Liberals Have Gone Off the Deep End Make Crazy Wag the Dog Claim

Even less once the Senate Frisbee's it into the wastebasket.

You know that McConnell can't wait to sink his teeth into those impeachment articles, chew them up, and shred them all over the floor of the Senate

SIc 'em doggie. :laugh:

Moscow Mitch McTurtle can't save the Dotard all by himself. All we need is three Republicans with the stones to demand witnesses and documents. Nope, the Senate won't convict, but at least there won't be a fake trial.

The American people aren't stupid.

You already had your witnesses when the House held their impeachment inquiry. That's all you're going to get.

And apparently, a portion of the American people are very stupid, if they think they're going to get rid of this President that easily.

Nope sorry - D's didn't get the witnesses they wanted. Rudy, Pompeo, Pence, Mulvaney and of course McGhan to name a few.

One judge after the next has ruled that the president is not a king. There is no such thing as "absolute immunity".

Rudy, Pompeo, Pence, Mulvaney and of course McGhan, are not going to tell you anything you don't already know.

How many times do you little children need to stick a fork in the electrical socket, before you realize you're getting the shit shocked out of you? I only had to do it once.

In a way, I agree with you. There is plenty of evidence as is to send the Orange Clown packing to Florida, and more likely to prison.
Donald and his minions were given EVERYTHING they demanded. Cut it with the propaganda and lies please.
You must think the bigger the lie the more people will buy it.

That's Donald's schtick - not mine my friend.

That's Donald's schtick - not mine my friend.
No. Yours if you even pretend the show trial under Schiff was fair in any way.
It was certainly not how Nixon's or Clinton's impeachment was handled. Not at all.
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You know that McConnell can't wait to sink his teeth into those impeachment articles, chew them up, and shred them all over the floor of the Senate

SIc 'em doggie. :laugh:

Moscow Mitch McTurtle can't save the Dotard all by himself. All we need is three Republicans with the stones to demand witnesses and documents. Nope, the Senate won't convict, but at least there won't be a fake trial.

The American people aren't stupid.

You already had your witnesses when the House held their impeachment inquiry. That's all you're going to get.

And apparently, a portion of the American people are very stupid, if they think they're going to get rid of this President that easily.

Nope sorry - D's didn't get the witnesses they wanted. Rudy, Pompeo, Pence, Mulvaney and of course McGhan to name a few.

One judge after the next has ruled that the president is not a king. There is no such thing as "absolute immunity".

Rudy, Pompeo, Pence, Mulvaney and of course McGhan, are not going to tell you anything you don't already know.

How many times do you little children need to stick a fork in the electrical socket, before you realize you're getting the shit shocked out of you? I only had to do it once.

In a way, I agree with you. There is plenty of evidence as is to send the Orange Clown packing to Florida, and more likely to prison.

Go ahead. Keep poking that fork in the socket, as if your brains aren't scrambled enough already.
They have become publicly anti-American to an astounding degree.
I guess we should have expected this, I remember how anti-American the liberals were when they opposed the war with Iraq after 9/11.

Opposing the war with Iraq after 9/11 was the most American thing anyone could have done.

It turned out, not unexpectedly, to be one of the most colossal fuck ups in the last century.
Had WJC killed Bin Laddin there would not have been a 9/11. Inaction while seems safe in the short term can have dire consequences.
Moscow Mitch McTurtle can't save the Dotard all by himself. All we need is three Republicans with the stones to demand witnesses and documents. Nope, the Senate won't convict, but at least there won't be a fake trial.

The American people aren't stupid.
Some of them you and your pals.
We already had the fake trial under Bug Eyes Schiff's direction in the basement of the Senate building.
No witnesses for the accused, no lawyers, no cross examination, no media allowed.....a real Soviet show trial.

Just the way you filth like it.

Donald and his minions were given EVERYTHING they demanded. Cut it with the propaganda and lies please.

That is a flat out lie...

Nadler denies Republican witness requests, which include whistleblower and Schiff

White House Says President Trump Won't Participate In Wednesday Impeachment Hearing
Wonder if Repubs know that China and Iran are friends ? Did our moron understand those possible consequences ?
Iran and Russia are better friends.

Did you forget Democrats are supposed to pretend that they stopped bring pro-Russia?

But you feel free to drop your panties and bend over for terrorists. Maybe they'll kill you last.
They could have gone to court in an attempt to get them. Guess they didn't want them that bad.

They did go to court. Trump got a stay every time he lost a ruling. That shit could have taken YEARS.

We're out of time. Your Orange Clown is openly inviting foreign actors to meddle in our election (AGAIN).

Fuck that -

You really should stop laughing and lying about how D's shoulda gone to court. ;)

You people provide me with hours of laughter. Keep up the good work.

Thank you for your ever-so-substantive responses

You are taught in accordance with your ability to learn.
"John Bolton and Gen. Petraeus (the instigators and architects of our regime change wars) and other neocons are all praising Trump's actions in Iraq. This tells us everything we need to know about Trump's Iraq/Iran/Syria foreign policy. And it's the opposite of what many Trump voters voted for. " - Tremendous Tulsi Gabbard
"John Bolton and Gen. Petraeus (the instigators and architects of our regime change wars) and other neocons are all praising Trump's actions in Iraq. This tells us everything we need to know about Trump's Iraq/Iran/Syria foreign policy. And it's the opposite of what many Trump voters voted for. " - Tremendous Tulsi Gabbard

Sorry to see this from her...I would have thought she was smarter than that.
YET another touching tale of why I left the democratic party. Actually, they left US. They are insane, they will legitimize and fight for the rights of anything for votes...cannibalism, patricide, human sacrifice they don't care what the fucking cause IS.
YET another touching tale of why I left the democratic party. Actually, they left US. They are insane, they will legitimize and fight for the rights of anything for votes...cannibalism, patricide, human sacrifice they don't care what the fucking cause IS.
You didn't notice the Democrats lack of patriotism when US soldiers started fighting the terrorists in Iraq after the 9/11 attacks?
They did go to court. Trump got a stay every time he lost a ruling. That shit could have taken YEARS.

We're out of time. Your Orange Clown is openly inviting foreign actors to meddle in our election (AGAIN).

Fuck that -

You really should stop laughing and lying about how D's shoulda gone to court. ;)

You people provide me with hours of laughter. Keep up the good work.

Thank you for your ever-so-substantive responses

You are taught in accordance with your ability to learn.

Uh Huh - Trumpublicans as so VERY anxious to "learn" ;)

YET another touching tale of why I left the democratic party. Actually, they left US. They are insane, they will legitimize and fight for the rights of anything for votes...cannibalism, patricide, human sacrifice they don't care what the fucking cause IS.
You didn't notice the Democrats lack of patriotism when US soldiers started fighting the terrorists in Iraq after the 9/11 attacks?
Back in 2003 the democrats were different animals altogether. They did this phony support the troops shit. But NOW? They are "woke". They pretty much abandoned America and common sense.
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Wonder if Repubs know that China and Iran are friends ? Did our moron understand those possible consequences ?

We know you don’t understand anything. Your utter stupidity is astounding but totally expected. Iran will do nothing of consequence. Just like every other time they made these fire and brimstone threats. If you’re so worried about about your terrorist pals, go to Iran and comfort them.
"John Bolton and Gen. Petraeus (the instigators and architects of our regime change wars) and other neocons are all praising Trump's actions in Iraq. This tells us everything we need to know about Trump's Iraq/Iran/Syria foreign policy. And it's the opposite of what many Trump voters voted for. " - Tremendous Tulsi Gabbard

Did Tulsi give us her solution?

What’s yours?
"John Bolton and Gen. Petraeus (the instigators and architects of our regime change wars) and other neocons are all praising Trump's actions in Iraq. This tells us everything we need to know about Trump's Iraq/Iran/Syria foreign policy. And it's the opposite of what many Trump voters voted for. " - Tremendous Tulsi Gabbard

Did Tulsi give us her solution?

What’s yours?
"John Bolton and Gen. Petraeus (the instigators and architects of our regime change wars) and other neocons are all praising Trump's actions in Iraq. This tells us everything we need to know about Trump's Iraq/Iran/Syria foreign policy. And it's the opposite of what many Trump voters voted for. " - Tremendous Tulsi Gabbard

Did Tulsi give us her solution?

What’s yours?

Are you saying that Iran has nukes? Because if not, it would only be a strike....

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