Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democratic Convention…

Interesting now how they say they 'changed' as in that erases history. But when it comes to change with others, they say a tiger can't change its stripes. For the Dems, its 'what I say, not what I do'.

Spits the idiot who started this thread with the bullshit that the OP’s photo was of the KKK marching at the 1924 DNC at Madison Square Garden when it was really in Madison, Wisconsin — nowhere near the DNC.

I read it was 1925, Washington DC. In any event, not the DNC.

The day 30,000 white supremacists in KKK robes marched in the nation’s capital

That happened too but it was hardly the only Klan march or event.

The OP's picture is in the Wisconsin Historical Society. It's from December 1924 (this very day in fact, December 2) and it's a funeral march for a slain police officer. Nothing to do with politics and a thousand miles away from, and six months after, the actual Democratic convention, which was in New York and didn't take place on wet trolley tracks (nor, of course, is the picture "newly discovered").

The thread's just a glaring example of how partisan hacks like Geaux4it will run with a fake story without bothering to vet its veracity just because they'd like it to be true. Now he's wearing it around his neck.
Interesting now how they say they 'changed' as in that erases history. But when it comes to change with others, they say a tiger can't change its stripes. For the Dems, its 'what I say, not what I do'.

Spits the idiot who started this thread with the bullshit that the OP’s photo was of the KKK marching at the 1924 DNC at Madison Square Garden when it was really in Madison, Wisconsin — nowhere near the DNC.

I read it was 1925, Washington DC. In any event, not the DNC.

The day 30,000 white supremacists in KKK robes marched in the nation’s capital

That happened too but it was hardly the only Klan march or event.

The OP's picture is in the Wisconsin Historical Society. It's from December 1924 (this very day in fact, December 2) and it's a funeral march for a slain police officer. Nothing to do with politics and a thousand miles away from, and six months after, the actual Democratic convention, which was in New York and didn't take place on wet trolley tracks (nor, of course, is the picture "newly discovered").

The thread's just a glaring example of how partisan hacks like Geaux4it will run with a fake story without bothering to vet its veracity just because they'd like it to be true. Now he's wearing it around his neck.
So is bripat9643. Another yahoo who started a thread on this nonsense. His idiotic thread was merged into this one.
Interesting now how they say they 'changed' as in that erases history. But when it comes to change with others, they say a tiger can't change its stripes. For the Dems, its 'what I say, not what I do'.

Spits the idiot who started this thread with the bullshit that the OP’s photo was of the KKK marching at the 1924 DNC at Madison Square Garden when it was really in Madison, Wisconsin — nowhere near the DNC.

I read it was 1925, Washington DC. In any event, not the DNC.

The day 30,000 white supremacists in KKK robes marched in the nation’s capital

That happened too but it was hardly the only Klan march or event.

The OP's picture is in the Wisconsin Historical Society. It's from December 1924 (this very day in fact, December 2) and it's a funeral march for a slain police officer. Nothing to do with politics and a thousand miles away from, and six months after, the actual Democratic convention, which was in New York and didn't take place on wet trolley tracks (nor, of course, is the picture "newly discovered").

The thread's just a glaring example of how partisan hacks like Geaux4it will run with a fake story without bothering to vet its veracity just because they'd like it to be true. Now he's wearing it around his neck.
So is bripat9643. Another yahoo who started a thread on this nonsense. His idiotic thread was merged into this one.

I remember that -- in fact I think it was Fingerboy's thread when I first got here.

Isn't that right Fingerboy? Be proud, own your co-hackery.

Guess it just demonstrates that partisan hacks will not only gulp down whatever looks good whole without reading the ingredient label, but they'll also do so en masse, apparently due to an inability to individually think for oneself.
Wonder why?


The picture was taken during the 1924 Democratic Convention.


It was also known as “Klanbake.”

In Madison Square Garden, New York City, from June 24 to July 9, a dispute during came up revolving around an attempt by non-Klan delegates, led by Forney Johnston of Alabama, to condemn the organization for its violence in the Democratic Party’s platform.

Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democratic Convention…

You are right I don't like it at all, no porta potties available , instead public urination, disgusting...

That's why the sheets.
The Klan colluded with the Democrats which is widely known.

The Klan colluded with the Democrats which is widely known.


They "colluded" so much that they endorsed Coolidge in the election that happened a month before your photo of a funeral march on trolley tracks in Wisconsin. In the same year they "colluded" so effectively with Democrats that they got governors and Senators in Indiana, Colorado, Kansas and Maine elected and took over the City Council of Anaheim --- all as Republicans.

And then four years later they "colluded" so well that not only did they endorse Hoover but they ran a national smear campaign against the Democrat candidate Al Smith, because he was a Catholic.

If that ain't collusion -----

---- oh wait. It isn't.

History book. Get one.

And if that ever actually happens (by mistake no doubt) or if Santa sticks one under your tree, look up these names:

  • Rice Means (Colorado)
  • Edward Jackson (Indiana)
  • Clarence Morley (Colorado)
  • Owen Brewster (Maine)
  • Mark Alton Barwise (Maine)
  • Ben Paulen (Kansas)
  • George Luis Baker (Oregon)
  • D.C. Stephenson (Indiana)
  • Jack Walton (Oklahoma)
Actually Walton is the only Democrat on the list. The Klan got him removed from the governor's office after he tried to drive them out of his state.

Fun stuff, mythbusting.
Last edited:
Interesting now how they say they 'changed' as in that erases history. But when it comes to change with others, they say a tiger can't change its stripes. For the Dems, its 'what I say, not what I do'.

Spits the idiot who started this thread with the bullshit that the OP’s photo was of the KKK marching at the 1924 DNC at Madison Square Garden when it was really in Madison, Wisconsin — nowhere near the DNC.

I read it was 1925, Washington DC. In any event, not the DNC.

The day 30,000 white supremacists in KKK robes marched in the nation’s capital

That happened too but it was hardly the only Klan march or event.

The OP's picture is in the Wisconsin Historical Society. It's from December 1924 (this very day in fact, December 2) and it's a funeral march for a slain police officer. Nothing to do with politics and a thousand miles away from, and six months after, the actual Democratic convention, which was in New York and didn't take place on wet trolley tracks (nor, of course, is the picture "newly discovered").

The thread's just a glaring example of how partisan hacks like Geaux4it will run with a fake story without bothering to vet its veracity just because they'd like it to be true. Now he's wearing it around his neck.
So is bripat9643. Another yahoo who started a thread on this nonsense. His idiotic thread was merged into this one.

I remember that -- in fact I think it was Fingerboy's thread when I first got here.

Isn't that right Fingerboy? Be proud, own your co-hackery.

Guess it just demonstrates that partisan hacks will not only gulp down whatever looks good whole without reading the ingredient label, but they'll also do so en masse, apparently due to an inability to individually think for oneself.

Whelp --- courtesy of a September story in the Wisconsin State Journal here's the background on the whole thing, including the police murder, the neighborhood and the rumrunning that perpetuated it, the whole shebang. And an additional photo from where the march was going:


Dayum. Madison Square Garden in the middle of Noo Yawk sure looked different then, dinnit?

It also notes where this ridiculous faux pas got started --- apparently Dinesh d'Souza, who purports to write history books, AND..

..... wait for it.............................

Chuck Woolery.

CHUCK FUCKING WOOLERY. Yep, the bigly-head TV game show host. That's where they're taking their cues. His tweet is at the link. You'll have to kill your AdBlock to get in there.

Woolery is apparently vying with d'Souza in a game of "can you out-clueless this" --- in here he's actually suggesting the Klan is "on the left" and expresses clueless incredulity that it isn't.

"Since when did the #KKK become the Far Right? They have historically been the plain ole Left"​


Can't make it up.
Spits the idiot who started this thread with the bullshit that the OP’s photo was of the KKK marching at the 1924 DNC at Madison Square Garden when it was really in Madison, Wisconsin — nowhere near the DNC.

I read it was 1925, Washington DC. In any event, not the DNC.

The day 30,000 white supremacists in KKK robes marched in the nation’s capital

That happened too but it was hardly the only Klan march or event.

The OP's picture is in the Wisconsin Historical Society. It's from December 1924 (this very day in fact, December 2) and it's a funeral march for a slain police officer. Nothing to do with politics and a thousand miles away from, and six months after, the actual Democratic convention, which was in New York and didn't take place on wet trolley tracks (nor, of course, is the picture "newly discovered").

The thread's just a glaring example of how partisan hacks like Geaux4it will run with a fake story without bothering to vet its veracity just because they'd like it to be true. Now he's wearing it around his neck.
So is bripat9643. Another yahoo who started a thread on this nonsense. His idiotic thread was merged into this one.

I remember that -- in fact I think it was Fingerboy's thread when I first got here.

Isn't that right Fingerboy? Be proud, own your co-hackery.

Guess it just demonstrates that partisan hacks will not only gulp down whatever looks good whole without reading the ingredient label, but they'll also do so en masse, apparently due to an inability to individually think for oneself.

Whelp --- courtesy of a September story in the Wisconsin State Journal here's the background on the whole thing, including the police murder, the neighborhood and the rumrunning that perpetuated it, the whole shebang. And an additional photo from where the march was going:


Dayum. Madison Square Garden in the middle of Noo Yawk sure looked different then, dinnit?

It also notes where this ridiculous faux pas got started --- apparently Dinesh d'Souza, who purports to write history books, AND..

..... wait for it.............................

Chuck Woolery.

CHUCK FUCKING WOOLERY. Yep, the bigly-head TV game show host. That's where they're taking their cues. His tweet is at the link. You'll have to kill your AdBlock to get in there.

Woolery is apparently vying with d'Souza in a game of "can you out-clueless this" --- in here he's actually suggesting the Klan is "on the left" and expresses clueless incredulity that it isn't.

"Since when did the #KKK become the Far Right? They have historically been the plain ole Left"​


Can't make it up.
They are progressives
The Klan colluded with the Democrats which is widely known.


They "colluded" so much that they endorsed Coolidge in the election that happened a month before your photo of a funeral march on trolley tracks in Wisconsin. In the same year they "colluded" so effectively with Democrats that they got governors and Senators in Indiana, Colorado, Kansas and Maine elected and took over the City Council of Anaheim --- all as Republicans.

And then four years later they "colluded" so well that not only did they endorse Hoover but they ran a national smear campaign against the Democrat candidate Al Smith, because he was a Catholic.

If that ain't collusion -----

---- oh wait. It isn't.

History book. Get one.

And if that ever actually happens (by mistake no doubt) or if Santa sticks one under your tree, look up these names:

  • Rice Means (Colorado)
  • Edward Jackson (Indiana)
  • Clarence Morley (Colorado)
  • Owen Brewster (Maine)
  • Mark Alton Barwise (Maine)
  • Ben Paulen (Kansas)
  • George Luis Baker (Oregon)
  • D.C. Stephenson (Indiana)
  • Jack Walton (Oklahoma)
Actually Walton is the only Democrat on the list. The Klan got him removed from the governor's office after he tried to drive them out of his state.

Fun stuff, mythbusting.

Don’t change the fact, three democrats invented the KKK. Democrats moved the most in the KKK especially those in the south despite what your top secret KKK archives you put together.
The Klan colluded with the Democrats which is widely known.


They "colluded" so much that they endorsed Coolidge in the election that happened a month before your photo of a funeral march on trolley tracks in Wisconsin. In the same year they "colluded" so effectively with Democrats that they got governors and Senators in Indiana, Colorado, Kansas and Maine elected and took over the City Council of Anaheim --- all as Republicans.

And then four years later they "colluded" so well that not only did they endorse Hoover but they ran a national smear campaign against the Democrat candidate Al Smith, because he was a Catholic.

If that ain't collusion -----

---- oh wait. It isn't.

History book. Get one.

And if that ever actually happens (by mistake no doubt) or if Santa sticks one under your tree, look up these names:

  • Rice Means (Colorado)
  • Edward Jackson (Indiana)
  • Clarence Morley (Colorado)
  • Owen Brewster (Maine)
  • Mark Alton Barwise (Maine)
  • Ben Paulen (Kansas)
  • George Luis Baker (Oregon)
  • D.C. Stephenson (Indiana)
  • Jack Walton (Oklahoma)
Actually Walton is the only Democrat on the list. The Klan got him removed from the governor's office after he tried to drive them out of his state.

Fun stuff, mythbusting.

Don’t change the fact, three democrats invented the KKK. Democrats moved the most in the KKK especially those in the south despite what your top secret KKK archives you put together.

Nnnnnnope. Six (not three) ex-Confederate soldiers invented the KKK and they had no known political affilations -- and Democrats didn't exist in that time and place anyway. They were all twentysomethings and modeled it after "Kuklos Adelphon" a popular college fraternity of the time; they corrupted Kuklos (Greek for 'circle') into two words Ku Klux for the mystery factor and added Klan with A K for alliteration (all the ideas of a founder-soldier named Kennedy).

That Klan was soon taken over by nearby pre-existing vigilante elements and became one of literally dozens of similar local and regional groups throughout the defeated Confederacy, usually started by and/or populated by ex-soldiers bent on in effect continuing the War. That Klan was defunct by the early 1870s. Then in 1915 after the Dixon/Grifith film "Birth of a Nation" romanticized that decades-old Klan as part of the Lost Cause movement, an ex-minister and salesman named William J. "Colonel Joe" Simmons recreated a new Klan (officially called the "Knights of the Ku Klux Klan") so that he could milk money off the film by selling memberships to gullibles wanting to emulate the movie. Simmons too had no political affiliation.

That (Simmons) Klan is the one pictured in the OP. It spread literally from coast to coast.

That Klan was officially terminated in 1944 by a combination of an IRS lien and getting its state charter terminated by the Governor. Some historians cite a third Klan when one Dr. Samuel Green tried to re-start it after World War II. Happily Green keeled over and croaked from a heart attack and that was the end of that. I don't count Green as a "third Klan" since it never officially got off the ground, but if you want to count him --- Green too had no political affiliation.

Ya see shirley, the Klan wasn't there for politics. It was there for racism and bigotry and busting unions and whipping drunks and making people go to church. When it dabbled in politics at all it supported or opposed both Democrats and Republicans as well as no-party candidates.

NONE of this is a "secret". It's all readily available on the internets. You could go to those internets and try to prove any of this wrong. But you'll fail.

Here, I'll even give you the search terms:
Original founders: James Crowe, Calvin Jones, John B. Kennedy, John Lester, Frank O. McCord, Richard R. Reed. December 24 1865. 205 West Madison Street, Pulaski Tennessee.

Second Klan: William Joseph Simmons, Thanksgiving Day 1915, Stone Mountain Georgia.

aaaaaaaaaaaaand GO.
Last edited:
The Klan colluded with the Democrats which is widely known.


They "colluded" so much that they endorsed Coolidge in the election that happened a month before your photo of a funeral march on trolley tracks in Wisconsin. In the same year they "colluded" so effectively with Democrats that they got governors and Senators in Indiana, Colorado, Kansas and Maine elected and took over the City Council of Anaheim --- all as Republicans.

And then four years later they "colluded" so well that not only did they endorse Hoover but they ran a national smear campaign against the Democrat candidate Al Smith, because he was a Catholic.

If that ain't collusion -----

---- oh wait. It isn't.

History book. Get one.

And if that ever actually happens (by mistake no doubt) or if Santa sticks one under your tree, look up these names:

  • Rice Means (Colorado)
  • Edward Jackson (Indiana)
  • Clarence Morley (Colorado)
  • Owen Brewster (Maine)
  • Mark Alton Barwise (Maine)
  • Ben Paulen (Kansas)
  • George Luis Baker (Oregon)
  • D.C. Stephenson (Indiana)
  • Jack Walton (Oklahoma)
Actually Walton is the only Democrat on the list. The Klan got him removed from the governor's office after he tried to drive them out of his state.

Fun stuff, mythbusting.

Don’t change the fact, three democrats invented the KKK. Democrats moved the most in the KKK especially those in the south despite what your top secret KKK archives you put together.

Nnnnnnope. Six (not three) ex-Confederate soldiers invented the KKK and they had no known political affilations -- and Democrats didn't exist in that time and place anyway. They were all twentysomethings and modeled it after "Kuklos Adelphon" a popular college fraternity of the time; they corrupted Kuklos (Greek for 'circle') into two words Ku Klux for the mystery factor and added Klan with A K for alliteration (all the ideas of a founder-soldier named Kennedy).

That Klan was soon taken over by nearby pre-existing vigilante elements and became one of literally dozens of similar local and regional groups throughout the defeated Confederacy, usually started by and/or populated by ex-soldiers bent on in effect continuing the War. That Klan was defunct by the early 1870s. Then in 1915 after the Dixon/Grifith film "Birth of a Nation" romanticized that decades-old Klan as part of the Lost Cause movement, an ex-minister and salesman named William J. "Colonel Joe" Simmons recreated a new Klan (officially called the "Knights of the Ku Klux Klan") so that he could milk money off the film by selling memberships to gullibles wanting to emulate the movie. Simmons too had no political affiliation.

That (Simmons) Klan is the one pictured in the OP. It spread literally from coast to coast.

That Klan was officially terminated in 1944 by a combination of an IRS lien and getting its state charter terminated by the Governor. Some historians cite a third Klan when one Dr. Samuel Green tried to re-start it after World War II. Happily Green keeled over and croaked from a heart attack and that was the end of that. I don't count Green as a "third Klan" since it never officially got off the ground, but if you want to count him --- Green too had no political affiliation.

Ya see shirley, the Klan wasn't there for politics. It was there for racism and bigotry and busting unions and whipping drunks and making people go to church. When it dabbled in politics at all it supported or opposed both Democrats and Republicans as well as no-party candidates.

NONE of this is a "secret". It's all readily available on the internets. You could go to those internets and try to prove any of this wrong. But you'll fail.

Here, I'll even give you the search terms:
Original founders: James Crowe, Calvin Jones, John B. Kennedy, John Lester, Frank O. McCord, Richard R. Reed. December 24 1865. 205 West Madison Street, Pulaski Tennessee.

Second Klan: William Joseph Simmons, Thanksgiving Day 1915, Stone Mountain Georgia.

aaaaaaaaaaaaand GO.
Notice what is says about party affiliation (here's a hint: "Democrat"):

The Klan colluded with the Democrats which is widely known.


They "colluded" so much that they endorsed Coolidge in the election that happened a month before your photo of a funeral march on trolley tracks in Wisconsin. In the same year they "colluded" so effectively with Democrats that they got governors and Senators in Indiana, Colorado, Kansas and Maine elected and took over the City Council of Anaheim --- all as Republicans.

And then four years later they "colluded" so well that not only did they endorse Hoover but they ran a national smear campaign against the Democrat candidate Al Smith, because he was a Catholic.

If that ain't collusion -----

---- oh wait. It isn't.

History book. Get one.

And if that ever actually happens (by mistake no doubt) or if Santa sticks one under your tree, look up these names:

  • Rice Means (Colorado)
  • Edward Jackson (Indiana)
  • Clarence Morley (Colorado)
  • Owen Brewster (Maine)
  • Mark Alton Barwise (Maine)
  • Ben Paulen (Kansas)
  • George Luis Baker (Oregon)
  • D.C. Stephenson (Indiana)
  • Jack Walton (Oklahoma)
Actually Walton is the only Democrat on the list. The Klan got him removed from the governor's office after he tried to drive them out of his state.

Fun stuff, mythbusting.

Don’t change the fact, three democrats invented the KKK. Democrats moved the most in the KKK especially those in the south despite what your top secret KKK archives you put together.

Nnnnnnope. Six (not three) ex-Confederate soldiers invented the KKK and they had no known political affilations -- and Democrats didn't exist in that time and place anyway. They were all twentysomethings and modeled it after "Kuklos Adelphon" a popular college fraternity of the time; they corrupted Kuklos (Greek for 'circle') into two words Ku Klux for the mystery factor and added Klan with A K for alliteration (all the ideas of a founder-soldier named Kennedy).

That Klan was soon taken over by nearby pre-existing vigilante elements and became one of literally dozens of similar local and regional groups throughout the defeated Confederacy, usually started by and/or populated by ex-soldiers bent on in effect continuing the War. That Klan was defunct by the early 1870s. Then in 1915 after the Dixon/Grifith film "Birth of a Nation" romanticized that decades-old Klan as part of the Lost Cause movement, an ex-minister and salesman named William J. "Colonel Joe" Simmons recreated a new Klan (officially called the "Knights of the Ku Klux Klan") so that he could milk money off the film by selling memberships to gullibles wanting to emulate the movie. Simmons too had no political affiliation.

That (Simmons) Klan is the one pictured in the OP. It spread literally from coast to coast.

That Klan was officially terminated in 1944 by a combination of an IRS lien and getting its state charter terminated by the Governor. Some historians cite a third Klan when one Dr. Samuel Green tried to re-start it after World War II. Happily Green keeled over and croaked from a heart attack and that was the end of that. I don't count Green as a "third Klan" since it never officially got off the ground, but if you want to count him --- Green too had no political affiliation.

Ya see shirley, the Klan wasn't there for politics. It was there for racism and bigotry and busting unions and whipping drunks and making people go to church. When it dabbled in politics at all it supported or opposed both Democrats and Republicans as well as no-party candidates.

NONE of this is a "secret". It's all readily available on the internets. You could go to those internets and try to prove any of this wrong. But you'll fail.

Here, I'll even give you the search terms:
Original founders: James Crowe, Calvin Jones, John B. Kennedy, John Lester, Frank O. McCord, Richard R. Reed. December 24 1865. 205 West Madison Street, Pulaski Tennessee.

Second Klan: William Joseph Simmons, Thanksgiving Day 1915, Stone Mountain Georgia.

aaaaaaaaaaaaand GO.
Notice what is says about party affiliation (here's a hint: "Democrat"):


Exactly ---- there isn't any "party affiliation". For any of them. Nor was either one founded for that purpose anyway.

Not sure what it takes to get through to y'all morons that "party affiliation" isn't some kind of universal requirement, just because you box yourself into it.
Last edited:
The Klan colluded with the Democrats which is widely known.


They "colluded" so much that they endorsed Coolidge in the election that happened a month before your photo of a funeral march on trolley tracks in Wisconsin. In the same year they "colluded" so effectively with Democrats that they got governors and Senators in Indiana, Colorado, Kansas and Maine elected and took over the City Council of Anaheim --- all as Republicans.

And then four years later they "colluded" so well that not only did they endorse Hoover but they ran a national smear campaign against the Democrat candidate Al Smith, because he was a Catholic.

If that ain't collusion -----

---- oh wait. It isn't.

History book. Get one.

And if that ever actually happens (by mistake no doubt) or if Santa sticks one under your tree, look up these names:

  • Rice Means (Colorado)
  • Edward Jackson (Indiana)
  • Clarence Morley (Colorado)
  • Owen Brewster (Maine)
  • Mark Alton Barwise (Maine)
  • Ben Paulen (Kansas)
  • George Luis Baker (Oregon)
  • D.C. Stephenson (Indiana)
  • Jack Walton (Oklahoma)
Actually Walton is the only Democrat on the list. The Klan got him removed from the governor's office after he tried to drive them out of his state.

Fun stuff, mythbusting.

Don’t change the fact, three democrats invented the KKK. Democrats moved the most in the KKK especially those in the south despite what your top secret KKK archives you put together.

Nnnnnnope. Six (not three) ex-Confederate soldiers invented the KKK and they had no known political affilations -- and Democrats didn't exist in that time and place anyway. They were all twentysomethings and modeled it after "Kuklos Adelphon" a popular college fraternity of the time; they corrupted Kuklos (Greek for 'circle') into two words Ku Klux for the mystery factor and added Klan with A K for alliteration (all the ideas of a founder-soldier named Kennedy).

That Klan was soon taken over by nearby pre-existing vigilante elements and became one of literally dozens of similar local and regional groups throughout the defeated Confederacy, usually started by and/or populated by ex-soldiers bent on in effect continuing the War. That Klan was defunct by the early 1870s. Then in 1915 after the Dixon/Grifith film "Birth of a Nation" romanticized that decades-old Klan as part of the Lost Cause movement, an ex-minister and salesman named William J. "Colonel Joe" Simmons recreated a new Klan (officially called the "Knights of the Ku Klux Klan") so that he could milk money off the film by selling memberships to gullibles wanting to emulate the movie. Simmons too had no political affiliation.

That (Simmons) Klan is the one pictured in the OP. It spread literally from coast to coast.

That Klan was officially terminated in 1944 by a combination of an IRS lien and getting its state charter terminated by the Governor. Some historians cite a third Klan when one Dr. Samuel Green tried to re-start it after World War II. Happily Green keeled over and croaked from a heart attack and that was the end of that. I don't count Green as a "third Klan" since it never officially got off the ground, but if you want to count him --- Green too had no political affiliation.

Ya see shirley, the Klan wasn't there for politics. It was there for racism and bigotry and busting unions and whipping drunks and making people go to church. When it dabbled in politics at all it supported or opposed both Democrats and Republicans as well as no-party candidates.

NONE of this is a "secret". It's all readily available on the internets. You could go to those internets and try to prove any of this wrong. But you'll fail.

Here, I'll even give you the search terms:
Original founders: James Crowe, Calvin Jones, John B. Kennedy, John Lester, Frank O. McCord, Richard R. Reed. December 24 1865. 205 West Madison Street, Pulaski Tennessee.

Second Klan: William Joseph Simmons, Thanksgiving Day 1915, Stone Mountain Georgia.

aaaaaaaaaaaaand GO.
Notice what is says about party affiliation (here's a hint: "Democrat"):


Exactly ---- there isn't any "party affiliation". For any of them.. Nor was either one founded for that purpose anyway.

Not sure what it takes to get through to y'all morons that "party affiliation" isn't some kind of universal requirement, just because you box yourself into it.
You claimed the Democrat Party didn't exist in 1865. It clearly did.
They "colluded" so much that they endorsed Coolidge in the election that happened a month before your photo of a funeral march on trolley tracks in Wisconsin. In the same year they "colluded" so effectively with Democrats that they got governors and Senators in Indiana, Colorado, Kansas and Maine elected and took over the City Council of Anaheim --- all as Republicans.

And then four years later they "colluded" so well that not only did they endorse Hoover but they ran a national smear campaign against the Democrat candidate Al Smith, because he was a Catholic.

If that ain't collusion -----

---- oh wait. It isn't.

History book. Get one.

And if that ever actually happens (by mistake no doubt) or if Santa sticks one under your tree, look up these names:

  • Rice Means (Colorado)
  • Edward Jackson (Indiana)
  • Clarence Morley (Colorado)
  • Owen Brewster (Maine)
  • Mark Alton Barwise (Maine)
  • Ben Paulen (Kansas)
  • George Luis Baker (Oregon)
  • D.C. Stephenson (Indiana)
  • Jack Walton (Oklahoma)
Actually Walton is the only Democrat on the list. The Klan got him removed from the governor's office after he tried to drive them out of his state.

Fun stuff, mythbusting.

Don’t change the fact, three democrats invented the KKK. Democrats moved the most in the KKK especially those in the south despite what your top secret KKK archives you put together.

Nnnnnnope. Six (not three) ex-Confederate soldiers invented the KKK and they had no known political affilations -- and Democrats didn't exist in that time and place anyway. They were all twentysomethings and modeled it after "Kuklos Adelphon" a popular college fraternity of the time; they corrupted Kuklos (Greek for 'circle') into two words Ku Klux for the mystery factor and added Klan with A K for alliteration (all the ideas of a founder-soldier named Kennedy).

That Klan was soon taken over by nearby pre-existing vigilante elements and became one of literally dozens of similar local and regional groups throughout the defeated Confederacy, usually started by and/or populated by ex-soldiers bent on in effect continuing the War. That Klan was defunct by the early 1870s. Then in 1915 after the Dixon/Grifith film "Birth of a Nation" romanticized that decades-old Klan as part of the Lost Cause movement, an ex-minister and salesman named William J. "Colonel Joe" Simmons recreated a new Klan (officially called the "Knights of the Ku Klux Klan") so that he could milk money off the film by selling memberships to gullibles wanting to emulate the movie. Simmons too had no political affiliation.

That (Simmons) Klan is the one pictured in the OP. It spread literally from coast to coast.

That Klan was officially terminated in 1944 by a combination of an IRS lien and getting its state charter terminated by the Governor. Some historians cite a third Klan when one Dr. Samuel Green tried to re-start it after World War II. Happily Green keeled over and croaked from a heart attack and that was the end of that. I don't count Green as a "third Klan" since it never officially got off the ground, but if you want to count him --- Green too had no political affiliation.

Ya see shirley, the Klan wasn't there for politics. It was there for racism and bigotry and busting unions and whipping drunks and making people go to church. When it dabbled in politics at all it supported or opposed both Democrats and Republicans as well as no-party candidates.

NONE of this is a "secret". It's all readily available on the internets. You could go to those internets and try to prove any of this wrong. But you'll fail.

Here, I'll even give you the search terms:
Original founders: James Crowe, Calvin Jones, John B. Kennedy, John Lester, Frank O. McCord, Richard R. Reed. December 24 1865. 205 West Madison Street, Pulaski Tennessee.

Second Klan: William Joseph Simmons, Thanksgiving Day 1915, Stone Mountain Georgia.

aaaaaaaaaaaaand GO.
Notice what is says about party affiliation (here's a hint: "Democrat"):


Exactly ---- there isn't any "party affiliation". For any of them.. Nor was either one founded for that purpose anyway.

Not sure what it takes to get through to y'all morons that "party affiliation" isn't some kind of universal requirement, just because you box yourself into it.
You claimed the Democrat Party didn't exist in 1865. It clearly did.

Wrong. I claimed the Democratic Party didn't exist in that time and place.

That time was 1865 and that place was Tennessee. Tennessee was occupied vanquished territory, the last country it had been a part of being the CSA. And the CSA had no political parties. It had deliberately abolished them when it formed.
The Klan colluded with the Democrats which is widely known.


They "colluded" so much that they endorsed Coolidge in the election that happened a month before your photo of a funeral march on trolley tracks in Wisconsin. In the same year they "colluded" so effectively with Democrats that they got governors and Senators in Indiana, Colorado, Kansas and Maine elected and took over the City Council of Anaheim --- all as Republicans.

And then four years later they "colluded" so well that not only did they endorse Hoover but they ran a national smear campaign against the Democrat candidate Al Smith, because he was a Catholic.

If that ain't collusion -----

---- oh wait. It isn't.

History book. Get one.

And if that ever actually happens (by mistake no doubt) or if Santa sticks one under your tree, look up these names:

  • Rice Means (Colorado)
  • Edward Jackson (Indiana)
  • Clarence Morley (Colorado)
  • Owen Brewster (Maine)
  • Mark Alton Barwise (Maine)
  • Ben Paulen (Kansas)
  • George Luis Baker (Oregon)
  • D.C. Stephenson (Indiana)
  • Jack Walton (Oklahoma)
Actually Walton is the only Democrat on the list. The Klan got him removed from the governor's office after he tried to drive them out of his state.

Fun stuff, mythbusting.

Don’t change the fact, three democrats invented the KKK. Democrats moved the most in the KKK especially those in the south despite what your top secret KKK archives you put together.
The KKK is a monster created in the conservative south. They were primarily Democrats back then. Today, they are primarily Republicans. While they switched political parties, they didn’t switch switch ideologies; which remains conservative.
The Klan colluded with the Democrats which is widely known.


They "colluded" so much that they endorsed Coolidge in the election that happened a month before your photo of a funeral march on trolley tracks in Wisconsin. In the same year they "colluded" so effectively with Democrats that they got governors and Senators in Indiana, Colorado, Kansas and Maine elected and took over the City Council of Anaheim --- all as Republicans.

And then four years later they "colluded" so well that not only did they endorse Hoover but they ran a national smear campaign against the Democrat candidate Al Smith, because he was a Catholic.

If that ain't collusion -----

---- oh wait. It isn't.

History book. Get one.

And if that ever actually happens (by mistake no doubt) or if Santa sticks one under your tree, look up these names:

  • Rice Means (Colorado)
  • Edward Jackson (Indiana)
  • Clarence Morley (Colorado)
  • Owen Brewster (Maine)
  • Mark Alton Barwise (Maine)
  • Ben Paulen (Kansas)
  • George Luis Baker (Oregon)
  • D.C. Stephenson (Indiana)
  • Jack Walton (Oklahoma)
Actually Walton is the only Democrat on the list. The Klan got him removed from the governor's office after he tried to drive them out of his state.

Fun stuff, mythbusting.

Don’t change the fact, three democrats invented the KKK. Democrats moved the most in the KKK especially those in the south despite what your top secret KKK archives you put together.

Nnnnnnope. Six (not three) ex-Confederate soldiers invented the KKK and they had no known political affilations -- and Democrats didn't exist in that time and place anyway. They were all twentysomethings and modeled it after "Kuklos Adelphon" a popular college fraternity of the time; they corrupted Kuklos (Greek for 'circle') into two words Ku Klux for the mystery factor and added Klan with A K for alliteration (all the ideas of a founder-soldier named Kennedy).

That Klan was soon taken over by nearby pre-existing vigilante elements and became one of literally dozens of similar local and regional groups throughout the defeated Confederacy, usually started by and/or populated by ex-soldiers bent on in effect continuing the War. That Klan was defunct by the early 1870s. Then in 1915 after the Dixon/Grifith film "Birth of a Nation" romanticized that decades-old Klan as part of the Lost Cause movement, an ex-minister and salesman named William J. "Colonel Joe" Simmons recreated a new Klan (officially called the "Knights of the Ku Klux Klan") so that he could milk money off the film by selling memberships to gullibles wanting to emulate the movie. Simmons too had no political affiliation.

That (Simmons) Klan is the one pictured in the OP. It spread literally from coast to coast.

That Klan was officially terminated in 1944 by a combination of an IRS lien and getting its state charter terminated by the Governor. Some historians cite a third Klan when one Dr. Samuel Green tried to re-start it after World War II. Happily Green keeled over and croaked from a heart attack and that was the end of that. I don't count Green as a "third Klan" since it never officially got off the ground, but if you want to count him --- Green too had no political affiliation.

Ya see shirley, the Klan wasn't there for politics. It was there for racism and bigotry and busting unions and whipping drunks and making people go to church. When it dabbled in politics at all it supported or opposed both Democrats and Republicans as well as no-party candidates.

NONE of this is a "secret". It's all readily available on the internets. You could go to those internets and try to prove any of this wrong. But you'll fail.

Here, I'll even give you the search terms:
Original founders: James Crowe, Calvin Jones, John B. Kennedy, John Lester, Frank O. McCord, Richard R. Reed. December 24 1865. 205 West Madison Street, Pulaski Tennessee.

Second Klan: William Joseph Simmons, Thanksgiving Day 1915, Stone Mountain Georgia.

aaaaaaaaaaaaand GO.
Notice what is says about party affiliation (here's a hint: "Democrat"):

Look at that...only two states went Democrat. The "Southern Democratic" party was a new party. Thank you for posting that, btw.....:lol:
The Klan colluded with the Democrats which is widely known.


They "colluded" so much that they endorsed Coolidge in the election that happened a month before your photo of a funeral march on trolley tracks in Wisconsin. In the same year they "colluded" so effectively with Democrats that they got governors and Senators in Indiana, Colorado, Kansas and Maine elected and took over the City Council of Anaheim --- all as Republicans.

And then four years later they "colluded" so well that not only did they endorse Hoover but they ran a national smear campaign against the Democrat candidate Al Smith, because he was a Catholic.

If that ain't collusion -----

---- oh wait. It isn't.

History book. Get one.

And if that ever actually happens (by mistake no doubt) or if Santa sticks one under your tree, look up these names:

  • Rice Means (Colorado)
  • Edward Jackson (Indiana)
  • Clarence Morley (Colorado)
  • Owen Brewster (Maine)
  • Mark Alton Barwise (Maine)
  • Ben Paulen (Kansas)
  • George Luis Baker (Oregon)
  • D.C. Stephenson (Indiana)
  • Jack Walton (Oklahoma)
Actually Walton is the only Democrat on the list. The Klan got him removed from the governor's office after he tried to drive them out of his state.

Fun stuff, mythbusting.

Don’t change the fact, three democrats invented the KKK. Democrats moved the most in the KKK especially those in the south despite what your top secret KKK archives you put together.

Nnnnnnope. Six (not three) ex-Confederate soldiers invented the KKK and they had no known political affilations -- and Democrats didn't exist in that time and place anyway. They were all twentysomethings and modeled it after "Kuklos Adelphon" a popular college fraternity of the time; they corrupted Kuklos (Greek for 'circle') into two words Ku Klux for the mystery factor and added Klan with A K for alliteration (all the ideas of a founder-soldier named Kennedy).

That Klan was soon taken over by nearby pre-existing vigilante elements and became one of literally dozens of similar local and regional groups throughout the defeated Confederacy, usually started by and/or populated by ex-soldiers bent on in effect continuing the War. That Klan was defunct by the early 1870s. Then in 1915 after the Dixon/Grifith film "Birth of a Nation" romanticized that decades-old Klan as part of the Lost Cause movement, an ex-minister and salesman named William J. "Colonel Joe" Simmons recreated a new Klan (officially called the "Knights of the Ku Klux Klan") so that he could milk money off the film by selling memberships to gullibles wanting to emulate the movie. Simmons too had no political affiliation.

That (Simmons) Klan is the one pictured in the OP. It spread literally from coast to coast.

That Klan was officially terminated in 1944 by a combination of an IRS lien and getting its state charter terminated by the Governor. Some historians cite a third Klan when one Dr. Samuel Green tried to re-start it after World War II. Happily Green keeled over and croaked from a heart attack and that was the end of that. I don't count Green as a "third Klan" since it never officially got off the ground, but if you want to count him --- Green too had no political affiliation.

Ya see shirley, the Klan wasn't there for politics. It was there for racism and bigotry and busting unions and whipping drunks and making people go to church. When it dabbled in politics at all it supported or opposed both Democrats and Republicans as well as no-party candidates.

NONE of this is a "secret". It's all readily available on the internets. You could go to those internets and try to prove any of this wrong. But you'll fail.

Here, I'll even give you the search terms:
Original founders: James Crowe, Calvin Jones, John B. Kennedy, John Lester, Frank O. McCord, Richard R. Reed. December 24 1865. 205 West Madison Street, Pulaski Tennessee.

Second Klan: William Joseph Simmons, Thanksgiving Day 1915, Stone Mountain Georgia.

aaaaaaaaaaaaand GO.
Notice what is says about party affiliation (here's a hint: "Democrat"):

Look at that...only two states went Democrat. The "Southern Democratic" party was a new party. Thank you for posting that, btw.....:lol:

Cherry picked bled s. You support slavery. What a mook.
The Klan colluded with the Democrats which is widely known.


They "colluded" so much that they endorsed Coolidge in the election that happened a month before your photo of a funeral march on trolley tracks in Wisconsin. In the same year they "colluded" so effectively with Democrats that they got governors and Senators in Indiana, Colorado, Kansas and Maine elected and took over the City Council of Anaheim --- all as Republicans.

And then four years later they "colluded" so well that not only did they endorse Hoover but they ran a national smear campaign against the Democrat candidate Al Smith, because he was a Catholic.

If that ain't collusion -----

---- oh wait. It isn't.

History book. Get one.

And if that ever actually happens (by mistake no doubt) or if Santa sticks one under your tree, look up these names:

  • Rice Means (Colorado)
  • Edward Jackson (Indiana)
  • Clarence Morley (Colorado)
  • Owen Brewster (Maine)
  • Mark Alton Barwise (Maine)
  • Ben Paulen (Kansas)
  • George Luis Baker (Oregon)
  • D.C. Stephenson (Indiana)
  • Jack Walton (Oklahoma)
Actually Walton is the only Democrat on the list. The Klan got him removed from the governor's office after he tried to drive them out of his state.

Fun stuff, mythbusting.

Don’t change the fact, three democrats invented the KKK. Democrats moved the most in the KKK especially those in the south despite what your top secret KKK archives you put together.
The KKK is a monster created in the conservative south. They were primarily Democrats back then. Today, they are primarily Republicans. While they switched political parties, they didn’t switch switch ideologies; which remains conservative.

Not true. You just a slave supporting your party of slavery.
The Klan colluded with the Democrats which is widely known.


They "colluded" so much that they endorsed Coolidge in the election that happened a month before your photo of a funeral march on trolley tracks in Wisconsin. In the same year they "colluded" so effectively with Democrats that they got governors and Senators in Indiana, Colorado, Kansas and Maine elected and took over the City Council of Anaheim --- all as Republicans.

And then four years later they "colluded" so well that not only did they endorse Hoover but they ran a national smear campaign against the Democrat candidate Al Smith, because he was a Catholic.

If that ain't collusion -----

---- oh wait. It isn't.

History book. Get one.

And if that ever actually happens (by mistake no doubt) or if Santa sticks one under your tree, look up these names:

  • Rice Means (Colorado)
  • Edward Jackson (Indiana)
  • Clarence Morley (Colorado)
  • Owen Brewster (Maine)
  • Mark Alton Barwise (Maine)
  • Ben Paulen (Kansas)
  • George Luis Baker (Oregon)
  • D.C. Stephenson (Indiana)
  • Jack Walton (Oklahoma)
Actually Walton is the only Democrat on the list. The Klan got him removed from the governor's office after he tried to drive them out of his state.

Fun stuff, mythbusting.

Don’t change the fact, three democrats invented the KKK. Democrats moved the most in the KKK especially those in the south despite what your top secret KKK archives you put together.
The KKK is a monster created in the conservative south. They were primarily Democrats back then. Today, they are primarily Republicans. While they switched political parties, they didn’t switch switch ideologies; which remains conservative.

Not true. You just a slave supporting your party of slavery.

Your, ”nuh-uh,” is laughed at and summarily discarded.

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