Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democratic Convention…

Numbnuts... they aligned with the country which had just attacked us and they declared war against us. Just how fucking rightarded are you??
Roosevelt was trying to instigate war with Germany ever since it invaded Poland. American destroyers were using depth charges on German submarines the whole time. He also deliberately pushed Japan into attacking us.
Why do you insist on proving to the forum you're batshit insane? Everything you post, from that photo you idiotically claim was from the 1924 DNC, to this, is nothing but craziness from you. :cuckoo:
The stuff I posted about FDR and Germany is simply a fact. Anyone who has read much about the war knows it.FDR was a demagogue who ran against American involvement into the war and then immediately started trying to sucker the voters into the war the minute he was elected. He's the lowest kind of douche bag politician, which is the reason leftwing cockroaches like you love him.

FDR was probably our most popular President ever- and led America to victory over Imperial- Fascist- Japan- and Nazi Germany, which is the reason contard assholes like you hate him.

Servile morons like you love goose stepping demagogues like FDR.

LOL- right wing idiots like you are so ignorant of history that you believe that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was capable of 'goose stepping'.

Of course what you really are pissed off about is that FDR led the United States to victory against your heroes the Nazis.
"hardly better than Nazi Germany" except for a couple things:
a) The USSR didn't attack the United States and
b) The USSR was allies with the United States and Great Britain in defeating Nazi Germany.

No doubt Stalin was every bit as much of a murdering asshole as Hitler. But we were not at war with that murderous asshole.

Nazi Germany didn't attack the United States.

We were allies with them only because the commie lover Roosevelt chose to be allies with them.
You know you're among the dumbest posters on this site, right?

Germany aligned themselves with Japan and declared war on us. :eusa_doh:

They didn't attack us, numskull. .

What the Nazi Fan Boys call "they didn't attack us"

The first U-boats reached U.S. waters on January 13, 1942. By the time they withdrew on February 6, they had sunk 156,939 tonnes of shipping without loss.

The U.S. had already declared war on Germany by that time, and U.S. were depth charging German submarines long before Dec 7, 1941.

Remember- you Nazi Fan boys declared that the Nazi's didn't attack us.

I was pointing out the historical fact that yes indeed- the Nazi's did attack the United States- both before- and after- Germany declared war on the United States

And you are okay with that.

Just to help you past the Stormfront version of World War 2- the Nazi's declared war on the United States - and after they declared war on us- the United States declared war on Nazi Germany.
Yeah- it is pretty odd.

In order to support there argument that FDR was an anti-semite- they want to portray him as blocking Jewish refugees from Europe.

But Donald Trump ran on a platform of blocking Muslim refugees from the Middle East- and they will argue on and on that that is not bigoted at all.

Donald Trump said that Mexicans are rapists. FDR never called Jews rapists.

"....of blocking Muslim refugees...."

I know you're an imbecile...but equating Jewish folk who wanted nothing more than being allowed to live with 7th century savages who dedicate their existence to the slaughter of innocent human being....

...well...makes you the perfect 'reliable Democrat voter.'

WTF?? The Muslim refugees coming here are 7th century savages, slaughtering innocent people??

Over 18,000 from Syria alone came here while Obama was president. How many of them are 7th century savages, slaughtering innocent people...?

What a disgusting pig you are.

They're all 7th century savages. .
Anyone other than myself find Brip claims about the Muslims eerily similar to what the Nazi's said about the Jews?

How many people did the Jews kill?

According to the Nazi's they were killing children for blood rituals.

How many people did these refugees kill?



Anti-semitic Bigots in the United States warned of the 'dangers' of allowing Jewish refugees to come to the United States- sounding eerily like you.

What Americans thought of Jewish refugees on the eve of World War II

John B. Trevor, a prominent Capitol Hill lobbyist, argued against a proposal to settle Jewish refugees in Alaska, claiming they would be potential enemies — and charging that Nazi persecution of the Jews had occurred “in very many cases … because of their beliefs in the Marxian philosophy.”...

Rep. Jacob Thorkelson, a Republican from Montana, warned at the time that Jewish migrants were part of an “invisible government,” an organization he said was tied to the “communistic Jew” and to “Jewish international financiers.”...

“I have heard on good authority that an Executive order has given immigration authorities permission to let down the usual bars in favor of the so-called Jewish refugees from Germany,” declared Julia Cantacuzene, a Republican activist in New York, according to a front page New York Times article that ran on May 18, 1938. Cantacuzene, the granddaughter of President Ulysses Grant and an ardent opponent of President Franklin Roosevelt, claimed that the Soviet revolution occurred only because Communist agents had snuck into Russia to “instill their insidious poison onto the Russian people.” She claimed that the same would happen here: “Under these lax regulations, many Communists are coming to this country to join the ranks of those who hate our institutions and want to over throw them.”
Nope- just you lying again.
Remember- you lied and claimed that the Democrats placed a KKK member on the Supreme Court.

I pointed out your lie- by pointing out that Hugo Black was not a KKK member- and had not been a KKK member for over a decade when appointed to the Supreme Court.

You were just lying again.

But FDR did appoint the second Jewish Supreme Court Justice- and yes- he was actually Jewish when he was appointed.

"What U.S. President appointed members of the KKK to the U.S. Supreme Court?
7 Answers

Jerry Mc Kenna, Avid birder and amateur astronomer

Answered 11d ago

FDR appointed former KKK member Hugo Black in 1937. He said he left the KKK and he claims that he regretted joining. Hugo Black - Wikipedia

He was actively anti-Catholic.

"Hugo Black, a KKK member and US senator, gave fiery anti-Catholic speeches before going on to become a defender of civil liberties on the supreme court bench." (America's dark and not-very-distant history of hating Catholics)

Anti-Catholic bigotry was fashionable among what we would call liberals today."

FDR appointed a KKKer as his first nominee to the Supreme Court.
And,'re an imbecile.

Both of those are facts.

Quoting you:
FDR appointed former KKK member Hugo Black in 1937. He said he left the KKK and he claims that he regretted joining. Hugo Black - Wikipedia

'former KKK member'

Again- you are just lying.

As you always do.
Once a KKK member, always a KKK member.
Once a racist, always a racist....
Inside the government’s racial bias case against Donald Trump’s company, and how he fought it

Inside the government’s racial bias case against Donald Trump’s company, and how he fought it

The Washington Post - fake news.

Like your dear leader- you just ignore the facts when they aren't what you like.

Donald Trump- refused to rent to African Americans and Puerto Ricans- sued by the Justice Department- settled with a promise to not discriminate in the future.
"....of blocking Muslim refugees...."

I know you're an imbecile...but equating Jewish folk who wanted nothing more than being allowed to live with 7th century savages who dedicate their existence to the slaughter of innocent human being....

...well...makes you the perfect 'reliable Democrat voter.'

WTF?? The Muslim refugees coming here are 7th century savages, slaughtering innocent people??

Over 18,000 from Syria alone came here while Obama was president. How many of them are 7th century savages, slaughtering innocent people...?

What a disgusting pig you are.

They're all 7th century savages. .
Anyone other than myself find Brip claims about the Muslims eerily similar to what the Nazi's said about the Jews?

How many people did the Jews kill?
Now it all makes sense. You're a fucking anti-Semitic kraut-defending nazi.

I'm anti-semitic because I point out that the Jew never killed anyone?

One again, you demonstrate that a cockroach is smarter than you.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
"What U.S. President appointed members of the KKK to the U.S. Supreme Court?
7 Answers

Jerry Mc Kenna, Avid birder and amateur astronomer

Answered 11d ago

FDR appointed former KKK member Hugo Black in 1937. He said he left the KKK and he claims that he regretted joining. Hugo Black - Wikipedia

He was actively anti-Catholic.

"Hugo Black, a KKK member and US senator, gave fiery anti-Catholic speeches before going on to become a defender of civil liberties on the supreme court bench." (America's dark and not-very-distant history of hating Catholics)

Anti-Catholic bigotry was fashionable among what we would call liberals today."

FDR appointed a KKKer as his first nominee to the Supreme Court.
And,'re an imbecile.

Both of those are facts.

Quoting you:
FDR appointed former KKK member Hugo Black in 1937. He said he left the KKK and he claims that he regretted joining. Hugo Black - Wikipedia

'former KKK member'

Again- you are just lying.

As you always do.
Once a KKK member, always a KKK member.
Once a racist, always a racist....
Inside the government’s racial bias case against Donald Trump’s company, and how he fought it

Inside the government’s racial bias case against Donald Trump’s company, and how he fought it

The Washington Post - fake news.

Like your dear leader- you just ignore the facts when they aren't what you like.

Donald Trump- refused to rent to African Americans and Puerto Ricans- sued by the Justice Department- settled with a promise to not discriminate in the future.

So says the Post - a notorious fake news outlet. I don't know enough about the details to comment, but I definitely wouldn't take their word for it. Trump has a long history of hiring blacks and helping blacks.
They're all 7th century savages. .
Anyone other than myself find Brip claims about the Muslims eerily similar to what the Nazi's said about the Jews?

How many people did the Jews kill?
Now it all makes sense. You're a fucking anti-Semitic kraut-defending nazi.

No, I'm simply not a brainwashed cockroach like you. I don't accept the leftwing PC version of history without question.

Of course not- because you are a brainwashed right wing cockroach- and you only believe the 'version' of history that your Dear Leaders tell you to believe.

Trump probably believes your version of history, cockroach.
Anyone other than myself find Brip claims about the Muslims eerily similar to what the Nazi's said about the Jews?

How many people did the Jews kill?
Now it all makes sense. You're a fucking anti-Semitic kraut-defending nazi.

No, I'm simply not a brainwashed cockroach like you. I don't accept the leftwing PC version of history without question.

Of course not- because you are a brainwashed right wing cockroach- and you only believe the 'version' of history that your Dear Leaders tell you to believe.

Trump probably believes your version of history, cockroach.

Ah little snowflake cockroach is denying his Dear Leader?
Quoting you:
FDR appointed former KKK member Hugo Black in 1937. He said he left the KKK and he claims that he regretted joining. Hugo Black - Wikipedia

'former KKK member'

Again- you are just lying.

As you always do.
Once a KKK member, always a KKK member.
Once a racist, always a racist....
Inside the government’s racial bias case against Donald Trump’s company, and how he fought it

Inside the government’s racial bias case against Donald Trump’s company, and how he fought it

The Washington Post - fake news.

Like your dear leader- you just ignore the facts when they aren't what you like.

Donald Trump- refused to rent to African Americans and Puerto Ricans- sued by the Justice Department- settled with a promise to not discriminate in the future.

So says the Post - a notorious fake news outlet. I don't know enough about the details to comment,

If only there was some magic program on the Internet that would allow you to know more.......

Like your dear leader- you just ignore the facts when they aren't what you like.

Donald Trump- refused to rent to African Americans and Puerto Ricans- sued by the Justice Department- settled with a promise to not discriminate in the future.
FDR and Churchill pushed Japan into attacking by cutting off its supply of oil. T.

Because Fascist Japan had invaded China- and had massacred Chinese citizens.

Funny you never mention stuff like that.
You can justify it anyway you want. That doesn't alter the fact the FDR and Churchill were deliberately pushing Japan into war.

It doesn't alter the fact that FDR and Churchill were using sanctions to try to punish Japan for its imperialistic ambitions.

Do you think that Trump is deliberately trying to push Iran and North Korea into war with the United States?
Quoting you:
FDR appointed former KKK member Hugo Black in 1937. He said he left the KKK and he claims that he regretted joining. Hugo Black - Wikipedia

'former KKK member'

Again- you are just lying.

As you always do.
Once a KKK member, always a KKK member.
Once a racist, always a racist....
Inside the government’s racial bias case against Donald Trump’s company, and how he fought it

Inside the government’s racial bias case against Donald Trump’s company, and how he fought it

The Washington Post - fake news.

Like your dear leader- you just ignore the facts when they aren't what you like.

Donald Trump- refused to rent to African Americans and Puerto Ricans- sued by the Justice Department- settled with a promise to not discriminate in the future.

So says the Post - a notorious fake news outlet. I don't know enough about the details to comment, but I definitely wouldn't take their word for it. Trump has a long history of hiring blacks and helping blacks.

I got yer "history" right here Fingerboy ---

"Black guys counting my money --- I hate it! The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day".

He said that watching his casino operation. From the trolley tracks at Madison Square Garden.

You remember the casinos? The ones that an economic expert predicted would go belly-up, and Rump got him fired for saying it, and then they went belly-up?

You think that was because black guys were counting his money? Or just not enough yarmulkes to go around?
Once a KKK member, always a KKK member.
Once a racist, always a racist....
Inside the government’s racial bias case against Donald Trump’s company, and how he fought it

Inside the government’s racial bias case against Donald Trump’s company, and how he fought it

The Washington Post - fake news.

Like your dear leader- you just ignore the facts when they aren't what you like.

Donald Trump- refused to rent to African Americans and Puerto Ricans- sued by the Justice Department- settled with a promise to not discriminate in the future.

So says the Post - a notorious fake news outlet. I don't know enough about the details to comment, but I definitely wouldn't take their word for it. Trump has a long history of hiring blacks and helping blacks.

I got yer "history" right here Fingerboy ---

"Black guys counting my money --- I hate it! The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day".

He said that watching his casino operation. From the trolley tracks at Madison Square Garden.

You remember the casinos? The ones that an economic expert predicted would go belly-up, and Rump got him fired for saying it, and then they went belly-up?

You think that was because black guys were counting his money? Or just not enough yarmulkes to go around?

That's hearsay by someone trying to sell a book. There's no video or recording of him saying that.
FDR and Churchill pushed Japan into attacking by cutting off its supply of oil. T.

Because Fascist Japan had invaded China- and had massacred Chinese citizens.

Funny you never mention stuff like that.
You can justify it anyway you want. That doesn't alter the fact the FDR and Churchill were deliberately pushing Japan into war.

It doesn't alter the fact that FDR and Churchill were using sanctions to try to punish Japan for its imperialistic ambitions.

Do you think that Trump is deliberately trying to push Iran and North Korea into war with the United States?
Like I said, you can justify it anyway you want. The bottom line is that when FDR and Churchill cutoff its oil supply, it had no choice but to use force to get the oil it needed.
FDR and Churchill pushed Japan into attacking by cutting off its supply of oil. T.

Because Fascist Japan had invaded China- and had massacred Chinese citizens.

Funny you never mention stuff like that.
You can justify it anyway you want. That doesn't alter the fact the FDR and Churchill were deliberately pushing Japan into war.

It doesn't alter the fact that FDR and Churchill were using sanctions to try to punish Japan for its imperialistic ambitions.

Do you think that Trump is deliberately trying to push Iran and North Korea into war with the United States?
Like I said, you can justify it anyway you want. The bottom line is that when FDR and Churchill cutoff its oil supply, it had no choice but to use force to get the oil it needed.

Actually Japan had a simple choice- offered to them by FDR and Churchill- stop their war in China and do not face sanctions.

You know- like we imposed sanctions on Iran and North Korea.- apparently leaving them 'no choice' but to go to war.....
Once a racist, always a racist....
Inside the government’s racial bias case against Donald Trump’s company, and how he fought it

Inside the government’s racial bias case against Donald Trump’s company, and how he fought it

The Washington Post - fake news.

Like your dear leader- you just ignore the facts when they aren't what you like.

Donald Trump- refused to rent to African Americans and Puerto Ricans- sued by the Justice Department- settled with a promise to not discriminate in the future.

So says the Post - a notorious fake news outlet. I don't know enough about the details to comment, but I definitely wouldn't take their word for it. Trump has a long history of hiring blacks and helping blacks.

I got yer "history" right here Fingerboy ---

"Black guys counting my money --- I hate it! The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day".

He said that watching his casino operation. From the trolley tracks at Madison Square Garden.

You remember the casinos? The ones that an economic expert predicted would go belly-up, and Rump got him fired for saying it, and then they went belly-up?

You think that was because black guys were counting his money? Or just not enough yarmulkes to go around?

That's hearsay by someone trying to sell a book. There's no video or recording of him saying that.

Actually Rump already confirmed it. So oopsie.

Hey, there's no recording of Democrats holding a political convention on trolley tracks in Wisconsin either but that didn't stop you from starting a thread making that claim, did it? :rofl:

What a moron.
FDR and Churchill pushed Japan into attacking by cutting off its supply of oil. T.

Because Fascist Japan had invaded China- and had massacred Chinese citizens.

Funny you never mention stuff like that.
You can justify it anyway you want. That doesn't alter the fact the FDR and Churchill were deliberately pushing Japan into war.

It doesn't alter the fact that FDR and Churchill were using sanctions to try to punish Japan for its imperialistic ambitions.

Do you think that Trump is deliberately trying to push Iran and North Korea into war with the United States?
Like I said, you can justify it anyway you want. The bottom line is that when FDR and Churchill cutoff its oil supply, it had no choice but to use force to get the oil it needed.

Actually Japan had a simple choice- offered to them by FDR and Churchill- stop their war in China and do not face sanctions.

You know- like we imposed sanctions on Iran and North Korea.- apparently leaving them 'no choice' but to go to war.....

In other words, Churchill and FDR pushed them into going to war.

Sanctions are one thing, but entirely cutting off a nations oil supply is another.
The Washington Post - fake news.

Like your dear leader- you just ignore the facts when they aren't what you like.

Donald Trump- refused to rent to African Americans and Puerto Ricans- sued by the Justice Department- settled with a promise to not discriminate in the future.

So says the Post - a notorious fake news outlet. I don't know enough about the details to comment, but I definitely wouldn't take their word for it. Trump has a long history of hiring blacks and helping blacks.

I got yer "history" right here Fingerboy ---

"Black guys counting my money --- I hate it! The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day".

He said that watching his casino operation. From the trolley tracks at Madison Square Garden.

You remember the casinos? The ones that an economic expert predicted would go belly-up, and Rump got him fired for saying it, and then they went belly-up?

You think that was because black guys were counting his money? Or just not enough yarmulkes to go around?

That's hearsay by someone trying to sell a book. There's no video or recording of him saying that.

Actually Rump already confirmed it. So oopsie.

Hey, there's no recording of Democrats holding a political convention on trolley tracks in Wisconsin either but that didn't stop you from starting a thread making that claim, did it? :rofl:

What a moron.
Please post a link of where he confirmed it.
Like your dear leader- you just ignore the facts when they aren't what you like.

Donald Trump- refused to rent to African Americans and Puerto Ricans- sued by the Justice Department- settled with a promise to not discriminate in the future.

So says the Post - a notorious fake news outlet. I don't know enough about the details to comment, but I definitely wouldn't take their word for it. Trump has a long history of hiring blacks and helping blacks.

I got yer "history" right here Fingerboy ---

"Black guys counting my money --- I hate it! The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day".

He said that watching his casino operation. From the trolley tracks at Madison Square Garden.

You remember the casinos? The ones that an economic expert predicted would go belly-up, and Rump got him fired for saying it, and then they went belly-up?

You think that was because black guys were counting his money? Or just not enough yarmulkes to go around?

That's hearsay by someone trying to sell a book. There's no video or recording of him saying that.

Actually Rump already confirmed it. So oopsie.

Hey, there's no recording of Democrats holding a political convention on trolley tracks in Wisconsin either but that didn't stop you from starting a thread making that claim, did it? :rofl:

What a moron.
Please post a link of where he confirmed it.

Not only will we do that, but first let's post the complete quote:

"I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and at Trump Plaza—black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. Those are the kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else. . . . Besides that, I’ve got to tell you something else. I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is; I believe that. It’s not anything they can control."

>> In an interview in 1999 with Playboy, Trump dismissed O’Donnell (the biographer) as a “fucking loser,” but not before conceding “the stuff O’Donnell wrote about me is probably true.” << --- Slate
Get that? The writer's a "fucking loser" and at the same time what he wrote was 'probably true'. Considering his subject in the book was Donald Rump, and by writing about Rump the author was serving Rump's interests by publicizing him, yeah perhaps "fucking loser" is accurate. But so is the quote.

You're welcome.

Oh by the way you'll find a link to the housing discrimination suit on that same page.

>> Trump settled the case two years later without admitting guilt, but as part of the deal he was required to provide the New York Urban League with a weekly list of all apartment vacancies for two years. <<​

You'll find that right before the paragraph about the Central Park Five, an accusation he has STILL to this day never backed down from, even after the perpetrator was caught, confessed, and the Five were cleared by DNA evidence. You know, the same way you have STILL to this day never admitted how you got pawned by a fake blog claiming a political convention took place on wet Wisconsin trolley tracks. In December.
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