Liberals: Can only white people be racist?

Can only white people be racist?

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I think racism is a character defect....and human can have it. But I also think the experience of racism is different for whites....they have never known institutional racism, and if they choose to, they can organize their lives to avoid contact with non-whites and still live in relative comfort.

"Different" BTW, does not make it better. It's still wrong.

Whites have never known institutionalized racism? What do you call affirmative action? Penalizing people simply because of the color of their skin, I fail to see how that is not racism.

I guess the Irish, the Italians , the Catholics, the Germans were all not white ( before 1900). All those groups were targets of racism. The Irish Germans and Catholics all were indentured servants. A form of slavery. In Europe I guess Non Catholic whites were never the subject of racism?

In my opinion NO MAN OR WOMAN OR CHILD on the face of this earth should have ever been treated as if they were less than a human being. I don't care what race they were. God created us and no man should have the ability to take away anyone's civil liberties. It was wrong then and if it is still going on, it is wrong now.
EPIC RGS fail.

Not even close. You retards are answering the poll the way you are because you know it is the politically correct response now. I KNOW what I have read on this board and in the press. The epic fail is the lefts attempt to pretend it does not believe what it believes.

Further since most of the people answering the poll won't answer one asking if they are liberal another epic fail. Go ahead and ask that now, Suddenly all those middle of the roaders WILL answer they are liberal now cause a liberal ask them to try and embarrass a conservative.

We have had those polls before too and as I recall only about 2 people on this board at the time even admitted to being liberal.
EPIC RGS fail.

Not even close. You retards are answering the poll the way you are because you know it is the politically correct response now. I KNOW what I have read on this board and in the press. The epic fail is the lefts attempt to pretend it does not believe what it believes.

Further since most of the people answering the poll won't answer one asking if they are liberal another epic fail. Go ahead and ask that now, Suddenly all those middle of the roaders WILL answer they are liberal now cause a liberal ask them to try and embarrass a conservative.

We have had those polls before too and as I recall only about 2 people on this board at the time even admitted to being liberal.
:lol: Even when presented with proof you deny it. There is a phrase for that: willful ignorance.

All you need do is post your evidence but you won't because you can't.
EPIC RGS fail.

Not even close. You retards are answering the poll the way you are because you know it is the politically correct response now. I KNOW what I have read on this board and in the press. The epic fail is the lefts attempt to pretend it does not believe what it believes.

Further since most of the people answering the poll won't answer one asking if they are liberal another epic fail. Go ahead and ask that now, Suddenly all those middle of the roaders WILL answer they are liberal now cause a liberal ask them to try and embarrass a conservative.

We have had those polls before too and as I recall only about 2 people on this board at the time even admitted to being liberal.
:lol: Even when presented with proof you deny it. There is a phrase for that: willful ignorance.

All you need do is post your evidence but you won't because you can't.

Provide evidence that other then Tank, everyone on this poll is a liberal. As I said we have had that poll before and most of these people will not admit to being Liberal. Suddenly they are?

The false premise is that this poll is being answered by people that admit to being Liberal.
I thought Affirmative Action was started to give Black people a chance to make a decent living and have the chance at getting a decent education like the rest of America? Afterall, once upon a time Black people were looked over simply b/c they were not the right color. Even if they had the qualifications to do the job they were rejected or if hired were paid less that their counterparts b/c of their color. Now that the Affirmative Action program is treating the rest of America the same way, it is wrong! Now it's reverse discrimination. I don't believe in discrimiation of any person and it is wrong when it happens. But according to the Bible, you reap what you sow and although the descendants of those who practiced discrimination feel they had noting to do with what happened back then, and they didn't, could it be that the sins of those who have discriminated have fallen on their children.

Well but people always say they have the moral highground when the state discriminates in their favor. Heres a quote from the Richmond Times on Jim Crow:

"It is necessary that this principle be applied in every relation of Southern life. God Almighty drew the color line and it cannot be obliterated. The negro must stay on his side and the white man must stay on his side, and the sooner both races recognize this fact and accept it, the better it will be for both."

Whites felt just as riteous then about institutionalized racism as blacks do today about affirmative action, but its just as wrong today as it was then. The only reason black people support it is now the shoe is on the other foot and they are the beneficiaries.
Not even close. You retards are answering the poll the way you are because you know it is the politically correct response now. I KNOW what I have read on this board and in the press. The epic fail is the lefts attempt to pretend it does not believe what it believes.

Further since most of the people answering the poll won't answer one asking if they are liberal another epic fail. Go ahead and ask that now, Suddenly all those middle of the roaders WILL answer they are liberal now cause a liberal ask them to try and embarrass a conservative.

We have had those polls before too and as I recall only about 2 people on this board at the time even admitted to being liberal.
:lol: Even when presented with proof you deny it. There is a phrase for that: willful ignorance.

All you need do is post your evidence but you won't because you can't.

Provide evidence that other then Tank, everyone on this poll is a liberal. As I said we have had that poll before and most of these people will not admit to being Liberal. Suddenly they are?

The false premise is that this poll is being answered by people that admit to being Liberal.
Tank is a liberal?

You need to back up your, and no one else.
:lol: Even when presented with proof you deny it. There is a phrase for that: willful ignorance.

All you need do is post your evidence but you won't because you can't.

Provide evidence that other then Tank, everyone on this poll is a liberal. As I said we have had that poll before and most of these people will not admit to being Liberal. Suddenly they are?

The false premise is that this poll is being answered by people that admit to being Liberal.
Tank is a liberal?

You need to back up your, and no one else.

You retard Tank is no liberal BUT Modbert ALREADY called him out. You would know that if you had any more then one braincell.

Once again for the truly slow and stupid.... The poll is DIRECTED at Liberals. Provide evidence that all the people ( except Tank, we already know he isn't) answering the poll are Liberals.
I get so sick and tired of us going back and forth about who is Liberal and who is Conservative. Why should we even give a damn when once we die and are six feet under it doesn't matter anymore? Seriously, we spend our lives on this earth debating about things that really don't mean a damn just b/c we have to be heard and be nasty. We love to hurt ppl's feelings and show how vicious and uncaring we can be. That's what this board is about to be honest. It's a platform for us to sound off on each other and say the most vile things we can to each other. But what does that accomplish? Not a damn thing!
EPIC RGS fail.

Not even close. You retards are answering the poll the way you are because you know it is the politically correct response now. I KNOW what I have read on this board and in the press. The epic fail is the lefts attempt to pretend it does not believe what it believes.

Further since most of the people answering the poll won't answer one asking if they are liberal another epic fail. Go ahead and ask that now, Suddenly all those middle of the roaders WILL answer they are liberal now cause a liberal ask them to try and embarrass a conservative.

We have had those polls before too and as I recall only about 2 people on this board at the time even admitted to being liberal.

Nope, you are wrong.
EPIC RGS fail.

Not even close. You retards are answering the poll the way you are because you know it is the politically correct response now. I KNOW what I have read on this board and in the press. The epic fail is the lefts attempt to pretend it does not believe what it believes.

Further since most of the people answering the poll won't answer one asking if they are liberal another epic fail. Go ahead and ask that now, Suddenly all those middle of the roaders WILL answer they are liberal now cause a liberal ask them to try and embarrass a conservative.

We have had those polls before too and as I recall only about 2 people on this board at the time even admitted to being liberal.

Nope, you are wrong.

Says the turd that isn't a liberal but defends their views. jake must first disprove the op before he can ask anyone to prove anything.:lol:
I think an interesting poll would be to discover why people such as RGS believe such nonsense.

A. He doesn't really, he just hates liberals.
B. Because he is an idiot and believes whatever pablum the rightwingloons tell him to believe.
C. Because he long ago lost the ability to think for himself.
D. He's projecting again.

Affirmative Action isn't just racism

Racism: discrimination based on race

And now you're calling having wealth AA in order to justify institutionalized racism....

When it comes to "education", it's not just about wealth. I have no problem if George Bush lives in a "white only" gated community.

But when he is jumped over thousands of people who are more qualified AND can afford to go to Harvard simply because of Daddy's rich, white connections, then how is that OK?

It isn't about money or grades, but "entitlement" because someone is rich and connected. You can't complain about Affirmative Action if you don't condemn the unfairness of both.

So sick of right wingers seeing "rich and white" as exempt from society's rules. Yet, they want to move every burden they can on middle class, poor or those of another race.

It really is sickening.

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