Liberals: How Did The Airplane Get Invented When There Was No FAA?

Mad Scientist

Feels Good!
Sep 15, 2008
As you may know, the first heavier than air, powered flight took place in 1903 yet the FAA wasn't established as an independent agency until 1958!

My question for you Liberals is this: How could such a revolutionary vehicle like that be invented and flown at a time when there was no gov't agency to guide and assist in those efforts?
So, because gov't agencies don't invent things, there should be no gov't agencies? Is that what you're getting at? Thread fail.
As you may know, the first heavier than air, powered flight took place in 1903 yet the FAA wasn't established as an independent agency until 1958!

My question for you Liberals is this: How could such a revolutionary vehicle like that be invented and flown at a time when there was no gov't agency to guide and assist in those efforts?

There was no FAA in 1903 for the same reason you don't put traffic lights in a cornfield.
As you may know, the first heavier than air, powered flight took place in 1903 yet the FAA wasn't established as an independent agency until 1958!

My question for you Liberals is this: How could such a revolutionary vehicle like that be invented and flown at a time when there was no gov't agency to guide and assist in those efforts?

Superior taxation and regulation of the bicycle industry?

Cronyism and no bid contracts to Big Bicycle?

As you may know, the first heavier than air, powered flight took place in 1903 yet the FAA wasn't established as an independent agency until 1958!

My question for you Liberals is this: How could such a revolutionary vehicle like that be invented and flown at a time when there was no gov't agency to guide and assist in those efforts?

I'm pretty sure it was reverse-engineering of the first alien airplane that crash landed on earth.
Obviously, the Wright brothers found it before the government.
So, because gov't agencies don't invent things, there should be no gov't agencies?
If they don't invent things, why do some insist that they are best at regulating things?
As you may know, the first heavier than air, powered flight took place in 1903 yet the FAA wasn't established as an independent agency until 1958!

My question for you Liberals is this: How could such a revolutionary vehicle like that be invented and flown at a time when there was no gov't agency to guide and assist in those efforts?
There was no FAA in 1903 for the same reason you don't put traffic lights in a cornfield.
That's right, it wasn't needed! Now yer catching on!

Liberals: How Did The Airplane Get Invented When There Was No FAA?
OP: How desperate can your arguments get?
You don't have an answer either do you? :lol:
There is this looney liberal theory called "cause and effect", might want to look into it.
There is this looney liberal theory called "cause and effect", might want to look into it.

IIRC- Liberal theory of cause and effect as relates to government policy:

"If it moves tax it, if it keeps moving regulate it and if it stops moving subsidize it."
There is this looney liberal theory called "cause and effect", might want to look into it.

Cause: Liberty, Freedom, Happiness.
Effect: Immediate Confiscation, Taxation and Restriction attempts by Liberals.

(I already looked up those YEARS AGO. If you'll notice they have circular definitions)

Cause: A person or thing that acts, happens, or exists in such a way that some specific thing happens as a result; the producer of an effect:
Effect: Something that is produced by an agency or cause.

Hmm, come to think of it you're right! It IS Looney Liberal! :uhoh3:
FYI, if you ever want to watch a Brazilian person go nuts mention the Wright brothers to them.
The government stayed out of the development because everyone knew man would never fly.
I'm pretty sure it was reverse-engineering of the first alien airplane that crash landed on earth.
Obviously, the Wright brothers found it before the government.

Actually, the "Wright Brothers" were working for the government. They were fictitious public personas that had been created by the CIA in order to legitimize the employment of extra-terrestrial technology without the public becoming suspicious.
As you may know, the first heavier than air, powered flight took place in 1903 yet the FAA wasn't established as an independent agency until 1958!

My question for you Liberals is this: How could such a revolutionary vehicle like that be invented and flown at a time when there was no gov't agency to guide and assist in those efforts?

Are you under the impression that the FAA invents aircraft? Or that the DMV invents automobiles?

I am curious how a plane took off with out an airport and if it did...where did it land?
I'm pretty sure it was reverse-engineering of the first alien airplane that crash landed on earth.
Obviously, the Wright brothers found it before the government.

Actually, the "Wright Brothers" were working for the government. They were fictitious public personas that had been created by the CIA in order to legitimize the employment of extra-terrestrial technology without the public becoming suspicious.

You and I should team up and write a best seller. :cool:
As you may know, the first heavier than air, powered flight took place in 1903 yet the FAA wasn't established as an independent agency until 1958!

My question for you Liberals is this: How could such a revolutionary vehicle like that be invented and flown at a time when there was no gov't agency to guide and assist in those efforts?

Are you under the impression that the FAA invents aircraft? Or that the DMV invents automobiles?

I am curious how a plane took off with out an airport and if it did...where did it land?
Well if you are serious:
The Wright Bros plane flew off a single track then landed on ski's built into the plane.
In the early days planes were kept at giant grass fields and took off into the wind (whichever way the wind was blowing at that time). When the flight was done they'd find out which way the wind was blowing, by looking at the "wind sock" or "tetrahedron" on the airfield and land into the prevailing wind.
FYI, if you ever want to watch a Brazilian person go nuts mention the Wright brothers to them.

Same goes for mentioning Kitty Hawk, NC to someone from Dayton, Ohio. :lol:

These plates always struck me as peculiar...I guess technically.

FYI, if you ever want to watch a Brazilian person go nuts mention the Wright brothers to them.
Same goes for mentioning Kitty Hawk, NC to someone from Dayton, Ohio. :lol:
My wife and I stopped by Dayton Ohio while on our way to Maryland because we wanted to see the Wright Bros Bicycle shop. Not one person knew where it was! Not one!

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