Liberals, how do you feel about anti-pitbull legislation?

Who is "you guys"? I don't want aggressive animals and pit bulls if raised correctly are not aggressive.

I've never heard of a couple Brittany Spaniels doing this:

Bronx pit bull attack leads to arrest -

Bad owner.

Wrong. 90% or more of dog breeds under exactly the same conditions would never do that.

And that is their argument. Because not all pit bulls are vicious none should be accountable

Owners need to be held accountable.


Let the insurance companies make it unaffordable to own a pit bull
$100k if your pitbull bites someone. And make pitbulls a rare expensive breed. $20k for a pure bred pitbull. See who wants one then?

Do you even hear yourself? How exactly do you plan to make any of that happen? You want the government to start legislatively setting prices? Should they levy a $19800 tax on pit bull puppies? You're a lunatic.
Or just ban them. Are pitbulls protected under the 2nd amendment? I doubt you'd put up much of a fight if we passed a law you have to spade or neuter your pitbull.

I'm sure pitbulls would continue to live in other countries. Just not here.

You could phase them out by making it illegal to license them. You make everyone certify when they license a dog that it is not the pitbull breed, or more than 50% pitbull or whatever percentage you decide on. You make it a felony to own an unlicensed pitbull, a felony to fraudulently license a pitbull. They do it with wild animals, or wild/domestic crosses, such as wolfdogs.

It wouldn't be the end of the world.
Bad owner.

Wrong. 90% or more of dog breeds under exactly the same conditions would never do that.

Bull shit, the animal was trained. Drop the leash and the dog attacks. You can get labs, rots, dob, bulldog, he'll you can get a poodle to do that.

Just because you are afraid of them doesn't mean you get to ban them.
Not him alone but I can see us collectively doing it. Or doing something.

I can see it to, crybaby liberals want everything banned. Food, animals, tag, lawn darts and on and on. Liberals need to grow a pair.

All you run on is fear.
Do we really need to supersize everything?

Have we banned whistling at women yet?

I'm sorry America is too ghetto or white trashy to own pits.

Get a nice German Sheppard.

Who is "you guys"? Are you afraid of answering the question or are you dense as a door.

I can own any dog I want, you don't dictate to me what I buy. Just because you are afraid of them doesn't mean you dictate what I do.

If I want a super large fry or Coke, who the hell are you to tell me no. We don't need fucking pot, fucking drug dealers or assholes that rip other taxpayers off by working under the table, but you seem ok with those ILLEGAL activities. But you want to control, my pets, my food and my life.

Why not get a fucking life of your own and keep your ass out of mine.
why are you asking "liberals"? most of us like animals.

pits can be very lovable. i think people who make them fight should be outlawed.
So can any other breed. Just pick another breed for God sakes.

Pick any fucking breed you want. Just because they scare you doesn't mean you can ban them.

Next you'll be telling us that mandating rabies shots is unconstitutional because most dogs never get rabies.

I'm not the one mandating jack shit, you are the one crying and soiling your panties because you are afraid of a dog.
I once saw my beagle climb a fence. And did you hear about the tiger who leaped out of its zoo enclosure and killed a guy who was taunting it? I don't even want to see a pitbull behind a fence. If he wanted to bad enough he could get out.

More irrational liberal fear.
Breeders should be required to take the aggressive power out of those dogs heads and jaws. No one needs that. A doberman would be bad enough. Pits have jaws like alligators or hyenas.
That would take generations. In the meantime, morons would still be breeding dogs whose instincts include killing children and small adults.
Let's be honest. The problem happens mostly in poor neighborhoods. The good responsible dog owners we know that own pits are all dealing with an animal they probably shouldn't own. Now think about all the yahoos who own these dogs. It just shouldn't be an option for the masses. Too dangerous.
I agree! Same thing applies to voting. The same demographic to which this problem applies, voting should not be an option either.
I disagree. Anyone who cares enough to show up and vote can't be all that bad. At least they are smart enough to show up. At least they care.

Voting isn't dangerous, unless you vote for bush then you get 9/11ed.
I'm not so sure. If someone cares so little that he/she keeps and grooms a dog of a breed known for its viciousness and propensity to attack/injure/kill others, I'm not convinced they have enough interest in the well being of society and their community to be allowed to push known pimps and hucksters into a public government office.
Voting does have consequences.
I can see one day Detroit and Taylor Michigan (white trash) still owning pits but out in nicer communities these dogs being banned.

Maybe you need one in Detroit. Home protection. I might feel different if I lived in the D.
I've never heard of a couple Brittany Spaniels doing this:

Bronx pit bull attack leads to arrest -

Bad owner.

Wrong. 90% or more of dog breeds under exactly the same conditions would never do that.

And that is their argument. Because not all pit bulls are vicious none should be accountable

Owners need to be held accountable.


Let the insurance companies make it unaffordable to own a pit bull

Insurance needs to charge what they need to charge to make a profit. Why are you in favor of insurance companies making obscene profits. I thought you liberals hate obscene profits?
Wrong. 90% or more of dog breeds under exactly the same conditions would never do that.

Bull shit, the animal was trained. Drop the leash and the dog attacks. You can get labs, rots, dob, bulldog, he'll you can get a poodle to do that.

Just because you are afraid of them doesn't mean you get to ban them.
Not him alone but I can see us collectively doing it. Or doing something.

I can see it to, crybaby liberals want everything banned. Food, animals, tag, lawn darts and on and on. Liberals need to grow a pair.

All you run on is fear.
Do we really need to supersize everything?

Have we banned whistling at women yet?

I'm sorry America is too ghetto or white trashy to own pits.

Get a nice German Sheppard.

Who is "you guys"? Are you afraid of answering the question or are you dense as a door.

I can own any dog I want, you don't dictate to me what I buy. Just because you are afraid of them doesn't mean you dictate what I do.

If I want a super large fry or Coke, who the hell are you to tell me no. We don't need fucking pot, fucking drug dealers or assholes that rip other taxpayers off by working under the table, but you seem ok with those ILLEGAL activities. But you want to control, my pets, my food and my life.

Why not get a fucking life of your own and keep your ass out of mine.

Just because people are afraid of drunk drivers doesn't mean there should be laws against that?

I mean, hey, afterall, most drunk drivers make it home safely, don't they?
SE="Papageorgio, post: 12607208, member: 23516"]
So can any other breed. Just pick another breed for God sakes.

Pick any fucking breed you want. Just because they scare you doesn't mean you can ban them.

Next you'll be telling us that mandating rabies shots is unconstitutional because most dogs never get rabies.

I'm not the one mandating jack shit, you are the one crying and soiling your panties because you are afraid of a dog.
I once saw my beagle climb a fence. And did you hear about the tiger who leaped out of its zoo enclosure and killed a guy who was taunting it? I don't even want to see a pitbull behind a fence. If he wanted to bad enough he could get out.

More irrational liberal fear.[/QUOTE]
If you could catch me you would. But you can't hide a pitbull. They aren't allowed where I live. And I'm glad.
$100k if your pitbull bites someone. And make pitbulls a rare expensive breed. $20k for a pure bred pitbull. See who wants one then?

Do you even hear yourself? How exactly do you plan to make any of that happen? You want the government to start legislatively setting prices? Should they levy a $19800 tax on pit bull puppies? You're a lunatic.
Or just ban them. Are pitbulls protected under the 2nd amendment? I doubt you'd put up much of a fight if we passed a law you have to spade or neuter your pitbull.

I'm sure pitbulls would continue to live in other countries. Just not here.

You could phase them out by making it illegal to license them. You make everyone certify when they license a dog that it is not the pitbull breed, or more than 50% pitbull or whatever percentage you decide on. You make it a felony to own an unlicensed pitbull, a felony to fraudulently license a pitbull. They do it with wild animals, or wild/domestic crosses, such as wolfdogs.

It wouldn't be the end of the world.

And allowing them and shoving your laws up your cowardly ass wouldn't be the end of the world.
Bull shit, the animal was trained. Drop the leash and the dog attacks. You can get labs, rots, dob, bulldog, he'll you can get a poodle to do that.

Just because you are afraid of them doesn't mean you get to ban them.
Not him alone but I can see us collectively doing it. Or doing something.

I can see it to, crybaby liberals want everything banned. Food, animals, tag, lawn darts and on and on. Liberals need to grow a pair.

All you run on is fear.
Do we really need to supersize everything?

Have we banned whistling at women yet?

I'm sorry America is too ghetto or white trashy to own pits.

Get a nice German Sheppard.

Who is "you guys"? Are you afraid of answering the question or are you dense as a door.

I can own any dog I want, you don't dictate to me what I buy. Just because you are afraid of them doesn't mean you dictate what I do.

If I want a super large fry or Coke, who the hell are you to tell me no. We don't need fucking pot, fucking drug dealers or assholes that rip other taxpayers off by working under the table, but you seem ok with those ILLEGAL activities. But you want to control, my pets, my food and my life.

Why not get a fucking life of your own and keep your ass out of mine.

Just because people are afraid of drunk drivers doesn't mean there should be laws against that?

I mean, hey, afterall, most drunk drivers make it home safely, don't they?

What the fuck does that have to do with shit? Owning a dog isn't the same as driving intoxicated. You sound intoxicated.
Bad owner.

Wrong. 90% or more of dog breeds under exactly the same conditions would never do that.

And that is their argument. Because not all pit bulls are vicious none should be accountable

Owners need to be held accountable.


Let the insurance companies make it unaffordable to own a pit bull

Insurance needs to charge what they need to charge to make a profit. Why are you in favor of insurance companies making obscene profits. I thought you liberals hate obscene profits?
Insurance companies charge based on risk

If you own a pit bull, you are a greater risk
The unfortunate truth is, pitbulls, and dogs of such persuasion, have been specifically bred for certain characteristics for (dog) generations.

So have bulldogs, Dobermans, Alsatians, etc. Then there are those little yappers that pee on your shoes...
All have breed-specific characteristics. Too many people get a dog 'cause they want a dog. Rarely do they research what that breed was selectively bred to do.
They buy pit bulls because they want to look like a badass
Dude, I agree.
SE="Papageorgio, post: 12607208, member: 23516"]
So can any other breed. Just pick another breed for God sakes.

Pick any fucking breed you want. Just because they scare you doesn't mean you can ban them.

Next you'll be telling us that mandating rabies shots is unconstitutional because most dogs never get rabies.

I'm not the one mandating jack shit, you are the one crying and soiling your panties because you are afraid of a dog.
I once saw my beagle climb a fence. And did you hear about the tiger who leaped out of its zoo enclosure and killed a guy who was taunting it? I don't even want to see a pitbull behind a fence. If he wanted to bad enough he could get out.

More irrational liberal fear.
If you could catch me you would. But you can't hide a pitbull. They aren't allowed where I live. And I'm glad.[/QUOTE]

Your answer doesn't jive with my statement of your irrational fear. I see you are high again. Drug dealers are good at that and paranoia over a doggie. LOL!
Wrong. 90% or more of dog breeds under exactly the same conditions would never do that.

And that is their argument. Because not all pit bulls are vicious none should be accountable

Owners need to be held accountable.


Let the insurance companies make it unaffordable to own a pit bull

Insurance needs to charge what they need to charge to make a profit. Why are you in favor of insurance companies making obscene profits. I thought you liberals hate obscene profits?
Insurance companies charge based on risk

If you own a pit bull, you are a greater risk
He's got it bad so bad, he's hot for pitbulls.
Wrong. 90% or more of dog breeds under exactly the same conditions would never do that.

And that is their argument. Because not all pit bulls are vicious none should be accountable

Owners need to be held accountable.


Let the insurance companies make it unaffordable to own a pit bull

Insurance needs to charge what they need to charge to make a profit. Why are you in favor of insurance companies making obscene profits. I thought you liberals hate obscene profits?
Insurance companies charge based on risk

If you own a pit bull, you are a greater risk

I agree but you are advocating making it unaffordable.
Bull shit, the animal was trained. Drop the leash and the dog attacks. You can get labs, rots, dob, bulldog, he'll you can get a poodle to do that.

Just because you are afraid of them doesn't mean you get to ban them.
Not him alone but I can see us collectively doing it. Or doing something.

I can see it to, crybaby liberals want everything banned. Food, animals, tag, lawn darts and on and on. Liberals need to grow a pair.

All you run on is fear.
Do we really need to supersize everything?

Have we banned whistling at women yet?

I'm sorry America is too ghetto or white trashy to own pits.

Get a nice German Sheppard.

Who is "you guys"? Are you afraid of answering the question or are you dense as a door.

I can own any dog I want, you don't dictate to me what I buy. Just because you are afraid of them doesn't mean you dictate what I do.

If I want a super large fry or Coke, who the hell are you to tell me no. We don't need fucking pot, fucking drug dealers or assholes that rip other taxpayers off by working under the table, but you seem ok with those ILLEGAL activities. But you want to control, my pets, my food and my life.

Why not get a fucking life of your own and keep your ass out of mine.

Just because people are afraid of drunk drivers doesn't mean there should be laws against that?

I mean, hey, afterall, most drunk drivers make it home safely, don't they?

False argument. Nice try. Let's stick to the subject which is your irrational fear of a dog.
That would take generations. In the meantime, morons would still be breeding dogs whose instincts include killing children and small adults.
Let's be honest. The problem happens mostly in poor neighborhoods. The good responsible dog owners we know that own pits are all dealing with an animal they probably shouldn't own. Now think about all the yahoos who own these dogs. It just shouldn't be an option for the masses. Too dangerous.
I agree! Same thing applies to voting. The same demographic to which this problem applies, voting should not be an option either.
I disagree. Anyone who cares enough to show up and vote can't be all that bad. At least they are smart enough to show up. At least they care.

Voting isn't dangerous, unless you vote for bush then you get 9/11ed.
I'm not so sure. If someone cares so little that he/she keeps and grooms a dog of a breed known for its viciousness and propensity to attack/injure/kill others, I'm not convinced they have enough interest in the well being of society and their community to be allowed to push known pimps and hucksters into a public government office.
Voting does have consequences.
I can see one day Detroit and Taylor Michigan (white trash) still owning pits but out in nicer communities these dogs being banned.

Maybe you need one in Detroit. Home protection. I might feel different if I lived in the D.
I won't argue. I own a Pyrenees because she's a great herd guardian. I have no fear that a bear might decimate my goat herd while she's on duty. If I had a junk yard, or some place else that needed protection, I'd definitely consider a pit. But I don't live in Detroit (thankfully) or any other place subject to much human predation.
And that is their argument. Because not all pit bulls are vicious none should be accountable

Owners need to be held accountable.


Let the insurance companies make it unaffordable to own a pit bull

Insurance needs to charge what they need to charge to make a profit. Why are you in favor of insurance companies making obscene profits. I thought you liberals hate obscene profits?
Insurance companies charge based on risk

If you own a pit bull, you are a greater risk
He's got it bad so bad, he's hot for pitbulls.

I don't own animals and I would never own a pit bull, but my decision not to own an animal doesn't override your decision to own one. It's called freedom, just because you soil yourself at the sight of a dog doesn't mean you dictate what I decide to do.
SE="Papageorgio, post: 12607208, member: 23516"]
Pick any fucking breed you want. Just because they scare you doesn't mean you can ban them.

Next you'll be telling us that mandating rabies shots is unconstitutional because most dogs never get rabies.

I'm not the one mandating jack shit, you are the one crying and soiling your panties because you are afraid of a dog.
I once saw my beagle climb a fence. And did you hear about the tiger who leaped out of its zoo enclosure and killed a guy who was taunting it? I don't even want to see a pitbull behind a fence. If he wanted to bad enough he could get out.

More irrational liberal fear.
If you could catch me you would. But you can't hide a pitbull. They aren't allowed where I live. And I'm glad.

Your answer doesn't jive with my statement of your irrational fear. I see you are high again. Drug dealers are good at that and paranoia over a doggie. LOL![/QUOTE]
I have a professional job and I never touch a dime of what I make. My side business is where I get my loose change. If trump jeb or hillary told you their secrets you'd be equally upset. But then they are wealthy and you are not.

If you ain't cheating you ain't trying.

No pitbulls in my affluent neighborhood.

PS. Pots not crack.
Let's be honest. The problem happens mostly in poor neighborhoods. The good responsible dog owners we know that own pits are all dealing with an animal they probably shouldn't own. Now think about all the yahoos who own these dogs. It just shouldn't be an option for the masses. Too dangerous.
I agree! Same thing applies to voting. The same demographic to which this problem applies, voting should not be an option either.
I disagree. Anyone who cares enough to show up and vote can't be all that bad. At least they are smart enough to show up. At least they care.

Voting isn't dangerous, unless you vote for bush then you get 9/11ed.
I'm not so sure. If someone cares so little that he/she keeps and grooms a dog of a breed known for its viciousness and propensity to attack/injure/kill others, I'm not convinced they have enough interest in the well being of society and their community to be allowed to push known pimps and hucksters into a public government office.
Voting does have consequences.
I can see one day Detroit and Taylor Michigan (white trash) still owning pits but out in nicer communities these dogs being banned.

Maybe you need one in Detroit. Home protection. I might feel different if I lived in the D.
I won't argue. I own a Pyrenees because she's a great herd guardian. I have no fear that a bear might decimate my goat herd while she's on duty. If I had a junk yard, or some place else that needed protection, I'd definitely consider a pit. But I don't live in Detroit (thankfully) or any other place subject to much human predation.
Do you really own a goat herd? How cool is that?

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