Liberals, how do you feel about anti-pitbull legislation?

Do we really need to supersize everything?

Have we banned whistling at women yet?

I'm sorry America is too ghetto or white trashy to own pits.

Get a nice German Sheppard.

Who is "you guys"? Are you afraid of answering the question or are you dense as a door.

I can own any dog I want, you don't dictate to me what I buy. Just because you are afraid of them doesn't mean you dictate what I do.

If I want a super large fry or Coke, who the hell are you to tell me no. We don't need fucking pot, fucking drug dealers or assholes that rip other taxpayers off by working under the table, but you seem ok with those ILLEGAL activities. But you want to control, my pets, my food and my life.

Why not get a fucking life of your own and keep your ass out of mine.

I am an avid walker/jogger/bicyclist and have seen the darker side of dog ownership up close all too frequently.

1. Dog poop on hiking /fitness trails and walk paths attracts flies and other vermin, not to mention the unsightly mess fresh dog shit makes. Too often dog owners just don't clean up after their pets and, like smokers, screw everyone else as long as your dog gets his exercise. Nothing ruins your breakfast faster than coming u-on a steaming pile of fresh dog shit right in the middle of the walkway on your morning walk.

2.You don't have to be a liberal to be afraid of a furry powerful alligator with a short snout; especially one that bears the name "pit bull." If you fat assed "conservatives" would get off your asses and exercise outside, other than walking your dogs a couple of minutes on walking trails, you might appreciate the angst large dogs and especially pit bulls generate.

When I venture onto a fitness trail, I usually carry a 3ft Iron pipe to defend myself against loose dogs that frequent those areas, sometimes with the owners standing nearby holding a disconnected leash while the dog runs towards you and has to be called back. Usually the whistling sound of a pipe swung through the air or the clanking made while striking one end of it on the ground is enough to thwart any would be attack.

On occasion, I have armed myself with a small pistol just in case I meet a pack of dogs on some isolated part of the long trails I hike. I find that strategy especially reassuring after I read about some jogger or hiker being attacked or killed by several escaped pit bulls. If I ever encounter these "nice animals and one of them happens to be yours...too bad, it is going down if the beast gets too close and threatening and I even THINK it has nefarious intentions.
That is one reason I believe in the 2nd Amendment for self protection. And that includes against your fucking dog if necessary.


Dumb fuck, I don't own a dog, if a dog attacks you on a trail shoot it. If I owned a dog it would be well behaved like my last dog and wouldn't on your fucking trail bothering your loser ass, dip shit.

Own a dog, own a gun, I don't give a fuck. If I own a gun or a breed of dog you don't like, I don't give a fuck. It's none of your business

So you won't shoot my dog, so shoot away. Stupid liberals
Liberals don't own guns, do they? After all, guns are bad and kill people.

They think they are the only ones allowed to have guns, because they mistakenly think they are smarter than others, even other liberals not of their race or economic equal.
Probably why they think they know who should own dogs, or not. I do reserve the right to shoot your dog if you fail to control it. Your dog kills my livestock, bites my children/grandchildren on my property...well, those are dead dogs. I don't care what breed they are.
I can see it to, crybaby liberals want everything banned. Food, animals, tag, lawn darts and on and on. Liberals need to grow a pair.

All you run on is fear.
Do we really need to supersize everything?

Have we banned whistling at women yet?

I'm sorry America is too ghetto or white trashy to own pits.

Get a nice German Sheppard.

Who is "you guys"? Are you afraid of answering the question or are you dense as a door.

I can own any dog I want, you don't dictate to me what I buy. Just because you are afraid of them doesn't mean you dictate what I do.

If I want a super large fry or Coke, who the hell are you to tell me no. We don't need fucking pot, fucking drug dealers or assholes that rip other taxpayers off by working under the table, but you seem ok with those ILLEGAL activities. But you want to control, my pets, my food and my life.

Why not get a fucking life of your own and keep your ass out of mine.

I am an avid walker/jogger/bicyclist and have seen the darker side of dog ownership up close all too frequently.

1. Dog poop on hiking /fitness trails and walk paths attracts flies and other vermin, not to mention the unsightly mess fresh dog shit makes. Too often dog owners just don't clean up after their pets and, like smokers, screw everyone else as long as your dog gets his exercise. Nothing ruins your breakfast faster than coming u-on a steaming pile of fresh dog shit right in the middle of the walkway on your morning walk.

2.You don't have to be a liberal to be afraid of a furry powerful alligator with a short snout; especially one that bears the name "pit bull." If you fat assed "conservatives" would get off your asses and exercise outside, other than walking your dogs a couple of minutes on walking trails, you might appreciate the angst large dogs and especially pit bulls generate.

When I venture onto a fitness trail, I usually carry a 3ft Iron pipe to defend myself against loose dogs that frequent those areas, sometimes with the owners standing nearby holding a disconnected leash while the dog runs towards you and has to be called back. Usually the whistling sound of a pipe swung through the air or the clanking made while striking one end of it on the ground is enough to thwart any would be attack.

On occasion, I have armed myself with a small pistol just in case I meet a pack of dogs on some isolated part of the long trails I hike. I find that strategy especially reassuring after I read about some jogger or hiker being attacked or killed by several escaped pit bulls. If I ever encounter these "nice animals and one of them happens to be yours...too bad, it is going down if the beast gets too close and threatening and I even THINK it has nefarious intentions.
That is one reason I believe in the 2nd Amendment for self protection. And that includes against your fucking dog if necessary.


Dumb fuck, I don't own a dog, if a dog attacks you on a trail shoot it. If I owned a dog it would be well behaved like my last dog and wouldn't on your fucking trail bothering your loser ass, dip shit.

Own a dog, own a gun, I don't give a fuck. If I own a gun or a breed of dog you don't like, I don't give a fuck. It's none of your business

So you won't shoot my dog, so shoot away. Stupid liberals
Liberals don't own guns, do they? After all, guns are bad and kill people.
I am not a liberal any more than YOU are a "conservative." I don't wear either of those brands. I am a pragmatist if anything.
Animal control is now politicized? Is there anything that you guys won't try to shade?
Do we really need to supersize everything?

Have we banned whistling at women yet?

I'm sorry America is too ghetto or white trashy to own pits.

Get a nice German Sheppard.

Who is "you guys"? Are you afraid of answering the question or are you dense as a door.

I can own any dog I want, you don't dictate to me what I buy. Just because you are afraid of them doesn't mean you dictate what I do.

If I want a super large fry or Coke, who the hell are you to tell me no. We don't need fucking pot, fucking drug dealers or assholes that rip other taxpayers off by working under the table, but you seem ok with those ILLEGAL activities. But you want to control, my pets, my food and my life.

Why not get a fucking life of your own and keep your ass out of mine.

I am an avid walker/jogger/bicyclist and have seen the darker side of dog ownership up close all too frequently.

1. Dog poop on hiking /fitness trails and walk paths attracts flies and other vermin, not to mention the unsightly mess fresh dog shit makes. Too often dog owners just don't clean up after their pets and, like smokers, screw everyone else as long as your dog gets his exercise. Nothing ruins your breakfast faster than coming u-on a steaming pile of fresh dog shit right in the middle of the walkway on your morning walk.

2.You don't have to be a liberal to be afraid of a furry powerful alligator with a short snout; especially one that bears the name "pit bull." If you fat assed "conservatives" would get off your asses and exercise outside, other than walking your dogs a couple of minutes on walking trails, you might appreciate the angst large dogs and especially pit bulls generate.

When I venture onto a fitness trail, I usually carry a 3ft Iron pipe to defend myself against loose dogs that frequent those areas, sometimes with the owners standing nearby holding a disconnected leash while the dog runs towards you and has to be called back. Usually the whistling sound of a pipe swung through the air or the clanking made while striking one end of it on the ground is enough to thwart any would be attack.

On occasion, I have armed myself with a small pistol just in case I meet a pack of dogs on some isolated part of the long trails I hike. I find that strategy especially reassuring after I read about some jogger or hiker being attacked or killed by several escaped pit bulls. If I ever encounter these "nice animals and one of them happens to be yours...too bad, it is going down if the beast gets too close and threatening and I even THINK it has nefarious intentions.
That is one reason I believe in the 2nd Amendment for self protection. And that includes against your fucking dog if necessary.


Dumb fuck, I don't own a dog, if a dog attacks you on a trail shoot it. If I owned a dog it would be well behaved like my last dog and wouldn't on your fucking trail bothering your loser ass, dip shit.

Own a dog, own a gun, I don't give a fuck. If I own a gun or a breed of dog you don't like, I don't give a fuck. It's none of your business

So you won't shoot my dog, so shoot away. Stupid liberals
Liberals don't own guns, do they? After all, guns are bad and kill people.
I am not a liberal any more than YOU are a "conservative." I don't wear either of those brands. I am a pragmatist if anything.
Shake hands, then. I am an eclectic.
Do we really need to supersize everything?

Have we banned whistling at women yet?

I'm sorry America is too ghetto or white trashy to own pits.

Get a nice German Sheppard.

Who is "you guys"? Are you afraid of answering the question or are you dense as a door.

I can own any dog I want, you don't dictate to me what I buy. Just because you are afraid of them doesn't mean you dictate what I do.

If I want a super large fry or Coke, who the hell are you to tell me no. We don't need fucking pot, fucking drug dealers or assholes that rip other taxpayers off by working under the table, but you seem ok with those ILLEGAL activities. But you want to control, my pets, my food and my life.

Why not get a fucking life of your own and keep your ass out of mine.

I am an avid walker/jogger/bicyclist and have seen the darker side of dog ownership up close all too frequently.

1. Dog poop on hiking /fitness trails and walk paths attracts flies and other vermin, not to mention the unsightly mess fresh dog shit makes. Too often dog owners just don't clean up after their pets and, like smokers, screw everyone else as long as your dog gets his exercise. Nothing ruins your breakfast faster than coming u-on a steaming pile of fresh dog shit right in the middle of the walkway on your morning walk.

2.You don't have to be a liberal to be afraid of a furry powerful alligator with a short snout; especially one that bears the name "pit bull." If you fat assed "conservatives" would get off your asses and exercise outside, other than walking your dogs a couple of minutes on walking trails, you might appreciate the angst large dogs and especially pit bulls generate.

When I venture onto a fitness trail, I usually carry a 3ft Iron pipe to defend myself against loose dogs that frequent those areas, sometimes with the owners standing nearby holding a disconnected leash while the dog runs towards you and has to be called back. Usually the whistling sound of a pipe swung through the air or the clanking made while striking one end of it on the ground is enough to thwart any would be attack.

On occasion, I have armed myself with a small pistol just in case I meet a pack of dogs on some isolated part of the long trails I hike. I find that strategy especially reassuring after I read about some jogger or hiker being attacked or killed by several escaped pit bulls. If I ever encounter these "nice animals and one of them happens to be yours...too bad, it is going down if the beast gets too close and threatening and I even THINK it has nefarious intentions.
That is one reason I believe in the 2nd Amendment for self protection. And that includes against your fucking dog if necessary.


Dumb fuck, I don't own a dog, if a dog attacks you on a trail shoot it. If I owned a dog it would be well behaved like my last dog and wouldn't on your fucking trail bothering your loser ass, dip shit.

Own a dog, own a gun, I don't give a fuck. If I own a gun or a breed of dog you don't like, I don't give a fuck. It's none of your business

So you won't shoot my dog, so shoot away. Stupid liberals
Liberals don't own guns, do they? After all, guns are bad and kill people.

They think they are the only ones allowed to have guns, because they mistakenly think they are smarter than others, even other liberals not of their race or economic equal.

You don't even know what a liberal or a conservative is. You just belch the gas from the steady diet of RW bilge that saturates the airways. I am an American who wants to be free to walk the health trails without stepping in dog shit or being menaced by your "friendly" pets. I have owned dogs too and they are like part of the family. Yet, they are still territorial and protective to the point of being dangerous to innocent strangers.

You just had to pull the race card, didn't you? I wont even address the "smarter than" or other drivel you posted...
As far as the OP goes: if a local governmental agency decides to ban a certain breed of animal, sobeit. Otherwise, let the owner of said animals be liable for damage they incur. If you know your neighbors/friends, etc have such an animal...maybe you should consider allowing children to visit them.
I can see it to, crybaby liberals want everything banned. Food, animals, tag, lawn darts and on and on. Liberals need to grow a pair.

All you run on is fear.
Do we really need to supersize everything?

Have we banned whistling at women yet?

I'm sorry America is too ghetto or white trashy to own pits.

Get a nice German Sheppard.

Who is "you guys"? Are you afraid of answering the question or are you dense as a door.

I can own any dog I want, you don't dictate to me what I buy. Just because you are afraid of them doesn't mean you dictate what I do.

If I want a super large fry or Coke, who the hell are you to tell me no. We don't need fucking pot, fucking drug dealers or assholes that rip other taxpayers off by working under the table, but you seem ok with those ILLEGAL activities. But you want to control, my pets, my food and my life.

Why not get a fucking life of your own and keep your ass out of mine.

I am an avid walker/jogger/bicyclist and have seen the darker side of dog ownership up close all too frequently.

1. Dog poop on hiking /fitness trails and walk paths attracts flies and other vermin, not to mention the unsightly mess fresh dog shit makes. Too often dog owners just don't clean up after their pets and, like smokers, screw everyone else as long as your dog gets his exercise. Nothing ruins your breakfast faster than coming u-on a steaming pile of fresh dog shit right in the middle of the walkway on your morning walk.

2.You don't have to be a liberal to be afraid of a furry powerful alligator with a short snout; especially one that bears the name "pit bull." If you fat assed "conservatives" would get off your asses and exercise outside, other than walking your dogs a couple of minutes on walking trails, you might appreciate the angst large dogs and especially pit bulls generate.

When I venture onto a fitness trail, I usually carry a 3ft Iron pipe to defend myself against loose dogs that frequent those areas, sometimes with the owners standing nearby holding a disconnected leash while the dog runs towards you and has to be called back. Usually the whistling sound of a pipe swung through the air or the clanking made while striking one end of it on the ground is enough to thwart any would be attack.

On occasion, I have armed myself with a small pistol just in case I meet a pack of dogs on some isolated part of the long trails I hike. I find that strategy especially reassuring after I read about some jogger or hiker being attacked or killed by several escaped pit bulls. If I ever encounter these "nice animals and one of them happens to be yours...too bad, it is going down if the beast gets too close and threatening and I even THINK it has nefarious intentions.
That is one reason I believe in the 2nd Amendment for self protection. And that includes against your fucking dog if necessary.


Dumb fuck, I don't own a dog, if a dog attacks you on a trail shoot it. If I owned a dog it would be well behaved like my last dog and wouldn't on your fucking trail bothering your loser ass, dip shit.

Own a dog, own a gun, I don't give a fuck. If I own a gun or a breed of dog you don't like, I don't give a fuck. It's none of your business

So you won't shoot my dog, so shoot away. Stupid liberals
Look. DAWG, if the shoe doesn't fit, don't wear it. But, judging by your aggressive attitude, if you have a dog it is probably a potential killer. I don't have a problem with you owning a killer dog as long as it does NOT infringe upon community safety and you pick your dog's shit up when you walk it on public trails.
Dogs often take their owners personality. My friends dog is high strung just like him and his wife.

Papageorges dog would be stupid and always barking but don't worry, no bite.
Shall we kill the pitbulls? They're vicious hate machines. I mean, look at this one, he's coming for you right now.


[Oh my god, he's so fucking cute!]

So please explain how you feel about this. Why is it okay for the government to kill the puppies?

Blaming the breed instead of the owner who trained it is wrong. Equally-trained St. Bernard's a lot scarier ala "Cujo."
Hey...if a drug dealer wants a pit bull because he thinks they are cute......Who am I to say no
It is not the breed. It is the people who own the breed.

Blaming the breed is like blaming guns for killing people.

Pitbulls are great dogs generally.
Not true. Dogs have been bred for specific traits for a long time. Pits are aggressive for a reason. I own a dog that has been bred as a guardian for generations. She's good at her job. People who acquire and keep pits do so for a reason. is a matter of training the pit bull. When trained, they are fantastic dogs, as Cesar Millan has proven.

Hey...if a drug dealer wants a pit bull because he thinks they are cute......Who am I to say no
As a left wing radical, you are all about imposing your will on others. Using government coercion as the hammer. So of course, you say no to anyone who wishes to own a pit bull..
Last edited:
I can see it to, crybaby liberals want everything banned. Food, animals, tag, lawn darts and on and on. Liberals need to grow a pair.

All you run on is fear.
Do we really need to supersize everything?

Have we banned whistling at women yet?

I'm sorry America is too ghetto or white trashy to own pits.

Get a nice German Sheppard.

Who is "you guys"? Are you afraid of answering the question or are you dense as a door.

I can own any dog I want, you don't dictate to me what I buy. Just because you are afraid of them doesn't mean you dictate what I do.

If I want a super large fry or Coke, who the hell are you to tell me no. We don't need fucking pot, fucking drug dealers or assholes that rip other taxpayers off by working under the table, but you seem ok with those ILLEGAL activities. But you want to control, my pets, my food and my life.

Why not get a fucking life of your own and keep your ass out of mine.

I am an avid walker/jogger/bicyclist and have seen the darker side of dog ownership up close all too frequently.

1. Dog poop on hiking /fitness trails and walk paths attracts flies and other vermin, not to mention the unsightly mess fresh dog shit makes. Too often dog owners just don't clean up after their pets and, like smokers, screw everyone else as long as your dog gets his exercise. Nothing ruins your breakfast faster than coming u-on a steaming pile of fresh dog shit right in the middle of the walkway on your morning walk.

2.You don't have to be a liberal to be afraid of a furry powerful alligator with a short snout; especially one that bears the name "pit bull." If you fat assed "conservatives" would get off your asses and exercise outside, other than walking your dogs a couple of minutes on walking trails, you might appreciate the angst large dogs and especially pit bulls generate.

When I venture onto a fitness trail, I usually carry a 3ft Iron pipe to defend myself against loose dogs that frequent those areas, sometimes with the owners standing nearby holding a disconnected leash while the dog runs towards you and has to be called back. Usually the whistling sound of a pipe swung through the air or the clanking made while striking one end of it on the ground is enough to thwart any would be attack.

On occasion, I have armed myself with a small pistol just in case I meet a pack of dogs on some isolated part of the long trails I hike. I find that strategy especially reassuring after I read about some jogger or hiker being attacked or killed by several escaped pit bulls. If I ever encounter these "nice animals and one of them happens to be yours...too bad, it is going down if the beast gets too close and threatening and I even THINK it has nefarious intentions.
That is one reason I believe in the 2nd Amendment for self protection. And that includes against your fucking dog if necessary.


Dumb fuck, I don't own a dog, if a dog attacks you on a trail shoot it. If I owned a dog it would be well behaved like my last dog and wouldn't on your fucking trail bothering your loser ass, dip shit.

Own a dog, own a gun, I don't give a fuck. If I own a gun or a breed of dog you don't like, I don't give a fuck. It's none of your business

So you won't shoot my dog, so shoot away. Stupid liberals
Look. DAWG, if the shoe doesn't fit, don't wear it. But, judging by your aggressive attitude, if you have a dog it is probably a potential killer. I don't have a problem with you owning a killer dog as long as it does NOT infringe upon community safety and you pick your dog's shit up when you walk it on public trails.

Judging by your aggressive attitude you are a walking mass murder. Got anything else nutter?

I don't have a dog shit head, so you pick up your own shit.
Who is "you guys"? Are you afraid of answering the question or are you dense as a door.

I can own any dog I want, you don't dictate to me what I buy. Just because you are afraid of them doesn't mean you dictate what I do.

If I want a super large fry or Coke, who the hell are you to tell me no. We don't need fucking pot, fucking drug dealers or assholes that rip other taxpayers off by working under the table, but you seem ok with those ILLEGAL activities. But you want to control, my pets, my food and my life.

Why not get a fucking life of your own and keep your ass out of mine.

I am an avid walker/jogger/bicyclist and have seen the darker side of dog ownership up close all too frequently.

1. Dog poop on hiking /fitness trails and walk paths attracts flies and other vermin, not to mention the unsightly mess fresh dog shit makes. Too often dog owners just don't clean up after their pets and, like smokers, screw everyone else as long as your dog gets his exercise. Nothing ruins your breakfast faster than coming u-on a steaming pile of fresh dog shit right in the middle of the walkway on your morning walk.

2.You don't have to be a liberal to be afraid of a furry powerful alligator with a short snout; especially one that bears the name "pit bull." If you fat assed "conservatives" would get off your asses and exercise outside, other than walking your dogs a couple of minutes on walking trails, you might appreciate the angst large dogs and especially pit bulls generate.

When I venture onto a fitness trail, I usually carry a 3ft Iron pipe to defend myself against loose dogs that frequent those areas, sometimes with the owners standing nearby holding a disconnected leash while the dog runs towards you and has to be called back. Usually the whistling sound of a pipe swung through the air or the clanking made while striking one end of it on the ground is enough to thwart any would be attack.

On occasion, I have armed myself with a small pistol just in case I meet a pack of dogs on some isolated part of the long trails I hike. I find that strategy especially reassuring after I read about some jogger or hiker being attacked or killed by several escaped pit bulls. If I ever encounter these "nice animals and one of them happens to be yours...too bad, it is going down if the beast gets too close and threatening and I even THINK it has nefarious intentions.
That is one reason I believe in the 2nd Amendment for self protection. And that includes against your fucking dog if necessary.


Dumb fuck, I don't own a dog, if a dog attacks you on a trail shoot it. If I owned a dog it would be well behaved like my last dog and wouldn't on your fucking trail bothering your loser ass, dip shit.

Own a dog, own a gun, I don't give a fuck. If I own a gun or a breed of dog you don't like, I don't give a fuck. It's none of your business

So you won't shoot my dog, so shoot away. Stupid liberals
Liberals don't own guns, do they? After all, guns are bad and kill people.

They think they are the only ones allowed to have guns, because they mistakenly think they are smarter than others, even other liberals not of their race or economic equal.

You don't even know what a liberal or a conservative is. You just belch the gas from the steady diet of RW bilge that saturates the airways. I am an American who wants to be free to walk the health trails without stepping in dog shit or being menaced by your "friendly" pets. I have owned dogs too and they are like part of the family. Yet, they are still territorial and protective to the point of being dangerous to innocent strangers.

You just had to pull the race card, didn't you? I wont even address the "smarter than" or other drivel you posted...

Race card was pulled out long ago in this thread, but I forgive you because you are a bright bulb.

So far you have not been very entertaining, rather boring. Can't you come up with better stuff?
I am an avid walker/jogger/bicyclist and have seen the darker side of dog ownership up close all too frequently.

1. Dog poop on hiking /fitness trails and walk paths attracts flies and other vermin, not to mention the unsightly mess fresh dog shit makes. Too often dog owners just don't clean up after their pets and, like smokers, screw everyone else as long as your dog gets his exercise. Nothing ruins your breakfast faster than coming u-on a steaming pile of fresh dog shit right in the middle of the walkway on your morning walk.

2.You don't have to be a liberal to be afraid of a furry powerful alligator with a short snout; especially one that bears the name "pit bull." If you fat assed "conservatives" would get off your asses and exercise outside, other than walking your dogs a couple of minutes on walking trails, you might appreciate the angst large dogs and especially pit bulls generate.

When I venture onto a fitness trail, I usually carry a 3ft Iron pipe to defend myself against loose dogs that frequent those areas, sometimes with the owners standing nearby holding a disconnected leash while the dog runs towards you and has to be called back. Usually the whistling sound of a pipe swung through the air or the clanking made while striking one end of it on the ground is enough to thwart any would be attack.

On occasion, I have armed myself with a small pistol just in case I meet a pack of dogs on some isolated part of the long trails I hike. I find that strategy especially reassuring after I read about some jogger or hiker being attacked or killed by several escaped pit bulls. If I ever encounter these "nice animals and one of them happens to be yours...too bad, it is going down if the beast gets too close and threatening and I even THINK it has nefarious intentions.
That is one reason I believe in the 2nd Amendment for self protection. And that includes against your fucking dog if necessary.
All conservatives are fat and don't go out? And you carry a 3' iron pipe? I'd meet your small pistol and raise you a .357 magnum with full house loads if you made a threatening gesture towards one of my dogs.
Do we really need to supersize everything?

Have we banned whistling at women yet?

I'm sorry America is too ghetto or white trashy to own pits.

Get a nice German Sheppard.

Who is "you guys"? Are you afraid of answering the question or are you dense as a door.

I can own any dog I want, you don't dictate to me what I buy. Just because you are afraid of them doesn't mean you dictate what I do.

If I want a super large fry or Coke, who the hell are you to tell me no. We don't need fucking pot, fucking drug dealers or assholes that rip other taxpayers off by working under the table, but you seem ok with those ILLEGAL activities. But you want to control, my pets, my food and my life.

Why not get a fucking life of your own and keep your ass out of mine.

I am an avid walker/jogger/bicyclist and have seen the darker side of dog ownership up close all too frequently.

1. Dog poop on hiking /fitness trails and walk paths attracts flies and other vermin, not to mention the unsightly mess fresh dog shit makes. Too often dog owners just don't clean up after their pets and, like smokers, screw everyone else as long as your dog gets his exercise. Nothing ruins your breakfast faster than coming u-on a steaming pile of fresh dog shit right in the middle of the walkway on your morning walk.

2.You don't have to be a liberal to be afraid of a furry powerful alligator with a short snout; especially one that bears the name "pit bull." If you fat assed "conservatives" would get off your asses and exercise outside, other than walking your dogs a couple of minutes on walking trails, you might appreciate the angst large dogs and especially pit bulls generate.

When I venture onto a fitness trail, I usually carry a 3ft Iron pipe to defend myself against loose dogs that frequent those areas, sometimes with the owners standing nearby holding a disconnected leash while the dog runs towards you and has to be called back. Usually the whistling sound of a pipe swung through the air or the clanking made while striking one end of it on the ground is enough to thwart any would be attack.

On occasion, I have armed myself with a small pistol just in case I meet a pack of dogs on some isolated part of the long trails I hike. I find that strategy especially reassuring after I read about some jogger or hiker being attacked or killed by several escaped pit bulls. If I ever encounter these "nice animals and one of them happens to be yours...too bad, it is going down if the beast gets too close and threatening and I even THINK it has nefarious intentions.
That is one reason I believe in the 2nd Amendment for self protection. And that includes against your fucking dog if necessary.


Dumb fuck, I don't own a dog, if a dog attacks you on a trail shoot it. If I owned a dog it would be well behaved like my last dog and wouldn't on your fucking trail bothering your loser ass, dip shit.

Own a dog, own a gun, I don't give a fuck. If I own a gun or a breed of dog you don't like, I don't give a fuck. It's none of your business

So you won't shoot my dog, so shoot away. Stupid liberals
Look. DAWG, if the shoe doesn't fit, don't wear it. But, judging by your aggressive attitude, if you have a dog it is probably a potential killer. I don't have a problem with you owning a killer dog as long as it does NOT infringe upon community safety and you pick your dog's shit up when you walk it on public trails.
Dogs often take their owners personality. My friends dog is high strung just like him and his wife.

Papageorges dog would be stupid and always barking but don't worry, no bite.

No dog is as fucked up as you. Hypocrite.
I am an avid walker/jogger/bicyclist and have seen the darker side of dog ownership up close all too frequently.

1. Dog poop on hiking /fitness trails and walk paths attracts flies and other vermin, not to mention the unsightly mess fresh dog shit makes. Too often dog owners just don't clean up after their pets and, like smokers, screw everyone else as long as your dog gets his exercise. Nothing ruins your breakfast faster than coming u-on a steaming pile of fresh dog shit right in the middle of the walkway on your morning walk.

2.You don't have to be a liberal to be afraid of a furry powerful alligator with a short snout; especially one that bears the name "pit bull." If you fat assed "conservatives" would get off your asses and exercise outside, other than walking your dogs a couple of minutes on walking trails, you might appreciate the angst large dogs and especially pit bulls generate.

When I venture onto a fitness trail, I usually carry a 3ft Iron pipe to defend myself against loose dogs that frequent those areas, sometimes with the owners standing nearby holding a disconnected leash while the dog runs towards you and has to be called back. Usually the whistling sound of a pipe swung through the air or the clanking made while striking one end of it on the ground is enough to thwart any would be attack.

On occasion, I have armed myself with a small pistol just in case I meet a pack of dogs on some isolated part of the long trails I hike. I find that strategy especially reassuring after I read about some jogger or hiker being attacked or killed by several escaped pit bulls. If I ever encounter these "nice animals and one of them happens to be yours...too bad, it is going down if the beast gets too close and threatening and I even THINK it has nefarious intentions.
That is one reason I believe in the 2nd Amendment for self protection. And that includes against your fucking dog if necessary.
All conservatives are fat and don't go out? And you carry a 3' iron pipe? I'd meet your small pistol and raise you a .357 magnum with full house loads if you made a threatening gesture towards one of my dogs.

Don't worry about him, he is probably 5'3" 240 lbs, sweats when he has to get out of his chair to take a piss. He no more walks trails than I skydive.
I am for destroying the owners that abuse them and teach them to be dangerous, whether it is intentional or not.

As far as the example cited? Again we need to destroy the owners, not the dog.

You totally reject genetics and selective breeding? You're ignorant. As in ignorant of the facts.

The breeding that went into pit fighting dogs also included a lack of aggression to humans because they had to be handled by humans regularly and safely - which also makes them easy to abuse.

Nah, can't buy that.

People have to be able to handle the dogs, break them up with out getting bitten or redirected aggression.

Someone asked why do we need pitbulls? Because they are great breed of dog, with a wonderful long history with us that is not a history of manic aggression that is so often sensationalized in the media: Breed History | BAD RAP

They're a breed of dog selectively bred to fight. I think we've moved past that as a civilization.

Then we need to get rid of terriers (bred to kill small animals in pit fights), Akita's, Mastiffs, Doberman Pinchers, and probably a lot of other breeds who were once bred to fight, kill animals, or attack peole even if they are no longer bred for those purposes.
Hey...if a drug dealer wants a pit bull because he thinks they are cute......Who am I to say no
As a left wing radical, you are all about imposing your will on others. Using government coercion as the hammer. So of course, you say no to anyone who wishes to own a pit bull..
I've already said insure your little monster and let the insurance company say no
Rent an apartment and let your landlord say no
Show me a person who judges a dog by its breed and you've shown me a person who also judges people by their skin color, national origin, religion, etc.
You totally reject genetics and selective breeding? You're ignorant. As in ignorant of the facts.

The breeding that went into pit fighting dogs also included a lack of aggression to humans because they had to be handled by humans regularly and safely - which also makes them easy to abuse.

Nah, can't buy that.

People have to be able to handle the dogs, break them up with out getting bitten or redirected aggression.

Someone asked why do we need pitbulls? Because they are great breed of dog, with a wonderful long history with us that is not a history of manic aggression that is so often sensationalized in the media: Breed History | BAD RAP

They're a breed of dog selectively bred to fight. I think we've moved past that as a civilization.

Then we need to get rid of terriers (bred to kill small animals in pit fights), Akita's, Mastiffs, Doberman Pinchers, and probably a lot of other breeds who were once bred to fight, kill animals, or attack peole even if they are no longer bred for those purposes.

and black people are bred to be slaves too, right? Muslims are bred to be terrorists, right?

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