Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democratic Convention…

New York. Ohio. Maine. Missouri. Colorado. Kansas. Oklahoma.

Dominated by Klan Republicans.

The Klan dominated the Republican party across the entire nation. The Klan so infected the GOP that some Republicans wanted to start an independent party.

Kind of like those of us who are sick of Trump and his Chumps who have infected the modern GOP.

I guess I should not be surprised Trump's Chumps are so profoundly ignorant of American history. Trump depends on them forgetting shit from five minutes ago, after all. And they happily oblige.


We're Republicans now.
Leftwing propaganda.

Maybe it is. But the Klan has always attached itself to the most socially conservative political groups. When the Republicans had a more progressive political ideology the Klan was with the Democrats and then Dixiecrats. As Republicans have been more socially conservative the Klan put their backing behind the Republican party.
Reuters) - Donald Trump won the U.S. presidency with less support from black and Hispanic voters than any president in at least 40 years, a Reuters review of polling data shows, highlighting deep national divisions that have fueled incidents of racial and political confrontation.

Trump was elected with 8 percent of the black vote, 28 percent of the Hispanic vote and 27 percent of the Asian-American vote, according to the Reuters/Ipsos Election Day poll.

Trump won with lowest minority vote in decades, fueling divisions

I dont know why would you even ask for a proof, it's a known fact. The GOP is an anti minorities party and most bigots and racists call themselves conservatives and vote for the GOP.

Because I know them well enough and they are known to be republicans. Why would i just come here and lie?
Facts are that most minorities although they are conservatives they overwhelmingly vote against the GOP....thr latter became more and more a white party....and it's even worse now with Trump.

It's a life experience and I'm not a Democrat nor a liberal.
From my experience as a minority I find "conservatives and "republicans" the only racists I came across.
"Anyone I disagree with is a racist."-Every Democrat ever

Even if that were true, it's what is called "Anecdotal evidence", called such because it's not evidence.
Actually, now that I think about your anecdotal evidence... how the hell would you even know the political alignment of random people you consider racists?
Because that's what the left is best at, of course.

If you're going to claim that minorities "overwhelmingly" vote against the GOP, you definitely have a source, right?
Reuters) - Donald Trump won the U.S. presidency with less support from black and Hispanic voters than any president in at least 40 years, a Reuters review of polling data shows, highlighting deep national divisions that have fueled incidents of racial and political confrontation.

Trump was elected with 8 percent of the black vote, 28 percent of the Hispanic vote and 27 percent of the Asian-American vote, according to the Reuters/Ipsos Election Day poll.

Trump won with lowest minority vote in decades, fueling divisions

I dont know why would you even ask for a proof, it's a known fact. The GOP is an anti minorities party and most bigots and racists call themselves conservatives and vote for the GOP.

Because I know them well enough and they are known to be republicans. Why would i just come here and lie?
Facts are that most minorities although they are conservatives they overwhelmingly vote against the GOP....thr latter became more and more a white party....and it's even worse now with Trump.

It's a life experience and I'm not a Democrat nor a liberal.
"Anyone I disagree with is a racist."-Every Democrat ever

Even if that were true, it's what is called "Anecdotal evidence", called such because it's not evidence.
Actually, now that I think about your anecdotal evidence... how the hell would you even know the political alignment of random people you consider racists?
Because that's what the left is best at, of course.

If you're going to claim that minorities "overwhelmingly" vote against the GOP, you definitely have a source, right?
This is typical fake news spin. Trump won a larger percentage of the black, Hispanic, Vote and only marginally less asians. And one has to factor in the incessant media bias as affecting the result. Did he not get many minority votes, yes, but he got more than his predecessors.

Trump got more votes from people of color than Romney did. Here’s the data.
Reuters) - Donald Trump won the U.S. presidency with less support from black and Hispanic voters than any president in at least 40 years, a Reuters review of polling data shows, highlighting deep national divisions that have fueled incidents of racial and political confrontation.

Trump was elected with 8 percent of the black vote, 28 percent of the Hispanic vote and 27 percent of the Asian-American vote, according to the Reuters/Ipsos Election Day poll.

Trump won with lowest minority vote in decades, fueling divisions

I dont know why would you even ask for a proof, it's a known fact. The GOP is an anti minorities party and most bigots and racists call themselves conservatives and vote for the GOP.

Because I know them well enough and they are known to be republicans. Why would i just come here and lie?
Facts are that most minorities although they are conservatives they overwhelmingly vote against the GOP....thr latter became more and more a white party....and it's even worse now with Trump.

It's a life experience and I'm not a Democrat nor a liberal.
Actually, now that I think about your anecdotal evidence... how the hell would you even know the political alignment of random people you consider racists?
Because that's what the left is best at, of course.

If you're going to claim that minorities "overwhelmingly" vote against the GOP, you definitely have a source, right?
This is typical fake news spin. Trump won a larger percentage of the black, Hispanic, Vote and only marginally less asians. And one has to factor in the incessant media bias as affecting the result. Did he not get many minority votes, yes, but he got more than his predecessors.

Trump got more votes from people of color than Romney did. Here’s the data.
Moron.... Romney lost his election. Were you home schooled?
false argument faun. A republican is not going to get more votes from the democratic base than a democrat. But trump did get more than previous republicans which you all thought was impossible. i am noticing that you liberals are really heavy on the personal attacks lately. Let's see moron, dumb fuck, fucking retard, fuck head,et al I have been called recently. Oh yeah and racist.i thought the mods didn't allow some of this language but I guess without the ad hominem you guys would have nothing to say.
false argument faun. A republican is not going to get more votes from the democratic base than a democrat. But trump did get more than previous republicans which you all thought was impossible. i am noticing that you liberals are really heavy on the personal attacks lately. Let's see moron, dumb fuck, fucking retard, fuck head,et al I have been called recently. Oh yeah and racist.i thought the mods didn't allow some of this language but I guess without the ad hominem you guys would have nothing to say.
Imbecile... someone posted how Trump won the election while garnering the smallest percentage of minority voters.

You called that "fake news spin" and moronically compared the minority vote Trump received with what Romney received. Only Romney lost his election which means the point about Trump winning with the smallest share of minority votes is accurate.

And Republicans and conservatives can shut me up real easily. All y'all have to do is start posting truth and facts.
Reuters) - Donald Trump won the U.S. presidency with less support from black and Hispanic voters than any president in at least 40 years, a Reuters review of polling data shows, highlighting deep national divisions that have fueled incidents of racial and political confrontation.

Trump was elected with 8 percent of the black vote, 28 percent of the Hispanic vote and 27 percent of the Asian-American vote, according to the Reuters/Ipsos Election Day poll.

Trump won with lowest minority vote in decades, fueling divisions

I dont know why would you even ask for a proof, it's a known fact. The GOP is an anti minorities party and most bigots and racists call themselves conservatives and vote for the GOP.

Because I know them well enough and they are known to be republicans. Why would i just come here and lie?
Facts are that most minorities although they are conservatives they overwhelmingly vote against the GOP....thr latter became more and more a white party....and it's even worse now with Trump.

It's a life experience and I'm not a Democrat nor a liberal.
"Anyone I disagree with is a racist."-Every Democrat ever

Even if that were true, it's what is called "Anecdotal evidence", called such because it's not evidence.
Actually, now that I think about your anecdotal evidence... how the hell would you even know the political alignment of random people you consider racists?
Because that's what the left is best at, of course.

If you're going to claim that minorities "overwhelmingly" vote against the GOP, you definitely have a source, right?

Among Blacks and Hispanics, Trump did better than Romney. Blacks polled 8% for Trump, 6% for Romney. Hispanics, Trump 29% to Romney 27%.

Trump did better with Blacks and Hispanics than Romney in 2012
Race and Party Politics, Part II – Senator Fullbright and Justice Black | The Other Half of History

J. William Fulbright: Enemy of Joseph McCarthy and Equal Rights

Fulbright was certainly no “ally” of black Americans. Bitterly racist, he fought to protect the Jim Crow laws that denied black citizens their constitutional rights. In 1956 Fulbright was one of ninety-nine congressional Democrats to sign the Southern Manifesto, which declared that the Southern states had a right to keep their populations segregated by race. (It should be mentioned in passing that only two Republicans signed the document.)

In 1964 Fulbright was one of a group of tenacious Democrats who filibustered for fifty-seven days in an attempt to block the Civil Rights Act that outlawed segregation in public accommodations.

Contrary to the stereotypes that Dr. Foner and other liberals try so hard to promote, Fulbright was also a very liberal Democrat. He was a staunch supporter of labor unions. He always lobbied for appeasement of the Soviet Union; and opposed American aid to Israel, which was, at that time, the only Middle-Eastern nation aligned with the United States against the Soviet Union.

He also did all he could to impair America’s fight against Communism in Vietnam, writing two books on the subject, and using his position as Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to undermine the war effort.

Fulbright’s office provided assistance to young men who wanted to avoid the draft, including a young future President of the United States named Bill Clinton, whom Fulbright hired as a clerk just two years after filibustering to block the 1964 Civil Rights Act.5

As for “McCarthyism,” Senator Fulbright hated it just about as much as Professor Foner does..

Fulbright was Bill Clinton's idol and mentor.

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