Liberals Have Gone Off the Deep End Make Crazy Wag the Dog Claim

They have become publicly anti-American to an astounding degree.
Here's the transcript.

The Liberals are losing it here. The US Embassy was attacked. One of the top terrorist was IN Baghdad.

Liberals and Hollywood types are apologizing to Iran for our actions against a mass murderer.

Trump did the right thing. There is no "wag the dog" here. Why, because the impeachment disaster is helping Trump and an acquittal is on the horizon. This gives the Democrats, not Trump, an opportunity to change the narrative. The safest option for Trump politically was to do nothing in all honesty.
Democrats don't seem to care that they're giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

Former Rep (D)Katie Hill accused Trump of starting a war with Iran to deflect attention away from impeachment.

Let's set the record straight. Iran attacked us first. We merely responded in an extremely forceful and effective manner. The Democrats would rather Trump disappear and crawl into a shell like Obama did when terrorists attacked the US Consulate in Benghazi. Instead...Trump killed the mastermind of the attack as well as hit several of their operational bases in Iraq. Democrats wanted him to tell them before he launched the attack so they could tip-off their Iranian friends.



Former Rep. Katie Hill (D-CA) accused President Trump on Friday of attempting to start a war with Iran to distract from impeachment.

This disgraced former congresswoman, who resigned from Congress after mounting allegations of inappropriate sexual relationships with congressional staffers, accused the president of trying to “start a war to distract from impeachment.”

“A lot of us have been wondering for a long time now if @realDonaldTrump was going to try to start a war to distract from impeachment,” she wrote. “With his trial heading to the Senate imminently, we’ve got our answer, folks”

Hill’s remark follows the U.S. airstrike that resulted in the death of Iran’s top general, Qasem Soleimani, who directed terrorist proxies across the region and is responsible for the death of thousands. The Pentagon described it as a defensive action, confirming that Soleimani “was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region.”

“This strike was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans,” the statement read. “The United States will continue to take all necessary action to protect our people and our interests wherever they are around the world.” Katie Hill Accuses Trump of Starting a War to Distract from Impeachment
There go those Damn Democrats telling the truth again.

What "truth"? You mean like when they said Trump was going to cause a stock market of of historic proportions?

Or like when they said he would start a nuclear war with North Korea?

Or like the massive recession they predicted he would cause?

Or like when they said the NAFTA renegotiations wouldn’t go very well?

Or if he moved the American embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, there would be unending chaos and bloodshed?

Or like when the Democrats were thoroughly convinced that Trump was a "Russian agent"?

Or like the time they believed he actually paid hookers to urinate in a bed Obama slept in?

It sounds more like to me that Democrats are pathological liars.
Are you able to read and comprehend it?

I just composed eight sentences, using big words that you can barely understand. It's pretty obvious that there's nothing wrong with my reading and comprehension abilities, hillbilly.

Now understand this: Democrats are liars, pure and simple. I refuse to accept anything that spews out of their facial fuckhole as the "truth."

Now enjoy this little song. It should be the theme song of the Democrat Party...

You did not reply to what was said, you just spewed ignorant, right wing dribble.
TDS has no bounds...............they only care about getting rid of Trump........not the facts that led to this........or what the FAILURES of OBAMA did to us.
I think the Democrats have become the greatest weapon our enemies have.
They and their media are giving aid to the enemy and are a massive security risk.

It is amazing how blatantly and openly ANTI American the Democrats and MEDIA have become yet they still can brainwash a lot of people to believe their Globalist, Communist agenda with the hoax of Man Made Climate Change leading the way. It is self hate, and guilt sold to them by hypocritical liars.
If you didn't think libs were crazy before, read this:

Libs have totally lost touch with reality.

<<I anticipated that the current president would start a war. Is Donald Trump now, indeed, in the process of doing that, not against my fictional target, Honduras, but against Iran – a somewhat bigger fish?
Word of the killing of Iranian Revolutionary Guard General Qasem Soleimani came at the end of the working day Thursday, US Eastern time – and Congress had not been notified in advance.>>

If this doesn't convince you to vote Republican in 2020, nothing will.

All the far left had to do was not as crazy as Trump and they doubled down on stupid.

Voting far left is never the answer!
Democrats don't seem to care that they're giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

Former Rep (D)Katie Hill accused Trump of starting a war with Iran to deflect attention away from impeachment.

Let's set the record straight. Iran attacked us first. We merely responded in an extremely forceful and effective manner. The Democrats would rather Trump disappear and crawl into a shell like Obama did when terrorists attacked the US Consulate in Benghazi. Instead...Trump killed the mastermind of the attack as well as hit several of their operational bases in Iraq. Democrats wanted him to tell them before he launched the attack so they could tip-off their Iranian friends.



Former Rep. Katie Hill (D-CA) accused President Trump on Friday of attempting to start a war with Iran to distract from impeachment.

This disgraced former congresswoman, who resigned from Congress after mounting allegations of inappropriate sexual relationships with congressional staffers, accused the president of trying to “start a war to distract from impeachment.”

“A lot of us have been wondering for a long time now if @realDonaldTrump was going to try to start a war to distract from impeachment,” she wrote. “With his trial heading to the Senate imminently, we’ve got our answer, folks”

Hill’s remark follows the U.S. airstrike that resulted in the death of Iran’s top general, Qasem Soleimani, who directed terrorist proxies across the region and is responsible for the death of thousands. The Pentagon described it as a defensive action, confirming that Soleimani “was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region.”

“This strike was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans,” the statement read. “The United States will continue to take all necessary action to protect our people and our interests wherever they are around the world.” Katie Hill Accuses Trump of Starting a War to Distract from Impeachment
There go those Damn Democrats telling the truth again.

What "truth"? You mean like when they said Trump was going to cause a stock market of of historic proportions?

Or like when they said he would start a nuclear war with North Korea?

Or like the massive recession they predicted he would cause?

Or like when they said the NAFTA renegotiations wouldn’t go very well?

Or if he moved the American embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, there would be unending chaos and bloodshed?

Or like when the Democrats were thoroughly convinced that Trump was a "Russian agent"?

Or like the time they believed he actually paid hookers to urinate in a bed Obama slept in?

It sounds more like to me that Democrats are pathological liars.
Are you able to read and comprehend it?

I just composed eight sentences, using big words that you can barely understand. It's pretty obvious that there's nothing wrong with my reading and comprehension abilities, hillbilly.

Now understand this: Democrats are liars, pure and simple. I refuse to accept anything that spews out of their facial fuckhole as the "truth."

Now enjoy this little song. It should be the theme song of the Democrat Party...

You did not reply to what was said, you just spewed ignorant, right wing dribble.

Right wing dribble.....common-sense.

Apparently.....Democrats support everything that is bad for us.

"John Bolton and Gen. Petraeus (the instigators and architects of our regime change wars) and other neocons are all praising Trump's actions in Iraq. This tells us everything we need to know about Trump's Iraq/Iran/Syria foreign policy. And it's the opposite of what many Trump voters voted for. " - Tremendous Tulsi Gabbard
It's a shame Bolton is no longer part of the team at the WH. Following his directions is good foreign policy.
We are all Americans and if America is at war with Iran or is threatening to attack America, we have to support OUR country no matter what the situation is. We know the Iran leadership is bad, so if push comes to shove "pick up your weapon and follow me".
We are all Americans and if America is at war with Iran or is threatening to attack America, we have to support OUR country no matter what the situation is. We know the Iran leadership is bad, so if push comes to shove "pick up your weapon and follow me".
Libs just don't get it. We must be patriotic and back our president when we are at war.
the right think the left is misguided, the left think the right are evil! - Dennis Prager
If you didn't think libs were crazy before, read this:

Libs have totally lost touch with reality.

<<I anticipated that the current president would start a war. Is Donald Trump now, indeed, in the process of doing that, not against my fictional target, Honduras, but against Iran – a somewhat bigger fish?
Word of the killing of Iranian Revolutionary Guard General Qasem Soleimani came at the end of the working day Thursday, US Eastern time – and Congress had not been notified in advance.>>

If this doesn't convince you to vote Republican in 2020, nothing will.
To be honest with you, I hope we do have ww3...its in revelations....persia is iran and the bible speaks on persia destroying the world...i love this shit, no more cable bills and mortage payments...bring it!!
We are all Americans and if America is at war with Iran or is threatening to attack America, we have to support OUR country no matter what the situation is. We know the Iran leadership is bad, so if push comes to shove "pick up your weapon and follow me".
Libs just don't get it. We must be patriotic and back our president when we are at war.
Yeah, like we did Obama....LOLLOLOLOL...fuck Trump!!
There go those Damn Democrats telling the truth again.

What "truth"? You mean like when they said Trump was going to cause a stock market of of historic proportions?

Or like when they said he would start a nuclear war with North Korea?

Or like the massive recession they predicted he would cause?

Or like when they said the NAFTA renegotiations wouldn’t go very well?

Or if he moved the American embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, there would be unending chaos and bloodshed?

Or like when the Democrats were thoroughly convinced that Trump was a "Russian agent"?

Or like the time they believed he actually paid hookers to urinate in a bed Obama slept in?

It sounds more like to me that Democrats are pathological liars.
Are you able to read and comprehend it?

I just composed eight sentences, using big words that you can barely understand. It's pretty obvious that there's nothing wrong with my reading and comprehension abilities, hillbilly.

Now understand this: Democrats are liars, pure and simple. I refuse to accept anything that spews out of their facial fuckhole as the "truth."

Now enjoy this little song. It should be the theme song of the Democrat Party...

You did not reply to what was said, you just spewed ignorant, right wing dribble.

Right wing dribble.....common-sense.

Apparently.....Democrats support everything that is bad for us.


Yes, this is why I am rarely on these boards any more.
What "truth"? You mean like when they said Trump was going to cause a stock market of of historic proportions?

Or like when they said he would start a nuclear war with North Korea?

Or like the massive recession they predicted he would cause?

Or like when they said the NAFTA renegotiations wouldn’t go very well?

Or if he moved the American embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, there would be unending chaos and bloodshed?

Or like when the Democrats were thoroughly convinced that Trump was a "Russian agent"?

Or like the time they believed he actually paid hookers to urinate in a bed Obama slept in?

It sounds more like to me that Democrats are pathological liars.
Are you able to read and comprehend it?

I just composed eight sentences, using big words that you can barely understand. It's pretty obvious that there's nothing wrong with my reading and comprehension abilities, hillbilly.

Now understand this: Democrats are liars, pure and simple. I refuse to accept anything that spews out of their facial fuckhole as the "truth."

Now enjoy this little song. It should be the theme song of the Democrat Party...

You did not reply to what was said, you just spewed ignorant, right wing dribble.

Right wing dribble.....common-sense.

Apparently.....Democrats support everything that is bad for us.


Yes, this is why I am rarely on these boards any more.

Ahhh, I see. Because you don't like being wrong.

Try the Democratic Underground board. They'd love your ass. :laughing0301:
If the Pee Pee Tapes came out tomorrow, all his supporters will be saying how awesome he was in the film.

They'll demand an Academy Award for Best Actor :)

Did you liberals ever find the pee tape?

Not yet, Vlad will keep it close to the vest until Donnie Dotard crosses him. The Soleimani hit has Sergey and Vlad pretty PO'd.

Might see it any day now! :)

‘Grave consequences’: Russia rebukes US for killing Soleimani

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