Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democratic Convention…

Pretending to be stupid is the leftwing fallback position whenever they haven't got a case and they know it.

Good luck in the job interview then.

Meanwhile a thousand posts later we're still waiting for the OP --- either one --- to essplain to the class why Liberals would "not be liking" a 93-year-old photo of dunces in sheets marching down Wisconsin trolley tracks toward a funeral home while a man dead for 11 years continues to decompose.

I mean, talk about "random"............
I'll bet you will still be harping on this 2 weeks from now.

If you contards are still lying about it- we will still be pointing out the lies.

Will you still be lying about it 2 weeks from now?
I haven't even been discussing it, but several cockroaches on your side keep trying to drag me back into it.
WTF?? You started a thread based on those lies. What exactly do you think you're being "dragged into" that you yourself didn't cause?

A thoroughly debunked bogus article that he still can't admit was bogus, a month later.

I love the way Fingerboy tries to weasel out of it claiming "I already acknowledged that" yet can't quote it. Pathetic case of delusion.

But I mean how dim do you have to be to buy a blog that puts up some wet trolley tracks on a street and claims it's a political convention in New York, and not be immediately skeptical. :rolleyes:

In the actual event the "Klanbake" gathered in a New Jersey field, not on trolley tracks -- and that's even described in the bogus blog itself. Before you even leave the article it already shoots itself in the foot.

I'm the cadaver of Forney Johnston and I approved this message.
No idea what that babble means but I ain't the one who can't figure out the difference between politics and sex, now am I?
Pretending to be stupid is the leftwing fallback position whenever they haven't got a case and they know it.

Good luck in the job interview then.

Meanwhile a thousand posts later we're still waiting for the OP --- either one --- to essplain to the class why Liberals would "not be liking" a 93-year-old photo of dunces in sheets marching down Wisconsin trolley tracks toward a funeral home while a man dead for 11 years continues to decompose.

I mean, talk about "random"............
I'll bet you will still be harping on this 2 weeks from now.

If you contards are still lying about it- we will still be pointing out the lies.

Will you still be lying about it 2 weeks from now?
I haven't even been discussing it, but several cockroaches on your side keep trying to drag me back into it.

LOL- typical Trumpster- can't even take personal responsibility for your own posts.
Calling half the electorate "racists" is sure to be a winner for your party.
You know? Good point bripat.... I'm going to rethink the smarts of trying to wake them up. Let them go into the 2018 and the 2020 calling half the nation racist...

We have gone from a Russian under every rock to now the KKK around every less than one month
Proceed morons :badgrin:

We all watch the Trumpster morons proceed........

They are telling the truth.

Why am I not surprised that you support the White Supremacists?

And another typical Trumpster.
1. 'Democrat' is by far the most accurate way to portray David Duke, in both his formative years, when he learned to be a racist, and in his political career....A DEMOCRAT.

Republican is by far the accurate way to portray David Duke.

And of course you know that- since he endorsed your Dear Leader- Donald Trump

Since David Duke has been running for office as a Republican since 1989.

Electoral history of David Duke - Wikipedia

Most recently in 2016.

And of course there are David Duke's- the Republican- own words

"Why we voted for Donald Trump": David Duke explains the white supremacist Charlottesville protests

“We are determined to take our country back,” Duke said from the rally, calling it a “turning point.” “We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. That’s what we believed in. That’s why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he’s going to take our country back.”

Duke is no longer a member of the KKK- just a member of the white supremacist groups that the Conservatives adore.


In 1980, Duke left the Klan and formed the National Association for the Advancement of White People (NAAWP), a white nationalist organization.[92]
Wayne Gacy, who killed 34 young boys, was a Democrat precinct captain:

Hell, I'll see your 34 and raise ya 134 with registered Republican, Timothy McVeigh.
I raise you 3000 for 9/11.
You have to be batshit insane to think the hijackers were Democrats :cuckoo:

Yep- and that is Brip- batshit insane.

And all huggy with the White Nationalists.
Funny how stupid as a stick PC takes the word of a trolling KKK white supremacist - who has the following of about 12 people. Maybe she's Quigg's twin sister.

Can you name any KKKers who are Republicans?

I see Dukey's already mentioned but I already gave you a page full of photos. I just didn't identify them. If I recall they were D.C. Stephenson (rapist and cannibal), Edward Jackson (Gov, IN), Rice Means (Sen., CO), George Luis Baker (Mayor, Portland OR), Ben Paulen (Gov, KS), Owen Brewster (Gov/Sen/Rep/McCarthyite, ME) and Clarence Morley (Gov, CO).

Not all of them were literally Klan, many just complicit. But Stephenson and Morley were.

If you have a good time plugging them in to your childish Composition Fallacies I can give you more. The first seven are free.

Is the personification of the Democrat Party, Bill 'the rapist' Clinton now,

Hey you Republicans elected Donald 'the rapist' Trump- the only President elected who has a history of discriminating against Blacks and Puerto Ricans in his rental properties.

Here's actual Democrat discrimination:.

Yep- Democrats nominated and elected the first- and only African American President.


And people like you whigged out.
Funny how stupid as a stick PC takes the word of a trolling KKK white supremacist - who has the following of about 12 people. Maybe she's Quigg's twin sister.

Can you name any KKKers who are Republicans?
"I'm here because our Republican values are ... number one, standing up for local white identity. Our identity's under threat. Number two, the free market. And number three, killing Jews." ~ Sean Patrick Nielsen, White Nationalist.

Have the Republicans placed any KKKers on the Supreme Court?
The Democrats have.

The Democrats haven't put any KKK members on the Supreme Court.

You are lying again.

Really?....... the very first selection for Supreme Court Justice, by Roosevelt, was Hugo Black. .

Remember- you lied and claimed that the Democrats placed a KKK member on the Supreme Court.

I pointed out your lie- by pointing out that Hugo Black was not a KKK member- and had not been a KKK member for over a decade when appointed to the Supreme Court.

You were just lying again.
Calling half the electorate "racists" is sure to be a winner for your party.
You know? Good point bripat.... I'm going to rethink the smarts of trying to wake them up. Let them go into the 2018 and the 2020 calling half the nation racist...

We have gone from a Russian under every rock to now the KKK around every less than one month
Proceed morons :badgrin:

We all watch the Trumpster morons proceed........

They are telling the truth.

Why am I not surprised that you support the White Supremacists?

And another typical Trumpster.

So if a white supremacist said "the sky is blue," and I agreed that it is, I would be "supporting the White Supremacists?"

Sleazy smears like that are why you are correctly labeled a douche bag.
"I'm here because our Republican values are ... number one, standing up for local white identity. Our identity's under threat. Number two, the free market. And number three, killing Jews." ~ Sean Patrick Nielsen, White Nationalist.

Have the Republicans placed any KKKers on the Supreme Court?
The Democrats have.

The Democrats haven't put any KKK members on the Supreme Court.

You are lying again.

Hugo Black - Wikipedia

Shortly after Black's appointment to the Supreme Court, Ray Sprigle of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette wrote a series of articles revealing Black's involvement in the Klan, for which he won a Pulitzer Prize.[107] The first article in the series was published on Sept 13, 1937, barely a month after Black's appointment and shortly after his confirmation. Titled "Justice Black Revealed as Ku Klux Klansman,"[108] the article described how Black's resignation from the Klan "was the first move of his campaign for the Democratic nomination for United States Senator from Alabama."

At a press conference on Sept 14 1937, Roosevelt was asked about whether he had knowledge of Black's involvement with the Ku Klux Klan. He responded in part, “I know only what I have read in the newspapers…Mr. Justice Black is abroad. Until such time as he returns there is no further comment to be made.”[109] On Sept 21 1937, FDR was again asked during a press conference about whether or not he had communications with Hugo Black regarding his involvement in the Ku Klux Klan. Again, FDR denied speaking with Hugo Black, and when asked about whether the Department of Justice should be "charged automatically" with investigating Supreme Court appointments, FDR said in part, "No, certainly not...a man's private life is supposed to be his private life..."

On Sept 21, 1937, Hugo Black was “besieged” by reporters. He said, “If I make any statement it will be in a way the people can hear me and understand what I have to say, and not have to depend on some parts of the press which might fail to report all I have to say.”[110]

On October 1, 1937, Hugo Black made a statement over the radio.[111] Black said in part, "I number among my friends many members of the colored race. Certainly, they are entitled to the full measure of protection accorded by our Constitution and our laws..."[112] Black also said, "I did join the Klan. I later resigned. I never rejoined.... Before becoming a Senator I dropped the Klan. I have had nothing to do with it since that time. I abandoned it. I completely discontinued any association with the organization. I have never resumed it and never expect to do so."[113] The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported that “fifty million listeners heard the unprecedented speech.”

Near the end of his life, Black would claim that joining the Klan was a mistake, and went on to say "I would have joined any group if it helped get me votes."[32]

Biographers in the 1990s examined Black's views of religious denominations. Ball found regarding the Klan that Black "sympathized with the group's economic, nativist, and anti-Catholic beliefs."[114] Newman said Black "disliked the Catholic Church as an institution" and gave numerous anti-Catholic speeches in his 1926 election campaign to Ku Klux Klan meetings across Alabama.[115] However, in 1937 The Harvard Crimson reported on Black's appointment of a Jewish law clerk, noting that he "earlier had appointed Miss Annie Butt, a Catholic, as a secretary, and the Supreme Court had designated Leon Smallwood, a Negro and a Catholic as his messenger."[116]

Thanks for posting that- demonstrating that Hugo Black was not a member of the KKK while he was a Supreme Court justice.

Stop tap-dancing....he revealed you as he lying low-life that you are.

Feel free anytime to point out a lie of mine.

Just as I feel fine with pointing out all of your lies- like your lie about Democrats appointing a KKK member to the Supreme Court.
Calling half the electorate "racists" is sure to be a winner for your party.
You know? Good point bripat.... I'm going to rethink the smarts of trying to wake them up. Let them go into the 2018 and the 2020 calling half the nation racist...

We have gone from a Russian under every rock to now the KKK around every less than one month
Proceed morons :badgrin:

We all watch the Trumpster morons proceed........

They are telling the truth.

Why am I not surprised that you support the White Supremacists?

And another typical Trumpster.

So if a white supremacist said "the sky is blue," and I agreed that it is, I would be "supporting the White Supremacists?"

When I post a photo of white supremacists and you say they are right- yeah- you are supporting White Supremacist- like the good little Trumpster you are.

Pretending to be stupid is the leftwing fallback position whenever they haven't got a case and they know it.

Good luck in the job interview then.

Meanwhile a thousand posts later we're still waiting for the OP --- either one --- to essplain to the class why Liberals would "not be liking" a 93-year-old photo of dunces in sheets marching down Wisconsin trolley tracks toward a funeral home while a man dead for 11 years continues to decompose.

I mean, talk about "random"............
I'll bet you will still be harping on this 2 weeks from now.

If you contards are still lying about it- we will still be pointing out the lies.

Will you still be lying about it 2 weeks from now?
I haven't even been discussing it, but several cockroaches on your side keep trying to drag me back into it.

LOL- typical Trumpster- can't even take personal responsibility for your own posts.
I know you would like to keep ruminating over your pathetic little victory for the next 12 months, but some of us are done discussing it.
You know? Good point bripat.... I'm going to rethink the smarts of trying to wake them up. Let them go into the 2018 and the 2020 calling half the nation racist...

We have gone from a Russian under every rock to now the KKK around every less than one month
Proceed morons :badgrin:

We all watch the Trumpster morons proceed........

They are telling the truth.

Why am I not surprised that you support the White Supremacists?

And another typical Trumpster.

So if a white supremacist said "the sky is blue," and I agreed that it is, I would be "supporting the White Supremacists?"

When I post a photo of white supremacists and you say they are right- yeah- you are supporting White Supremacist- like the good little Trumpster you are.

No I'm not, you witless cockroach. They are right that "diversity" = white genocide. Your ilk has admitted it many times.
We all watch the Trumpster morons proceed........

They are telling the truth.

Why am I not surprised that you support the White Supremacists?

And another typical Trumpster.

So if a white supremacist said "the sky is blue," and I agreed that it is, I would be "supporting the White Supremacists?"

When I post a photo of white supremacists and you say they are right- yeah- you are supporting White Supremacist- like the good little Trumpster you are.

No I'm not, you witless cockroach. They are right that "diversity" = white genocide. .

You keep repeating the mantra of White Nationalists and then whine when I identify you as supporting White Nationalists.
Good luck in the job interview then.

Meanwhile a thousand posts later we're still waiting for the OP --- either one --- to essplain to the class why Liberals would "not be liking" a 93-year-old photo of dunces in sheets marching down Wisconsin trolley tracks toward a funeral home while a man dead for 11 years continues to decompose.

I mean, talk about "random"............
I'll bet you will still be harping on this 2 weeks from now.

If you contards are still lying about it- we will still be pointing out the lies.

Will you still be lying about it 2 weeks from now?
I haven't even been discussing it, but several cockroaches on your side keep trying to drag me back into it.

LOL- typical Trumpster- can't even take personal responsibility for your own posts.
I know you would like to keep ruminating over your pathetic little victory for the next 12 months, but some of us are done discussing it.

And by 'done discussing it' you mean- you keep posting.......

You can't even be honest about that.
They are telling the truth.

Why am I not surprised that you support the White Supremacists?

And another typical Trumpster.

So if a white supremacist said "the sky is blue," and I agreed that it is, I would be "supporting the White Supremacists?"

When I post a photo of white supremacists and you say they are right- yeah- you are supporting White Supremacist- like the good little Trumpster you are.

No I'm not, you witless cockroach. They are right that "diversity" = white genocide. .

You keep repeating the mantra of White Nationalists and then whine when I identify you as supporting White Nationalists.

The statement is the simple truth. You haven't even tried to dispute it. Your claim that it's the "mantra of White Nationalists" is purely a smear.
I'll bet you will still be harping on this 2 weeks from now.

If you contards are still lying about it- we will still be pointing out the lies.

Will you still be lying about it 2 weeks from now?
I haven't even been discussing it, but several cockroaches on your side keep trying to drag me back into it.

LOL- typical Trumpster- can't even take personal responsibility for your own posts.
I know you would like to keep ruminating over your pathetic little victory for the next 12 months, but some of us are done discussing it.

And by 'done discussing it' you mean- you keep posting.......

You can't even be honest about that.
You and your cronies keep harassing me about it, moron.
If you contards are still lying about it- we will still be pointing out the lies.

Will you still be lying about it 2 weeks from now?
I haven't even been discussing it, but several cockroaches on your side keep trying to drag me back into it.

LOL- typical Trumpster- can't even take personal responsibility for your own posts.
I know you would like to keep ruminating over your pathetic little victory for the next 12 months, but some of us are done discussing it.

And by 'done discussing it' you mean- you keep posting.......

You can't even be honest about that.
You and your cronies keep harassing me about it, moron.

And by 'harrassing' you - you mean replying to your posts.

Or are people I don't know about following you around forcing you to post?
Calling half the electorate "racists" is sure to be a winner for your party.
You know? Good point bripat.... I'm going to rethink the smarts of trying to wake them up. Let them go into the 2018 and the 2020 calling half the nation racist...

We have gone from a Russian under every rock to now the KKK around every less than one month
Proceed morons :badgrin:

We all watch the Trumpster morons proceed........

They are telling the truth.

Why am I not surprised that you support the White Supremacists?

And another typical Trumpster.

So if a white supremacist said "the sky is blue," and I agreed that it is, I would be "supporting the White Supremacists?"

Sleazy smears like that are why you are correctly labeled a douche bag.
Only they're not saying the sky is blue -- they're saying they want to kill Jews.
Why am I not surprised that you support the White Supremacists?

And another typical Trumpster.

So if a white supremacist said "the sky is blue," and I agreed that it is, I would be "supporting the White Supremacists?"

When I post a photo of white supremacists and you say they are right- yeah- you are supporting White Supremacist- like the good little Trumpster you are.

No I'm not, you witless cockroach. They are right that "diversity" = white genocide. .

You keep repeating the mantra of White Nationalists and then whine when I identify you as supporting White Nationalists.

The statement is the simple truth. You haven't even tried to dispute it. Your claim that it's the "mantra of White Nationalists" is purely a smear.

White genocide conspiracy theory - Wikipedia

Who are white nationalists and what do they want? - CNN
A popular white supremacist slogan is, "Diversity is a code word for white genocide."
Good luck in the job interview then.

Meanwhile a thousand posts later we're still waiting for the OP --- either one --- to essplain to the class why Liberals would "not be liking" a 93-year-old photo of dunces in sheets marching down Wisconsin trolley tracks toward a funeral home while a man dead for 11 years continues to decompose.

I mean, talk about "random"............
I'll bet you will still be harping on this 2 weeks from now.

If you contards are still lying about it- we will still be pointing out the lies.

Will you still be lying about it 2 weeks from now?
I haven't even been discussing it, but several cockroaches on your side keep trying to drag me back into it.

LOL- typical Trumpster- can't even take personal responsibility for your own posts.
I know you would like to keep ruminating over your pathetic little victory for the next 12 months, but some of us are done discussing it.
Well fine, then own up to it. Admit that it's bullshit and that you're an imbecile for falling for it without bothering to research if it was even true or not.

And by the way, Forney Johnston is still dead.
I'll bet you will still be harping on this 2 weeks from now.

If you contards are still lying about it- we will still be pointing out the lies.

Will you still be lying about it 2 weeks from now?
I haven't even been discussing it, but several cockroaches on your side keep trying to drag me back into it.

LOL- typical Trumpster- can't even take personal responsibility for your own posts.
I know you would like to keep ruminating over your pathetic little victory for the next 12 months, but some of us are done discussing it.
Well fine, then own up to it. Admit that it's bullshit and that you're an imbecile for falling for it without bothering to research if it was even true or not.

And by the way, Forney Johnston is still dead.

Faun- stop forcing Brip to post!

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