Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democratic Convention…

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Ever wonder why the Dims try so hard to paint Republicans as racists? Here's your answer, and it's hilarious!

Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democrat Convention…


What this fraud won't tell you is all Klan members were CONSERVATIVES. Liberals fought for civil rights. Conservatives fought against it. True dat!

There's a big difference between liberals, and Communist, seditious, America-hating fucks that have taken over the Democrat party.

Let them do 1-2 more things, it'll be the last things they do. I know how Americans roll.

The Democrat party is already over.

They keep going and blood will be running. Theirs.
Reuters) - Donald Trump won the U.S. presidency with less support from black and Hispanic voters than any president in at least 40 years, a Reuters review of polling data shows, highlighting deep national divisions that have fueled incidents of racial and political confrontation.

Trump was elected with 8 percent of the black vote, 28 percent of the Hispanic vote and 27 percent of the Asian-American vote, according to the Reuters/Ipsos Election Day poll.

Trump won with lowest minority vote in decades, fueling divisions

I dont know why would you even ask for a proof, it's a known fact. The GOP is an anti minorities party and most bigots and racists call themselves conservatives and vote for the GOP.

Because I know them well enough and they are known to be republicans. Why would i just come here and lie?
Facts are that most minorities although they are conservatives they overwhelmingly vote against the GOP....thr latter became more and more a white party....and it's even worse now with Trump.

It's a life experience and I'm not a Democrat nor a liberal.
"Anyone I disagree with is a racist."-Every Democrat ever

Even if that were true, it's what is called "Anecdotal evidence", called such because it's not evidence.
Actually, now that I think about your anecdotal evidence... how the hell would you even know the political alignment of random people you consider racists?
Because that's what the left is best at, of course.

If you're going to claim that minorities "overwhelmingly" vote against the GOP, you definitely have a source, right?
I ask for proof, and you give me one election. Though, to be completely honest, I only asked for evidence to get on your nerves, it's pretty obvious that regardless of how much or how little of the "minority" vote a party gets, it wouldn't prove racism is inherent to a single party.
Ever wonder why the Dims try so hard to paint Republicans as racists? Here's your answer, and it's hilarious!

Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democrat Convention…


Democrats were not liberal in 1924.
Democrats are liberal in 2017. Ideologies switched after FDR. That's why now southern states (conservative in ideology) cute Republican now, no longer Democrat.
Oh, a believer of the "Party Switch" that never happened.

There's no consistency to the election trends in the first place: Historical U.S. Presidential Elections 1789-2016
In fact, when someone wins, most of the time, it's practically the entire US that voted for them.
False. In 1924, the year referenced in the OP, the states that supported the confederacy during the civil war (the conservative states that voted for Trump in '16) voted Democratic.
The states that opposed slavery voted for the Republican.
(most of these same liberal states voted for Hillary).

I just gave you a history lesson. This thread bike up on the conservatives' faces.
KKK was founded by conservatives (southern democrats) and continues to be loved by conservatives (today's Republicans).

Ahahaha. Cute, okay, I'll play your game. I've been waiting to give leftists a beating, anyway, and you look like volunteers.

The theory you're trying to appeal to, while in the least informed way possible, is the "Goldwater" theory, which you apparently are trying to make appear even more sudden than it was claimed to be originally, by making the 'change' way earlier.

I suppose I'll refer to Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina as "The South", since that seems to be what most people are referring to in those cases.

Firstly, the southern states didn't simply "Stop voting democrat", it only became less frequent in 1964, and it would be more accurate to say that "They stopped voting reliably for Democrats". Although, only the majority of these states voted Republican, from 1968-1992, and it was only in 5/7 of said elections. Although that's a change, Maine and California voted Republican in six of those elections.

The way the theory goes, it was in 1968 that the strategy starts.


The very next election, Nixon wins practically none of the south. Of the states that voted for Goldwater, only one voted for Nixon.


Sure, the next election he wins the south. On the other hand, he only missed DC and Maine, so practically every state was won by the Republican.


Next election, the entire south voted for Jimmy Carter. Clearly they've all gone Republican because of Racism, thanks to Goldwater... oh wait. Although, I do find it interesting that it's nearly an even split between east and west.


Oh look, the next time they go red... practically every state did as well... again. Ronald Reagan curbstomped one of the worst presidents in history. We're so surprised. Well, except Georgia.


Oh, the next election, Reagan sweeps the map again. Sure, the south voted red again, but so did nearly the entire rest of the United states.


In 1988, the south is more red than the rest of the nation, but it only lasts for THIS election.


Because Arkansas, Georgia, and Louisiana all go Democrat, making the south a nearly even split, much like the rest of the US.


Now, the south is more red than the rest of the Nation, and only now does it become a trend, in 1996, LONG after Goldwater ran, lost, later kicked the bucket. Though, Louisiana is still blue.


2000 is the first non-landslide victory in which all states that voted for Goldwater voted for the Republican candidate, and continued voting Republican from that point onward. Your theory holds no water.
What you didn't say about 1992 and 1996 is that the Northeast (Yankee states in the civil war) voted overwhelmingly more Democratic than Republican in both years. Cherrypicker.
Ever wonder why the Dims try so hard to paint Republicans as racists? Here's your answer, and it's hilarious!

Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democrat Convention…


Democrats were not liberal in 1924.
Democrats are liberal in 2017. Ideologies switched after FDR. That's why now southern states (conservative in ideology) cute Republican now, no longer Democrat.
Oh, a believer of the "Party Switch" that never happened.

There's no consistency to the election trends in the first place: Historical U.S. Presidential Elections 1789-2016
In fact, when someone wins, most of the time, it's practically the entire US that voted for them.
False. In 1924, the year referenced in the OP, the states that supported the confederacy during the civil war (the conservative states that voted for Trump in '16) voted Democratic.
The states that opposed slavery voted for the Republican.
(most of these same liberal states voted for Hillary).

I just gave you a history lesson. This thread bike up on the conservatives' faces.
KKK was founded by conservatives (southern democrats) and continues to be loved by conservatives (today's Republicans).

Ahahaha. Cute, okay, I'll play your game. I've been waiting to give leftists a beating, anyway, and you look like volunteers.

The theory you're trying to appeal to, while in the least informed way possible, is the "Goldwater" theory, which you apparently are trying to make appear even more sudden than it was claimed to be originally, by making the 'change' way earlier.

I suppose I'll refer to Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina as "The South", since that seems to be what most people are referring to in those cases.

Firstly, the southern states didn't simply "Stop voting democrat", it only became less frequent in 1964, and it would be more accurate to say that "They stopped voting reliably for Democrats". Although, only the majority of these states voted Republican, from 1968-1992, and it was only in 5/7 of said elections. Although that's a change, Maine and California voted Republican in six of those elections.

The way the theory goes, it was in 1968 that the strategy starts.


The very next election, Nixon wins practically none of the south. Of the states that voted for Goldwater, only one voted for Nixon.


Sure, the next election he wins the south. On the other hand, he only missed DC and Maine, so practically every state was won by the Republican.


Next election, the entire south voted for Jimmy Carter. Clearly they've all gone Republican because of Racism, thanks to Goldwater... oh wait. Although, I do find it interesting that it's nearly an even split between east and west.


Oh look, the next time they go red... practically every state did as well... again. Ronald Reagan curbstomped one of the worst presidents in history. We're so surprised. Well, except Georgia.


Oh, the next election, Reagan sweeps the map again. Sure, the south voted red again, but so did nearly the entire rest of the United states.


In 1988, the south is more red than the rest of the nation, but it only lasts for THIS election.


Because Arkansas, Georgia, and Louisiana all go Democrat, making the south a nearly even split, much like the rest of the US.


Now, the south is more red than the rest of the Nation, and only now does it become a trend, in 1996, LONG after Goldwater ran, lost, later kicked the bucket. Though, Louisiana is still blue.


2000 is the first non-landslide victory in which all states that voted for Goldwater voted for the Republican candidate, and continued voting Republican from that point onward. Your theory holds no water.
What you didn't say about 1992 and 1996 is that the Northeast (Yankee states in the civil war) voted overwhelmingly more Democratic than Republican in both years. Cherrypicker.
The United States was almost evenly split, and as I stated above, Goldwater kicked the bucket long before those elections, dispelling the theory that racism turned the south red. Naturally, you'd miss the point, since you're the one pushing the Goldwater theory without having looked into it yourself.
Democrats were not liberal in 1924.
Democrats are liberal in 2017. Ideologies switched after FDR. That's why now southern states (conservative in ideology) cute Republican now, no longer Democrat.
Oh, a believer of the "Party Switch" that never happened.

There's no consistency to the election trends in the first place: Historical U.S. Presidential Elections 1789-2016
In fact, when someone wins, most of the time, it's practically the entire US that voted for them.
False. In 1924, the year referenced in the OP, the states that supported the confederacy during the civil war (the conservative states that voted for Trump in '16) voted Democratic.
The states that opposed slavery voted for the Republican.
(most of these same liberal states voted for Hillary).

I just gave you a history lesson. This thread bike up on the conservatives' faces.
KKK was founded by conservatives (southern democrats) and continues to be loved by conservatives (today's Republicans).

Ahahaha. Cute, okay, I'll play your game. I've been waiting to give leftists a beating, anyway, and you look like volunteers.

The theory you're trying to appeal to, while in the least informed way possible, is the "Goldwater" theory, which you apparently are trying to make appear even more sudden than it was claimed to be originally, by making the 'change' way earlier.

I suppose I'll refer to Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina as "The South", since that seems to be what most people are referring to in those cases.

Firstly, the southern states didn't simply "Stop voting democrat", it only became less frequent in 1964, and it would be more accurate to say that "They stopped voting reliably for Democrats". Although, only the majority of these states voted Republican, from 1968-1992, and it was only in 5/7 of said elections. Although that's a change, Maine and California voted Republican in six of those elections.

The way the theory goes, it was in 1968 that the strategy starts.


The very next election, Nixon wins practically none of the south. Of the states that voted for Goldwater, only one voted for Nixon.


Sure, the next election he wins the south. On the other hand, he only missed DC and Maine, so practically every state was won by the Republican.


Next election, the entire south voted for Jimmy Carter. Clearly they've all gone Republican because of Racism, thanks to Goldwater... oh wait. Although, I do find it interesting that it's nearly an even split between east and west.


Oh look, the next time they go red... practically every state did as well... again. Ronald Reagan curbstomped one of the worst presidents in history. We're so surprised. Well, except Georgia.


Oh, the next election, Reagan sweeps the map again. Sure, the south voted red again, but so did nearly the entire rest of the United states.


In 1988, the south is more red than the rest of the nation, but it only lasts for THIS election.


Because Arkansas, Georgia, and Louisiana all go Democrat, making the south a nearly even split, much like the rest of the US.


Now, the south is more red than the rest of the Nation, and only now does it become a trend, in 1996, LONG after Goldwater ran, lost, later kicked the bucket. Though, Louisiana is still blue.


2000 is the first non-landslide victory in which all states that voted for Goldwater voted for the Republican candidate, and continued voting Republican from that point onward. Your theory holds no water.
What you didn't say about 1992 and 1996 is that the Northeast (Yankee states in the civil war) voted overwhelmingly more Democratic than Republican in both years. Cherrypicker.
The United States was almost evenly split, and as I stated above, Goldwater kicked the bucket long before those elections, dispelling the theory that racism turned the south red. Naturally, you'd miss the point, since you're the one pushing the Goldwater theory without having looked into it yourself.
Where was Goldwater more popular, in the North or in the South?
As a minority that knows and talk to other minorities, yes the GOP is the party of racists and bigots. Even in this board, most of the bigots and racists if not all, identify themselves as conservatives.

Reuters) - Donald Trump won the U.S. presidency with less support from black and Hispanic voters than any president in at least 40 years, a Reuters review of polling data shows, highlighting deep national divisions that have fueled incidents of racial and political confrontation.

Trump was elected with 8 percent of the black vote, 28 percent of the Hispanic vote and 27 percent of the Asian-American vote, according to the Reuters/Ipsos Election Day poll.

Trump won with lowest minority vote in decades, fueling divisions

I dont know why would you even ask for a proof, it's a known fact. The GOP is an anti minorities party and most bigots and racists call themselves conservatives and vote for the GOP.

Because I know them well enough and they are known to be republicans. Why would i just come here and lie?
Facts are that most minorities although they are conservatives they overwhelmingly vote against the GOP....thr latter became more and more a white party....and it's even worse now with Trump.

It's a life experience and I'm not a Democrat nor a liberal.
Actually, now that I think about your anecdotal evidence... how the hell would you even know the political alignment of random people you consider racists?
Because that's what the left is best at, of course.

If you're going to claim that minorities "overwhelmingly" vote against the GOP, you definitely have a source, right?
I ask for proof, and you give me one election. Though, to be completely honest, I only asked for evidence to get on your nerves, it's pretty obvious that regardless of how much or how little of the "minority" vote a party gets, it wouldn't prove racism is inherent to a single party.
Oh, a believer of the "Party Switch" that never happened.

There's no consistency to the election trends in the first place: Historical U.S. Presidential Elections 1789-2016
In fact, when someone wins, most of the time, it's practically the entire US that voted for them.
False. In 1924, the year referenced in the OP, the states that supported the confederacy during the civil war (the conservative states that voted for Trump in '16) voted Democratic.
The states that opposed slavery voted for the Republican.
(most of these same liberal states voted for Hillary).

I just gave you a history lesson. This thread bike up on the conservatives' faces.
KKK was founded by conservatives (southern democrats) and continues to be loved by conservatives (today's Republicans).

Ahahaha. Cute, okay, I'll play your game. I've been waiting to give leftists a beating, anyway, and you look like volunteers.

The theory you're trying to appeal to, while in the least informed way possible, is the "Goldwater" theory, which you apparently are trying to make appear even more sudden than it was claimed to be originally, by making the 'change' way earlier.

I suppose I'll refer to Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina as "The South", since that seems to be what most people are referring to in those cases.

Firstly, the southern states didn't simply "Stop voting democrat", it only became less frequent in 1964, and it would be more accurate to say that "They stopped voting reliably for Democrats". Although, only the majority of these states voted Republican, from 1968-1992, and it was only in 5/7 of said elections. Although that's a change, Maine and California voted Republican in six of those elections.

The way the theory goes, it was in 1968 that the strategy starts.


The very next election, Nixon wins practically none of the south. Of the states that voted for Goldwater, only one voted for Nixon.


Sure, the next election he wins the south. On the other hand, he only missed DC and Maine, so practically every state was won by the Republican.


Next election, the entire south voted for Jimmy Carter. Clearly they've all gone Republican because of Racism, thanks to Goldwater... oh wait. Although, I do find it interesting that it's nearly an even split between east and west.


Oh look, the next time they go red... practically every state did as well... again. Ronald Reagan curbstomped one of the worst presidents in history. We're so surprised. Well, except Georgia.


Oh, the next election, Reagan sweeps the map again. Sure, the south voted red again, but so did nearly the entire rest of the United states.


In 1988, the south is more red than the rest of the nation, but it only lasts for THIS election.


Because Arkansas, Georgia, and Louisiana all go Democrat, making the south a nearly even split, much like the rest of the US.


Now, the south is more red than the rest of the Nation, and only now does it become a trend, in 1996, LONG after Goldwater ran, lost, later kicked the bucket. Though, Louisiana is still blue.


2000 is the first non-landslide victory in which all states that voted for Goldwater voted for the Republican candidate, and continued voting Republican from that point onward. Your theory holds no water.
What you didn't say about 1992 and 1996 is that the Northeast (Yankee states in the civil war) voted overwhelmingly more Democratic than Republican in both years. Cherrypicker.
The United States was almost evenly split, and as I stated above, Goldwater kicked the bucket long before those elections, dispelling the theory that racism turned the south red. Naturally, you'd miss the point, since you're the one pushing the Goldwater theory without having looked into it yourself.
Where was Goldwater more popular, in the North or in the South?
Did you not read my post? One may wonder why an individual is on a forum if they can't read.

As I said in the above post that you didn't bother to read, it wasn't until 1996 that voting red became a trend, and it wasn't until 2000 that all of the "Goldwater" states were red at the same time, and stayed that way for future elections. That's 32 years after Goldwater ran, and lost horribly. Not only that, but not even the whole confederacy voted for Goldwater. Tennessee, Louisiana, South Carolina, and Texas all voted for someone else, and hell, Texas kept voting Democrat. Naturally, I'm only pointing out mostly the same thing since all you're doing is repeating the same myth I already thoroughly busted. The actions of someone with nothing of substance left to say.
As a minority that knows and talk to other minorities, yes the GOP is the party of racists and bigots. Even in this board, most of the bigots and racists if not all, identify themselves as conservatives.

Reuters) - Donald Trump won the U.S. presidency with less support from black and Hispanic voters than any president in at least 40 years, a Reuters review of polling data shows, highlighting deep national divisions that have fueled incidents of racial and political confrontation.

Trump was elected with 8 percent of the black vote, 28 percent of the Hispanic vote and 27 percent of the Asian-American vote, according to the Reuters/Ipsos Election Day poll.

Trump won with lowest minority vote in decades, fueling divisions

I dont know why would you even ask for a proof, it's a known fact. The GOP is an anti minorities party and most bigots and racists call themselves conservatives and vote for the GOP.

Because I know them well enough and they are known to be republicans. Why would i just come here and lie?
Facts are that most minorities although they are conservatives they overwhelmingly vote against the GOP....thr latter became more and more a white party....and it's even worse now with Trump.

Actually, now that I think about your anecdotal evidence... how the hell would you even know the political alignment of random people you consider racists?
Because that's what the left is best at, of course.

If you're going to claim that minorities "overwhelmingly" vote against the GOP, you definitely have a source, right?
I ask for proof, and you give me one election. Though, to be completely honest, I only asked for evidence to get on your nerves, it's pretty obvious that regardless of how much or how little of the "minority" vote a party gets, it wouldn't prove racism is inherent to a single party.
"People I disagree with are bigots!"

I like how much evidence you cited. That's right, none whatsoever. Do you have anything of substance to add to the discussion, or are you just going to keep calling people racist without bothering to back it up?
Is not about disagreeing most of the racism and bigotry comes from the conservatives, that's we minorities don't vote for them.
I joined this forum, and as a Muslim who was never called names in 20 years living in an ultra blue city, I was called terrorists and all sort of names by the so called conservatives here. How much fact do you need?
Even the KIK and the neo-Nazis back your party and president for a reason.

As a minority that knows and talk to other minorities, yes the GOP is the party of racists and bigots. Even in this board, most of the bigots and racists if not all, identify themselves as conservatives.

Reuters) - Donald Trump won the U.S. presidency with less support from black and Hispanic voters than any president in at least 40 years, a Reuters review of polling data shows, highlighting deep national divisions that have fueled incidents of racial and political confrontation.

Trump was elected with 8 percent of the black vote, 28 percent of the Hispanic vote and 27 percent of the Asian-American vote, according to the Reuters/Ipsos Election Day poll.

Trump won with lowest minority vote in decades, fueling divisions

I dont know why would you even ask for a proof, it's a known fact. The GOP is an anti minorities party and most bigots and racists call themselves conservatives and vote for the GOP.

Because I know them well enough and they are known to be republicans. Why would i just come here and lie?
Facts are that most minorities although they are conservatives they overwhelmingly vote against the GOP....thr latter became more and more a white party....and it's even worse now with Trump.
Because that's what the left is best at, of course.

If you're going to claim that minorities "overwhelmingly" vote against the GOP, you definitely have a source, right?
I ask for proof, and you give me one election. Though, to be completely honest, I only asked for evidence to get on your nerves, it's pretty obvious that regardless of how much or how little of the "minority" vote a party gets, it wouldn't prove racism is inherent to a single party.
"People I disagree with are bigots!"

I like how much evidence you cited. That's right, none whatsoever. Do you have anything of substance to add to the discussion, or are you just going to keep calling people racist without bothering to back it up?
You are a left leaning person, and you gloss over left wing racists. This board has several left wing racist, you don't choose to see them. Pretty simple stuff, even for you.

As a minority that knows and talk to other minorities, yes the GOP is the party of racists and bigots. Even in this board, most of the bigots and racists if not all, identify themselves as conservatives.

Reuters) - Donald Trump won the U.S. presidency with less support from black and Hispanic voters than any president in at least 40 years, a Reuters review of polling data shows, highlighting deep national divisions that have fueled incidents of racial and political confrontation.

Trump was elected with 8 percent of the black vote, 28 percent of the Hispanic vote and 27 percent of the Asian-American vote, according to the Reuters/Ipsos Election Day poll.

Trump won with lowest minority vote in decades, fueling divisions

I dont know why would you even ask for a proof, it's a known fact. The GOP is an anti minorities party and most bigots and racists call themselves conservatives and vote for the GOP.

Because I know them well enough and they are known to be republicans. Why would i just come here and lie?
Facts are that most minorities although they are conservatives they overwhelmingly vote against the GOP....thr latter became more and more a white party....and it's even worse now with Trump.
Because that's what the left is best at, of course.

If you're going to claim that minorities "overwhelmingly" vote against the GOP, you definitely have a source, right?
I ask for proof, and you give me one election. Though, to be completely honest, I only asked for evidence to get on your nerves, it's pretty obvious that regardless of how much or how little of the "minority" vote a party gets, it wouldn't prove racism is inherent to a single party.
"People I disagree with are bigots!"

I like how much evidence you cited. That's right, none whatsoever. Do you have anything of substance to add to the discussion, or are you just going to keep calling people racist without bothering to back it up?
As a minority and 100% of the minorities I know agree that the right is more racist....same everywhere else, like Europe for example. 20 year in a blue city, nothing but respect...contrary to friends and people I know who live in conservative areas.

You are a left leaning person, and you gloss over left wing racists. This board has several left wing racist, you don't choose to see them. Pretty simple stuff, even for you.

As a minority that knows and talk to other minorities, yes the GOP is the party of racists and bigots. Even in this board, most of the bigots and racists if not all, identify themselves as conservatives.

Reuters) - Donald Trump won the U.S. presidency with less support from black and Hispanic voters than any president in at least 40 years, a Reuters review of polling data shows, highlighting deep national divisions that have fueled incidents of racial and political confrontation.

Trump was elected with 8 percent of the black vote, 28 percent of the Hispanic vote and 27 percent of the Asian-American vote, according to the Reuters/Ipsos Election Day poll.

Trump won with lowest minority vote in decades, fueling divisions

I dont know why would you even ask for a proof, it's a known fact. The GOP is an anti minorities party and most bigots and racists call themselves conservatives and vote for the GOP.

Because that's what the left is best at, of course.

If you're going to claim that minorities "overwhelmingly" vote against the GOP, you definitely have a source, right?
I ask for proof, and you give me one election. Though, to be completely honest, I only asked for evidence to get on your nerves, it's pretty obvious that regardless of how much or how little of the "minority" vote a party gets, it wouldn't prove racism is inherent to a single party.
"People I disagree with are bigots!"

I like how much evidence you cited. That's right, none whatsoever. Do you have anything of substance to add to the discussion, or are you just going to keep calling people racist without bothering to back it up?
And speaking of this board ive been attacked by the "conservatives" and called names when I revealed my religion. Don't lie to yourself, the right is more racist and bigoted.
Nothing you said was about what I posted. Do you have a link proving your assertions, you seem to make crap up as you go. I care nothing about where you live or lived.

I said you are biased and choose not to see racism on the left.

Your changing the subject is just another left wing diversion. Thanks, nutter.

As a minority and 100% of the minorities I know agree that the right is more racist....same everywhere else, like Europe for example. 20 year in a blue city, nothing but respect...contrary to friends and people I know who live in conservative areas.

You are a left leaning person, and you gloss over left wing racists. This board has several left wing racist, you don't choose to see them. Pretty simple stuff, even for you.

As a minority that knows and talk to other minorities, yes the GOP is the party of racists and bigots. Even in this board, most of the bigots and racists if not all, identify themselves as conservatives.

Reuters) - Donald Trump won the U.S. presidency with less support from black and Hispanic voters than any president in at least 40 years, a Reuters review of polling data shows, highlighting deep national divisions that have fueled incidents of racial and political confrontation.

Trump was elected with 8 percent of the black vote, 28 percent of the Hispanic vote and 27 percent of the Asian-American vote, according to the Reuters/Ipsos Election Day poll.

Trump won with lowest minority vote in decades, fueling divisions

I dont know why would you even ask for a proof, it's a known fact. The GOP is an anti minorities party and most bigots and racists call themselves conservatives and vote for the GOP.
I ask for proof, and you give me one election. Though, to be completely honest, I only asked for evidence to get on your nerves, it's pretty obvious that regardless of how much or how little of the "minority" vote a party gets, it wouldn't prove racism is inherent to a single party.
"People I disagree with are bigots!"

I like how much evidence you cited. That's right, none whatsoever. Do you have anything of substance to add to the discussion, or are you just going to keep calling people racist without bothering to back it up?
And speaking of this board ive been attacked by the "conservatives" and called names when I revealed my religion. Don't lie to yourself, the right is more racist and bigoted.

Poor baby, you wanna cookie? I don't care what your religion is, you are a left wing nut job.

I have been called names by lefties when they find out my religion. So by that measure, the left are a bunch of bigots. However I ignore their insults, who cares what anonymous left wing idiots on a message board think? They are only here for my entertainment.
Keep your crap cookie to yourself. I told you millions of times I'm not a lefty...but in majority they are more decent than the conservatives.

Not all conservatives are racists but all racists are conservatives .
And speaking of this board ive been attacked by the "conservatives" and called names when I revealed my religion. Don't lie to yourself, the right is more racist and bigoted.

Poor baby, you wanna cookie? I don't care what your religion is, you are a left wing nut job.

I have been called names by lefties when they find out my religion. So by that measure, the left are a bunch of bigots. However I ignore their insults, who cares what anonymous left wing idiots on a message board think? They are only here for my entertainment.
Again, how do you explain the lefty Matthew on this board? He is a racist, pure and simple. Not that difficult, except for you left wing nuts.

So your last sentence is a flat out lie, so you need to prove it. You keep making stupid statements and don't think you should have to prove your lies. Just like your stupid statement about 100% of minorities, BS.

Can you even tell the truth? :dunno:

Keep your crap cookie to yourself. I told you millions of times I'm not a lefty...but in majority they are more decent than the conservatives.

Not all conservatives are racists but all racists are conservatives .
And speaking of this board ive been attacked by the "conservatives" and called names when I revealed my religion. Don't lie to yourself, the right is more racist and bigoted.

Poor baby, you wanna cookie? I don't care what your religion is, you are a left wing nut job.

I have been called names by lefties when they find out my religion. So by that measure, the left are a bunch of bigots. However I ignore their insults, who cares what anonymous left wing idiots on a message board think? They are only here for my entertainment.
Is not about disagreeing most of the racism and bigotry comes from the conservatives, that's we minorities don't vote for them.
I joined this forum, and as a Muslim who was never called names in 20 years living in an ultra blue city, I was called terrorists and all sort of names by the so called conservatives here. How much fact do you need?
Even the KIK and the neo-Nazis back your party and president for a reason.

As a minority that knows and talk to other minorities, yes the GOP is the party of racists and bigots. Even in this board, most of the bigots and racists if not all, identify themselves as conservatives.

Reuters) - Donald Trump won the U.S. presidency with less support from black and Hispanic voters than any president in at least 40 years, a Reuters review of polling data shows, highlighting deep national divisions that have fueled incidents of racial and political confrontation.

Trump was elected with 8 percent of the black vote, 28 percent of the Hispanic vote and 27 percent of the Asian-American vote, according to the Reuters/Ipsos Election Day poll.

Trump won with lowest minority vote in decades, fueling divisions

I dont know why would you even ask for a proof, it's a known fact. The GOP is an anti minorities party and most bigots and racists call themselves conservatives and vote for the GOP.

Because that's what the left is best at, of course.

If you're going to claim that minorities "overwhelmingly" vote against the GOP, you definitely have a source, right?
I ask for proof, and you give me one election. Though, to be completely honest, I only asked for evidence to get on your nerves, it's pretty obvious that regardless of how much or how little of the "minority" vote a party gets, it wouldn't prove racism is inherent to a single party.
"People I disagree with are bigots!"

I like how much evidence you cited. That's right, none whatsoever. Do you have anything of substance to add to the discussion, or are you just going to keep calling people racist without bothering to back it up?
You weren't called names by Conservatives, you are simply calling the people who called you names conservatives, and as stated before, your anecdotal "evidence" is not evidence.
What you call facts is simply name calling, as you've been ordered by your establishment overlords.

You mean KKK, not KLK. So, which part of Donald Trump's platform is racist? For you to blame him for which people offer him support, you must be able to pick which part of his platform is racist.
Ever wonder why the Dims try so hard to paint Republicans as racists? Here's your answer, and it's hilarious!

Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democrat Convention…


Democrats were not liberal in 1924.
Democrats are liberal in 2017. Ideologies switched after FDR. That's why now southern states (conservative in ideology) cute Republican now, no longer Democrat.
Oh, a believer of the "Party Switch" that never happened.

There's no consistency to the election trends in the first place: Historical U.S. Presidential Elections 1789-2016
In fact, when someone wins, most of the time, it's practically the entire US that voted for them.
False. In 1924, the year referenced in the OP, the states that supported the confederacy during the civil war (the conservative states that voted for Trump in '16) voted Democratic.
The states that opposed slavery voted for the Republican.
(most of these same liberal states voted for Hillary).

I just gave you a history lesson. This thread bike up on the conservatives' faces.
KKK was founded by conservatives (southern democrats) and continues to be loved by conservatives (today's Republicans).

Ahahaha. Cute, okay, I'll play your game. I've been waiting to give leftists a beating, anyway, and you look like volunteers.

The theory you're trying to appeal to, while in the least informed way possible, is the "Goldwater" theory, which you apparently are trying to make appear even more sudden than it was claimed to be originally, by making the 'change' way earlier.

I suppose I'll refer to Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina as "The South", since that seems to be what most people are referring to in those cases.

Firstly, the southern states didn't simply "Stop voting democrat", it only became less frequent in 1964, and it would be more accurate to say that "They stopped voting reliably for Democrats". Although, only the majority of these states voted Republican, from 1968-1992, and it was only in 5/7 of said elections. Although that's a change, Maine and California voted Republican in six of those elections.

The way the theory goes, it was in 1968 that the strategy starts.


The very next election, Nixon wins practically none of the south. Of the states that voted for Goldwater, only one voted for Nixon.


Sure, the next election he wins the south. On the other hand, he only missed DC and Maine, so practically every state was won by the Republican.


Next election, the entire south voted for Jimmy Carter. Clearly they've all gone Republican because of Racism, thanks to Goldwater... oh wait. Although, I do find it interesting that it's nearly an even split between east and west.


Oh look, the next time they go red... practically every state did as well... again. Ronald Reagan curbstomped one of the worst presidents in history. We're so surprised. Well, except Georgia.


Oh, the next election, Reagan sweeps the map again. Sure, the south voted red again, but so did nearly the entire rest of the United states.


In 1988, the south is more red than the rest of the nation, but it only lasts for THIS election.


Because Arkansas, Georgia, and Louisiana all go Democrat, making the south a nearly even split, much like the rest of the US.


Now, the south is more red than the rest of the Nation, and only now does it become a trend, in 1996, LONG after Goldwater ran, lost, later kicked the bucket. Though, Louisiana is still blue.


2000 is the first non-landslide victory in which all states that voted for Goldwater voted for the Republican candidate, and continued voting Republican from that point onward. Your theory holds no water.

Your maps clearly show the shift of the South from Democrat to Republican, and you don't even know it.
Ever wonder why the Dims try so hard to paint Republicans as racists? Here's your answer, and it's hilarious!

Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democrat Convention…


Democrats were not liberal in 1924.
Democrats are liberal in 2017. Ideologies switched after FDR. That's why now southern states (conservative in ideology) cute Republican now, no longer Democrat.
Oh, a believer of the "Party Switch" that never happened.

There's no consistency to the election trends in the first place: Historical U.S. Presidential Elections 1789-2016
In fact, when someone wins, most of the time, it's practically the entire US that voted for them.
False. In 1924, the year referenced in the OP, the states that supported the confederacy during the civil war (the conservative states that voted for Trump in '16) voted Democratic.
The states that opposed slavery voted for the Republican.
(most of these same liberal states voted for Hillary).

I just gave you a history lesson. This thread bike up on the conservatives' faces.
KKK was founded by conservatives (southern democrats) and continues to be loved by conservatives (today's Republicans).

Ahahaha. Cute, okay, I'll play your game. I've been waiting to give leftists a beating, anyway, and you look like volunteers.

The theory you're trying to appeal to, while in the least informed way possible, is the "Goldwater" theory, which you apparently are trying to make appear even more sudden than it was claimed to be originally, by making the 'change' way earlier.

I suppose I'll refer to Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina as "The South", since that seems to be what most people are referring to in those cases.

Firstly, the southern states didn't simply "Stop voting democrat", it only became less frequent in 1964, and it would be more accurate to say that "They stopped voting reliably for Democrats". Although, only the majority of these states voted Republican, from 1968-1992, and it was only in 5/7 of said elections. Although that's a change, Maine and California voted Republican in six of those elections.

The way the theory goes, it was in 1968 that the strategy starts.


The very next election, Nixon wins practically none of the south. Of the states that voted for Goldwater, only one voted for Nixon.


Sure, the next election he wins the south. On the other hand, he only missed DC and Maine, so practically every state was won by the Republican.


Next election, the entire south voted for Jimmy Carter. Clearly they've all gone Republican because of Racism, thanks to Goldwater... oh wait. Although, I do find it interesting that it's nearly an even split between east and west.


Oh look, the next time they go red... practically every state did as well... again. Ronald Reagan curbstomped one of the worst presidents in history. We're so surprised. Well, except Georgia.


Oh, the next election, Reagan sweeps the map again. Sure, the south voted red again, but so did nearly the entire rest of the United states.


In 1988, the south is more red than the rest of the nation, but it only lasts for THIS election.


Because Arkansas, Georgia, and Louisiana all go Democrat, making the south a nearly even split, much like the rest of the US.


Now, the south is more red than the rest of the Nation, and only now does it become a trend, in 1996, LONG after Goldwater ran, lost, later kicked the bucket. Though, Louisiana is still blue.


2000 is the first non-landslide victory in which all states that voted for Goldwater voted for the Republican candidate, and continued voting Republican from that point onward. Your theory holds no water.

Your maps clearly show the shift of the South from Democrat to Republican, and you don't even know it.
I know reading hurts your brain, and I can understand that, you're not used to actually using it for things, but if you bother to read my text, you can clearly see the south inconsistently voting for either party until 2000, at which point they turned red and stayed that way.

Make sure you take a break after reading this post, don't want you to hurt yourself too much.

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