Liberals, how do you feel about anti-pitbull legislation?

That article was written in 2006 I believe. LONG before Republicans starting having a problem with cheap labor flooding our markets. We told them it would but they didn't believe it would ever affect them. They didn't DREAM any mexican, indian or asian could ever do their job.
You are not thinking.

Republican pols LOVE illegal immigration just about as much as Ds. For example, they are about to make an open borders guy Speaker of House.

A majority of Americans want illegal immigration stopped. It does matter if they are Ds or Rs...but the establishment wins over the wishes of the people most times...and this is one of those times.
It is not the breed. It is the people who own the breed.

Blaming the breed is like blaming guns for killing people.

Pitbulls are great dogs generally.
The so called "American Pit Bull Terrier is a very aggressive animal. These animals should never be exposed to the public or the pets belonging to other people. EVER
the American Pit Bull Terrier is not even a recognized breed. This applies to the American Kennel Club and the Westminster Kennel Club.....
The threat of an irresponsible dog owner with a Chihuahua and a pit bull is not the same

Many pit bull owners are trying to make a statement...... Don't fuck with me

And most aren't. Just typical stereotyping.
Almost every pit I've run into has been an aggressive type. I beg to differ with you.
I can't agree.

I have been close to three pit bulls owned by three different people. All were wonderful dogs, but then their owners were smart people.

I once evicted a tenant because he had two pit bulls in my unit against my rules. Both those pits were nasty. Turns out the guy was a drug dealer and is now doing hard time.

So again, a properly trained pit is a great dog.

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

Who's to blame for all the illegals coming here? The people who hire them. Corporations!

Oh please its the libs defending illegals at every turn and blocking any action to put a stop this insanity and its the libs setting up sanctuary cities.
It's not us funding their stay. Us liberals were complaining about illegals back when you guys were saying they were just here doing jobs Americans wouldn't do. Don't think I'll ever forget your fucking flip flop.

Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

You don't even know it's your party leaders that brought in all the illegals. So STFU and educate yourself before you come flapping your brainwashed jaws or gums.

I see you are just a run of the mill dishonest liberal, I'm not shocked at all. You libs manage doling out the welfare benefits and more than 50% of illegals are on public assistance, OH SNAP! Your man Obama has sued every state that has tried to deal with the illegal alien problem. Go tell your lies elsewhere.
Well Democrats don't want to lose the Hispanic vote that is true. But don't act like your side is innocent.

Labor/Unions were warning about this years ago. Thank God for the internet because I can prove us liberals were complaining about illegals in 2006. What was your side saying back then? Jobs fucking Americans won't do is what they were saying.


Talk to the hand lib :eusa_hand: when you can present an honest argument free of liberal lies, half truths and spin maybe we'll speak again.
Ditto punk!
Liberals love animal cruelty, they just busted an illegal alien cockfight ring in the Pacific NW confiscating hundreds of birds. In related news this week they also busted an illegal alien meth ring that was bringing tons of meth into the USA. Who's giving these people sanctuary? Yeah liberals, shocker.
Even non liberals are speaking up to say you are fos. LOL
Shall we kill the pitbulls? They're vicious hate machines. I mean, look at this one, he's coming for you right now.


[Oh my god, he's so fucking cute!]

So please explain how you feel about this. Why is it okay for the government to kill the puppies?
Nope...All pit bull owners should have to carry a liability policy. Be licensed to own the dog(s) and be required to register the animal with their local authorities.
Also, if they are a homeowner, they must by law inform the carrier of their homeowner's insurance of the presence of the animal(s)..
Don't tell me your pit bull is a nice dog. Don't tell me he or she has never bitten or even shown aggression. Guess what? I don't believe you.
When a couple adopts a child social services stops by randomly to make sure the parents are good and responsible. Breeders or the Humaine Society should be required to check in on the people they sell dogs to. Or make the person take a class so they fully understand the power of these dogs.

Just don't hand a baby tiger to someone and hope they will do the right thing.

OMG I googled Pitbulls for sale and found this:

Hi I have pitbull puppies for sale ready to go males $150 girls $200 they come with first Shot

This my 2nd litter u can reach me in my brother at....

Too easy to get a Pit.
That article was written in 2006 I believe. LONG before Republicans starting having a problem with cheap labor flooding our markets. We told them it would but they didn't believe it would ever affect them. They didn't DREAM any mexican, indian or asian could ever do their job.
You are not thinking.

Republican pols LOVE illegal immigration just about as much as Ds. For example, they are about to make an open borders guy Speaker of House.

A majority of Americans want illegal immigration stopped. It does matter if they are Ds or Rs...but the establishment wins over the wishes of the people most times...and this is one of those times.
Go after illegal employers and you don't even have to bother illegal workers. They will leave as soon as they realize no one will hire them illegally. Who is going to cry for someone who comes to them and says WAAAA no one will hire me because I'm here illegally?

We can't solve this problem because they have us divided. I'm a liberal and I want illegal workers OUT too! There is no political backlash for going after illegal employers.

The illegal employers love it that you blame us liberals. Reminds me of when Bush caused the Great Recession and the GOP convinced you it was Pelosi and Reed and Freddy/Fanny Clinton and ANYONE but the GOP's fault. The best we could get from you c suckers was that "everyone shares the blame on this". You c suckers never admit blame for NOTHING. Even when I can spoon feed you long detailed articles from 10 years ago explaining what you were doing back then to cause the problem. Keep in mind Thom Hartman was 100% right in his 2006 article and what would you have said to that article had I shown it to you back then? You would have said Thom is stupid and you would have defended Bush, Romney and/or McCain.

McCain: Americans won't pick lettuce for $50 an hour? (UPDATED)

The thing is John McCain, we never had a problem with migrant Mexicans coming to pick fruit. The problem is John, and we were telling you this when you said this in 2008, is that they weren't just coming here to pick fruit. They were doing housekeeping, landscaping, cooking, etc. In other words they were doing jobs Americans would do.

US Charges Tyson Foods With Immigrant Smuggling
Shall we kill the pitbulls? They're vicious hate machines. I mean, look at this one, he's coming for you right now.


[Oh my god, he's so fucking cute!]

So please explain how you feel about this. Why is it okay for the government to kill the puppies?
Nope...All pit bull owners should have to carry a liability policy. Be licensed to own the dog(s) and be required to register the animal with their local authorities.
Also, if they are a homeowner, they must by law inform the carrier of their homeowner's insurance of the presence of the animal(s)..
Don't tell me your pit bull is a nice dog. Don't tell me he or she has never bitten or even shown aggression. Guess what? I don't believe you.
When a couple adopts a child social services stops by randomly to make sure the parents are good and responsible. Breeders or the Humaine Society should be required to check in on the people they sell dogs to. Or make the person take a class so they fully understand the power of these dogs.

Just don't hand a baby tiger to someone and hope they will do the right thing.

OMG I googled Pitbulls for sale and found this:

Hi I have pitbull puppies for sale ready to go males $150 girls $200 they come with first Shot

This my 2nd litter u can reach me in my brother at....

Too easy to get a Pit.

So? Easy to get a German Shepherd. Siberian Husky. Doberman Pincher.
Shall we kill the pitbulls? They're vicious hate machines. I mean, look at this one, he's coming for you right now.


[Oh my god, he's so fucking cute!]

So please explain how you feel about this. Why is it okay for the government to kill the puppies?
Nope...All pit bull owners should have to carry a liability policy. Be licensed to own the dog(s) and be required to register the animal with their local authorities.
Also, if they are a homeowner, they must by law inform the carrier of their homeowner's insurance of the presence of the animal(s)..
Don't tell me your pit bull is a nice dog. Don't tell me he or she has never bitten or even shown aggression. Guess what? I don't believe you.
When a couple adopts a child social services stops by randomly to make sure the parents are good and responsible. Breeders or the Humaine Society should be required to check in on the people they sell dogs to. Or make the person take a class so they fully understand the power of these dogs.

Just don't hand a baby tiger to someone and hope they will do the right thing.

OMG I googled Pitbulls for sale and found this:

Hi I have pitbull puppies for sale ready to go males $150 girls $200 they come with first Shot

This my 2nd litter u can reach me in my brother at....

Too easy to get a Pit.

So? Easy to get a German Shepherd. Siberian Husky. Doberman Pincher.
I googled German Shepherds and they are about $1000. Pitbulls are only $150. Pitbulls are the ultimate white trash/ghetto dogs.
Liberals love animal cruelty, they just busted an illegal alien cockfight ring in the Pacific NW confiscating hundreds of birds. In related news this week they also busted an illegal alien meth ring that was bringing tons of meth into the USA. Who's giving these people sanctuary? Yeah liberals, shocker.

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

Who's to blame for all the illegals coming here? The people who hire them. Corporations!

It's people that pay people under the table.
I hear Pits are popular with drug dealers. You know I want to buy 2 now, right? They can protect the 2 ounces of pot at my home. God forbid someone steals $300 in weed from me. God what would I do? Oh yea, I forgot, I'm rich.
The threat of an irresponsible dog owner with a Chihuahua and a pit bull is not the same

Many pit bull owners are trying to make a statement...... Don't fuck with me

And most aren't. Just typical stereotyping.
Almost every pit I've run into has been an aggressive type. I beg to differ with you.

I've been around two, both were extremely laid back

Pitbulls vary hugely in size, build and temperment - they are hardly a "breed" but a collection of a number of breeds and strains. If they vary physically they also vary in temperment. I've a friend who has an all breed rescue and a soft spot for pits. In her current household she has Pit's that are couch potatos, and pits who are high energy joyful party girls. There's a lot of variation. She is picky about temperment - and you should be with any dog coming into rescue - so hers are good with cats, dogs, people. They are great dogs.

One of my favorites is a big strong boy - he won't start a fight - but if someone starts it, he will join - otherwise he's very good and very tolerant. When I was visiting recently, there was a skirmish between him and another male - in the melee, a small dog walked passed and got grabbed by the pit who had his head in his mouth. We were all freaking out trying to seperate them. When we did - the only mark the small dog had was a scratch on his ear. The Pit could have easily killed him, but he didn't. That is some serious bite inhibition. As dogs people need to look at them as individuals and also understand that yes - they were bred for dog fighting, dog-dog aggression is something to be aware of in the breed, like all terriers. But they aren't monsters - far from it.

I hate to look at those dogs in her household and think people want to kill them. They are wonderful.
they are hardly a "breed" but a collection of a number of breeds and strains.

Technically, this is untrue, but I get your point.

There is only one breed of pit bull, namely the American Pit Bull Terrier. However, there are several breeds that are colloquially lumped together as "pit bulls," largely out of ignorance and fear. For example, the American Staffordshire Terrier, and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier are generally lumped into breed specific legislation against "pit bulls."
The threat of an irresponsible dog owner with a Chihuahua and a pit bull is not the same

Many pit bull owners are trying to make a statement...... Don't fuck with me

And most aren't. Just typical stereotyping.
They choose a pit bull over a golden retriever why?

Why choose a golden retriever over a lab? Why choose a lab over a Dob? Why choose a poodle over a Dob?
Why not allow a pet bear or a pet lion?

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