Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democratic Convention…

You know? Good point bripat.... I'm going to rethink the smarts of trying to wake them up. Let them go into the 2018 and the 2020 calling half the nation racist...

We have gone from a Russian under every rock to now the KKK around every less than one month
Proceed morons :badgrin:

We all watch the Trumpster morons proceed........

They are telling the truth.

Why am I not surprised that you support the White Supremacists?

And another typical Trumpster.

So if a white supremacist said "the sky is blue," and I agreed that it is, I would be "supporting the White Supremacists?"

Sleazy smears like that are why you are correctly labeled a douche bag.
Only they're not saying the sky is blue -- they're saying they want to kill Jews.

As I said previously, using logic on you is like trying to teach algebra to a cockroach. You just proved you are too stupid to understand an analogy.
I'll bet you will still be harping on this 2 weeks from now.

If you contards are still lying about it- we will still be pointing out the lies.

Will you still be lying about it 2 weeks from now?
I haven't even been discussing it, but several cockroaches on your side keep trying to drag me back into it.

LOL- typical Trumpster- can't even take personal responsibility for your own posts.
I know you would like to keep ruminating over your pathetic little victory for the next 12 months, but some of us are done discussing it.
Well fine, then own up to it. Admit that it's bullshit and that you're an imbecile for falling for it without bothering to research if it was even true or not.

And by the way, Forney Johnston is still dead.
I will after you admit that cockroaches are smarter than you.
If you contards are still lying about it- we will still be pointing out the lies.

Will you still be lying about it 2 weeks from now?
I haven't even been discussing it, but several cockroaches on your side keep trying to drag me back into it.

LOL- typical Trumpster- can't even take personal responsibility for your own posts.
I know you would like to keep ruminating over your pathetic little victory for the next 12 months, but some of us are done discussing it.
Well fine, then own up to it. Admit that it's bullshit and that you're an imbecile for falling for it without bothering to research if it was even true or not.

And by the way, Forney Johnston is still dead.
I will after you admit that cockroaches are smarter than you.

Apparently the cockroaches are now the ones forcing Brip to post....
We all watch the Trumpster morons proceed........

They are telling the truth.

Why am I not surprised that you support the White Supremacists?

And another typical Trumpster.

So if a white supremacist said "the sky is blue," and I agreed that it is, I would be "supporting the White Supremacists?"

Sleazy smears like that are why you are correctly labeled a douche bag.
Only they're not saying the sky is blue -- they're saying they want to kill Jews.

As I said previously, using logic on you is like trying to teach algebra to a cockroach. You just proved you are too stupid to understand an analogy.
And why bother with analogies when we have the alt-right saying diversity equals white genocide and they want to kill Jews -- and you agree with them.
If you contards are still lying about it- we will still be pointing out the lies.

Will you still be lying about it 2 weeks from now?
I haven't even been discussing it, but several cockroaches on your side keep trying to drag me back into it.

LOL- typical Trumpster- can't even take personal responsibility for your own posts.
I know you would like to keep ruminating over your pathetic little victory for the next 12 months, but some of us are done discussing it.
Well fine, then own up to it. Admit that it's bullshit and that you're an imbecile for falling for it without bothering to research if it was even true or not.

And by the way, Forney Johnston is still dead.
I will after you admit that cockroaches are smarter than you.
Except cockroaches aren't smarter than me whereas you did falsely claim that photo was from the 1924 DNC when it's not and you flat out refuse to admit it's bullshit and that you didn't even bother to check it out before posting said bullshit.
They are telling the truth.

Why am I not surprised that you support the White Supremacists?

And another typical Trumpster.

So if a white supremacist said "the sky is blue," and I agreed that it is, I would be "supporting the White Supremacists?"

Sleazy smears like that are why you are correctly labeled a douche bag.
Only they're not saying the sky is blue -- they're saying they want to kill Jews.

As I said previously, using logic on you is like trying to teach algebra to a cockroach. You just proved you are too stupid to understand an analogy.
And why bother with analogies when we have the alt-right saying diversity equals white genocide and they want to kill Jews -- and you agree with them.

Analogies are required to show you cockroaches how stupid you are. Unfortunately, it takes a certain minimal intelligence to understand the analogy. Snowflakes obviously can't even pass that bar.

There's nothing about killing Jews in the photo, douche bag. Just admit you're a shameless liar and a POS.
I haven't even been discussing it, but several cockroaches on your side keep trying to drag me back into it.

LOL- typical Trumpster- can't even take personal responsibility for your own posts.
I know you would like to keep ruminating over your pathetic little victory for the next 12 months, but some of us are done discussing it.
Well fine, then own up to it. Admit that it's bullshit and that you're an imbecile for falling for it without bothering to research if it was even true or not.

And by the way, Forney Johnston is still dead.
I will after you admit that cockroaches are smarter than you.
Except cockroaches aren't smarter than me whereas you did falsely claim that photo was from the 1924 DNC when it's not and you flat out refuse to admit it's bullshit and that you didn't even bother to check it out before posting said bullshit.
Yes, cockroaches are smarter than you. You proved that when you failed to comprehend the simplest of analogies. The rest of your dreck is equally wrong and dishonest.
Why am I not surprised that you support the White Supremacists?

And another typical Trumpster.

So if a white supremacist said "the sky is blue," and I agreed that it is, I would be "supporting the White Supremacists?"

Sleazy smears like that are why you are correctly labeled a douche bag.
Only they're not saying the sky is blue -- they're saying they want to kill Jews.

As I said previously, using logic on you is like trying to teach algebra to a cockroach. You just proved you are too stupid to understand an analogy.
And why bother with analogies when we have the alt-right saying diversity equals white genocide and they want to kill Jews -- and you agree with them.

Analogies are required to show you cockroaches how stupid you are. Unfortunately, it takes a certain minimal intelligence to understand the analogy. Snowflakes obviously can't even pass that bar.

There's nothing about killing Jews in the photo, douche bag. Just admit you're a shameless liar and a POS.

Who forced Brip to post this time?
Can you name any KKKers who are Republicans?

I see Dukey's already mentioned but I already gave you a page full of photos. I just didn't identify them. If I recall they were D.C. Stephenson (rapist and cannibal), Edward Jackson (Gov, IN), Rice Means (Sen., CO), George Luis Baker (Mayor, Portland OR), Ben Paulen (Gov, KS), Owen Brewster (Gov/Sen/Rep/McCarthyite, ME) and Clarence Morley (Gov, CO).

Not all of them were literally Klan, many just complicit. But Stephenson and Morley were.

If you have a good time plugging them in to your childish Composition Fallacies I can give you more. The first seven are free.

Is the personification of the Democrat Party, Bill 'the rapist' Clinton now,

Hey you Republicans elected Donald 'the rapist' Trump- the only President elected who has a history of discriminating against Blacks and Puerto Ricans in his rental properties.

Here's actual Democrat discrimination:.

Yep- Democrats nominated and elected the first- and only African American President.


And people like you whigged out.

The Democrat Party: they were against melanin before they were for it.

And now they have dunces like you for whom skin color is the most important qualification for leadership.
How did you get to be so stupid???

Memo to dolts: Hussein Obama- a dirt-eating low-life crypto-Islamist back-stabbing infanticide-supporting incompetent snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being.
Why am I not surprised that you support the White Supremacists?

And another typical Trumpster.

So if a white supremacist said "the sky is blue," and I agreed that it is, I would be "supporting the White Supremacists?"

Sleazy smears like that are why you are correctly labeled a douche bag.
Only they're not saying the sky is blue -- they're saying they want to kill Jews.

As I said previously, using logic on you is like trying to teach algebra to a cockroach. You just proved you are too stupid to understand an analogy.
And why bother with analogies when we have the alt-right saying diversity equals white genocide and they want to kill Jews -- and you agree with them.

Analogies are required to show you cockroaches how stupid you are. Unfortunately, it takes a certain minimal intelligence to understand the analogy. Snowflakes obviously can't even pass that bar.

There's nothing about killing Jews in the photo, douche bag. Just admit you're a shameless liar and a POS.
Of course there is something in there about killing Jews. What do you think the alt-right's solution is to prevent white genocide?
Can you name any KKKers who are Republicans?
"I'm here because our Republican values are ... number one, standing up for local white identity. Our identity's under threat. Number two, the free market. And number three, killing Jews." ~ Sean Patrick Nielsen, White Nationalist.

Have the Republicans placed any KKKers on the Supreme Court?
The Democrats have.

The Democrats haven't put any KKK members on the Supreme Court.

You are lying again.

Really?....... the very first selection for Supreme Court Justice, by Roosevelt, was Hugo Black. .

Remember- you lied and claimed that the Democrats placed a KKK member on the Supreme Court.

I pointed out your lie- by pointing out that Hugo Black was not a KKK member- and had not been a KKK member for over a decade when appointed to the Supreme Court.

You were just lying again.

I never lie.

1. Yet, the very first selection for Supreme Court Justice, by Roosevelt, was Hugo Black. Using his first opportunity to select the best candidate for the Supreme Court of the United States, Roosevelt's carefully selected choice was a racist, segregationist, anti-Catholic named Hugo Black.

"Through the appointment, FDR pleased the South and the liberals simultaneously..."Hugo Black and the KKK

And spit in the face of black Americans.

a. "... [Hugo] Black was head of new members for the largest Klan cell in the South. New members of the KKK had to pledge their allegiance to the “eternal separation of Church and State.”... Separation was a crucial part of the KKK’s jurisprudential agenda. It was included in the Klansman’s Creed..."]

Let's remind all, again, that the KKK was an arm of the Democrat Party post-Civil War...and, clearly, continued to be so through Roosevelt's time.

b. Hugo Black was his first selection, in 1937. Black was a multi-faceted hater....This KKK Senator from Alabama wrote the majority decision on Korematsu v. US; in 1967, he said ‘They all look alike to a person not a Jap.” Engage: Conversations in Philosophy: "They all look alike to a person not a Jap"*: The Legacy of Korematsu at OSU

2. Shortly after Black's appointment to the Supreme Court, Ray Sprigle of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette wrote a series of articles revealing Black's involvement in the Klan, for which he won a Pulitzer Prize.[107] The first article in the series was published on Sept 13, 1937, barely a month after Black's appointment and shortly after his confirmation. Titled "Justice Black Revealed as Ku Klux Klansman,"[108] the article described how Black's resignation from the Klan "was the first move of his campaign for the Democratic nomination for United States Senator from Alabama."

At a press conference on Sept 14 1937, Roosevelt was asked about whether he had knowledge of Black's involvement with the Ku Klux Klan. He responded in part, “I know only what I have read in the newspapers…Mr. Justice Black is abroad. Until such time as he returns there is no further comment to be made.”[109] On Sept 21 1937, FDR was again asked during a press conference about whether or not he had communications with Hugo Black regarding his involvement in the Ku Klux Klan. Again, FDR denied speaking with Hugo Black, and when asked about whether the Department of Justice should be "charged automatically" with investigating Supreme Court appointments, FDR said in part, "No, certainly not...a man's private life is supposed to be his private life..."

On Sept 21, 1937, Hugo Black was “besieged” by reporters. He said, “If I make any statement it will be in a way the people can hear me and understand what I have to say, and not have to depend on some parts of the press which might fail to report all I have to say.”
Hugo Black - Wikipedia

Franklin Roosevelt not only placed a KKKer on the Supreme Court, but he has a well documented history of antipathy to blacks, Jews and Asian.

Franklin Roosevelt....Democrat demigod.
Can you name any KKKers who are Republicans?

I see Dukey's already mentioned but I already gave you a page full of photos. I just didn't identify them. If I recall they were D.C. Stephenson (rapist and cannibal), Edward Jackson (Gov, IN), Rice Means (Sen., CO), George Luis Baker (Mayor, Portland OR), Ben Paulen (Gov, KS), Owen Brewster (Gov/Sen/Rep/McCarthyite, ME) and Clarence Morley (Gov, CO).

Not all of them were literally Klan, many just complicit. But Stephenson and Morley were.

If you have a good time plugging them in to your childish Composition Fallacies I can give you more. The first seven are free.

Is the personification of the Democrat Party, Bill 'the rapist' Clinton now,

Hey you Republicans elected Donald 'the rapist' Trump- the only President elected who has a history of discriminating against Blacks and Puerto Ricans in his rental properties.

Here's actual Democrat discrimination:.

Yep- Democrats nominated and elected the first- and only African American President.


And people like you whigged out.

BTW.....there is no such word as 'whigged.'

But there is of 'imbecile.'

I looked it up....your picture was the definition.
LOL- typical Trumpster- can't even take personal responsibility for your own posts.
I know you would like to keep ruminating over your pathetic little victory for the next 12 months, but some of us are done discussing it.
Well fine, then own up to it. Admit that it's bullshit and that you're an imbecile for falling for it without bothering to research if it was even true or not.

And by the way, Forney Johnston is still dead.
I will after you admit that cockroaches are smarter than you.
Except cockroaches aren't smarter than me whereas you did falsely claim that photo was from the 1924 DNC when it's not and you flat out refuse to admit it's bullshit and that you didn't even bother to check it out before posting said bullshit.
Yes, cockroaches are smarter than you. You proved that when you failed to comprehend the simplest of analogies. The rest of your dreck is equally wrong and dishonest.
Drools the poster who actually claimed a photo of marching KKKers from Madison, Wisconsin were really marching at the DNC at Madison Square Garden in New York.

I see Dukey's already mentioned but I already gave you a page full of photos. I just didn't identify them. If I recall they were D.C. Stephenson (rapist and cannibal), Edward Jackson (Gov, IN), Rice Means (Sen., CO), George Luis Baker (Mayor, Portland OR), Ben Paulen (Gov, KS), Owen Brewster (Gov/Sen/Rep/McCarthyite, ME) and Clarence Morley (Gov, CO).

Not all of them were literally Klan, many just complicit. But Stephenson and Morley were.

If you have a good time plugging them in to your childish Composition Fallacies I can give you more. The first seven are free.

Is the personification of the Democrat Party, Bill 'the rapist' Clinton now,

Hey you Republicans elected Donald 'the rapist' Trump- the only President elected who has a history of discriminating against Blacks and Puerto Ricans in his rental properties.

Here's actual Democrat discrimination:.

Yep- Democrats nominated and elected the first- and only African American President.


And people like you whigged out.

BTW.....there is no such word as 'whigged.'

But there is of 'imbecile.'

I looked it up....your picture was the definition.

PoliticalHack stretches her mighty wit to its absolute limit and comes up with that second grade insult.
Last edited:
So if a white supremacist said "the sky is blue," and I agreed that it is, I would be "supporting the White Supremacists?"

Sleazy smears like that are why you are correctly labeled a douche bag.
Only they're not saying the sky is blue -- they're saying they want to kill Jews.

As I said previously, using logic on you is like trying to teach algebra to a cockroach. You just proved you are too stupid to understand an analogy.
And why bother with analogies when we have the alt-right saying diversity equals white genocide and they want to kill Jews -- and you agree with them.

Analogies are required to show you cockroaches how stupid you are. Unfortunately, it takes a certain minimal intelligence to understand the analogy. Snowflakes obviously can't even pass that bar.

There's nothing about killing Jews in the photo, douche bag. Just admit you're a shameless liar and a POS.
Of course there is something in there about killing Jews. What do you think the alt-right's solution is to prevent white genocide?

Everyone can read what the sign says, cockroach. There's nothing on it about killing Jews.
I see Dukey's already mentioned but I already gave you a page full of photos. I just didn't identify them. If I recall they were D.C. Stephenson (rapist and cannibal), Edward Jackson (Gov, IN), Rice Means (Sen., CO), George Luis Baker (Mayor, Portland OR), Ben Paulen (Gov, KS), Owen Brewster (Gov/Sen/Rep/McCarthyite, ME) and Clarence Morley (Gov, CO).

Not all of them were literally Klan, many just complicit. But Stephenson and Morley were.

If you have a good time plugging them in to your childish Composition Fallacies I can give you more. The first seven are free.

Is the personification of the Democrat Party, Bill 'the rapist' Clinton now,

Hey you Republicans elected Donald 'the rapist' Trump- the only President elected who has a history of discriminating against Blacks and Puerto Ricans in his rental properties.

Here's actual Democrat discrimination:.

Yep- Democrats nominated and elected the first- and only African American President.


And people like you whigged out.

The Democrat Party: they were against melanin before they were for it.

The Democratic Party- we elect people of all colors to be President.

The GOP- we elect people who tacitly endorse white supremacists to be President
"I'm here because our Republican values are ... number one, standing up for local white identity. Our identity's under threat. Number two, the free market. And number three, killing Jews." ~ Sean Patrick Nielsen, White Nationalist.

Have the Republicans placed any KKKers on the Supreme Court?
The Democrats have.

The Democrats haven't put any KKK members on the Supreme Court.

You are lying again.

Really?....... the very first selection for Supreme Court Justice, by Roosevelt, was Hugo Black. .

Remember- you lied and claimed that the Democrats placed a KKK member on the Supreme Court.

I pointed out your lie- by pointing out that Hugo Black was not a KKK member- and had not been a KKK member for over a decade when appointed to the Supreme Court.

You were just lying again.

I never lie..

All you do is lie.

Remember- you lied and claimed that the Democrats placed a KKK member on the Supreme Court.

I pointed out your lie- by pointing out that Hugo Black was not a KKK member- and had not been a KKK member for over a decade when appointed to the Supreme Court.

You were just lying again
I see Dukey's already mentioned but I already gave you a page full of photos. I just didn't identify them. If I recall they were D.C. Stephenson (rapist and cannibal), Edward Jackson (Gov, IN), Rice Means (Sen., CO), George Luis Baker (Mayor, Portland OR), Ben Paulen (Gov, KS), Owen Brewster (Gov/Sen/Rep/McCarthyite, ME) and Clarence Morley (Gov, CO).

Not all of them were literally Klan, many just complicit. But Stephenson and Morley were.

If you have a good time plugging them in to your childish Composition Fallacies I can give you more. The first seven are free.

Is the personification of the Democrat Party, Bill 'the rapist' Clinton now,

Hey you Republicans elected Donald 'the rapist' Trump- the only President elected who has a history of discriminating against Blacks and Puerto Ricans in his rental properties.

Here's actual Democrat discrimination:.

Yep- Democrats nominated and elected the first- and only African American President.


And people like you whigged out.

BTW.....there is no such word as 'whigged.'

But there is of 'imbecile.'

I looked it up....your picture was the definition.

LOL how cute- PC boy tried to insult me?

Meanwhile- you must be soooo happy to have a white President back in the White House.....
Only they're not saying the sky is blue -- they're saying they want to kill Jews.

As I said previously, using logic on you is like trying to teach algebra to a cockroach. You just proved you are too stupid to understand an analogy.
And why bother with analogies when we have the alt-right saying diversity equals white genocide and they want to kill Jews -- and you agree with them.

Analogies are required to show you cockroaches how stupid you are. Unfortunately, it takes a certain minimal intelligence to understand the analogy. Snowflakes obviously can't even pass that bar.

There's nothing about killing Jews in the photo, douche bag. Just admit you're a shameless liar and a POS.
Of course there is something in there about killing Jews. What do you think the alt-right's solution is to prevent white genocide?

Everyone can read what the sign says, cockroach. There's nothing on it about killing Jews.
Why is it anyone else's fault but your own that you don't know the alt-right's solution to avoiding white genocide?
As I said previously, using logic on you is like trying to teach algebra to a cockroach. You just proved you are too stupid to understand an analogy.
And why bother with analogies when we have the alt-right saying diversity equals white genocide and they want to kill Jews -- and you agree with them.

Analogies are required to show you cockroaches how stupid you are. Unfortunately, it takes a certain minimal intelligence to understand the analogy. Snowflakes obviously can't even pass that bar.

There's nothing about killing Jews in the photo, douche bag. Just admit you're a shameless liar and a POS.
Of course there is something in there about killing Jews. What do you think the alt-right's solution is to prevent white genocide?

Everyone can read what the sign says, cockroach. There's nothing on it about killing Jews.
Why is it anyone else's fault but your own that you don't know the alt-right's solution to avoiding white genocide?
The discussion is about what's actually on the sign, cockroach, not what you imagine is the agenda of the alt-right.

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