Liberals Have Gone Off the Deep End Make Crazy Wag the Dog Claim

Democrats don't seem to care that they're giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

Former Rep (D)Katie Hill accused Trump of starting a war with Iran to deflect attention away from impeachment.

Let's set the record straight. Iran attacked us first. We merely responded in an extremely forceful and effective manner. The Democrats would rather Trump disappear and crawl into a shell like Obama did when terrorists attacked the US Consulate in Benghazi. Instead...Trump killed the mastermind of the attack as well as hit several of their operational bases in Iraq. Democrats wanted him to tell them before he launched the attack so they could tip-off their Iranian friends.



Former Rep. Katie Hill (D-CA) accused President Trump on Friday of attempting to start a war with Iran to distract from impeachment.

This disgraced former congresswoman, who resigned from Congress after mounting allegations of inappropriate sexual relationships with congressional staffers, accused the president of trying to “start a war to distract from impeachment.”

“A lot of us have been wondering for a long time now if @realDonaldTrump was going to try to start a war to distract from impeachment,” she wrote. “With his trial heading to the Senate imminently, we’ve got our answer, folks”

Hill’s remark follows the U.S. airstrike that resulted in the death of Iran’s top general, Qasem Soleimani, who directed terrorist proxies across the region and is responsible for the death of thousands. The Pentagon described it as a defensive action, confirming that Soleimani “was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region.”

“This strike was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans,” the statement read. “The United States will continue to take all necessary action to protect our people and our interests wherever they are around the world.” Katie Hill Accuses Trump of Starting a War to Distract from Impeachment
There go those Damn Democrats telling the truth again.

What "truth"? You mean like when they said Trump was going to cause a stock market of of historic proportions?

Or like when they said he would start a nuclear war with North Korea?

Or like the massive recession they predicted he would cause?

Or like when they said the NAFTA renegotiations wouldn’t go very well?

Or if he moved the American embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, there would be unending chaos and bloodshed?

Or like when the Democrats were thoroughly convinced that Trump was a "Russian agent"?

Or like the time they believed he actually paid hookers to urinate in a bed Obama slept in?

It sounds more like to me that Democrats are pathological liars.
Are you able to read and comprehend it?
Democrats don't seem to care that they're giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

Former Rep (D)Katie Hill accused Trump of starting a war with Iran to deflect attention away from impeachment.

Let's set the record straight. Iran attacked us first. We merely responded in an extremely forceful and effective manner. The Democrats would rather Trump disappear and crawl into a shell like Obama did when terrorists attacked the US Consulate in Benghazi. Instead...Trump killed the mastermind of the attack as well as hit several of their operational bases in Iraq. Democrats wanted him to tell them before he launched the attack so they could tip-off their Iranian friends.



Former Rep. Katie Hill (D-CA) accused President Trump on Friday of attempting to start a war with Iran to distract from impeachment.

This disgraced former congresswoman, who resigned from Congress after mounting allegations of inappropriate sexual relationships with congressional staffers, accused the president of trying to “start a war to distract from impeachment.”

“A lot of us have been wondering for a long time now if @realDonaldTrump was going to try to start a war to distract from impeachment,” she wrote. “With his trial heading to the Senate imminently, we’ve got our answer, folks”

Hill’s remark follows the U.S. airstrike that resulted in the death of Iran’s top general, Qasem Soleimani, who directed terrorist proxies across the region and is responsible for the death of thousands. The Pentagon described it as a defensive action, confirming that Soleimani “was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region.”

“This strike was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans,” the statement read. “The United States will continue to take all necessary action to protect our people and our interests wherever they are around the world.” Katie Hill Accuses Trump of Starting a War to Distract from Impeachment

Democrats impeached President Trump to distract from the economy, from the drug and homeless problems in their cities, and from the threats of Muslim terrorists.
Democrats don't seem to care that they're giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

Former Rep (D)Katie Hill accused Trump of starting a war with Iran to deflect attention away from impeachment.

Let's set the record straight. Iran attacked us first. We merely responded in an extremely forceful and effective manner. The Democrats would rather Trump disappear and crawl into a shell like Obama did when terrorists attacked the US Consulate in Benghazi. Instead...Trump killed the mastermind of the attack as well as hit several of their operational bases in Iraq. Democrats wanted him to tell them before he launched the attack so they could tip-off their Iranian friends.



Former Rep. Katie Hill (D-CA) accused President Trump on Friday of attempting to start a war with Iran to distract from impeachment.

This disgraced former congresswoman, who resigned from Congress after mounting allegations of inappropriate sexual relationships with congressional staffers, accused the president of trying to “start a war to distract from impeachment.”

“A lot of us have been wondering for a long time now if @realDonaldTrump was going to try to start a war to distract from impeachment,” she wrote. “With his trial heading to the Senate imminently, we’ve got our answer, folks”

Hill’s remark follows the U.S. airstrike that resulted in the death of Iran’s top general, Qasem Soleimani, who directed terrorist proxies across the region and is responsible for the death of thousands. The Pentagon described it as a defensive action, confirming that Soleimani “was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region.”

“This strike was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans,” the statement read. “The United States will continue to take all necessary action to protect our people and our interests wherever they are around the world.” Katie Hill Accuses Trump of Starting a War to Distract from Impeachment
There go those Damn Democrats telling the truth again.

What "truth"? You mean like when they said Trump was going to cause a stock market of of historic proportions?

Or like when they said he would start a nuclear war with North Korea?

Or like the massive recession they predicted he would cause?

Or like when they said the NAFTA renegotiations wouldn’t go very well?

Or if he moved the American embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, there would be unending chaos and bloodshed?

Or like when the Democrats were thoroughly convinced that Trump was a "Russian agent"?

Or like the time they believed he actually paid hookers to urinate in a bed Obama slept in?

It sounds more like to me that Democrats are pathological liars.
Are you able to read and comprehend it?

I just composed eight sentences, using big words that you can barely understand. It's pretty obvious that there's nothing wrong with my reading and comprehension abilities, hillbilly.

Now understand this: Democrats are liars, pure and simple. I refuse to accept anything that spews out of their facial fuckhole as the "truth."

Now enjoy this little song. It should be the theme song of the Democrat Party...

Democrats don't seem to care that they're giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

Former Rep (D)Katie Hill accused Trump of starting a war with Iran to deflect attention away from impeachment.

Let's set the record straight. Iran attacked us first. We merely responded in an extremely forceful and effective manner. The Democrats would rather Trump disappear and crawl into a shell like Obama did when terrorists attacked the US Consulate in Benghazi. Instead...Trump killed the mastermind of the attack as well as hit several of their operational bases in Iraq. Democrats wanted him to tell them before he launched the attack so they could tip-off their Iranian friends.



Former Rep. Katie Hill (D-CA) accused President Trump on Friday of attempting to start a war with Iran to distract from impeachment.

This disgraced former congresswoman, who resigned from Congress after mounting allegations of inappropriate sexual relationships with congressional staffers, accused the president of trying to “start a war to distract from impeachment.”

“A lot of us have been wondering for a long time now if @realDonaldTrump was going to try to start a war to distract from impeachment,” she wrote. “With his trial heading to the Senate imminently, we’ve got our answer, folks”

Hill’s remark follows the U.S. airstrike that resulted in the death of Iran’s top general, Qasem Soleimani, who directed terrorist proxies across the region and is responsible for the death of thousands. The Pentagon described it as a defensive action, confirming that Soleimani “was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region.”

“This strike was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans,” the statement read. “The United States will continue to take all necessary action to protect our people and our interests wherever they are around the world.” Katie Hill Accuses Trump of Starting a War to Distract from Impeachment
Lying Dems?
Wonder where your small mind is coming from
I suggest you return your commie SS Medicare VA benefits.
You have way too much time on your hands searching for dumb pics.
American thinker?
Just when I thought gateway pundit was the lowest of the low!!!
this troll always ignores that Obamas policys were the EXACT same as Bushs was,that he expanded warmonger Bushs policys, One example of how he irresponsibly blames everything on the dems ignoring the repubs corruption Plus Romney was one of the first people who signed Obamacare,two birds of a feather. what more proof does this troll need that both parties are corrupt? :abgg2q.jpg::cuckoo:
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I know that being lied about can be rough, but at the end of the day the attention should be appreciated because its better than working off your butt only to be ignored completely for the most part.

God bless you always!!!

Failed impeachment attempt? Nah - Trump is impeached. Always will be. ;)

How has a silly "impeachment" stopped Trump from continuing to do what he wants to do?

Not much of an "impeachment", is it?

Even less once the Senate Frisbee's it into the wastebasket.

You know that McConnell can't wait to sink his teeth into those impeachment articles, chew them up, and shred them all over the floor of the Senate

SIc 'em doggie. :laugh:

Moscow Mitch McTurtle can't save the Dotard all by himself. All we need is three Republicans with the stones to demand witnesses and documents. Nope, the Senate won't convict, but at least there won't be a fake trial.

The American people aren't stupid.

You already had your witnesses when the House held their impeachment inquiry. That's all you're going to get.

And apparently, a portion of the American people are very stupid, if they think they're going to get rid of this President that easily.

Nope sorry - D's didn't get the witnesses they wanted. Rudy, Pompeo, Pence, Mulvaney and of course McGhan to name a few.

One judge after the next has ruled that the president is not a king. There is no such thing as "absolute immunity".
How has a silly "impeachment" stopped Trump from continuing to do what he wants to do?

Not much of an "impeachment", is it?

Even less once the Senate Frisbee's it into the wastebasket.

You know that McConnell can't wait to sink his teeth into those impeachment articles, chew them up, and shred them all over the floor of the Senate

SIc 'em doggie. :laugh:

Moscow Mitch McTurtle can't save the Dotard all by himself. All we need is three Republicans with the stones to demand witnesses and documents. Nope, the Senate won't convict, but at least there won't be a fake trial.

The American people aren't stupid.

You already had your witnesses when the House held their impeachment inquiry. That's all you're going to get.

And apparently, a portion of the American people are very stupid, if they think they're going to get rid of this President that easily.

Nope sorry - D's didn't get the witnesses they wanted. Rudy, Pompeo, Pence, Mulvaney and of course McGhan to name a few.

They could have gone to court in an attempt to get them. Guess they didn't want them that bad.
Trump already knows that the impeachment will fizzle. If Iran had not attacked our embassy that dead terrorist would still be alive.
Even less once the Senate Frisbee's it into the wastebasket.

You know that McConnell can't wait to sink his teeth into those impeachment articles, chew them up, and shred them all over the floor of the Senate

SIc 'em doggie. :laugh:

Moscow Mitch McTurtle can't save the Dotard all by himself. All we need is three Republicans with the stones to demand witnesses and documents. Nope, the Senate won't convict, but at least there won't be a fake trial.

The American people aren't stupid.

You already had your witnesses when the House held their impeachment inquiry. That's all you're going to get.

And apparently, a portion of the American people are very stupid, if they think they're going to get rid of this President that easily.

Nope sorry - D's didn't get the witnesses they wanted. Rudy, Pompeo, Pence, Mulvaney and of course McGhan to name a few.

They could have gone to court in an attempt to get them. Guess they didn't want them that bad.

They did go to court. Trump got a stay pending appeal every time he lost a ruling. That shit could have taken YEARS.

We're out of time. Your Orange Clown is openly inviting foreign actors to meddle in our election (AGAIN).

Fuck that -
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TWITTER is putting conservative posters in temporary suspension for their support of Trump killing a terrorist general.
Is Twitter is putting a thousand of these people who served their country honorably but who were killed by soleimani in temporary suspension also?
How many little American boys have to visit their dad that Soleimani Killed like this:
What took them so long to start up this lie? There is no "war" (A) and if Trump wanted to deflect attention the last thing he would do would be to kill one of the globe's leading terrorists (B) stirring up that leftist shit storm.

If you knew you could kill this guy saving so many innocent lives wouldn't any president be derelict for not doing it? Leftist pricks don't care.
You know that McConnell can't wait to sink his teeth into those impeachment articles, chew them up, and shred them all over the floor of the Senate

SIc 'em doggie. :laugh:

Moscow Mitch McTurtle can't save the Dotard all by himself. All we need is three Republicans with the stones to demand witnesses and documents. Nope, the Senate won't convict, but at least there won't be a fake trial.

The American people aren't stupid.

You already had your witnesses when the House held their impeachment inquiry. That's all you're going to get.

And apparently, a portion of the American people are very stupid, if they think they're going to get rid of this President that easily.

Nope sorry - D's didn't get the witnesses they wanted. Rudy, Pompeo, Pence, Mulvaney and of course McGhan to name a few.

They could have gone to court in an attempt to get them. Guess they didn't want them that bad.

They did go to court. Trump got a stay every time he lost a ruling. That shit could have taken YEARS.

We're out of time. Your Orange Clown is openly inviting foreign actors to meddle in our election (AGAIN).

Fuck that -
Moscow Mitch McTurtle can't save the Dotard all by himself. All we need is three Republicans with the stones to demand witnesses and documents. Nope, the Senate won't convict, but at least there won't be a fake trial.

The American people aren't stupid.

You already had your witnesses when the House held their impeachment inquiry. That's all you're going to get.

And apparently, a portion of the American people are very stupid, if they think they're going to get rid of this President that easily.

Nope sorry - D's didn't get the witnesses they wanted. Rudy, Pompeo, Pence, Mulvaney and of course McGhan to name a few.

They could have gone to court in an attempt to get them. Guess they didn't want them that bad.

They did go to court. Trump got a stay every time he lost a ruling. That shit could have taken YEARS.

We're out of time. Your Orange Clown is openly inviting foreign actors to meddle in our election (AGAIN).

Fuck that -

You really should stop laughing and lying about how D's shoulda gone to court. ;)
You already had your witnesses when the House held their impeachment inquiry. That's all you're going to get.

And apparently, a portion of the American people are very stupid, if they think they're going to get rid of this President that easily.

Nope sorry - D's didn't get the witnesses they wanted. Rudy, Pompeo, Pence, Mulvaney and of course McGhan to name a few.

They could have gone to court in an attempt to get them. Guess they didn't want them that bad.

They did go to court. Trump got a stay every time he lost a ruling. That shit could have taken YEARS.

We're out of time. Your Orange Clown is openly inviting foreign actors to meddle in our election (AGAIN).

Fuck that -

You really should stop laughing and lying about how D's shoulda gone to court. ;)

You people provide me with hours of laughter. Keep up the good work.
Nope sorry - D's didn't get the witnesses they wanted. Rudy, Pompeo, Pence, Mulvaney and of course McGhan to name a few.

They could have gone to court in an attempt to get them. Guess they didn't want them that bad.

They did go to court. Trump got a stay every time he lost a ruling. That shit could have taken YEARS.

We're out of time. Your Orange Clown is openly inviting foreign actors to meddle in our election (AGAIN).

Fuck that -

You really should stop laughing and lying about how D's shoulda gone to court. ;)

You people provide me with hours of laughter. Keep up the good work.

Thank you for your ever-so-substantive responses and let me assure you - I come here to read Trumpublican crapola for entertainment purposes only.
Democrats don't seem to care that they're giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

Former Rep (D)Katie Hill accused Trump of starting a war with Iran to deflect attention away from impeachment.

Let's set the record straight. Iran attacked us first. We merely responded in an extremely forceful and effective manner. The Democrats would rather Trump disappear and crawl into a shell like Obama did when terrorists attacked the US Consulate in Benghazi. Instead...Trump killed the mastermind of the attack as well as hit several of their operational bases in Iraq. Democrats wanted him to tell them before he launched the attack so they could tip-off their Iranian friends.



Former Rep. Katie Hill (D-CA) accused President Trump on Friday of attempting to start a war with Iran to distract from impeachment.

This disgraced former congresswoman, who resigned from Congress after mounting allegations of inappropriate sexual relationships with congressional staffers, accused the president of trying to “start a war to distract from impeachment.”

“A lot of us have been wondering for a long time now if @realDonaldTrump was going to try to start a war to distract from impeachment,” she wrote. “With his trial heading to the Senate imminently, we’ve got our answer, folks”

Hill’s remark follows the U.S. airstrike that resulted in the death of Iran’s top general, Qasem Soleimani, who directed terrorist proxies across the region and is responsible for the death of thousands. The Pentagon described it as a defensive action, confirming that Soleimani “was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region.”

“This strike was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans,” the statement read. “The United States will continue to take all necessary action to protect our people and our interests wherever they are around the world.” Katie Hill Accuses Trump of Starting a War to Distract from Impeachment
Lying Dems?
Wonder where your small mind is coming from
I suggest you return your commie SS Medicare VA benefits.
You have way too much time on your hands searching for dumb pics.
American thinker?
Just when I thought gateway pundit was the lowest of the low!!!
this troll always ignores that Obamas policys were the EXACT same as Bushs was,that he expanded warmonger Bushs policys, One example of how he irresponsibly blames everything on the dems ignoring the repubs corruption Plus Romney was one of the first people who signed Obamacare,two birds of a feather. what more proof does this troll need that both parties are corrupt? :abgg2q.jpg::cuckoo:

"The Affordable Care Act, also called Obamacare, received no Republican votes in either the Senate or the House of Representatives when it was passed in 2009. In the Senate, the bill was passed with a total of 60 votes, or 58 Democratic Party votes and 2 Independent Party votes. The House passed the legislation with 219 Democratic votes.."

How Many Republicans Voted for Obamacare?
Moscow Mitch McTurtle can't save the Dotard all by himself. All we need is three Republicans with the stones to demand witnesses and documents. Nope, the Senate won't convict, but at least there won't be a fake trial.

The American people aren't stupid.
Some of them you and your pals.
We already had the fake trial under Bug Eyes Schiff's direction in the basement of the Senate building.
No witnesses for the accused, no lawyers, no cross examination, no media allowed.....a real Soviet show trial.

Just the way you filth like it.
Moscow Mitch McTurtle can't save the Dotard all by himself. All we need is three Republicans with the stones to demand witnesses and documents. Nope, the Senate won't convict, but at least there won't be a fake trial.

The American people aren't stupid.
Some of them you and your pals.
We already had the fake trial under Bug Eyes Schiff's direction in the basement of the Senate building.
No witnesses for the accused, no lawyers, no cross examination, no media allowed.....a real Soviet show trial.

Just the way you filth like it.

Donald and his minions were given EVERYTHING they demanded. Cut it with the propaganda and lies please.
How has a silly "impeachment" stopped Trump from continuing to do what he wants to do?

Not much of an "impeachment", is it?

Even less once the Senate Frisbee's it into the wastebasket.

You know that McConnell can't wait to sink his teeth into those impeachment articles, chew them up, and shred them all over the floor of the Senate

SIc 'em doggie. :laugh:

Moscow Mitch McTurtle can't save the Dotard all by himself. All we need is three Republicans with the stones to demand witnesses and documents. Nope, the Senate won't convict, but at least there won't be a fake trial.

The American people aren't stupid.

You already had your witnesses when the House held their impeachment inquiry. That's all you're going to get.

And apparently, a portion of the American people are very stupid, if they think they're going to get rid of this President that easily.

Nope sorry - D's didn't get the witnesses they wanted. Rudy, Pompeo, Pence, Mulvaney and of course McGhan to name a few.

One judge after the next has ruled that the president is not a king. There is no such thing as "absolute immunity".

Rudy, Pompeo, Pence, Mulvaney and of course McGhan, are not going to tell you anything you don't already know.

How many times do you little children need to stick a fork in the electrical socket, before you realize you're getting the shit shocked out of you? I only had to do it once.
Donald and his minions were given EVERYTHING they demanded. Cut it with the propaganda and lies please.
You must think the bigger the lie the more people will buy it. By "people" I mean soulless unethical shitbags with no sense of honor or shame. Like you.

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