Liberals bully Condi Rice into withdrawing from Rutgers Commencement

More important and educated than you, bitch....just like Condi Rice is more educated and important than you....but then again you are a low bar.

Thus making Retarded U of NJ look worse.

Stanford professor not wanted by dumb kids in New Joisey.

Rice is a professor at Stanford.

Your point is thus retarded.

Who are you?

You want some attention? Go ahead...say something interesting.
Seems a commencement speaker should fit the occasion, more inspirational of the future than a bleak peek at a depressing past period.
Seems a commencement speaker should fit the occasion, more inspirational of the future than a bleak peek at a depressing past period.

You assume Rice doesn't have forward looking ideas to impart to those grads and that she is not part of America's future. That would be our loss.
A black woman that is a Stanford professor with a PhD and rose to be National Security Advisor and SecState shouldn't be allowed to give advice to college students according to liberals.
Speaking at commencements is not a right. They don't like her or her actions. Let's mush on.

I remember when universities where proud of their intellectual diversity, now they are afraid of opinions that do not line up with theirs. That says a lot more about the state of education in this country than anything I can say, and explains why I have nothing but contempt for the entire system.

Rice is a professor at Stanford.

Your point is thus retarded.

That was funny.

My point stands because they were afraid of her at Rutgers, which is a publicly funded university, even though she is a professor at Stanford, which is a private university. Bu I do appreciate you going to the trouble of proving to everyone else how stupid and biased you are.
A black woman that is a Stanford professor with a PhD and rose to be National Security Advisor and SecState shouldn't be allowed to give advice to college students according to liberals.

Time and place. Why would you want her to speak anyway, she is a product of Affirmative Action.

Should be interesting to see how much more divided we can get.

Conservatives will only be able to speak to conservatives, liberals to liberals.

At some point it will end up literally being two different languages.

E Pluribus Unum is over.


Morlocks and Eloi.
Seems a commencement speaker should fit the occasion, more inspirational of the future than a bleak peek at a depressing past period.

Do you think those drooling idiots that protested Rice would protest the super interventionist Hillary Clinton? After all, she supported the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, talked Obama into going into Libya, wanted to go into Syria and Iran, and generally makes McCain look like a dove. Yet, somehow, I doubt their concern for war crimes would extent to a white woman who has a (D) after her name..
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More important and educated than you, bitch....just like Condi Rice is more educated and important than you....but then again you are a low bar.

Thus making Retarded U of NJ look worse.

Stanford professor not wanted by dumb kids in New Joisey.

Who are you?

You want some attention? Go ahead...say something interesting.

I am a low bar? What does that mean? I have heard of "setting a low bar". But that is the first time I have ever heard anyone actually called a low bar. I'm about 6'2", BTW. Is that low?

Now...moving on. I agree that Condi Rice is smarter and more important than me. That is easy.

But you? That you will have to support with some evidence. You ain't doin' so hot thus far. Whatcha got?
I remember when universities where proud of their intellectual diversity, now they are afraid of opinions that do not line up with theirs. That says a lot more about the state of education in this country than anything I can say, and explains why I have nothing but contempt for the entire system.

Rice is a professor at Stanford.

Your point is thus retarded.

That was funny.

My point stands because they were afraid of her at Rutgers, which is a publicly funded university, even though she is a professor at Stanford, which is a private university. Bu I do appreciate you going to the trouble of proving to everyone else how stupid and biased you are.

Afraid of her? What a stupid comment.

Rutgers has conservative faculty. Would you like a list of conservative politicos and pundits who have spoken at Rutgers over the past decade?

You failed. You never mentioned anything about public vs private. You just cannot retract your stupidity. You are too pigheaded.
A white conservative that cheers, supports, and agrees with Condi Rice, Ben Carson, Herman Cain, and Allen West, is considered racist because he disagrees with Obama, yet Liberals who support Obama and disagree with Rice, Carson, Cain, and West.....that is somehow NOT racist??

Retarded. Dumbest train of thought possible.

Tell me about it. Aren't liberals ridiculous for thinking like that? Cause they do.

How many of YOU PEOPLE know or care that Clarence Thomas was called an uncle Tom?

Liberals are such pieces of hypocritical shit
A white conservative that cheers, supports, and agrees with Condi Rice, Ben Carson, Herman Cain, and Allen West, is considered racist because he disagrees with Obama, yet Liberals who support Obama and disagree with Rice, Carson, Cain, and West.....that is somehow NOT racist??

Retarded. Dumbest train of thought possible.

Tell me about it. Aren't liberals ridiculous for thinking like that? Cause they do.

How many of YOU PEOPLE know or care that Clarence Thomas was called an uncle Tom?

Liberals are such pieces of hypocritical shit

Thomas, so Uncle Tom he married a white girl. Have fun with that one.
Rice is a professor at Stanford.

Your point is thus retarded.

That was funny.

My point stands because they were afraid of her at Rutgers, which is a publicly funded university, even though she is a professor at Stanford, which is a private university. Bu I do appreciate you going to the trouble of proving to everyone else how stupid and biased you are.

Afraid of her? What a stupid comment.

Rutgers has conservative faculty. Would you like a list of conservative politicos and pundits who have spoken at Rutgers over the past decade?

You failed. You never mentioned anything about public vs private. You just cannot retract your stupidity. You are too pigheaded.

They protested against the first black Secretary of State. That is either about fear of her politics, her gender, or her skin color, you tell me which it is.

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