushing for and signing bogus arms reduction treaties. Lefties and media were expecting WWIII.
Reagan was right as history empirically demonstrated. Get over it!

Carter and lefties were still pushing for and signing bogus arms reduction treaties

START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) was a bilateral treaty between theUnited States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) on the reduction and limitation of strategic offensive arms. The treaty was signed on 31 July 1991 and entered into force on 5 December 1994.[1] The treaty barred its signatories from deploying more than 6,000 nuclear warheads atop a total of 1,600 inter-continental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and bombers. START negotiated the largest and most complex arms control treaty in history, and its final implementation in late 2001 resulted in the removal of about 80 percent of all strategic nuclear weapons then in existence. Proposed by United States President Ronald Reagan, it was renamed START I after negotiations began on the second START treaty.
Reagan entered into his presidency showing signs of dementia...........

Just saying.

We have massive problems existing because of Reagan. No one needs to tarnish him. He did that all by himself.

You entered this forum with full blossomed undeniable dementia. You did that to yourself.

11 tax increases
300 dead marines. Didn't do a goddamn thing about it!
Tax cuts and policies causing most of our middle class problems today.
Most of the wealth started moving to the rich under him. Ending 75 years of anti-trust enforcement on corporations that worked.
Throwing Mental Patients Onto The Streets
Iran-Contra plan
Only president in the history of country to grant a full blown amnesty to 3 million people.
10 Reprehensible Crimes Of Ronald Reagan - Listverse

You are approaching the state of dementia and absent minded addle mindedness.

No research and development, no infra structure in your posts? No NASA?

You are slipping.
You can't tarnish Reagan any more than he was in real life. He was likely the worst criminal to hold high office in the US ever. More than 100 people in his administration were indicted or convicted of crimes while he was in office. He should have spent the rest of his life in prison. He used the Constitution as toilet paper.
Reagan entered into his presidency showing signs of dementia...........

Just saying.

We have massive problems existing because of Reagan. No one needs to tarnish him. He did that all by himself.

You entered this forum with full blossomed undeniable dementia. You did that to yourself.

Who the fuck are you?
Liberals Are Trying Hard to Tarnish Reagan's Legacy

There are several far-left agents writing letters to the editor of the local Las Vegas Sun newspaper of the government workers union sympathies. Those writers say that Reagan increased income taxes and in 8 years boosted up the national debt by almost $2 trillion. How the history gets corrupted in the recounting. First, that low-IQ bloviating gasbag Carter (you remember that “nukelar engineer”?) left the country staggering under an inflation rate of 13% and an unemployment rate of 10% (anybody remembers “the misery index” of 23% which is the sum of the two?). The prime interest rate for the best companies was 21%; the regular 30-year mortgage interest rate was 16%. Reagan cut all the income tax rates in three stages (the Democrat majorities in Congress would not let him do it in one swell swoop). After 6 years the tax receipts by the IRS doubled ending with major surpluses. The Dow Industrial Index went from 550 to 4,000. To “save” the failing savings & loan companies Carter had allowed these to engage in commercial building lending (the repeal of Glass-Stiegel Act), thus resulting in massive failure of those S&L companies; to reimburse their depositors Reagan was forced to spend $560 billion, adding that amount temporarily to the deficit. Carter also introduced the so-called Community Reinvestment Act which resulted in the crash of the housing market in 2007-2008 when pushed by the Democrat majorities under threats of huge fines and jail terms by the Frank-Dodd-Pelosi-Reid criminal combine – when some 600,000 homes were “sold” to “underserved minorities” who had no snowball’s chance in hell to ever pay for them. Later under B. Hussein Obama (our Marxist Muslim president from Kenya) both Fannie May and Freddie Mac went bankrupt and were nationalized with about $180 billion in the red – so far. Reagan’s budget proposals to the Congress were met with derision: the Democrat majority leader Tip O’Neill would come out on the steps of his building every year carrying Reagan’s budget books, and saying DOA (“dead on arrival”) would throw them into a conveniently placed garbage bin. By the end of his presidency the budget was in surplus; the inflation was below 4%; and the unemployment rate was 4.5% (normal bottom rate in boom times). That boom carried into the end of the Clinton presidency in 2000, when that impeached disbarred felon was disciplined by House leader Gingrich. Reagan’s increased military expenditures caused the fall of the Soviet Union’s slave empire in 1990-91. Also, Reagan only nullified Carter’s military reductions. And this Stalinist writer calls this a failure?

Reagan knew and understood the value of paragraphs.
Reagan entered into his presidency showing signs of dementia...........

Just saying.

We have massive problems existing because of Reagan. No one needs to tarnish him. He did that all by himself.
You must have dementia. The country did great, I was there.
Some people did great under Reagan. Just like some Brits did well under Thatcher.
but did end the Cold War

What is "substantive" about this? It is an Article of Faith......
Are you that young and indoctrinated or are you biased?

Nah.....just informed......
Then you need to supply information. Otherwise you're just a troll.

Your Bold Assertion, bleated without the support of any facts or citations, doesn't rise to the level of "argument".....if you think you are equipped for that debate, proceed.
He ended the Cold War. What don't you understand about that?
That was Pope John Paul II. Gorbachev and Reagan played a part. But if you want to give Reagan credit, you must also give the Democratic Congress credit. They appropriated the funds.
That's why they really hate him, he kicked communism to the curb.

Do you believe in Rush Revere, too?
Liberals Are Trying Hard to Tarnish Reagan's Legacy

There are several far-left agents writing letters to the editor of the local Las Vegas Sun newspaper of the government workers union sympathies. Those writers say that Reagan increased income taxes and in 8 years boosted up the national debt by almost $2 trillion. How the history gets corrupted in the recounting. First, that low-IQ bloviating gasbag Carter (you remember that “nukelar engineer”?) left the country staggering under an inflation rate of 13% and an unemployment rate of 10% (anybody remembers “the misery index” of 23% which is the sum of the two?). The prime interest rate for the best companies was 21%; the regular 30-year mortgage interest rate was 16%. Reagan cut all the income tax rates in three stages (the Democrat majorities in Congress would not let him do it in one swell swoop). After 6 years the tax receipts by the IRS doubled ending with major surpluses. The Dow Industrial Index went from 550 to 4,000. To “save” the failing savings & loan companies Carter had allowed these to engage in commercial building lending (the repeal of Glass-Stiegel Act), thus resulting in massive failure of those S&L companies; to reimburse their depositors Reagan was forced to spend $560 billion, adding that amount temporarily to the deficit. Carter also introduced the so-called Community Reinvestment Act which resulted in the crash of the housing market in 2007-2008 when pushed by the Democrat majorities under threats of huge fines and jail terms by the Frank-Dodd-Pelosi-Reid criminal combine – when some 600,000 homes were “sold” to “underserved minorities” who had no snowball’s chance in hell to ever pay for them. Later under B. Hussein Obama (our Marxist Muslim president from Kenya) both Fannie May and Freddie Mac went bankrupt and were nationalized with about $180 billion in the red – so far. Reagan’s budget proposals to the Congress were met with derision: the Democrat majority leader Tip O’Neill would come out on the steps of his building every year carrying Reagan’s budget books, and saying DOA (“dead on arrival”) would throw them into a conveniently placed garbage bin. By the end of his presidency the budget was in surplus; the inflation was below 4%; and the unemployment rate was 4.5% (normal bottom rate in boom times). That boom carried into the end of the Clinton presidency in 2000, when that impeached disbarred felon was disciplined by House leader Gingrich. Reagan’s increased military expenditures caused the fall of the Soviet Union’s slave empire in 1990-91. Also, Reagan only nullified Carter’s military reductions. And this Stalinist writer calls this a failure?

Since when are you guys defending Reagan now? If he were alive our be calling him a RINO.







10 Things Conservatives Don’t Want You To Know About Ronald Reagan


Taxes: What people forget about Reagan - Sep. 8, 2010

Two bills passed in 1982 and 1984 together "constituted the biggest tax increase ever enacted during peacetime," Thorndike said.

The bills didn't raise more revenue by hiking individual income tax rates though. Instead they did it largely through making it tougher to evade taxes, and through "base broadening" -- that is, reducing various federal tax breaksand closing tax loopholes.

For instance, more asset sales became taxable and tax-advantaged contributions and benefits under pension plans were further limited.

"What people forget about Ronald Reagan was that he very much converted to base broadening as a means of reducing deficits and as a means of tax reform," said Eugene Steuerle, an Institute Fellow at the Urban Institute who had helped lay the groundwork for tax reform in 1986 and served as a deputy assistant Treasury secretary during Reagan's second term.

There were other notable tax increases under Reagan.

In 1983, for example, he signed off on Social Security reform legislation that, among other things, accelerated an increase in the payroll tax rate, required that higher-income beneficiaries pay income tax on part of their benefits, and required the self-employed to pay the full payroll tax rate, rather than just the portion normally paid by employees.

The tax reform of 1986, meanwhile, wasn't designed to increase federal tax revenue. But that didn't mean that no one's taxes went up. Because the reform bill eliminated or reduced many tax breaks and shelters, high-income tax filers who previously paid little ended up with bigger tax bills.
Reagan's tax cut was for the middle income and upper income, the low income got a tax increase...
Reagan entered into his presidency showing signs of dementia...........

Just saying.

We have massive problems existing because of Reagan. No one needs to tarnish him. He did that all by himself.
You must have dementia. The country did great, I was there.
So was the military....he didn't help the Marines much.
but did end the Cold War

What is "substantive" about this? It is an Article of Faith......
Are you that young and indoctrinated or are you biased?

Nah.....just informed......
Then you need to supply information. Otherwise you're just a troll.

Your Bold Assertion, bleated without the support of any facts or citations, doesn't rise to the level of "argument".....if you think you are equipped for that debate, proceed.
He ended the Cold War. What don't you understand about that?
Cold War ended before 1989?

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