Liberals- how dare you equate tranny bathroom stuff to black Civil Rights of the past.

Just saw a clip of that racist fucking little hobbit Loretta Lynch making her dictator speech to the state of NC......and I've seen many libs make the same argument....of equating these freak tranny issues to the civil rights era that black people suffered through.

How fucking dare you lefties make that argument. Black people the hands of the DEMOCRAT PARTY....injustices in the past that were disgusting. Segregated everything. Lynching. No voting rights. No education. Being beaten and killed by hate groups police back in those decades.

And you compare THEIR plight to the plight today of a fucking perverted mentally ill man who wants to hang out in the little girls restroom????

How fucking dare you. I hope all the black people of this nation see this bullshit. The centuries of abuse your ancestors fought through??? Well...yeah....libs basically see it as being no more than a dude who can't piss in a women's restroom.

It's the same ya know???
The ignorance of the thread premise is exceeded only by its stupidity.

For well over 60 years liberals have defended the civil rights of all Americans against conservative racism and bigotry.

Today is no different, as conservative bigots seek to disadvantage transgender Americans through force of law for no other reason than who they are:

‘Speaking at a press conference, Attorney General Loretta Lynch called the law "impermissibly discriminatory," and compared the struggle transgender Americans are facing to civil-rights battles against women and African-Americans.

"It was not so very long ago that states, including North Carolina, had signs above restrooms, water fountains and on public accommodations keeping people out based upon a distinction without a difference," she said.’

The Department of Justice is suing North Carolina over its same-sex bathroom law


Opening up the water fountains to people of all races,
is not the same as opening up the women's restroom to let men in.

the policy is not written clearly enough to prevent abuses
and having "unintended consequences" that could be avoided by
working out these conflicts instead of assuming the opposition is unfounded.

In Houston, the policy was written so loosely as to threaten financial
penalties on anyone who even "questioned" a transgender person in the restroom
as a form of harassment. What if someone looks suspicious?

The equivalent would be to remove all rules concerning the water fountains
so nobody could even question if a black person is pouring poison in there without
that being taken as "harassing and discriminating against a black person."

If you write the policy to punish people out of fear of bullying,
this isn't just addressing the people DOING the bullying
but affects the public safety of OTHER PEOPLE who have no intent of any wrong.

Sadly C_Clayton_Jones I actually AGREE that both the
DOMA laws "banning" same sex marriage and these
bathroom policies that go too far and dictate ways that exclude others
are equally unconstitutional for the same reasons.

Both sides need to resolve conflicts first so policies are
written neutrally, correctly and inclusively of all beliefs
and don't discriminate against any.

If you ask me, both sides get a FAIL on this issue.
Neither side is pushing for inclusion and consensus
and that's what it would take to revise the policies to work!

BOTH sides are equally discriminating against beliefs of the other.
And two wrongs don't make it right.
They're doing it again on the news this morning. Comparing the NC trannies to the black people who marched in Selma in the 60s.

SERIOUSLY??? I'm not even black and this offends me. Well...I might trans myself into black....hold on......BAM....ok....I'm black now....and I'm offended by this!!!
They're doing it again on the news this morning. Comparing the NC trannies to the black people who marched in Selma in the 60s.

SERIOUSLY??? I'm not even black and this offends me. Well...I might trans myself into black....hold on......BAM....ok....I'm black now....and I'm offended by this!!!
Just saw a clip of that racist fucking little hobbit Loretta Lynch making her dictator speech to the state of NC......and I've seen many libs make the same argument....of equating these freak tranny issues to the civil rights era that black people suffered through.

How fucking dare you lefties make that argument. Black people the hands of the DEMOCRAT PARTY....injustices in the past that were disgusting. Segregated everything. Lynching. No voting rights. No education. Being beaten and killed by hate groups police back in those decades.

And you compare THEIR plight to the plight today of a fucking perverted mentally ill man who wants to hang out in the little girls restroom????

How fucking dare you. I hope all the black people of this nation see this bullshit. The centuries of abuse your ancestors fought through??? Well...yeah....libs basically see it as being no more than a dude who can't piss in a women's restroom.

It's the same ya know???

Civil rights are ALWAYS under threat from conservatives.
Yeah because the rights of a little girl not having to shower with a grown man, doesn't matter. Because the rights of a man that thinks he is a woman over rides her rights.

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