Liberals Don't Want to Talk About the Root Cause of School Shootings and Other Crimes


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Liberals scoff when anyone points out the obvious truth that the root cause of school shootings is American's moral decline, a decline brought about by the last several generations of liberals. Guns were much more available in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s than they are today. Yet, school shootings were virtually unheard of in those decades. Much the same can be said for the 1970s and 1980s. What has changed? Our public morality, our values, our decency, and our faith as a whole.

Many if not most modern American liberals hate and mock Christianity and Judaism, especially Christianity. Just look at the liberal reactions here to the news of Billy Graham's death. Liberals are becoming so militant that they openly mock people for praying for shooting victims, for suggesting praying to end droughts, and especially for observing that the further America gets from God, the more our society crumbles.

An increasing number of liberals support forcing churches to ordain gay pastors, forcing churches to host gay weddings, jailing and/or fining--and even shutting down--Christian florists and bakers and photographers who won't service gay ceremonies, etc., etc.

You wanna stop school shootings? Then restore our culture and values and faith. Start teaching our kids that there is a God and an afterlife and that they will be held accountable for their actions here on Earth. Stop teaching our kids that they are merely the products of billions of accidental mutations that began with single-celled creatures who somehow were formed when lightning struck some pond somewhere (where'd the pond, the inorganic matter, and the lightening come from?). Start honoring and teaching the value of biblical marriage and a stable nuclear family. Start teaching the Ten Commandments in schools again.
Liberals Don't Want to Talk About the Root Cause of School Shootings and Other Crimes…

That pretty much goes without saying. To address the true cause of these issues is to point the finger of blame where it belongs—at the LIbErals who openly promote policies that contribute to this moral degeneration.
Add the SSRI's dude...SSRI's. There is something to this.

Analysis revealed that there was an overall association between SSRI use and violent crime conviction, at a hazard ratio (HR) of 1.19 (P < .001; absolute risk, 1.0%).

On stratifying the individuals by age, a significant association was seen between use of SSRIs and convictions for violent crimes among those aged 15-24 years (HR, 1.43; P < .001; absolute risk, 3.0%).

The relationship between SSRI use and violent crime was not significant in individuals aged 24 years or older.

Among those aged 15-24 years, there were significant associations between SSRI use and arrests for violent crimes with preliminary investigations (HR = 1.28; P < .001), nonviolent crime convictions (HR = 1.22; P < .001), nonviolent crime arrests (HR = 1.13; P < .001), nonfatal injuries from accidents (HR = 1.29; P < .001), and emergency inpatient or outpatient treatment for alcohol intoxication or misuse (HR = 1.98; P < .001).

The researchers also found that the association between violent crime and SSRIs remained significant among individuals aged 15-24 years after analyzing the results with regard to sex (among males: HR, 1.40; P = .002; among females: HR, 1.75; P = .023).

Medscape: Medscape Access
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On account of the Rule of Journalism that permits the word "immigrant" to be used only in sentences with the word "valedictorian," you may not have heard of some of these mass shootings at all.

1) Omar Mateen, son of Afghan immigrants, killed 49 people at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando on June 12, 2016.

2) First- and second-generation Pakistani immigrants Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik opened fire at a community center Christmas party in San Bernardino, California, on Dec. 2, 2015, killing 14 people.

3) English immigrant Christopher Harper-Mercer killed 9 people at Umpqua Community College in southwest Oregon on Oct. 1, 2015.

4) Kuwaiti immigrant Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez shot and killed five people in attacks on two military installations in Chattanooga, Tennessee, on July 16, 2015.

5) Second-generation Malaysian immigrant Elliot Rodger killed six people on May 23, 2014, around the campus of the University of California, Santa Barbara.

6) Second-generation immigrant John Zawahri opened fire at his Southern California home and later at the campus of Santa Monica College on June 7, 2013, killing five in all. (The New York Times never mentioned that he was the child of Lebanese immigrants. The Times didn't even mention that his father used to beat up his mother, despite that paper's usual heightened interest in stories about men being mean to women.)

7) Cuban immigrant Pedro Alberto Vargas fatally shot six people in his apartment complex in Hialeah, Florida, on July 26, 2013.

8) Probable Barbadian immigrant Aaron Alexis shot and killed 12 people inside the Washington Navy Yard on Sept. 16, 2013. (See this.)

9) South Korean immigrant One L. Goh opened fire at Oikos University in Oakland, California, killing seven people on April 2, 2012.

10) Mexican immigrant Eduardo Sencion shot up an IHOP in Carson City, Nevada, on Sept. 6, 2011, killing four people -- three National Guardsmen and a 67-year-old woman.

11) Second-generation immigrant Nidal Malik Hasan, son of Palestinian immigrants, killed 13 people at Fort Hood, Texas, on Nov. 5, 2009.

12) Vietnamese immigrant Jiverly Wong shot up the Binghamton, New York, American Civic Association on April 3, 2009, killing 13.

13) Bosnian immigrant Sulejman Talovic fatally shot five people at the Trolley Square Mall in Salt Lake City on Feb. 12, 2007.

14) Seung-Hui Cho, a South Korean immigrant, slaughtered 32 people at Virginia Tech on April 16, 2007.

15) Hmong immigrant Chai Soua Vang killed six hunters in northern Wisconsin on Nov. 21, 2004.

16) Mexican immigrant Salvador Tapia shot up the Windy City Core Supply warehouse in Chicago in 2003, killing six of his former co-workers.

If you missed your favorite immigrant mass shooting, please note that I excluded Jamaican immigrant Colin Ferguson (Long Island Railroad massacre in 1993); Nigerian immigrant Peter Odighizuwa (Appalachian School of Law shooting in 2002); Haitian illegal immigrant Kesler Dufrene (North Miami shooting in 2012); and Nigerian immigrant Henry Williams Obotetukudo (Bronx-Lebanon Hospital shooting in 2017). We are only counting mass shootings since 2000 that left at least four people dead.

Root cause of school shootings is a decline in morals and personal accountability. Mention personal accountability to a Liberal and they react like it’s a tool to use against Conservatives (a page right out of Alinsky). Apply personal accountability to a student disrupting school and if the student is Black, latino, homosexual or transgender, or some other label that they can exploit, then blame on others rises and accountability goes out the door.
Was trying to point this out in my thread in Breaking News.
Like crickets.
Not sure how to link it.
Liberals scoff when anyone points out the obvious truth that the root cause of school shootings is American's moral decline, a decline brought about by the last several generations of liberals. Guns were much more available in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s than they are today. Yet, school shootings were virtually unheard of in those decades. Much the same can be said for the 1970s and 1980s. What has changed? Our public morality, our values, our decency, and our faith as a whole.

Many if not most modern American liberals hate and mock Christianity and Judaism, especially Christianity. Just look at the liberal reactions here to the news of Billy Graham's death. Liberals are becoming so militant that they openly mock people for praying for shooting victims, for suggesting praying to end droughts, and especially for observing that the further America gets from God, the more our society crumbles.

An increasing number of liberals support forcing churches to ordain gay pastors, forcing churches to host gay weddings, jailing and/or fining--and even shutting down--Christian florists and bakers and photographers who won't service gay ceremonies, etc., etc.

You wanna stop school shootings? Then restore our culture and values and faith. Start teaching our kids that there is a God and an afterlife and that they will be held accountable for their actions here on Earth. Stop teaching our kids that they are merely the products of billions of accidental mutations that began with single-celled creatures who somehow were formed when lightning struck some pond somewhere (where'd the pond, the inorganic matter, and the lightening come from?). Start honoring and teaching the value of biblical marriage and a stable nuclear family. Start teaching the Ten Commandments in schools again.
Looks like this thread is as quiet as mine.
The country really doesn't want to explore the real "why as liberals would have to admit that many of their permissive policies is actually part of the problem.
To them it's about the gun only.
That is true negligence.
This will happen again, and they will cry why again, but really can't handle the answer. Shameful.
Liberals scoff when anyone points out the obvious truth that the root cause of school shootings is American's moral decline, a decline brought about by the last several generations of liberals. Guns were much more available in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s than they are today. Yet, school shootings were virtually unheard of in those decades. Much the same can be said for the 1970s and 1980s. What has changed? Our public morality, our values, our decency, and our faith as a whole.

Many if not most modern American liberals hate and mock Christianity and Judaism, especially Christianity. Just look at the liberal reactions here to the news of Billy Graham's death. Liberals are becoming so militant that they openly mock people for praying for shooting victims, for suggesting praying to end droughts, and especially for observing that the further America gets from God, the more our society crumbles.

An increasing number of liberals support forcing churches to ordain gay pastors, forcing churches to host gay weddings, jailing and/or fining--and even shutting down--Christian florists and bakers and photographers who won't service gay ceremonies, etc., etc.

You wanna stop school shootings? Then restore our culture and values and faith. Start teaching our kids that there is a God and an afterlife and that they will be held accountable for their actions here on Earth. Stop teaching our kids that they are merely the products of billions of accidental mutations that began with single-celled creatures who somehow were formed when lightning struck some pond somewhere (where'd the pond, the inorganic matter, and the lightening come from?). Start honoring and teaching the value of biblical marriage and a stable nuclear family. Start teaching the Ten Commandments in schools again.
Looks like this thread is as quiet as mine.
The country really doesn't want to explore the real "why as liberals would have to admit that many of their permissive policies is actually part of the problem.
To them it's about the gun only.
That is true negligence.
This will happen again, and they will cry why again, but really can't handle the answer. Shameful.
And still...crickets.

How sad and pathetic.
This will happen again, and they will cry why again
While you shrug it off because it's a price you're perfectly happy to pay
And the typical response.
Thanks for adding absolutely nothing.
^ dodged
How about addressing the OP?
or is it only one issue to you?
You are the one dodging.
Expecting troll response in 5,4,3,2,1...go.
Aw cute response :itsok:

Countless variables have changed over the decades. To say that God being kept out of schools is the one and only problem is stupid. How many school shootings in Japan this year?
This will happen again, and they will cry why again
While you shrug it off because it's a price you're perfectly happy to pay
And the typical response.
Thanks for adding absolutely nothing.
^ dodged
How about addressing the OP?
or is it only one issue to you?
You are the one dodging.
Expecting troll response in 5,4,3,2,1...go.
Aw cute response :itsok:

Countless variables have changed over the decades. To say that God being kept out of schools is the one and only problem is stupid. How many school shootings in Japan this year?
Never mentioned God.
Listed a whole host of issues as did OP. Done with you. Bye.
Liberals scoff when anyone points out the obvious truth that the root cause of school shootings is American's moral decline, a decline brought about by the last several generations of liberals. Guns were much more available in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s than they are today. Yet, school shootings were virtually unheard of in those decades. Much the same can be said for the 1970s and 1980s. What has changed? Our public morality, our values, our decency, and our faith as a whole.

Many if not most modern American liberals hate and mock Christianity and Judaism, especially Christianity. Just look at the liberal reactions here to the news of Billy Graham's death. Liberals are becoming so militant that they openly mock people for praying for shooting victims, for suggesting praying to end droughts, and especially for observing that the further America gets from God, the more our society crumbles.

An increasing number of liberals support forcing churches to ordain gay pastors, forcing churches to host gay weddings, jailing and/or fining--and even shutting down--Christian florists and bakers and photographers who won't service gay ceremonies, etc., etc.

You wanna stop school shootings? Then restore our culture and values and faith. Start teaching our kids that there is a God and an afterlife and that they will be held accountable for their actions here on Earth. Stop teaching our kids that they are merely the products of billions of accidental mutations that began with single-celled creatures who somehow were formed when lightning struck some pond somewhere (where'd the pond, the inorganic matter, and the lightening come from?). Start honoring and teaching the value of biblical marriage and a stable nuclear family. Start teaching the Ten Commandments in schools again.
Well. There it is. Blame the gays.
While you shrug it off because it's a price you're perfectly happy to pay
And the typical response.
Thanks for adding absolutely nothing.
^ dodged
How about addressing the OP?
or is it only one issue to you?
You are the one dodging.
Expecting troll response in 5,4,3,2,1...go.
Aw cute response :itsok:

Countless variables have changed over the decades. To say that God being kept out of schools is the one and only problem is stupid. How many school shootings in Japan this year?
Never mentioned God.
Listed a whole host of issues as did OP. Done with you. Bye.
Lol calls out liberals for not responding, then flees the second one does
Which gods does the OP suggest be brought back to school (actually it's laughable to think that any god or goddess could be kept out)?
Which gods does the OP suggest be brought back to school (actually it's laughable to think that any god or goddess could be kept out)?
I vote they bring back the viking gods. But.... hmm. That might actually lead to more school shootings. Hmm :eusa_think:

75% black homes where father is not husband and/or does not live in home. 13% for white, factor of 6X
Black incarceration rate 6-7X as percentage of population
Racist numbers and racist statement?
Facts supporting abandonment of personal responsibility as causal?

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