Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democratic Convention…

Interesting. So anti-semites called him a Jew Lover. Hitler called him a Jew Lover. But instead lets revise history, burn all that history and create this new history of him being a Jew Hater. Because what someone claims he said in a diary is more important than actual history.

Well you have to understand- PC has a big hard on about Roosevelt and starts at least a thread a week on the same inane crap about Roosevelt.

She just can't stand that Roosevelt led America to victory in World War 2, and was not only one of our most popular Presidents- elected 4 times- each time with a majority of Jewish votes- but is considered by historians to be one of our greatest Presidents.

"...Roosevelt led America to victory in World War 2,..."

1. Roosevelt turned over management of Allied war efforts to Stalin.
Stalin got to choose the attack via Normandy, rather than through Italy, so that the Red Army could occupy Eastern Europe.

2. Because he allowed Stalin to make the military diecisions, FDR extended the war by years, and cost thousands of American lives.

I hate to have to break this to your pathetically revisionist-history fixated ass but --- nobody in World War Two did more, paid more or suffered more in defeating Nazi Germany than did the USSR. The US was in no position to "turn over management" TO Stalin. That implies FDR was in some position of managing the European war in the first place.

I mean holy SHIT this is profound ignorance.


(/completely offtopic)

--- But hey, perhaps you can enlighten us all on what Forney Johnston's role was.
The USSR partnered with Nazi Germany with carving up Poland. They also invaded Finland. They were hardly better than Nazi Germany.

The two blood-brothers were allies until June 21, 1941.
Stalin taught Hitler how to construct concentration camps, and provided the resources for the 'Blitzkrieg.'

And Roosevelt was a pal of both......but had a crush on Stalin.

Poor PC

Still pissed off that the United States was victorious in World War 2- and that FDR led America to victory.
You know less than nothing.

  1. In 1933, Fascism was celebrating its eleventh year in power, in Italy, and the election of the National Socialists in Germany represented an unmitigated defeat for liberal democracy in Europe’s largest industrialized nation.
    1. At the beginning of the same month, FDR was inaugurated as President. And before Congress went into recess it granted powers to Roosevelt unprecedented in peacetime. From Congressional hearings, 1973: “Since March 9, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency.”
  2. The National Socialists [Nazis] hailed FDR's ‘relief measures’ in ways you will recognize:
    1. May 11, 1933, the Nazi newspaper Volkischer Beobachter, (People’s Observer): “Roosevelt’s Dictatorial Recovery Measures.”
    2. And on January 17, 1934, “We, too, as German National Socialists are looking toward America…” and “Roosevelt’s adoption of National Socialist strains of thought in his economic and social policies” comparable to Hitler’s own dictatorial ‘Fuhrerprinzip.’
    3. And “[Roosevelt], too demands that collective good be put before individual self-interest. Many passages in his book ‘Looking Forward’ could have been written by a National Socialist….one can assume that he feels considerable affinity with the National Socialist philosophy.”
    4. The paper also refers to “…the fictional appearance of democracy.”
  3. In 1938, American ambassador Hugh R. Wilson reported to FDR his conversations with Hitler: “Hitler then said that he had watched with interest the methods which you, Mr. President, have been attempting to adopt for the United States…. I added that you were very much interested in certain phases of the sociological effort, notably for the youth and workmen, which is being made in Germany…” cited in “Franklin D. Roosevelt and Foreign Affairs,” vol.2, p. 27.

" Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington until Hitler became a menace to·the Soviet Union."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 48

Amazing how little you know and how much you simply make do you find your way back to that refrigerator box you call home?????

Oh buttercup... you do realize those are the people leading that fascism that FDR killed and ruined right? The same exact fascism he spoke out AGAINST. Not really his friends as much as they tried to be. lol

BUT... You quote his enemies as proof... THE SAME ONES THAT SAID HE LOVED THE JEWS.

Thank you for that. In your belief of their truths, you've admitted FDR loved the Jews. FDR not an anti-semite.

That's all we needed.

Your own logic not mine.

"'ve admitted FDR loved the Jews."'re an imbecile, AND a liar.

Fascism, Nazism, Liberalism, Socialism, Communism and Progrssivism.

Six peas in the same pod.

PC- six peas in his brain instead of a brain.
I don't 'revise' anything.

'Everything I post is correct, accurate and accompanied by links, sources and documentation.

Or....obvious and irrefutable....such as 'you're an imbecile.'

I'm certain your posts will be different when you finally complete junior high school.

Actually you did revise. You are using new quotes on past situations and throwing out old quotes. It doesn't matter since you are quoting Hitler who said FDR loved the Jews. So that ends the debate.

Everything I post is documented, linked and sourced.

You, on the other hand, are one of our best sources of greenhouse gases.
"'ve admitted FDR loved the Jews."'re an imbecile, AND a liar.

Fascism, Nazism, Liberalism, Socialism, Communism and Progrssivism.

Six peas in the same pod.

Nope, everything I've posted is based in historical fact rather than you bringing up revisionist ideas to why things occurred. I never disagreed with your actual facts, just your belief that it was for the reasonings you made up devoid of fact, context, and actual actions.

But we agree. FDR was not an anti-semite.

That really was the only thing I've been arguing, just had to get you to force yourself to stick to your logic and admit it, or admit you are lying with your proofs.

Thanks, and have a great evening hon.
Last edited:
Muslims are vicious uncivilized bloodthirsty savages. Discriminating against them is common sense, just as discriminating against the importation of poisonous snakes is common sense.

And there it comes out. Sounds like Hitler talking about the Jews.
The difference is that it's true. Furthermore, Muslim isn't a race. It's a belief system that is no better than what Nazis believed.

Neither Muslim or Jewish is a race- both are belief systems.

Jewish refugees fled the violence in Europe.
Muslim refugees fled the violence in Syria.

FDR let in more Jewish refugees than any Western leader- so you call him an anti-semite.

Trump wants to stop Muslim refugees fleeing violence- for that you call him a hero.
Quoting your article:

Reporter Ray Sprigle’s investigation of Black’s links to the Klan revealed that he joined the organization in September 1923 and resigned almost two years later, in July 1925.

' July 1925'

This Supreme Court Justice had at one time been a KKK member- as usual you are lying- FDR never appointed a KKK member to the Supreme Court.


Ready to admit you lied when you pretended that FDR didn't put a KKKer on the Supreme Court?


I confess- you are a gullible idiot.

Justice Black was not a KKK member when he was appointed to the Supreme Court.

You know this- but you keep lying that he was.

Just more of your typical lies.

From the Smithsonian:

"SMARTNEWS Keeping you current
This Supreme Court Justice Was a KKK Member"

Read more: This Supreme Court Justice Was a KKK Member | Smart News | Smithsonian
Give the gift of Smithsonian magazine for only $12! Give the gift of Smithsonian
Follow us: @SmithsonianMag on Twitter

That's right, you low-life lying gutter snipe....

FDR made a KKKer his first nominee to the Supreme Court.

That's a fact.

Nope- just you lying again.
Remember- you lied and claimed that the Democrats placed a KKK member on the Supreme Court.

I pointed out your lie- by pointing out that Hugo Black was not a KKK member- and had not been a KKK member for over a decade when appointed to the Supreme Court.

You were just lying again.

But FDR did appoint the second Jewish Supreme Court Justice- and yes- he was actually Jewish when he was appointed.

"What U.S. President appointed members of the KKK to the U.S. Supreme Court?
7 Answers

Jerry Mc Kenna, Avid birder and amateur astronomer

Answered 11d ago

FDR appointed former KKK member Hugo Black in 1937. He said he left the KKK and he claims that he regretted joining. Hugo Black - Wikipedia

He was actively anti-Catholic.

"Hugo Black, a KKK member and US senator, gave fiery anti-Catholic speeches before going on to become a defender of civil liberties on the supreme court bench." (America's dark and not-very-distant history of hating Catholics)

Anti-Catholic bigotry was fashionable among what we would call liberals today."

FDR appointed a KKKer as his first nominee to the Supreme Court.
And,'re an imbecile.

Both of those are facts.

Quoting you:
FDR appointed former KKK member Hugo Black in 1937. He said he left the KKK and he claims that he regretted joining. Hugo Black - Wikipedia

'former KKK member'

Again- you are just lying.

As you always do.
As Howard Sachar writes in “A History of the Jews in America,” “Four or five thousand Jews operated at various echelons of government during the 1930s,” a complete change from the past. Roosevelt encouraged the recruitment of Jewish talent, and he was often vilified for it. I remember his being called “Roosenfelt” by the true anti-Semites of his time. No wonder Jews supported him overwhelmingly at the polls.

Interesting. So anti-semites called him a Jew Lover. Hitler called him a Jew Lover. But instead lets revise history, burn all that history and create this new history of him being a Jew Hater. Because what someone claims he said in a diary is more important than actual history.

Well you have to understand- PC has a big hard on about Roosevelt and starts at least a thread a week on the same inane crap about Roosevelt.

She just can't stand that Roosevelt led America to victory in World War 2, and was not only one of our most popular Presidents- elected 4 times- each time with a majority of Jewish votes- but is considered by historians to be one of our greatest Presidents.

"...Roosevelt led America to victory in World War 2,..."

1. Roosevelt turned over management of Allied war efforts to Stalin.
Stalin got to choose the attack via Normandy, rather than through Italy, so that the Red Army could occupy Eastern Europe.

2. Because he allowed Stalin to make the military diecisions, FDR extended the war by years, and cost thousands of American lives.

I hate to have to break this to your pathetically revisionist-history fixated ass but --- nobody in World War Two did more, paid more or suffered more in defeating Nazi Germany than did the USSR. The US was in no position to "turn over management" TO Stalin. That implies FDR was in some position of managing the European war in the first place.

I mean holy SHIT this is profound ignorance.


(/completely offtopic)

--- But hey, perhaps you can enlighten us all on what Forney Johnston's role was.

Is the personification of the Democrat Party, Bill 'the rapist' Clinton now,.

Is the personification of the Republican Party, Donald 'the rapist' Trump now- who was sued by the Justice Department for his racist policies of not renting to African Americans and Puerto Ricans?
FDR and Hitler, two socialists, were on excellent terms, you dope.

It was not until FDR to choose between Hitler and Stalin that he ended his relationship with the former, and latched on to his first love.

" Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington until Hitler became a menace to·the Soviet Union."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 48

Have you ever picked up a book that didn't require Crayons?????

FDR was an isolationist. Hitler called him a Jew Lover. And FDR wrote letters to Hitler denouncing him in 1938. That same year in an address to Congress he outright condemned fascism. Sure whatever guy you quoted would like to burn those records, but they still exist.

PC only listens to the voices in her/ his/its head.

He/she/it is just pissed of that the United States was victorious in WW2- and that FDR was the man who led us to victory.
Remember- you lied and claimed that the Democrats placed a KKK member on the Supreme Court.

I pointed out your lie- by pointing out that Hugo Black was not a KKK member- and had not been a KKK member for over a decade when appointed to the Supreme Court.

You were just lying again.

I never lie..

All you do is lie.

Remember- you lied and claimed that the Democrats placed a KKK member on the Supreme Court.

I pointed out your lie- by pointing out that Hugo Black was not a KKK member- and had not been a KKK member for over a decade when appointed to the Supreme Court.

You were just lying again

SMARTNEWS Keeping you current
"This Supreme Court Justice Was a KKK Member

Read more: This Supreme Court Justice Was a KKK Member | Smart News | Smithsonian
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Follow us: @SmithsonianMag on Twitter

Ready to admit you lied about FDR nominating a KKKer to the Supreme Court?
Remember- you lied and claimed that the Democrats placed a KKK member on the Supreme Court.

I pointed out your lie- by pointing out that Hugo Black was not a KKK member- and had not been a KKK member for over a decade when appointed to the Supreme Court.

You were just lying again.

I never lie..

All you do is lie.

Remember- you lied and claimed that the Democrats placed a KKK member on the Supreme Court.

I pointed out your lie- by pointing out that Hugo Black was not a KKK member- and had not been a KKK member for over a decade when appointed to the Supreme Court.

You were just lying again

SMARTNEWS Keeping you current
"This Supreme Court Justice Was a KKK Member

Read more: This Supreme Court Justice Was a KKK Member | Smart News | Smithsonian
Give the gift of Smithsonian magazine for only $12! Give the gift of Smithsonian
Follow us: @SmithsonianMag on Twitter

Ready to admit you lied about FDR nominating a KKKer to the Supreme Court?

Quoting your article:

Reporter Ray Sprigle’s investigation of Black’s links to the Klan revealed that he joined the organization in September 1923 and resigned almost two years later, in July 1925.

' July 1925'

This Supreme Court Justice had at one time been a KKK member- as usual you are lying- FDR never appointed a KKK member to the Supreme Court.


Ready to admit you lied when you pretended that FDR didn't put a KKKer on the Supreme Court?


Your own article says he left the klan in 1925, long before being appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court by FDR.


When he was appointed, he was no longer a member of the KKK. So why did you lie [again] and falsely claim FDR appointed a member of the KKK?
Interesting. So anti-semites called him a Jew Lover. Hitler called him a Jew Lover. But instead lets revise history, burn all that history and create this new history of him being a Jew Hater. Because what someone claims he said in a diary is more important than actual history.

Well you have to understand- PC has a big hard on about Roosevelt and starts at least a thread a week on the same inane crap about Roosevelt.

She just can't stand that Roosevelt led America to victory in World War 2, and was not only one of our most popular Presidents- elected 4 times- each time with a majority of Jewish votes- but is considered by historians to be one of our greatest Presidents.

"...Roosevelt led America to victory in World War 2,..."

1. Roosevelt turned over management of Allied war efforts to Stalin.
Stalin got to choose the attack via Normandy, rather than through Italy, so that the Red Army could occupy Eastern Europe.

2. Because he allowed Stalin to make the military diecisions, FDR extended the war by years, and cost thousands of American lives.

I hate to have to break this to your pathetically revisionist-history fixated ass but --- nobody in World War Two did more, paid more or suffered more in defeating Nazi Germany than did the USSR. The US was in no position to "turn over management" TO Stalin. That implies FDR was in some position of managing the European war in the first place.

I mean holy SHIT this is profound ignorance.


(/completely offtopic)

--- But hey, perhaps you can enlighten us all on what Forney Johnston's role was.
The USSR partnered with Nazi Germany with carving up Poland. They also invaded Finland. They were hardly better than Nazi Germany.

"hardly better than Nazi Germany" except for a couple things:
a) The USSR didn't attack the United States and
b) The USSR was allies with the United States and Great Britain in defeating Nazi Germany.

No doubt Stalin was every bit as much of a murdering asshole as Hitler. But we were not at war with that murderous asshole.

Nazi Germany didn't attack the United States.

We were allies with them only because the commie lover Roosevelt chose to be allies with them.
FDR's troubling view of Jews

What FDR said about Jews in private
His personal sentiments about Jews may help explain America's tepid response to the Holocaust.

President Franklin Roosevelt sits at the steering wheel of his automobile… (Associated Press )

In May 1943, President Franklin Roosevelt met with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill at the White House. It was 17 months after Pearl Harbor and a little more than a year before D-Day. The two Allied leaders reviewed the war effort to date and exchanged thoughts on their plans for the postwar era. At one point in the discussion, FDR offered what he called "the best way to settle the Jewish question."

Vice President Henry Wallace, who noted the conversation in his diary, said Roosevelt spoke approvingly of a plan (recommended by geographer and Johns Hopkins University President Isaiah Bowman) "to spread the Jews thin all over the world." The diary entry adds: "The president said he had tried this out in [Meriwether] County, Georgia [where Roosevelt lived in the 1920s] and at Hyde Park on the basis of adding four or five Jewish families at each place. He claimed that the local population would have no objection if there were no more than that."

Roosevelt's "best way" remark is condescending and distasteful, and coming from anyone else it would probably be regarded as anti-Semitism. But more than that, FDR's support for "spreading the Jews thin" may hold the key to understanding a subject that has been at the center of controversy for decades: the American government's tepid response to the Holocaust.


Here's the paradox. The U.S. immigration system severely limited the number of German Jews admitted during the Nazi years to about 26,000 annually — but even that quota was less than 25% filled during most of the Hitler era, because the Roosevelt administration piled on so many extra requirements for would-be immigrants. For example, starting in 1941, merely leaving behind a close relative in Europe would be enough to disqualify an applicant — on the absurd assumption that the Nazis could threaten the relative and thereby force the immigrant into spying for Hitler.

Why did the administration actively seek to discourage and disqualify Jewish refugees from coming to the United States? Why didn't the president quietly tell his State Department (which administered the immigration system) to fill the quotas for Germany and Axis-occupied countries to the legal limit? That alone could have saved 190,000 lives. It would not have required a fight with Congress or the anti-immigration forces; it would have involved minimal political risk to the president.

Every president's policy decisions are shaped by a variety of factors, some political, some personal. In Roosevelt's case, a pattern of private remarks about Jews, some of which I recently discovered at the Central Zionist Archives in Jerusalem and from other sources, may be significant.

In 1923, as a member of the Harvard board of directors, Roosevelt decided there were too many Jewish students at the college and helped institute a quota to limit the number admitted. In 1938, he privately suggested that Jews in Poland were dominating the economy and were therefore to blame for provoking anti-Semitism there. In 1941, he remarked at a Cabinet meeting that there were too many Jews among federal employees in Oregon. In 1943, he told government officials in Allied-liberated North Africa that the number of local Jews in various professions "should be definitely limited" so as to "eliminate the specific and understandable complaints which the Germans bore towards the Jews in Germany."

. . . . . .

Why do you feel the need to use debunked lies to support your argument? I mean I used plain fact. Basic things that are proven. Here you have the quota (actually there was never one put on paper anywhere according to a study buy Richard Breitman and Alan J Lichtman). So why do you feel the need to keep reusing lies that have not been found to be true.

Why do you keep saying what someone says in private is more important than their actual actions they take? Did he follow through with the "lets spread them out" Idea? Of course not. Oswego and NYC became two large spots where they were allowed to choose to live together. But hey, he said "lets spread them out" so that's what matters, right? Not the reality of him choosing to do the opposite?

By your belief system, Bill Cosby could be a nice guy as long as at some point in his private life someone said he said he respects women. Then all the rapes don't matter anymore because it's right there in a diary.

In what way is "severely limiting" the Jewish Refugees actually taking in a full quarter of them. That's right, more than any other allied or neutral country by far. But because it wasn't unlimited, lets call the LARGEST intake of refugees a severe limitation right? The US has taken in about 19,000 syrian Refugees out of 5 million. FDR took in over 130,000 Jewish Refugees out of just over 500,000. I mean we've taken in less than .4% of Syrian refugees. He took in about 25% of Jewish Refugees despite his isolationist leanings.

You are saying that's proof he was a racist. Ok, what refugee crisis has the US answered better? What foreign refugee crisis did a president step up and say "we'll take more than FDR took"?? Because if the LARGEST refugee adoption in US history (though not the largest worldwide refugee crisis) was FDR taking in the jews, it's not making him look anti-semitic is it?


Yeah- it is pretty odd.

In order to support there argument that FDR was an anti-semite- they want to portray him as blocking Jewish refugees from Europe.

But Donald Trump ran on a platform of blocking Muslim refugees from the Middle East- and they will argue on and on that that is not bigoted at all.

Donald Trump said that Mexicans are rapists. FDR never called Jews rapists.

"....of blocking Muslim refugees...."

I know you're an imbecile...but equating Jewish folk who wanted nothing more than being allowed to live with 7th century savages who dedicate their existence to the slaughter of innocent human being....

...well...makes you the perfect 'reliable Democrat voter.'

WTF?? The Muslim refugees coming here are 7th century savages, slaughtering innocent people??

Over 18,000 from Syria alone came here while Obama was president. How many of them are 7th century savages, slaughtering innocent people...?

What a disgusting pig you are.

Ready to admit you lied when you pretended that FDR didn't put a KKKer on the Supreme Court?


I confess- you are a gullible idiot.

Justice Black was not a KKK member when he was appointed to the Supreme Court.

You know this- but you keep lying that he was.

Just more of your typical lies.

From the Smithsonian:

"SMARTNEWS Keeping you current
This Supreme Court Justice Was a KKK Member"

Read more: This Supreme Court Justice Was a KKK Member | Smart News | Smithsonian
Give the gift of Smithsonian magazine for only $12! Give the gift of Smithsonian
Follow us: @SmithsonianMag on Twitter

That's right, you low-life lying gutter snipe....

FDR made a KKKer his first nominee to the Supreme Court.

That's a fact.

Nope- just you lying again.
Remember- you lied and claimed that the Democrats placed a KKK member on the Supreme Court.

I pointed out your lie- by pointing out that Hugo Black was not a KKK member- and had not been a KKK member for over a decade when appointed to the Supreme Court.

You were just lying again.

But FDR did appoint the second Jewish Supreme Court Justice- and yes- he was actually Jewish when he was appointed.

"What U.S. President appointed members of the KKK to the U.S. Supreme Court?
7 Answers

Jerry Mc Kenna, Avid birder and amateur astronomer

Answered 11d ago

FDR appointed former KKK member Hugo Black in 1937. He said he left the KKK and he claims that he regretted joining. Hugo Black - Wikipedia

He was actively anti-Catholic.

"Hugo Black, a KKK member and US senator, gave fiery anti-Catholic speeches before going on to become a defender of civil liberties on the supreme court bench." (America's dark and not-very-distant history of hating Catholics)

Anti-Catholic bigotry was fashionable among what we would call liberals today."

FDR appointed a KKKer as his first nominee to the Supreme Court.
And,'re an imbecile.

Both of those are facts.

Quoting you:
FDR appointed former KKK member Hugo Black in 1937. He said he left the KKK and he claims that he regretted joining. Hugo Black - Wikipedia

'former KKK member'

Again- you are just lying.

As you always do.
Once a KKK member, always a KKK member.
Well you have to understand- PC has a big hard on about Roosevelt and starts at least a thread a week on the same inane crap about Roosevelt.

She just can't stand that Roosevelt led America to victory in World War 2, and was not only one of our most popular Presidents- elected 4 times- each time with a majority of Jewish votes- but is considered by historians to be one of our greatest Presidents.

"...Roosevelt led America to victory in World War 2,..."

1. Roosevelt turned over management of Allied war efforts to Stalin.
Stalin got to choose the attack via Normandy, rather than through Italy, so that the Red Army could occupy Eastern Europe.

2. Because he allowed Stalin to make the military diecisions, FDR extended the war by years, and cost thousands of American lives.

I hate to have to break this to your pathetically revisionist-history fixated ass but --- nobody in World War Two did more, paid more or suffered more in defeating Nazi Germany than did the USSR. The US was in no position to "turn over management" TO Stalin. That implies FDR was in some position of managing the European war in the first place.

I mean holy SHIT this is profound ignorance.


(/completely offtopic)

--- But hey, perhaps you can enlighten us all on what Forney Johnston's role was.
The USSR partnered with Nazi Germany with carving up Poland. They also invaded Finland. They were hardly better than Nazi Germany.

"hardly better than Nazi Germany" except for a couple things:
a) The USSR didn't attack the United States and
b) The USSR was allies with the United States and Great Britain in defeating Nazi Germany.

No doubt Stalin was every bit as much of a murdering asshole as Hitler. But we were not at war with that murderous asshole.

Nazi Germany didn't attack the United States.

We were allies with them only because the commie lover Roosevelt chose to be allies with them.
You know you're among the dumbest posters on this site, right?

Germany aligned themselves with Japan and declared war on us. :eusa_doh:
I confess- you are a gullible idiot.

Justice Black was not a KKK member when he was appointed to the Supreme Court.

You know this- but you keep lying that he was.

Just more of your typical lies.

From the Smithsonian:

"SMARTNEWS Keeping you current
This Supreme Court Justice Was a KKK Member"

Read more: This Supreme Court Justice Was a KKK Member | Smart News | Smithsonian
Give the gift of Smithsonian magazine for only $12! Give the gift of Smithsonian
Follow us: @SmithsonianMag on Twitter

That's right, you low-life lying gutter snipe....

FDR made a KKKer his first nominee to the Supreme Court.

That's a fact.

Nope- just you lying again.
Remember- you lied and claimed that the Democrats placed a KKK member on the Supreme Court.

I pointed out your lie- by pointing out that Hugo Black was not a KKK member- and had not been a KKK member for over a decade when appointed to the Supreme Court.

You were just lying again.

But FDR did appoint the second Jewish Supreme Court Justice- and yes- he was actually Jewish when he was appointed.

"What U.S. President appointed members of the KKK to the U.S. Supreme Court?
7 Answers

Jerry Mc Kenna, Avid birder and amateur astronomer

Answered 11d ago

FDR appointed former KKK member Hugo Black in 1937. He said he left the KKK and he claims that he regretted joining. Hugo Black - Wikipedia

He was actively anti-Catholic.

"Hugo Black, a KKK member and US senator, gave fiery anti-Catholic speeches before going on to become a defender of civil liberties on the supreme court bench." (America's dark and not-very-distant history of hating Catholics)

Anti-Catholic bigotry was fashionable among what we would call liberals today."

FDR appointed a KKKer as his first nominee to the Supreme Court.
And,'re an imbecile.

Both of those are facts.

Quoting you:
FDR appointed former KKK member Hugo Black in 1937. He said he left the KKK and he claims that he regretted joining. Hugo Black - Wikipedia

'former KKK member'

Again- you are just lying.

As you always do.
Once a KKK member, always a KKK member.
FDR's troubling view of Jews

What FDR said about Jews in private
His personal sentiments about Jews may help explain America's tepid response to the Holocaust.

President Franklin Roosevelt sits at the steering wheel of his automobile… (Associated Press )

In May 1943, President Franklin Roosevelt met with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill at the White House. It was 17 months after Pearl Harbor and a little more than a year before D-Day. The two Allied leaders reviewed the war effort to date and exchanged thoughts on their plans for the postwar era. At one point in the discussion, FDR offered what he called "the best way to settle the Jewish question."

Vice President Henry Wallace, who noted the conversation in his diary, said Roosevelt spoke approvingly of a plan (recommended by geographer and Johns Hopkins University President Isaiah Bowman) "to spread the Jews thin all over the world." The diary entry adds: "The president said he had tried this out in [Meriwether] County, Georgia [where Roosevelt lived in the 1920s] and at Hyde Park on the basis of adding four or five Jewish families at each place. He claimed that the local population would have no objection if there were no more than that."

Roosevelt's "best way" remark is condescending and distasteful, and coming from anyone else it would probably be regarded as anti-Semitism. But more than that, FDR's support for "spreading the Jews thin" may hold the key to understanding a subject that has been at the center of controversy for decades: the American government's tepid response to the Holocaust.


Here's the paradox. The U.S. immigration system severely limited the number of German Jews admitted during the Nazi years to about 26,000 annually — but even that quota was less than 25% filled during most of the Hitler era, because the Roosevelt administration piled on so many extra requirements for would-be immigrants. For example, starting in 1941, merely leaving behind a close relative in Europe would be enough to disqualify an applicant — on the absurd assumption that the Nazis could threaten the relative and thereby force the immigrant into spying for Hitler.

Why did the administration actively seek to discourage and disqualify Jewish refugees from coming to the United States? Why didn't the president quietly tell his State Department (which administered the immigration system) to fill the quotas for Germany and Axis-occupied countries to the legal limit? That alone could have saved 190,000 lives. It would not have required a fight with Congress or the anti-immigration forces; it would have involved minimal political risk to the president.

Every president's policy decisions are shaped by a variety of factors, some political, some personal. In Roosevelt's case, a pattern of private remarks about Jews, some of which I recently discovered at the Central Zionist Archives in Jerusalem and from other sources, may be significant.

In 1923, as a member of the Harvard board of directors, Roosevelt decided there were too many Jewish students at the college and helped institute a quota to limit the number admitted. In 1938, he privately suggested that Jews in Poland were dominating the economy and were therefore to blame for provoking anti-Semitism there. In 1941, he remarked at a Cabinet meeting that there were too many Jews among federal employees in Oregon. In 1943, he told government officials in Allied-liberated North Africa that the number of local Jews in various professions "should be definitely limited" so as to "eliminate the specific and understandable complaints which the Germans bore towards the Jews in Germany."

. . . . . .

Why do you feel the need to use debunked lies to support your argument? I mean I used plain fact. Basic things that are proven. Here you have the quota (actually there was never one put on paper anywhere according to a study buy Richard Breitman and Alan J Lichtman). So why do you feel the need to keep reusing lies that have not been found to be true.

Why do you keep saying what someone says in private is more important than their actual actions they take? Did he follow through with the "lets spread them out" Idea? Of course not. Oswego and NYC became two large spots where they were allowed to choose to live together. But hey, he said "lets spread them out" so that's what matters, right? Not the reality of him choosing to do the opposite?

By your belief system, Bill Cosby could be a nice guy as long as at some point in his private life someone said he said he respects women. Then all the rapes don't matter anymore because it's right there in a diary.

In what way is "severely limiting" the Jewish Refugees actually taking in a full quarter of them. That's right, more than any other allied or neutral country by far. But because it wasn't unlimited, lets call the LARGEST intake of refugees a severe limitation right? The US has taken in about 19,000 syrian Refugees out of 5 million. FDR took in over 130,000 Jewish Refugees out of just over 500,000. I mean we've taken in less than .4% of Syrian refugees. He took in about 25% of Jewish Refugees despite his isolationist leanings.

You are saying that's proof he was a racist. Ok, what refugee crisis has the US answered better? What foreign refugee crisis did a president step up and say "we'll take more than FDR took"?? Because if the LARGEST refugee adoption in US history (though not the largest worldwide refugee crisis) was FDR taking in the jews, it's not making him look anti-semitic is it?


Yeah- it is pretty odd.

In order to support there argument that FDR was an anti-semite- they want to portray him as blocking Jewish refugees from Europe.

But Donald Trump ran on a platform of blocking Muslim refugees from the Middle East- and they will argue on and on that that is not bigoted at all.

Donald Trump said that Mexicans are rapists. FDR never called Jews rapists.

"....of blocking Muslim refugees...."

I know you're an imbecile...but equating Jewish folk who wanted nothing more than being allowed to live with 7th century savages who dedicate their existence to the slaughter of innocent human being....

...well...makes you the perfect 'reliable Democrat voter.'

WTF?? The Muslim refugees coming here are 7th century savages, slaughtering innocent people??

Over 18,000 from Syria alone came here while Obama was president. How many of them are 7th century savages, slaughtering innocent people...?

What a disgusting pig you are.

They're all 7th century savages. The only reason they don't slaughter anyone is the fact that they are vastly outnumbered. Once the achieve a certain strength in numbers, the slaughter begins.
"...Roosevelt led America to victory in World War 2,..."

1. Roosevelt turned over management of Allied war efforts to Stalin.
Stalin got to choose the attack via Normandy, rather than through Italy, so that the Red Army could occupy Eastern Europe.

2. Because he allowed Stalin to make the military diecisions, FDR extended the war by years, and cost thousands of American lives.

I hate to have to break this to your pathetically revisionist-history fixated ass but --- nobody in World War Two did more, paid more or suffered more in defeating Nazi Germany than did the USSR. The US was in no position to "turn over management" TO Stalin. That implies FDR was in some position of managing the European war in the first place.

I mean holy SHIT this is profound ignorance.


(/completely offtopic)

--- But hey, perhaps you can enlighten us all on what Forney Johnston's role was.
The USSR partnered with Nazi Germany with carving up Poland. They also invaded Finland. They were hardly better than Nazi Germany.

"hardly better than Nazi Germany" except for a couple things:
a) The USSR didn't attack the United States and
b) The USSR was allies with the United States and Great Britain in defeating Nazi Germany.

No doubt Stalin was every bit as much of a murdering asshole as Hitler. But we were not at war with that murderous asshole.

Nazi Germany didn't attack the United States.

We were allies with them only because the commie lover Roosevelt chose to be allies with them.
You know you're among the dumbest posters on this site, right?

Germany aligned themselves with Japan and declared war on us. :eusa_doh:

They didn't attack us, numskull. FDR had been making war on them for over 2 years before they declared war on us.

How ironic thata snowflake with the reasoning capacity of a cockroach is calling me stupid.
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FDR's troubling view of Jews

What FDR said about Jews in private
His personal sentiments about Jews may help explain America's tepid response to the Holocaust.

President Franklin Roosevelt sits at the steering wheel of his automobile… (Associated Press )

In May 1943, President Franklin Roosevelt met with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill at the White House. It was 17 months after Pearl Harbor and a little more than a year before D-Day. The two Allied leaders reviewed the war effort to date and exchanged thoughts on their plans for the postwar era. At one point in the discussion, FDR offered what he called "the best way to settle the Jewish question."

Vice President Henry Wallace, who noted the conversation in his diary, said Roosevelt spoke approvingly of a plan (recommended by geographer and Johns Hopkins University President Isaiah Bowman) "to spread the Jews thin all over the world." The diary entry adds: "The president said he had tried this out in [Meriwether] County, Georgia [where Roosevelt lived in the 1920s] and at Hyde Park on the basis of adding four or five Jewish families at each place. He claimed that the local population would have no objection if there were no more than that."

Roosevelt's "best way" remark is condescending and distasteful, and coming from anyone else it would probably be regarded as anti-Semitism. But more than that, FDR's support for "spreading the Jews thin" may hold the key to understanding a subject that has been at the center of controversy for decades: the American government's tepid response to the Holocaust.


Here's the paradox. The U.S. immigration system severely limited the number of German Jews admitted during the Nazi years to about 26,000 annually — but even that quota was less than 25% filled during most of the Hitler era, because the Roosevelt administration piled on so many extra requirements for would-be immigrants. For example, starting in 1941, merely leaving behind a close relative in Europe would be enough to disqualify an applicant — on the absurd assumption that the Nazis could threaten the relative and thereby force the immigrant into spying for Hitler.

Why did the administration actively seek to discourage and disqualify Jewish refugees from coming to the United States? Why didn't the president quietly tell his State Department (which administered the immigration system) to fill the quotas for Germany and Axis-occupied countries to the legal limit? That alone could have saved 190,000 lives. It would not have required a fight with Congress or the anti-immigration forces; it would have involved minimal political risk to the president.

Every president's policy decisions are shaped by a variety of factors, some political, some personal. In Roosevelt's case, a pattern of private remarks about Jews, some of which I recently discovered at the Central Zionist Archives in Jerusalem and from other sources, may be significant.

In 1923, as a member of the Harvard board of directors, Roosevelt decided there were too many Jewish students at the college and helped institute a quota to limit the number admitted. In 1938, he privately suggested that Jews in Poland were dominating the economy and were therefore to blame for provoking anti-Semitism there. In 1941, he remarked at a Cabinet meeting that there were too many Jews among federal employees in Oregon. In 1943, he told government officials in Allied-liberated North Africa that the number of local Jews in various professions "should be definitely limited" so as to "eliminate the specific and understandable complaints which the Germans bore towards the Jews in Germany."

. . . . . .

Why do you feel the need to use debunked lies to support your argument? I mean I used plain fact. Basic things that are proven. Here you have the quota (actually there was never one put on paper anywhere according to a study buy Richard Breitman and Alan J Lichtman). So why do you feel the need to keep reusing lies that have not been found to be true.

Why do you keep saying what someone says in private is more important than their actual actions they take? Did he follow through with the "lets spread them out" Idea? Of course not. Oswego and NYC became two large spots where they were allowed to choose to live together. But hey, he said "lets spread them out" so that's what matters, right? Not the reality of him choosing to do the opposite?

By your belief system, Bill Cosby could be a nice guy as long as at some point in his private life someone said he said he respects women. Then all the rapes don't matter anymore because it's right there in a diary.

In what way is "severely limiting" the Jewish Refugees actually taking in a full quarter of them. That's right, more than any other allied or neutral country by far. But because it wasn't unlimited, lets call the LARGEST intake of refugees a severe limitation right? The US has taken in about 19,000 syrian Refugees out of 5 million. FDR took in over 130,000 Jewish Refugees out of just over 500,000. I mean we've taken in less than .4% of Syrian refugees. He took in about 25% of Jewish Refugees despite his isolationist leanings.

You are saying that's proof he was a racist. Ok, what refugee crisis has the US answered better? What foreign refugee crisis did a president step up and say "we'll take more than FDR took"?? Because if the LARGEST refugee adoption in US history (though not the largest worldwide refugee crisis) was FDR taking in the jews, it's not making him look anti-semitic is it?


Yeah- it is pretty odd.

In order to support there argument that FDR was an anti-semite- they want to portray him as blocking Jewish refugees from Europe.

But Donald Trump ran on a platform of blocking Muslim refugees from the Middle East- and they will argue on and on that that is not bigoted at all.

Donald Trump said that Mexicans are rapists. FDR never called Jews rapists.

"....of blocking Muslim refugees...."

I know you're an imbecile...but equating Jewish folk who wanted nothing more than being allowed to live with 7th century savages who dedicate their existence to the slaughter of innocent human being....

...well...makes you the perfect 'reliable Democrat voter.'

WTF?? The Muslim refugees coming here are 7th century savages, slaughtering innocent people??

Over 18,000 from Syria alone came here while Obama was president. How many of them are 7th century savages, slaughtering innocent people...?

What a disgusting pig you are.

They're all 7th century savages. The only reason they don't slaughter anyone is the fact that they are vastly outnumbered. Once the achieve a certain strength in numbers, the slaughter begins.
^^^ another disgusting pig.

Notice how almost all of the bigots on this site are on the right?
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Why do you feel the need to use debunked lies to support your argument? I mean I used plain fact. Basic things that are proven. Here you have the quota (actually there was never one put on paper anywhere according to a study buy Richard Breitman and Alan J Lichtman). So why do you feel the need to keep reusing lies that have not been found to be true.

Why do you keep saying what someone says in private is more important than their actual actions they take? Did he follow through with the "lets spread them out" Idea? Of course not. Oswego and NYC became two large spots where they were allowed to choose to live together. But hey, he said "lets spread them out" so that's what matters, right? Not the reality of him choosing to do the opposite?

By your belief system, Bill Cosby could be a nice guy as long as at some point in his private life someone said he said he respects women. Then all the rapes don't matter anymore because it's right there in a diary.

In what way is "severely limiting" the Jewish Refugees actually taking in a full quarter of them. That's right, more than any other allied or neutral country by far. But because it wasn't unlimited, lets call the LARGEST intake of refugees a severe limitation right? The US has taken in about 19,000 syrian Refugees out of 5 million. FDR took in over 130,000 Jewish Refugees out of just over 500,000. I mean we've taken in less than .4% of Syrian refugees. He took in about 25% of Jewish Refugees despite his isolationist leanings.

You are saying that's proof he was a racist. Ok, what refugee crisis has the US answered better? What foreign refugee crisis did a president step up and say "we'll take more than FDR took"?? Because if the LARGEST refugee adoption in US history (though not the largest worldwide refugee crisis) was FDR taking in the jews, it's not making him look anti-semitic is it?


Yeah- it is pretty odd.

In order to support there argument that FDR was an anti-semite- they want to portray him as blocking Jewish refugees from Europe.

But Donald Trump ran on a platform of blocking Muslim refugees from the Middle East- and they will argue on and on that that is not bigoted at all.

Donald Trump said that Mexicans are rapists. FDR never called Jews rapists.

"....of blocking Muslim refugees...."

I know you're an imbecile...but equating Jewish folk who wanted nothing more than being allowed to live with 7th century savages who dedicate their existence to the slaughter of innocent human being....

...well...makes you the perfect 'reliable Democrat voter.'

WTF?? The Muslim refugees coming here are 7th century savages, slaughtering innocent people??

Over 18,000 from Syria alone came here while Obama was president. How many of them are 7th century savages, slaughtering innocent people...?

What a disgusting pig you are.

They're all 7th century savages. The only reason they don't slaughter anyone is the fact that they are vastly outnumbered. Once the achieve a certain strength in numbers, the slaughter begins.
Why do you feel the need to use debunked lies to support your argument? I mean I used plain fact. Basic things that are proven. Here you have the quota (actually there was never one put on paper anywhere according to a study buy Richard Breitman and Alan J Lichtman). So why do you feel the need to keep reusing lies that have not been found to be true.

Why do you keep saying what someone says in private is more important than their actual actions they take? Did he follow through with the "lets spread them out" Idea? Of course not. Oswego and NYC became two large spots where they were allowed to choose to live together. But hey, he said "lets spread them out" so that's what matters, right? Not the reality of him choosing to do the opposite?

By your belief system, Bill Cosby could be a nice guy as long as at some point in his private life someone said he said he respects women. Then all the rapes don't matter anymore because it's right there in a diary.

In what way is "severely limiting" the Jewish Refugees actually taking in a full quarter of them. That's right, more than any other allied or neutral country by far. But because it wasn't unlimited, lets call the LARGEST intake of refugees a severe limitation right? The US has taken in about 19,000 syrian Refugees out of 5 million. FDR took in over 130,000 Jewish Refugees out of just over 500,000. I mean we've taken in less than .4% of Syrian refugees. He took in about 25% of Jewish Refugees despite his isolationist leanings.

You are saying that's proof he was a racist. Ok, what refugee crisis has the US answered better? What foreign refugee crisis did a president step up and say "we'll take more than FDR took"?? Because if the LARGEST refugee adoption in US history (though not the largest worldwide refugee crisis) was FDR taking in the jews, it's not making him look anti-semitic is it?


Yeah- it is pretty odd.

In order to support there argument that FDR was an anti-semite- they want to portray him as blocking Jewish refugees from Europe.

But Donald Trump ran on a platform of blocking Muslim refugees from the Middle East- and they will argue on and on that that is not bigoted at all.

Donald Trump said that Mexicans are rapists. FDR never called Jews rapists.

"....of blocking Muslim refugees...."

I know you're an imbecile...but equating Jewish folk who wanted nothing more than being allowed to live with 7th century savages who dedicate their existence to the slaughter of innocent human being....

...well...makes you the perfect 'reliable Democrat voter.'

WTF?? The Muslim refugees coming here are 7th century savages, slaughtering innocent people??

Over 18,000 from Syria alone came here while Obama was president. How many of them are 7th century savages, slaughtering innocent people...?

What a disgusting pig you are.

They're all 7th century savages. The only reason they don't slaughter anyone is the fact that they are vastly outnumbered. Once the achieve a certain strength in numbers, the slaughter begins.
^^^ another disgusting pig.

Notice how almost all of the bigots on this site are on the right?

Wrong. According to your own criteria, you are a bigot. You have expressed your contempt for Christians and Southerners numerous times. Snowflakes have no problem flinging all manner of insult at Christian, but say one negative thing about Muslims and you bring the snowflake Jihad down on your head.
Interesting. So anti-semites called him a Jew Lover. Hitler called him a Jew Lover. But instead lets revise history, burn all that history and create this new history of him being a Jew Hater. Because what someone claims he said in a diary is more important than actual history.

Well you have to understand- PC has a big hard on about Roosevelt and starts at least a thread a week on the same inane crap about Roosevelt.

She just can't stand that Roosevelt led America to victory in World War 2, and was not only one of our most popular Presidents- elected 4 times- each time with a majority of Jewish votes- but is considered by historians to be one of our greatest Presidents.

"...Roosevelt led America to victory in World War 2,..."

1. Roosevelt turned over management of Allied war efforts to Stalin.
Stalin got to choose the attack via Normandy, rather than through Italy, so that the Red Army could occupy Eastern Europe.

2. Because he allowed Stalin to make the military diecisions, FDR extended the war by years, and cost thousands of American lives.

I hate to have to break this to your pathetically revisionist-history fixated ass but --- nobody in World War Two did more, paid more or suffered more in defeating Nazi Germany than did the USSR. The US was in no position to "turn over management" TO Stalin. That implies FDR was in some position of managing the European war in the first place.

I mean holy SHIT this is profound ignorance.


(/completely offtopic)

--- But hey, perhaps you can enlighten us all on what Forney Johnston's role was.
The USSR partnered with Nazi Germany with carving up Poland. They also invaded Finland. They were hardly better than Nazi Germany.

The two blood-brothers were allies until June 21, 1941.
Stalin taught Hitler how to construct concentration camps, and provided the resources for the 'Blitzkrieg.'

And Roosevelt was a pal of both......but had a crush on Stalin.
Stalin also allowed Hitler to develop and test his panzers in the USSR.

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