Liberals Don't Want to Talk About the Root Cause of School Shootings and Other Crimes

Liberals don't care about the root cause of shootings, or of the hundreds of shootings in their liberal run cities each and every month. Liberals do care about banning guns and will pounce on any opportunity to further that goal.

And while you're at it, tell us the root cause for this rightwing cop killing couple, Clive Bundy fans.

Clive Bundy didn't kill anyone.
Liberals scoff when anyone points out the obvious truth that the root cause of school shootings is American's moral decline, a decline brought about by the last several generations of liberals. Guns were much more available in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s than they are today. Yet, school shootings were virtually unheard of in those decades. Much the same can be said for the 1970s and 1980s. What has changed? Our public morality, our values, our decency, and our faith as a whole.

Many if not most modern American liberals hate and mock Christianity and Judaism, especially Christianity. Just look at the liberal reactions here to the news of Billy Graham's death. Liberals are becoming so militant that they openly mock people for praying for shooting victims, for suggesting praying to end droughts, and especially for observing that the further America gets from God, the more our society crumbles.

An increasing number of liberals support forcing churches to ordain gay pastors, forcing churches to host gay weddings, jailing and/or fining--and even shutting down--Christian florists and bakers and photographers who won't service gay ceremonies, etc., etc.

You wanna stop school shootings? Then restore our culture and values and faith. Start teaching our kids that there is a God and an afterlife and that they will be held accountable for their actions here on Earth. Stop teaching our kids that they are merely the products of billions of accidental mutations that began with single-celled creatures who somehow were formed when lightning struck some pond somewhere (where'd the pond, the inorganic matter, and the lightening come from?). Start honoring and teaching the value of biblical marriage and a stable nuclear family. Start teaching the Ten Commandments in schools again.
or anything.
A guy who runs around in a MAGA cap, hates gays, Muslims, and blacks, and reveres guns,

kills 17 in a school shooting,

and the OP wants to blame that on some sort of Liberal failure?

exactly, it's called respect and god and you hate both. we know, the fabric of society is being torn apart and you laugh. and then can't figure out why kids shoot other kids. they don't respect life. duh!!!! Thanks to progressive leftists.
Liberals don't care about the root cause of shootings, or of the hundreds of shootings in their liberal run cities each and every month. Liberals do care about banning guns and will pounce on any opportunity to further that goal.
Thoughts and prayers....thoughts and prayers....thoughts and prayers...thoughts and prayers....thoughts and prayers....thoughts and prayers...thoughts and prayers....thoughts and prayers....thoughts and prayers...thoughts and prayers....thoughts and prayers....thoughts and prayers...thoughts and prayers....thoughts and prayers....thoughts and prayers...thoughts and prayers....
There is a reason why the bed wetters only focus on the gun.

They are not interested in public safety. Their goal is to disarm the public, for nefarious reasons.

Period, end of discussion.
Liberals don't care about the root cause of shootings, or of the hundreds of shootings in their liberal run cities each and every month. Liberals do care about banning guns and will pounce on any opportunity to further that goal.
Thoughts and prayers....thoughts and prayers....thoughts and prayers...thoughts and prayers....thoughts and prayers....thoughts and prayers...thoughts and prayers....thoughts and prayers....thoughts and prayers...thoughts and prayers....thoughts and prayers....thoughts and prayers...thoughts and prayers....thoughts and prayers....thoughts and prayers...thoughts and prayers....
the gun is the enemy... the gun is the enemy... the gun is the enemy....the gun is the enemy...the gun is the enemy.....
Did you notice how many students at the White House meeting and at the CNN townhall suggested giving students bullet-proof/kevlar shields? Our wingnut liberals here at USMB mocked that idea a few days ago.
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Liberals scoff when anyone points out the obvious truth that the root cause of school shootings is American's moral decline, a decline brought about by the last several generations of liberals. Guns were much more available in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s than they are today. Yet, school shootings were virtually unheard of in those decades. Much the same can be said for the 1970s and 1980s. What has changed? Our public morality, our values, our decency, and our faith as a whole.

Many if not most modern American liberals hate and mock Christianity and Judaism, especially Christianity. Just look at the liberal reactions here to the news of Billy Graham's death. Liberals are becoming so militant that they openly mock people for praying for shooting victims, for suggesting praying to end droughts, and especially for observing that the further America gets from God, the more our society crumbles.

An increasing number of liberals support forcing churches to ordain gay pastors, forcing churches to host gay weddings, jailing and/or fining--and even shutting down--Christian florists and bakers and photographers who won't service gay ceremonies, etc., etc.

You wanna stop school shootings? Then restore our culture and values and faith. Start teaching our kids that there is a God and an afterlife and that they will be held accountable for their actions here on Earth. Stop teaching our kids that they are merely the products of billions of accidental mutations that began with single-celled creatures who somehow were formed when lightning struck some pond somewhere (where'd the pond, the inorganic matter, and the lightening come from?). Start honoring and teaching the value of biblical marriage and a stable nuclear family. Start teaching the Ten Commandments in schools again.
I pretty much don't lie to my kids and as far as what you think are the reasons why people kill you are wrong about humans and how they have acted for millions of years.....
A guy who runs around in a MAGA cap, hates gays, Muslims, and blacks, and reveres guns,

kills 17 in a school shooting,

and the OP wants to blame that on some sort of Liberal failure?


I blame it on the nut that did it, which is a lot more sane than blaming it on the NRA.
I think you can fairly blame the NRA for an 18 year old being able to legally buy an AR-15 without responsible adults being aware of it.

You can googe the NRA history of action in Fla gun law legislation yourself. But the fact is, any goper who supports ANY buy restrictions is toast.
Mans humanity to man was largely non existent until Jesus taught it
One despicable woman, Madeline Murray Ohare, was allowed to have that changed because of her Feelings.
She was so vile that she disappeared and it's largely considered that her sons, whom she was going to "bat"for, killed her.
That's the true root origin of some of the messes we have today
A guy who runs around in a MAGA cap, hates gays, Muslims, and blacks, and reveres guns,

kills 17 in a school shooting,

and the OP wants to blame that on some sort of Liberal failure?


I blame it on the nut that did it, which is a lot more sane than blaming it on the NRA.
I think you can fairly blame the NRA for an 18 year old being able to legally buy an AR-15 without responsible adults being aware of it.

You can googe the NRA history of action in Fla gun law legislation yourself. But the fact is, any goper who supports ANY buy restrictions is toast.
why do figure that exactly?
Liberals don't care about the root cause of shootings, or of the hundreds of shootings in their liberal run cities each and every month. Liberals do care about banning guns and will pounce on any opportunity to further that goal.

Tell us specifically what was the root cause for the rightwinger shooting those people in Parkland.

Same root cause as the Bernie Sanders nut job supporter who shot up a field of Republican Congressmen last summer as well as the Islamic jihadists who shot up Ft Hood Texas, San Bernardino healthcare facility, and the Orlando nightclub.
Liberals don't care about the root cause of shootings, or of the hundreds of shootings in their liberal run cities each and every month. Liberals do care about banning guns and will pounce on any opportunity to further that goal.

Tell us specifically what was the root cause for the rightwinger shooting those people in Parkland.

Same root cause as the Bernie Sanders nut job supporter who shot up a field of Republican Congressmen last summer as well as the Islamic jihadists who shot up Ft Hood Texas, San Bernardino healthcare facility, and the Orlando nightclub.

That was selective, and the work of an incapable con tool thought process. Stupid.

The fact is, there are nut cases out there. Conservative nut cases, liberal nut cases, and impartial nut cases. But here is the fact:

The US has tens of times more mass shootings than any other advanced nations.
No other nation is even close. AND, none ot these other nations allow their citizens to own "assault rifles". Get the connection, me girl????????????

Makes no difference why these wack jobs kill lots of people. Particularly our kids in their schools. But then, if you love your assault rifle more than the kids, it explains why you make the really, really stupid statements you make. And why you can not see the obvious. You are, after all, a con troll.
Liberals don't care about the root cause of shootings, or of the hundreds of shootings in their liberal run cities each and every month. Liberals do care about banning guns and will pounce on any opportunity to further that goal.

Tell us specifically what was the root cause for the rightwinger shooting those people in Parkland.

Same root cause as the Bernie Sanders nut job supporter who shot up a field of Republican Congressmen last summer as well as the Islamic jihadists who shot up Ft Hood Texas, San Bernardino healthcare facility, and the Orlando nightclub.

That was selective, and the work of an incapable con tool thought process. Stupid.

The fact is, there are nut cases out there. Conservative nut cases, liberal nut cases, and impartial nut cases. But here is the fact:

The US has tens of times more mass shootings than any other advanced nations.
No other nation is even close. AND, none ot these other nations allow their citizens to own "assault rifles". Get the connection, me girl????????????

Makes no difference why these wack jobs kill lots of people. Particularly our kids in their schools. But then, if you love your assault rifle more than the kids, it explains why you make the really, really stupid statements you make. And why you can not see the obvious. You are, after all, a con troll.
I agree, but there are just too many of them already out there. And there will never be a natl ban ... and frankly if you're a rancher in Wyoming, they're useful tools.
Liberals don't care about the root cause of shootings, or of the hundreds of shootings in their liberal run cities each and every month. Liberals do care about banning guns and will pounce on any opportunity to further that goal.

Tell us specifically what was the root cause for the rightwinger shooting those people in Parkland.

Why, you libs don't care about the root cause. Work on your lack of reading comprehension libwit.
Liberals don't care about the root cause of shootings, or of the hundreds of shootings in their liberal run cities each and every month. Liberals do care about banning guns and will pounce on any opportunity to further that goal.
Thoughts and prayers....thoughts and prayers....thoughts and prayers...thoughts and prayers....thoughts and prayers....thoughts and prayers...thoughts and prayers....thoughts and prayers....thoughts and prayers...thoughts and prayers....thoughts and prayers....thoughts and prayers...thoughts and prayers....thoughts and prayers....thoughts and prayers...thoughts and prayers....

^^^ has my vote for troll post of the month.
Liberals don't care about the root cause of shootings, or of the hundreds of shootings in their liberal run cities each and every month. Liberals do care about banning guns and will pounce on any opportunity to further that goal.

Tell us specifically what was the root cause for the rightwinger shooting those people in Parkland.

Same root cause as the Bernie Sanders nut job supporter who shot up a field of Republican Congressmen last summer as well as the Islamic jihadists who shot up Ft Hood Texas, San Bernardino healthcare facility, and the Orlando nightclub.
Well actually, the fbi could have stopped this new one. What a shame

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