Liberals, how do you feel about anti-pitbull legislation?

I agree that it's more the owners than the dogs. I know 3 people who have pitbulls and the dogs are totally lovable. On the other hand, I know 2 people who have been bitten by beagles. Go figure. And I've known Chows to be temperamental.

One thing you always hear after an attack by a dog or dogs is 'I don't know. He was always "totally lovable" before'.

Fact is, if you know what to watch for, the signs are there.

As I've said before, I used to work with a trainer of SAR, drug, cadaver, police dogs. I remember one that watched kids too closely. She was just too alert to where the kids were or the sounds they made. I would never have allowed a child anywhere near that dog. I've seen other dogs like that - high prey drive breeds but I also remember reading that cocker spaniels were the highest on the bite list.

A "breed" I would like to see outlawed and destroyed is wolf/dog mixes. Bad idea because you get the wrong combination of traits. An attorney I know says the quickest way for a lawyer to get a viable practice is to take dog bites cases, especially wolf/dog mixes. Its a sure win and wipes out the owner. Goldberg etc got started with dog bite cases.
I agree that it's more the owners than the dogs. I know 3 people who have pitbulls and the dogs are totally lovable. On the other hand, I know 2 people who have been bitten by beagles. Go figure. And I've known Chows to be temperamental.

The difference is that a beagle bite doesn't do near the damage as a pitbull,and the beagle will generally bite and release when the pitt will lock and tear. A chihuahua will probably bite you faster than most other breeds, but most dog mauling deaths aren't from chihuahuas they are from pitbulls.
Most dog breeds have been bred for specific purposes. There are breeds for hunting, guarding, herding, protection, and so forth. Look at the register for dog shows.
There's a pro-pit bull cult in this country that has circled the wagons and once inside the circle these people cannot be reasoned with.
I love beagles but if it turned out they were a problem then what's the big deal if we stopped producing them?

$100k if your pitbull bites someone. And make pitbulls a rare expensive breed. $20k for a pure bred pitbull. See who wants one then?

When extremists meet moderates the moderates are usually right.

Of course a great dog owner can raise a good pitbull. Question is, do we require people be great dog owners? Then the typical dirtbag who owns a pitbull usually has nothing for you to sue them for.

That's why dog owners should have to carry insurance.

People should only be allowed to breed once all the pound dogs are rescued.
Define 100% pit-bull. The designation covers several pure breeds as well as cross breed of those. Genetics and generations of selective breeding predispose a dog to certain behavioral characteristics. Bad owners contribute, but dogs are predisposed to be aggressive, or not.
Most dog breeds have been bred for specific purposes. There are breeds for hunting, guarding, herding, protection, and so forth. Look at the register for dog shows.
There's a pro-pit bull cult in this country that has circled the wagons and once inside the circle these people cannot be reasoned with.
I love beagles but if it turned out they were a problem then what's the big deal if we stopped producing them?

$100k if your pitbull bites someone. And make pitbulls a rare expensive breed. $20k for a pure bred pitbull. See who wants one then?

When extremists meet moderates the moderates are usually right.

Of course a great dog owner can raise a good pitbull. Question is, do we require people be great dog owners? Then the typical dirtbag who owns a pitbull usually has nothing for you to sue them for.

That's why dog owners should have to carry insurance.

People should only be allowed to breed once all the pound dogs are rescued.
Define 100% pit-bull. The designation covers several pure breeds as well as cross breed of those. Genetics and generations of selective breeding predispose a dog to certain behavioral characteristics. Bad owners contribute, but dogs are predisposed to be aggressive, or not.
Breeders should be required to take the aggressive power out of those dogs heads and jaws. No one needs that. A doberman would be bad enough. Pits have jaws like alligators or hyenas.
I agree that it's more the owners than the dogs. I know 3 people who have pitbulls and the dogs are totally lovable. On the other hand, I know 2 people who have been bitten by beagles. Go figure. And I've known Chows to be temperamental.
Well I don't want to stay with the status quo where any jackass can own a pit and we just punish the bad owners after their dogs hurt someone. What's the solution?
And the unfortunate outcome is, mostly the dogs are euthanized. The owners go out and get another pitbull.
Most dog breeds have been bred for specific purposes. There are breeds for hunting, guarding, herding, protection, and so forth. Look at the register for dog shows.
There's a pro-pit bull cult in this country that has circled the wagons and once inside the circle these people cannot be reasoned with.
I love beagles but if it turned out they were a problem then what's the big deal if we stopped producing them?

$100k if your pitbull bites someone. And make pitbulls a rare expensive breed. $20k for a pure bred pitbull. See who wants one then?

When extremists meet moderates the moderates are usually right.

Of course a great dog owner can raise a good pitbull. Question is, do we require people be great dog owners? Then the typical dirtbag who owns a pitbull usually has nothing for you to sue them for.

That's why dog owners should have to carry insurance.

People should only be allowed to breed once all the pound dogs are rescued.
Define 100% pit-bull. The designation covers several pure breeds as well as cross breed of those. Genetics and generations of selective breeding predispose a dog to certain behavioral characteristics. Bad owners contribute, but dogs are predisposed to be aggressive, or not.
Breeders should be required to take the aggressive power out of those dogs heads and jaws. No one needs that. A doberman would be bad enough. Pits have jaws like alligators or hyenas.
That would take generations. In the meantime, morons would still be breeding dogs whose instincts include killing children and small adults.
I am a cat person. How often do you see an article about how a cat has savaged, injured, or even killed someone? Otherwise, I have a mini doxie who is the best mouser in the house, and a Great Pyrenees (LGT) who lives with and guards my bred to do. I have great respect for working dogs, when they are doing their jobs. I cannot imagine having a Pyr in my house, as my Pyr cannot imagine being in a house. Hunting dogs, herding dogs, dogs with jobs...those I understand. Pitbulls, those dogs have been bred to be killers. Regardless of how nicely they have been raised and treated, they still have a strong predilection to kill things weaker than them. I would not have a pit on my farm if someone paid me to keep it.
I agree that it's more the owners than the dogs. I know 3 people who have pitbulls and the dogs are totally lovable. On the other hand, I know 2 people who have been bitten by beagles. Go figure. And I've known Chows to be temperamental.
Well I don't want to stay with the status quo where any jackass can own a pit and we just punish the bad owners after their dogs hurt someone. What's the solution?
Mostly the owner who's dog hurts someone gets a slap on the wrist. It should be a serious felony for your dog to significantly hurt someone either off your property or on your property to invited guests/residents. If the dog kills another person's pet off your property that should at least be a misdemeanor. That would make people think twice about owning pit bulls. Or allowing any kind of dog run loose. If a dog goes off and causes damage, many dog owners don't give a damn because they know they'll face little or no penalty.
I am a cat person. How often do you see an article about how a cat has savaged, injured, or even killed someone? Otherwise, I have a mini doxie who is the best mouser in the house, and a Great Pyrenees (LGT) who lives with and guards my bred to do. I have great respect for working dogs, when they are doing their jobs. I cannot imagine having a Pyr in my house, as my Pyr cannot imagine being in a house. Hunting dogs, herding dogs, dogs with jobs...those I understand. Pitbulls, those dogs have been bred to be killers. Regardless of how nicely they have been raised and treated, they still have a strong predilection to kill things weaker than them. I would not have a pit on my farm if someone paid me to keep it.

I've worked with wild animals and birds of prey for many years. I've been bitten, scratched and pooped on by the very best but the two worst bites I've ever had were from a cat and a very small garter snake.

I'm a cat person too but cat bites are among the worst.

The little garter snake's bite was bad because of the cow crap fouled water he was in.
And this is why we need to destroy them. They are dangerous, they are menacing, and there is no reason you need to have one. Children are hurt all the time by pit bulls!

I am for destroying the owners that abuse them and teach them to be dangerous, whether it is intentional or not.

As far as the example cited? Again we need to destroy the owners, not the dog.

You totally reject genetics and selective breeding? You're ignorant. As in ignorant of the facts.

The breeding that went into pit fighting dogs also included a lack of aggression to humans because they had to be handled by humans regularly and safely - which also makes them easy to abuse.

Nah, can't buy that.

People have to be able to handle the dogs, break them up with out getting bitten or redirected aggression.

Someone asked why do we need pitbulls? Because they are great breed of dog, with a wonderful long history with us that is not a history of manic aggression that is so often sensationalized in the media: Breed History | BAD RAP

On the face of it, I would agree but most dog owners don't also own bite sticks. Or need them.
Shall we kill the pitbulls? They're vicious hate machines. I mean, look at this one, he's coming for you right now.


[Oh my god, he's so fucking cute!]

So please explain how you feel about this. Why is it okay for the government to kill the puppies?

why are you asking "liberals"? most of us like animals.

pits can be very lovable. i think people who make them fight should be outlawed.
So can any other breed. Just pick another breed for God sakes.
I want to keep pet brown recluses, black widows, rattlesnakes, and cobras in my backyard. Yeah, my fence has holes in it, but since I feed my pets they don't go through the holes. Besides, I watch my pets when they're in the backyard. Most of the time anyways.

Why do you motherfucker have a problem with that? The little baby snakes are darlings.
Most dog breeds have been bred for specific purposes. There are breeds for hunting, guarding, herding, protection, and so forth. Look at the register for dog shows.
There's a pro-pit bull cult in this country that has circled the wagons and once inside the circle these people cannot be reasoned with.
I love beagles but if it turned out they were a problem then what's the big deal if we stopped producing them?

$100k if your pitbull bites someone. And make pitbulls a rare expensive breed. $20k for a pure bred pitbull. See who wants one then?

When extremists meet moderates the moderates are usually right.

Of course a great dog owner can raise a good pitbull. Question is, do we require people be great dog owners? Then the typical dirtbag who owns a pitbull usually has nothing for you to sue them for.

That's why dog owners should have to carry insurance.

People should only be allowed to breed once all the pound dogs are rescued.
Define 100% pit-bull. The designation covers several pure breeds as well as cross breed of those. Genetics and generations of selective breeding predispose a dog to certain behavioral characteristics. Bad owners contribute, but dogs are predisposed to be aggressive, or not.
Breeders should be required to take the aggressive power out of those dogs heads and jaws. No one needs that. A doberman would be bad enough. Pits have jaws like alligators or hyenas.
That would take generations. In the meantime, morons would still be breeding dogs whose instincts include killing children and small adults.
Let's be honest. The problem happens mostly in poor neighborhoods. The good responsible dog owners we know that own pits are all dealing with an animal they probably shouldn't own. Now think about all the yahoos who own these dogs. It just shouldn't be an option for the masses. Too dangerous.
While you are on Google, search for "percent homicides by blacks".
We should fix all felons black or white. I agree. They shouldn't breed either.
No, no, no. You said "Get Rid of Pit Bulls". You want to entirely eliminate the whole breed based on statistics.

So by your same TardLogic[emoji769], we should "Get Rid of Blacks".

We didn't make blacks. We made the pitbull breed. I do see your point but I'm thinking we can educate and sophisticate blacks where pitbulls will always be wild beasts.

If you want to get breeders to make a less aggressive version of the pitbull GREAT! I only want to ban/do away with pitbulls because the pitbulls you guys want to keep around are the aggressive violent ones.

Do you want to fix the violent black problem we have in America? So do I. Do you want to solve the violent pitbull problem we have? So do I. What do you suggest?

Who is "you guys"? I don't want aggressive animals and pit bulls if raised correctly are not aggressive.
I was walking with my mom around her subdivision and saw a dog owner walking his two dogs. Then I saw about 20 other neighbors with dogs. I'm glad none of them were pitbulls. Then I thought, " would I like it if they were all pitbulls? And the answer was no.

I'd rather they have no damn dogs at all, wtf does that have to do with anything? Again, who is "you guys"? You are stereotyping they dog.
We should fix all felons black or white. I agree. They shouldn't breed either.
No, no, no. You said "Get Rid of Pit Bulls". You want to entirely eliminate the whole breed based on statistics.

So by your same TardLogic[emoji769], we should "Get Rid of Blacks".

We didn't make blacks. We made the pitbull breed. I do see your point but I'm thinking we can educate and sophisticate blacks where pitbulls will always be wild beasts.

If you want to get breeders to make a less aggressive version of the pitbull GREAT! I only want to ban/do away with pitbulls because the pitbulls you guys want to keep around are the aggressive violent ones.

Do you want to fix the violent black problem we have in America? So do I. Do you want to solve the violent pitbull problem we have? So do I. What do you suggest?

Who is "you guys"? I don't want aggressive animals and pit bulls if raised correctly are not aggressive.

I've never heard of a couple Brittany Spaniels doing this:

Bronx pit bull attack leads to arrest -

Bad owner.

Wrong. 90% or more of dog breeds under exactly the same conditions would never do that.

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