Liberals Cause Their Own Homeless Problem

Never blamed the Mexicans, I blame people that vote Democrat and this clown of a President in particular.

Good luck trying to get somebody to change that ruling or a constitutional amendment.

Both the Democrats and Republicans are the problem. It's not a big deal to adjudicate drug addicts, especially the ones that insist on being homeless, even when they have access to housing. Eventually, people will wake up and realize that this is the only real solution to getting rid of this:

The above conditions are going to become more common and prevalent.
Providing them with what you derogatorily call "welfare" (adequate housing, food, medical care, case management, vocational-job training.etc), is cheaper and required to solve the problem.

We dont owe then any of that

They are losers who screwed up their lives and are now pooping on the streets and robbing innocent citizens
Addiction is a death sentence. Helping them is almost as bad for the helper. God said to put away evil, not bring it into your house. Nothing in scripture instructs us to help people who don't want help. That said we must help them in order to defeat the scourge of crime that it causes.
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"They're homeless" tells us nothing. I want more details. :mad:
Yes, they're homeless and sleeping, urinating, poopen on our sidewalks. Look at the filth and chaos:

Who the heck is going to want to shop in that part of town?​

Did you see how many empty retail spaces there are? That's a large area of the city, completely overrun by homeless junkie zombies. Allowing this to continue is much more expensive than simply housing these people and of course, forcing them into rehab. If they insist on using drugs and being stupid, they go to the loony bin, until they realize they can't live that way. Rather than throwing them in prison, they'll go to the crazy house. When they decide to stop being junkies, they'll get housing, and all of the help they need to get back on their feet.

They need to stop drugging because the housing unit or complex, can't be turned into a drug and crime-infested ghetto slum. We can't allow that to happen. Whoever gets housed in these apartments must remain clean and sober. Those who insist on being junkies, go back to the psyche ward. They're institutionalized. That's the way to get these people off the street. You either house them or throw them into the loony bin. You give them that choice. Get your life back or live the rest of your life in a mental institution. Choose. Using drugs, living out on the street or turning your new housing into a drug-house, isn't an option. Get a real life, or spend your life in the loony bin. Choose.
Yes, they're homeless and sleeping, urinating, poopen on our sidewalks. Look at the filth and chaos:

Who the heck is going to want to shop in that part of town?​

Did you see how many empty retail spaces there are? That's a large area of the city, completely overrun by homeless junkie zombies. Allowing this to continue is much more expensive than simply housing these people and of course, forcing them into rehab. If they insist on using drugs and being stupid, they go to the loony bin, until they realize they can't live that way. Rather than throwing them in prison, they'll go to the crazy house. When they decide to stop being junkies, they'll get housing, and all of the help they need to get back on their feet.

They need to stop drugging because the housing unit or complex, can't be turned into a drug and crime-infested ghetto slum. We can't allow that to happen. Whoever gets housed in these apartments must remain clean and sober. Those who insist on being junkies, go back to the psyche ward. They're institutionalized. That's the way to get these people off the street. You either house them or throw them into the loony bin. You give them that choice. Get your life back or live the rest of your life in a mental institution. Choose. Using drugs, living out on the street or turning your new housing into a drug-house, isn't an option. Get a real life, or spend your life in the loony bin. Choose.

We have to make that choice for them as they will choose their addiction every time. Mao killed all the drug dealers but allowed the addicts to smoke themselves to death in distant villages. We should follow his example. Keep them away from us, provide drugs, and funerals. Nothing more.
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We have to make that choice for them as they will choose their addiction every time.
They're more likely to choose their addiction when they feel there's no alternative. If they feel hopeless, that contributes to their substance abuse. Their nihilism. If they have a real opportunity to get their life in order and have housing, training, and employment, that can lead to sobriety. I've met a considerable number of people who were once out in the street like what you saw in that video and are now completely clean, sober, and living a new life.

When people feel hopeless, they're more likely to choose their addiction. Many of the youth out there were released at the age of 18 from foster care:

Many of them were foster kids, adopted..etc. People fall through the cracks, they're just human, made of flesh, like you and I. They respond to their circumstances in a human way and sometimes that entails, destructive behavior. Hurt people, hurt people. Nonetheless, the only way to help them is through tough love. Society needs to take a stand, and apply some tough love, to get them off the street and into drug rehab. When we abandon these people, the situation gets worse for everyone. For them and for us as well.
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They're more likely to choose their addiction when they feel there's no alternative. If they feel hopeless, that contributes to their substance abuse. Their nihilism. If they have a real opportunity to get their life in order and have housing, training, and employment, that can lead to sobriety. I've met a considerable number of people who were once out in the street like what you saw in that video and are now completely clean, sober, and living a new life.

When people feel hopeless, they're more likely to choose their addiction. Many of the youth out there were released at the age of 18 from foster care:

Many of them were foster kids, adopted..etc. People fall through the cracks, they're just human, made of flesh, like you and I. They respond to their circumstances in a human way and sometimes that entails, destructive behavior. Hurt people, hurt people. Nonetheless, the only way to help them is through tough love. Society needs to take a stand, and apply some tough love, to get them off the street and into drug rehab. When we abandon these people, the situation gets worse for everyone. For them and for us as well.

The kid in your first video is putting you on

If a wetback from central America who speaks no English can find a job to support himself so could the career bum in the video
The kid in your first video is putting you on

If a wetback from central America who speaks no English can find a job to support himself so could the career bum in the video

The "wetback" has a network of other "wetbacks" who house, or at least feed and provide him/her with a job picking strawberries or tomatoes. The job at the farm often includes a place to sleep and shower. When a person is homeless like the people in those videos, you can't find much less hold a job. You need to sleep, and shower. etc. Being addicted to hard drugs is also another obstacle to employment. You obviously don't have a clue.
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Send then to a rehab camp far from civilization where they cant bother anyone
You're the one who needs to be far from civilization in a "camp". Sending homeless addicts to "camp", only to release them back to the streets, isn't a solution, you dumb country bumpkin. You're not stupid, you're just pretending to be.
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The "wetback" has a network of other "wetbacks" who house, or at least feed and provide him/her with a job picking strawberries or tomatoes. The job at the farm often includes a place to sleep and shower. When a person is homeless like the people in those videos, you can't find much less hold a job. You need to sleep, and shower. etc. Being addicted to hard drugs is also another obstacle to employment. You obviously don't have a clue.
I agree that most of the homeless are too far gone to ever be productive people

Which is what you are saying even if you dont realize it

You want taxpayers to spend billions after more billions just going through the motions of rehabilitating anyway because it makes liberals feel good

All we can do is sweep them off the streets along with the poop and used drug needles, and send them somewhere far away to dry out for about 6 months

After release if they go back to their old lifestyle then pick them up and do it again
You're the one who needs to be far from civilization in a "camp". Sending homeless addicts to "camp", only to release them back to the streets, isn't a solution, you dumb country bumpkin. You're not stupid, you're just pretending to be.
Sending them to camp interrupts the entire flow of drugs to that city, as well as greatly reducing crime. You can get used to living in a 'tent city' in a warm climate (been there, done that, in the Army).

Then, resources that were used to address addiction and crime in the cities can be used for more productive programs, like education and healthcare.
Sending them to camp interrupts the entire flow of drugs to that city, as well as greatly reducing crime. You can get used to living in a 'tent city' in a warm climate (been there, done that, in the Army).

Then, resources that were used to address addiction and crime in the cities can be used for more productive programs, like education and healthcare.
The homeless are already living in tents

So they cant complain if we move the tents to a camp 100 miles from nowhere
Sending them to camp interrupts the entire flow of drugs to that city, as well as greatly reducing crime. You can get used to living in a 'tent city' in a warm climate (been there, done that, in the Army).

Then, resources that were used to address addiction and crime in the cities can be used for more productive programs, like education and healthcare.
Badger has learned. No associating with them. There is no benefit to confounding one's neurosis with another (a technique of theology since the Neolithic sepulchres).
Badger has learned. No associating with them. There is no benefit to confounding one's neurosis with another (a technique of theology since the Neolithic sepulchres).
True. Ya can't live with 'em and ya can't kill 'em, so send them to camp.
The only arrangement Badger would condone are the separate tiny Conestoga wagons, which offer a quasi-separatist solution. Vetted tiny home villages are worth considering if they have not been pre-debauched by religion, such as (owning or controlling the real estate under the structure [italics]). No more Neolithics.

By default then, the rental arrangement would be of most benefit if it is apart from the State apparatus and the theological machine.

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