Liberals- how dare you equate tranny bathroom stuff to black Civil Rights of the past.

Liberals say MLK has been replaced now. This is the new MLK. It's equal. They said so themselves.

View attachment 74326
Are you holding up that picture as a transgendered person? If you are, it explains how little you know about the subject.

Yes. It's a dude...posing as a woman. That is who your side is fighting ensure he can follow everyone's daughter into the restroom.
Liberals say MLK has been replaced now. This is the new MLK. It's equal. They said so themselves.

View attachment 74326
Are you holding up that picture as a transgendered person? If you are, it explains how little you know about the subject.

That explains how hard he has to troll. Now he has to be even more and more crazy and saying things that dont make sense.
Just saw a clip of that racist fucking little hobbit Loretta Lynch making her dictator speech to the state of NC......and I've seen many libs make the same argument....of equating these freak tranny issues to the civil rights era that black people suffered through.

How fucking dare you lefties make that argument. Black people the hands of the DEMOCRAT PARTY....injustices in the past that were disgusting. Segregated everything. Lynching. No voting rights. No education. Being beaten and killed by hate groups police back in those decades.

And you compare THEIR plight to the plight today of a fucking perverted mentally ill man who wants to hang out in the little girls restroom????

How fucking dare you. I hope all the black people of this nation see this bullshit. The centuries of abuse your ancestors fought through??? Well...yeah....libs basically see it as being no more than a dude who can't piss in a women's restroom.

It's the same ya know???

Too funny, you really don't get it do you slack jawed goober, the HB2 bill wan't about bathrooms to begin with, in addition a southern cracka talking and preaching about civil rights for African Americans is laughable. It took the federal government to send troops down to cracka land to straighten you slackjawed inbreds out in the 60's

Yes. THE DEMOCRAT PARTY of the 1960s had to be met with force. And it was. And it won civil rights for blacks. Despite the resistance of the DEMOCRAT PARTY to grant those rights.
Yes, it was the Southern Democratic Party in the 50s and 60s in the South that fought for segregation. Are you saying the Democratic Party today is made up of the same people with the same agenda?
The southern crackas are living in the 1950's , but are shitting their depends on becoming a marginalized minority
Liberals say MLK has been replaced now. This is the new MLK. It's equal. They said so themselves.

View attachment 74326
Are you holding up that picture as a transgendered person? If you are, it explains how little you know about the subject.

That explains how hard he has to troll. Now he has to be even more and more crazy and saying things that dont make sense.

Like what?? Prove me wrong.

How do YOU feel about Loretta Lynch trying to equate this issue to the decades of abuses before the Civil Rights bills passed??

It's almost Iike equating a teenagers bravery in a paintball competition to the Army storming the beaches of Normandy in WW2.
Just saw a clip of that racist fucking little hobbit Loretta Lynch making her dictator speech to the state of NC......and I've seen many libs make the same argument....of equating these freak tranny issues to the civil rights era that black people suffered through.

How fucking dare you lefties make that argument. Black people the hands of the DEMOCRAT PARTY....injustices in the past that were disgusting. Segregated everything. Lynching. No voting rights. No education. Being beaten and killed by hate groups police back in those decades.

And you compare THEIR plight to the plight today of a fucking perverted mentally ill man who wants to hang out in the little girls restroom????

How fucking dare you. I hope all the black people of this nation see this bullshit. The centuries of abuse your ancestors fought through??? Well...yeah....libs basically see it as being no more than a dude who can't piss in a women's restroom.

It's the same ya know???

Too funny, you really don't get it do you slack jawed goober, the HB2 bill wan't about bathrooms to begin with, in addition a southern cracka talking and preaching about civil rights for African Americans is laughable. It took the federal government to send troops down to cracka land to straighten you slackjawed inbreds out in the 60's

Yes. THE DEMOCRAT PARTY of the 1960s had to be met with force. And it was. And it won civil rights for blacks. Despite the resistance of the DEMOCRAT PARTY to grant those rights.
Yes, it was the Southern Democratic Party in the 50s and 60s in the South that fought for segregation. Are you saying the Democratic Party today is made up of the same people with the same agenda?
The southern crackas are living in the 1950's , but are shitting their depends on becoming a marginalized minority

Guno.....YOU are an old Southern white male. I'm so sorry for your misery.
freak access to bathrooms, schools, wherever, is not a civil right.
Liberals say MLK has been replaced now. This is the new MLK. It's equal. They said so themselves.

View attachment 74326
Are you holding up that picture as a transgendered person? If you are, it explains how little you know about the subject.

That explains how hard he has to troll. Now he has to be even more and more crazy and saying things that dont make sense.

Like what?? Prove me wrong.

How do YOU feel about Loretta Lynch trying to equate this issue to the decades of abuses before the Civil Rights bills passed??

It's almost Iike equating a teenagers bravery in a paintball competition to the Army storming the beaches of Normandy in WW2.

It's like equating teenagers groping each other by their lockers with the storming of.normandy.
freak access to bathrooms, schools, wherever, is not a civil right.

Yes it is. The Obama Regime just declared it to be so.

Black voting rights.
Black rights to eat in white restaurants.
Black rights to public education.
Tranny dude right to piss next to a 10 yr old girl in girls restroom.

It's all equal according to the Obama admin.
Liberals say MLK has been replaced now. This is the new MLK. It's equal. They said so themselves.

View attachment 74326
Are you holding up that picture as a transgendered person? If you are, it explains how little you know about the subject.

That explains how hard he has to troll. Now he has to be even more and more crazy and saying things that dont make sense.

Like what?? Prove me wrong..

Your own posts do that for me.

You're only interested in putting 2 groups you dont like against each other by pretending...only today...that NOW you care. But you forgot about your reputation. No one believes you for a second.

You're just a rabble rouser pretending
Liberals say MLK has been replaced now. This is the new MLK. It's equal. They said so themselves.

View attachment 74326
Are you holding up that picture as a transgendered person? If you are, it explains how little you know about the subject.

That explains how hard he has to troll. Now he has to be even more and more crazy and saying things that dont make sense.

Like what?? Prove me wrong..

Your own posts do that for me.

You're only interested in putting 2 groups you dont like against each other by pretending...only today...that NOW you care. But you forgot about your reputation. No one believes you for a second.

You're just a rabble rouser pretending

I don't dislike black people. The complete opposite. I just hate thugs. And....unlike Democrats....I don't treat black folks like pets or children. So no kid gloves when I comment. I can call out people who act like animals of any color because there is no difference and liberals need to stop treating some groups like children or pets that need to be coddled and shielded from harsh words.

Yall can handle it. Just like white trash rednecks.
Just saw a clip of that racist fucking little hobbit Loretta Lynch making her dictator speech to the state of NC......and I've seen many libs make the same argument....of equating these freak tranny issues to the civil rights era that black people suffered through.

How fucking dare you lefties make that argument. Black people the hands of the DEMOCRAT PARTY....injustices in the past that were disgusting. Segregated everything. Lynching. No voting rights. No education. Being beaten and killed by hate groups police back in those decades.

And you compare THEIR plight to the plight today of a fucking perverted mentally ill man who wants to hang out in the little girls restroom????

How fucking dare you. I hope all the black people of this nation see this bullshit. The centuries of abuse your ancestors fought through??? Well...yeah....libs basically see it as being no more than a dude who can't piss in a women's restroom.

It's the same ya know???

Civil rights are ALWAYS under threat from conservatives.

Something isn't a civil right simply because YOU say it is.

Personally, I couldn't care less which bathroom someone uses. I DO however care about two things here.

1. That once again we see that no matter how stupid the topic, we have stupid partisan morons on both sides who march in lockstep.

2. Once again we seen an authoritarian douchebag portion of the population insisting that the government make private businesses do what they are told.
Thanks for your concern but we dont need you to play both sides into a fight. Thanks tho

Playing both into it??? Dude.....I'm a spectator. And what the Democrat Party doing is disgusting. How black Americans still vote for them baffles my mind. Every policy they have.....leads right back to a life of poverty and government dependence. do you feel about Planned Parenthood? Hillary praises them and their founder Margaret Sanger. Did you know the purpose of PP being founded was to exterminate blacks??? And Hillary & the Dems EMBRACE this organization?????
Just saw a clip of that racist fucking little hobbit Loretta Lynch making her dictator speech to the state of NC......and I've seen many libs make the same argument....of equating these freak tranny issues to the civil rights era that black people suffered through.

How fucking dare you lefties make that argument. Black people the hands of the DEMOCRAT PARTY....injustices in the past that were disgusting. Segregated everything. Lynching. No voting rights. No education. Being beaten and killed by hate groups police back in those decades.

And you compare THEIR plight to the plight today of a fucking perverted mentally ill man who wants to hang out in the little girls restroom????

How fucking dare you. I hope all the black people of this nation see this bullshit. The centuries of abuse your ancestors fought through??? Well...yeah....libs basically see it as being no more than a dude who can't piss in a women's restroom.

It's the same ya know???

Civil rights are ALWAYS under threat from conservatives.
They have a fit every time civil rights are brought up.....

And likewise bodecea it seems the leftwing have a fit
whenever anyone from the right asks for THEIR liberties and beliefs to be included in the equation!
Just saw a clip of that racist fucking little hobbit Loretta Lynch making her dictator speech to the state of NC......and I've seen many libs make the same argument....of equating these freak tranny issues to the civil rights era that black people suffered through.

How fucking dare you lefties make that argument. Black people the hands of the DEMOCRAT PARTY....injustices in the past that were disgusting. Segregated everything. Lynching. No voting rights. No education. Being beaten and killed by hate groups police back in those decades.

And you compare THEIR plight to the plight today of a fucking perverted mentally ill man who wants to hang out in the little girls restroom????

How fucking dare you. I hope all the black people of this nation see this bullshit. The centuries of abuse your ancestors fought through??? Well...yeah....libs basically see it as being no more than a dude who can't piss in a women's restroom.

It's the same ya know???

Too funny, you really don't get it do you slack jawed goober, the HB2 bill wan't about bathrooms to begin with, in addition a southern cracka talking and preaching about civil rights for African Americans is laughable. It took the federal government to send troops down to cracka land to straighten you slackjawed inbreds out in the 60's

Yes. THE DEMOCRAT PARTY of the 1960s had to be met with force. And it was. And it won civil rights for blacks. Despite the resistance of the DEMOCRAT PARTY to grant those rights.
Yes, it was the Southern Democratic Party in the 50s and 60s in the South that fought for segregation. Are you saying the Democratic Party today is made up of the same people with the same agenda?

Yes. I am. Keeping black people poor and dependent on the government. Every policy of the Democrat Party....then and now....ensures that reality.

The Democrat Party to this day praises Planned organization founded on the ideal of exterminating blacks. Founded by Margaret Sanger....a person Hillary has admitted she admires.....who advocated exterminating blacks.

So yes.....when your party continues to support a group with that founding's hard to see it any other way.

Dear bucs90 so why not sue the Democrats to separate their party politics and beliefs
and fund their own abortions, health care mandates, and birth control policies? And keep these beliefs out of public policy if not all the public agrees?

What if the parties were set up like churches, where people can CHOOSE to fund them,
to participate in services and follow those policies or REFRAIN from participating and funding them.

What if we started treating political beliefs as we do religious beliefs, and keep these OUT of govt except where people agree they intersect on policy.
(For example on the issue of murder, both church laws and state laws agree that murder is against the law, so nobody argues that
laws against murder are religious in nature and against "separation of church and state." We happen to agree on those laws, so they stand.
We no longer agree on marriage laws, so those now carry religious bias and stand to be removed from govt jurisdiction unless neutral policies can be agreed on.)

I'd like to put out a call to both fellow Democrats AND Republicans to SUE the Democratic Party and Leadership,
requiring them to set up "a universal singlepayer health care" for their own members funded and managed by their own members,
instead of imposing this system on others who believe in free market approaches to developing sustainable and effective health care provisions.

bucs90 would you be interested in forming a team with me to push for a lawsuit?
And force the Party by Court Order to fulfill its own platform and promises to its membership?

My friends all pushing for universal care don't believe in the ACA deal requiring taxpayers money to go to corporate insurance either!!!
They would love to force the push for Singlepayer.

Why not start with the members and leaders of the Democratic Party to set up such a plan collectively for their own body?
I would further propose to sue the Democratic Party to set up alternatives to the death penalty and other restorative
justice prison programs, as promised to constituents in the party platforms, in order to FUND health care for
that population they claim to represent.

Wouldn't that be cool to start a movement, forcing the Party to fulfill their promises to avoid committing "advertising fraud" by not delivering what they promise to voters
and funders. (Please note that the TDP platform clearly states "we BELIEVE" that health care is a right, ie declares this as a BELIEF. Thus by "separation of church and state"
people should have the FREE CHOICE to adopt and fund a BELIEF and should never be forced by the state to endorse a BELIEF under "penalty of law." Why can't we
sue to keep this Political Belief out of govt and to COMPEL Democratic Leaders, Members, and Donors to fund their own such program we can argue they OWE TO CONSTITUENTS SINCE THEY HAVE REPRESENTED AND MADE THESE PROMISES AS PART OF COLLECTING CAMPAIGN AND PARTY DONATIONS.)

You in?
Just saw a clip of that racist fucking little hobbit Loretta Lynch making her dictator speech to the state of NC......and I've seen many libs make the same argument....of equating these freak tranny issues to the civil rights era that black people suffered through.

How fucking dare you lefties make that argument. Black people the hands of the DEMOCRAT PARTY....injustices in the past that were disgusting. Segregated everything. Lynching. No voting rights. No education. Being beaten and killed by hate groups police back in those decades.

And you compare THEIR plight to the plight today of a fucking perverted mentally ill man who wants to hang out in the little girls restroom????

How fucking dare you. I hope all the black people of this nation see this bullshit. The centuries of abuse your ancestors fought through??? Well...yeah....libs basically see it as being no more than a dude who can't piss in a women's restroom.

It's the same ya know???
The ignorance of the thread premise is exceeded only by its stupidity.

For well over 60 years liberals have defended the civil rights of all Americans against conservative racism and bigotry.

Today is no different, as conservative bigots seek to disadvantage transgender Americans through force of law for no other reason than who they are:

‘Speaking at a press conference, Attorney General Loretta Lynch called the law "impermissibly discriminatory," and compared the struggle transgender Americans are facing to civil-rights battles against women and African-Americans.

"It was not so very long ago that states, including North Carolina, had signs above restrooms, water fountains and on public accommodations keeping people out based upon a distinction without a difference," she said.’

The Department of Justice is suing North Carolina over its same-sex bathroom law


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