Liberals, how do you feel about anti-pitbull legislation?

I am an avid walker/jogger/bicyclist and have seen the darker side of dog ownership up close all too frequently.

1. Dog poop on hiking /fitness trails and walk paths attracts flies and other vermin, not to mention the unsightly mess fresh dog shit makes. Too often dog owners just don't clean up after their pets and, like smokers, screw everyone else as long as your dog gets his exercise. Nothing ruins your breakfast faster than coming u-on a steaming pile of fresh dog shit right in the middle of the walkway on your morning walk.

2.You don't have to be a liberal to be afraid of a furry powerful alligator with a short snout; especially one that bears the name "pit bull." If you fat assed "conservatives" would get off your asses and exercise outside, other than walking your dogs a couple of minutes on walking trails, you might appreciate the angst large dogs and especially pit bulls generate.

When I venture onto a fitness trail, I usually carry a 3ft Iron pipe to defend myself against loose dogs that frequent those areas, sometimes with the owners standing nearby holding a disconnected leash while the dog runs towards you and has to be called back. Usually the whistling sound of a pipe swung through the air or the clanking made while striking one end of it on the ground is enough to thwart any would be attack.

On occasion, I have armed myself with a small pistol just in case I meet a pack of dogs on some isolated part of the long trails I hike. I find that strategy especially reassuring after I read about some jogger or hiker being attacked or killed by several escaped pit bulls. If I ever encounter these "nice animals and one of them happens to be yours...too bad, it is going down if the beast gets too close and threatening and I even THINK it has nefarious intentions.
That is one reason I believe in the 2nd Amendment for self protection. And that includes against your fucking dog if necessary.


Dumb fuck, I don't own a dog, if a dog attacks you on a trail shoot it. If I owned a dog it would be well behaved like my last dog and wouldn't on your fucking trail bothering your loser ass, dip shit.

Own a dog, own a gun, I don't give a fuck. If I own a gun or a breed of dog you don't like, I don't give a fuck. It's none of your business

So you won't shoot my dog, so shoot away. Stupid liberals
Liberals don't own guns, do they? After all, guns are bad and kill people.

They think they are the only ones allowed to have guns, because they mistakenly think they are smarter than others, even other liberals not of their race or economic equal.

You don't even know what a liberal or a conservative is. You just belch the gas from the steady diet of RW bilge that saturates the airways. I am an American who wants to be free to walk the health trails without stepping in dog shit or being menaced by your "friendly" pets. I have owned dogs too and they are like part of the family. Yet, they are still territorial and protective to the point of being dangerous to innocent strangers.

You just had to pull the race card, didn't you? I wont even address the "smarter than" or other drivel you posted...

Race card was pulled out long ago in this thread, but I forgive you because you are a bright bulb.

So far you have not been very entertaining, rather boring. Can't you come up with better stuff?

Yeah, I have some better stuff: Fuck you!
I am an avid walker/jogger/bicyclist and have seen the darker side of dog ownership up close all too frequently.

1. Dog poop on hiking /fitness trails and walk paths attracts flies and other vermin, not to mention the unsightly mess fresh dog shit makes. Too often dog owners just don't clean up after their pets and, like smokers, screw everyone else as long as your dog gets his exercise. Nothing ruins your breakfast faster than coming u-on a steaming pile of fresh dog shit right in the middle of the walkway on your morning walk.

2.You don't have to be a liberal to be afraid of a furry powerful alligator with a short snout; especially one that bears the name "pit bull." If you fat assed "conservatives" would get off your asses and exercise outside, other than walking your dogs a couple of minutes on walking trails, you might appreciate the angst large dogs and especially pit bulls generate.

When I venture onto a fitness trail, I usually carry a 3ft Iron pipe to defend myself against loose dogs that frequent those areas, sometimes with the owners standing nearby holding a disconnected leash while the dog runs towards you and has to be called back. Usually the whistling sound of a pipe swung through the air or the clanking made while striking one end of it on the ground is enough to thwart any would be attack.

On occasion, I have armed myself with a small pistol just in case I meet a pack of dogs on some isolated part of the long trails I hike. I find that strategy especially reassuring after I read about some jogger or hiker being attacked or killed by several escaped pit bulls. If I ever encounter these "nice animals and one of them happens to be yours...too bad, it is going down if the beast gets too close and threatening and I even THINK it has nefarious intentions.
That is one reason I believe in the 2nd Amendment for self protection. And that includes against your fucking dog if necessary.
All conservatives are fat and don't go out? And you carry a 3' iron pipe? I'd meet your small pistol and raise you a .357 magnum with full house loads if you made a threatening gesture towards one of my dogs.
You are entering into dangerous territory here, Iceweasle. Most humans I know never threaten a dog who is not threatening them. I certainly don't go around threatening animals of any kind, I will, however, defend myself against the aggression of any large animal capable of doing serious damage to me by any means necessary. If your dog attacks me or even a stranger and I see it, that dog is dead. If you are present and the attack happens I guess we will have to see what happens next!

I won't cross that fine line and threaten you as you have me. If your dog is well behaved in public places and you have it under control we would never have a problem. But if you can't control your animal and it is vicious or aggressive, don't take him out in public where you might meet me.
I am an avid walker/jogger/bicyclist and have seen the darker side of dog ownership up close all too frequently.

1. Dog poop on hiking /fitness trails and walk paths attracts flies and other vermin, not to mention the unsightly mess fresh dog shit makes. Too often dog owners just don't clean up after their pets and, like smokers, screw everyone else as long as your dog gets his exercise. Nothing ruins your breakfast faster than coming u-on a steaming pile of fresh dog shit right in the middle of the walkway on your morning walk.

2.You don't have to be a liberal to be afraid of a furry powerful alligator with a short snout; especially one that bears the name "pit bull." If you fat assed "conservatives" would get off your asses and exercise outside, other than walking your dogs a couple of minutes on walking trails, you might appreciate the angst large dogs and especially pit bulls generate.

When I venture onto a fitness trail, I usually carry a 3ft Iron pipe to defend myself against loose dogs that frequent those areas, sometimes with the owners standing nearby holding a disconnected leash while the dog runs towards you and has to be called back. Usually the whistling sound of a pipe swung through the air or the clanking made while striking one end of it on the ground is enough to thwart any would be attack.

On occasion, I have armed myself with a small pistol just in case I meet a pack of dogs on some isolated part of the long trails I hike. I find that strategy especially reassuring after I read about some jogger or hiker being attacked or killed by several escaped pit bulls. If I ever encounter these "nice animals and one of them happens to be yours...too bad, it is going down if the beast gets too close and threatening and I even THINK it has nefarious intentions.
That is one reason I believe in the 2nd Amendment for self protection. And that includes against your fucking dog if necessary.
All conservatives are fat and don't go out? And you carry a 3' iron pipe? I'd meet your small pistol and raise you a .357 magnum with full house loads if you made a threatening gesture towards one of my dogs.

Don't worry about him, he is probably 5'3" 240 lbs, sweats when he has to get out of his chair to take a piss. He no more walks trails than I skydive.

I am 6'7" 265 lbs and mean as a pitbull that has been fed gunpowder and crocodile eggs.
I walk through the projects and all the drug dealers and addicts cross over to the other side of the street when they see me coming. My hands are my swords and my legs are like coiled springs that launch my feet into assailant's asses with deadly force, breaking and fracturing bones. People see me and one look tells them ..this guy does not play. Even when pitbulls see me they look back over their shoulders to see if there is an escape route. When you see me you will KNOW its me... .there will be NO DOUBT!
Shall we kill the pitbulls? They're vicious hate machines. I mean, look at this one, he's coming for you right now.


[Oh my god, he's so fucking cute!]

So please explain how you feel about this. Why is it okay for the government to kill the puppies?
Why are you asking Liberals, imbecile?
Shall we kill the pitbulls? They're vicious hate machines. I mean, look at this one, he's coming for you right now.


[Oh my god, he's so fucking cute!]

So please explain how you feel about this. Why is it okay for the government to kill the puppies?

I just buried my 13 year old pit bull. He was the coolest dog in the world. And I am a liberal.

Despite some notable exceptions, I thought anti-pb legislation was on the decline.

Is Obama now coming to my house to kill grandma, confiscate my guns and take my dog?

Obama Blasts Legislation Targeting Specific Dog Breeds |

Bullshit never sleeps
Who is "you guys"? Are you afraid of answering the question or are you dense as a door.

I can own any dog I want, you don't dictate to me what I buy. Just because you are afraid of them doesn't mean you dictate what I do.

If I want a super large fry or Coke, who the hell are you to tell me no. We don't need fucking pot, fucking drug dealers or assholes that rip other taxpayers off by working under the table, but you seem ok with those ILLEGAL activities. But you want to control, my pets, my food and my life.

Why not get a fucking life of your own and keep your ass out of mine.

I am an avid walker/jogger/bicyclist and have seen the darker side of dog ownership up close all too frequently.

1. Dog poop on hiking /fitness trails and walk paths attracts flies and other vermin, not to mention the unsightly mess fresh dog shit makes. Too often dog owners just don't clean up after their pets and, like smokers, screw everyone else as long as your dog gets his exercise. Nothing ruins your breakfast faster than coming u-on a steaming pile of fresh dog shit right in the middle of the walkway on your morning walk.

2.You don't have to be a liberal to be afraid of a furry powerful alligator with a short snout; especially one that bears the name "pit bull." If you fat assed "conservatives" would get off your asses and exercise outside, other than walking your dogs a couple of minutes on walking trails, you might appreciate the angst large dogs and especially pit bulls generate.

When I venture onto a fitness trail, I usually carry a 3ft Iron pipe to defend myself against loose dogs that frequent those areas, sometimes with the owners standing nearby holding a disconnected leash while the dog runs towards you and has to be called back. Usually the whistling sound of a pipe swung through the air or the clanking made while striking one end of it on the ground is enough to thwart any would be attack.

On occasion, I have armed myself with a small pistol just in case I meet a pack of dogs on some isolated part of the long trails I hike. I find that strategy especially reassuring after I read about some jogger or hiker being attacked or killed by several escaped pit bulls. If I ever encounter these "nice animals and one of them happens to be yours...too bad, it is going down if the beast gets too close and threatening and I even THINK it has nefarious intentions.
That is one reason I believe in the 2nd Amendment for self protection. And that includes against your fucking dog if necessary.


Dumb fuck, I don't own a dog, if a dog attacks you on a trail shoot it. If I owned a dog it would be well behaved like my last dog and wouldn't on your fucking trail bothering your loser ass, dip shit.

Own a dog, own a gun, I don't give a fuck. If I own a gun or a breed of dog you don't like, I don't give a fuck. It's none of your business

So you won't shoot my dog, so shoot away. Stupid liberals
Look. DAWG, if the shoe doesn't fit, don't wear it. But, judging by your aggressive attitude, if you have a dog it is probably a potential killer. I don't have a problem with you owning a killer dog as long as it does NOT infringe upon community safety and you pick your dog's shit up when you walk it on public trails.

Judging by your aggressive attitude you are a walking mass murder. Got anything else nutter?

I don't have a dog shit head, so you pick up your own shit.
Have you ever heard of an American mass murderer who did the deed after turning 50 years of age? Most mass murderers, lately, have been young males.

YOU DON"T HAVE A DOG? WIth all the bluster and grandstanding one would think you bred and raised pit bulls. You certainly insinuated as much. But I should have known a fat ass bloke like you would rather have a hot dog than a "kind and loving" pit bull.

I said early on I didn't own a dog, I don't own a gun but I will fight for your right to have one. You are one dumb fuck.
Dumb fuck, I don't own a dog, if a dog attacks you on a trail shoot it. If I owned a dog it would be well behaved like my last dog and wouldn't on your fucking trail bothering your loser ass, dip shit.

Own a dog, own a gun, I don't give a fuck. If I own a gun or a breed of dog you don't like, I don't give a fuck. It's none of your business

So you won't shoot my dog, so shoot away. Stupid liberals
Liberals don't own guns, do they? After all, guns are bad and kill people.

They think they are the only ones allowed to have guns, because they mistakenly think they are smarter than others, even other liberals not of their race or economic equal.

You don't even know what a liberal or a conservative is. You just belch the gas from the steady diet of RW bilge that saturates the airways. I am an American who wants to be free to walk the health trails without stepping in dog shit or being menaced by your "friendly" pets. I have owned dogs too and they are like part of the family. Yet, they are still territorial and protective to the point of being dangerous to innocent strangers.

You just had to pull the race card, didn't you? I wont even address the "smarter than" or other drivel you posted...

Race card was pulled out long ago in this thread, but I forgive you because you are a bright bulb.

So far you have not been very entertaining, rather boring. Can't you come up with better stuff?

Yeah, I have some better stuff: Fuck you!

No you don't you are a boorish fucktard.
I am an avid walker/jogger/bicyclist and have seen the darker side of dog ownership up close all too frequently.

1. Dog poop on hiking /fitness trails and walk paths attracts flies and other vermin, not to mention the unsightly mess fresh dog shit makes. Too often dog owners just don't clean up after their pets and, like smokers, screw everyone else as long as your dog gets his exercise. Nothing ruins your breakfast faster than coming u-on a steaming pile of fresh dog shit right in the middle of the walkway on your morning walk.

2.You don't have to be a liberal to be afraid of a furry powerful alligator with a short snout; especially one that bears the name "pit bull." If you fat assed "conservatives" would get off your asses and exercise outside, other than walking your dogs a couple of minutes on walking trails, you might appreciate the angst large dogs and especially pit bulls generate.

When I venture onto a fitness trail, I usually carry a 3ft Iron pipe to defend myself against loose dogs that frequent those areas, sometimes with the owners standing nearby holding a disconnected leash while the dog runs towards you and has to be called back. Usually the whistling sound of a pipe swung through the air or the clanking made while striking one end of it on the ground is enough to thwart any would be attack.

On occasion, I have armed myself with a small pistol just in case I meet a pack of dogs on some isolated part of the long trails I hike. I find that strategy especially reassuring after I read about some jogger or hiker being attacked or killed by several escaped pit bulls. If I ever encounter these "nice animals and one of them happens to be yours...too bad, it is going down if the beast gets too close and threatening and I even THINK it has nefarious intentions.
That is one reason I believe in the 2nd Amendment for self protection. And that includes against your fucking dog if necessary.
All conservatives are fat and don't go out? And you carry a 3' iron pipe? I'd meet your small pistol and raise you a .357 magnum with full house loads if you made a threatening gesture towards one of my dogs.

Don't worry about him, he is probably 5'3" 240 lbs, sweats when he has to get out of his chair to take a piss. He no more walks trails than I skydive.

I am 6'7" 265 lbs and mean as a pitbull that has been fed gunpowder and crocodile eggs.
I walk through the projects and all the drug dealers and addicts cross over to the other side of the street when they see me coming. My hands are my swords and my legs are like coiled springs that launch my feet into assailant's asses with deadly force, breaking and fracturing bones. People see me and one look tells them ..this guy does not play. Even when pitbulls see me they look back over their shoulders to see if there is an escape route. When you see me you will KNOW its me... .there will be NO DOUBT!

You are a big tuff dude yet afraid of dogs? Man, how fucking stupid are you? You need to get a better story dude, one that's believable.
This argument has really gone off the rails. The reality is that the dog is from a line that is violent but that dogs are also not inherently violent. The data presented thus far is pretty clear - there is not a retinal link with violent dogs and the breed itself as being the problem more than many other factors.

the real problem here is that there is zero reason for the government to ban the entire breed and without just cause the government does not have the right to do so. It is asinine. We are talking about very few deaths here - swimming pools represent a larger threat. A ban like this is nonsensical.
Shall we kill the pitbulls? They're vicious hate machines. I mean, look at this one, he's coming for you right now.


[Oh my god, he's so fucking cute!]

So please explain how you feel about this. Why is it okay for the government to kill the puppies?

Absolutely not.

I am against euthanizing any healthy animal.

And the rap Pit Bulls have received is both undeserved and unfounded.

It's people that make these poor dogs crazy.

2014 dog bite fatality statistics
  • 42 U.S. dog bite-related fatalities occurred in 2014. Despite being regulated in Military Housing areas and over 700 U.S. cities, pit bulls contributed to 64% (27) of these deaths. Pit bulls make up about 6% of the total U.S. dog population.2
  • Together, pit bulls (27) and rottweilers (4), the second most lethal dog breed, accounted for 74% of the total recorded deaths in 2014. This same combination also accounted for 74% of all fatal attacks during the 10-year period of 2005 to 2014.
  • The breakdown between these two breeds is substantial over this 10-year period. From 2005 to 2014, pit bulls killed 203 Americans, about one citizen every 18 days, versus rottweilers, which killed 38, about one citizen every 96 days.

2014 U.S. Dog Bite Fatalities -
Who is "you guys"? Are you afraid of answering the question or are you dense as a door.

I can own any dog I want, you don't dictate to me what I buy. Just because you are afraid of them doesn't mean you dictate what I do.

If I want a super large fry or Coke, who the hell are you to tell me no. We don't need fucking pot, fucking drug dealers or assholes that rip other taxpayers off by working under the table, but you seem ok with those ILLEGAL activities. But you want to control, my pets, my food and my life.

Why not get a fucking life of your own and keep your ass out of mine.

I am an avid walker/jogger/bicyclist and have seen the darker side of dog ownership up close all too frequently.

1. Dog poop on hiking /fitness trails and walk paths attracts flies and other vermin, not to mention the unsightly mess fresh dog shit makes. Too often dog owners just don't clean up after their pets and, like smokers, screw everyone else as long as your dog gets his exercise. Nothing ruins your breakfast faster than coming u-on a steaming pile of fresh dog shit right in the middle of the walkway on your morning walk.

2.You don't have to be a liberal to be afraid of a furry powerful alligator with a short snout; especially one that bears the name "pit bull." If you fat assed "conservatives" would get off your asses and exercise outside, other than walking your dogs a couple of minutes on walking trails, you might appreciate the angst large dogs and especially pit bulls generate.

When I venture onto a fitness trail, I usually carry a 3ft Iron pipe to defend myself against loose dogs that frequent those areas, sometimes with the owners standing nearby holding a disconnected leash while the dog runs towards you and has to be called back. Usually the whistling sound of a pipe swung through the air or the clanking made while striking one end of it on the ground is enough to thwart any would be attack.

On occasion, I have armed myself with a small pistol just in case I meet a pack of dogs on some isolated part of the long trails I hike. I find that strategy especially reassuring after I read about some jogger or hiker being attacked or killed by several escaped pit bulls. If I ever encounter these "nice animals and one of them happens to be yours...too bad, it is going down if the beast gets too close and threatening and I even THINK it has nefarious intentions.
That is one reason I believe in the 2nd Amendment for self protection. And that includes against your fucking dog if necessary.


Dumb fuck, I don't own a dog, if a dog attacks you on a trail shoot it. If I owned a dog it would be well behaved like my last dog and wouldn't on your fucking trail bothering your loser ass, dip shit.

Own a dog, own a gun, I don't give a fuck. If I own a gun or a breed of dog you don't like, I don't give a fuck. It's none of your business

So you won't shoot my dog, so shoot away. Stupid liberals
Look. DAWG, if the shoe doesn't fit, don't wear it. But, judging by your aggressive attitude, if you have a dog it is probably a potential killer. I don't have a problem with you owning a killer dog as long as it does NOT infringe upon community safety and you pick your dog's shit up when you walk it on public trails.

Judging by your aggressive attitude you are a walking mass murder. Got anything else nutter?

I don't have a dog shit head, so you pick up your own shit.
Have you ever heard of an American mass murderer who did the deed after turning 50 years of age? Most mass murderers, lately, have been young males.

YOU DON"T HAVE A DOG? WIth all the bluster and grandstanding one would think you bred and raised pit bulls. You certainly insinuated as much. But I should have known a fat ass bloke like you would rather have a hot dog than a "kind and loving" pit bull.
Papag couldn't even walk a pit. It'd yank his arm off. Yea I'm calling him a puss
Who is "you guys"? Are you afraid of answering the question or are you dense as a door.

I can own any dog I want, you don't dictate to me what I buy. Just because you are afraid of them doesn't mean you dictate what I do.

If I want a super large fry or Coke, who the hell are you to tell me no. We don't need fucking pot, fucking drug dealers or assholes that rip other taxpayers off by working under the table, but you seem ok with those ILLEGAL activities. But you want to control, my pets, my food and my life.

Why not get a fucking life of your own and keep your ass out of mine.

I am an avid walker/jogger/bicyclist and have seen the darker side of dog ownership up close all too frequently.

1. Dog poop on hiking /fitness trails and walk paths attracts flies and other vermin, not to mention the unsightly mess fresh dog shit makes. Too often dog owners just don't clean up after their pets and, like smokers, screw everyone else as long as your dog gets his exercise. Nothing ruins your breakfast faster than coming u-on a steaming pile of fresh dog shit right in the middle of the walkway on your morning walk.

2.You don't have to be a liberal to be afraid of a furry powerful alligator with a short snout; especially one that bears the name "pit bull." If you fat assed "conservatives" would get off your asses and exercise outside, other than walking your dogs a couple of minutes on walking trails, you might appreciate the angst large dogs and especially pit bulls generate.

When I venture onto a fitness trail, I usually carry a 3ft Iron pipe to defend myself against loose dogs that frequent those areas, sometimes with the owners standing nearby holding a disconnected leash while the dog runs towards you and has to be called back. Usually the whistling sound of a pipe swung through the air or the clanking made while striking one end of it on the ground is enough to thwart any would be attack.

On occasion, I have armed myself with a small pistol just in case I meet a pack of dogs on some isolated part of the long trails I hike. I find that strategy especially reassuring after I read about some jogger or hiker being attacked or killed by several escaped pit bulls. If I ever encounter these "nice animals and one of them happens to be yours...too bad, it is going down if the beast gets too close and threatening and I even THINK it has nefarious intentions.
That is one reason I believe in the 2nd Amendment for self protection. And that includes against your fucking dog if necessary.


Dumb fuck, I don't own a dog, if a dog attacks you on a trail shoot it. If I owned a dog it would be well behaved like my last dog and wouldn't on your fucking trail bothering your loser ass, dip shit.

Own a dog, own a gun, I don't give a fuck. If I own a gun or a breed of dog you don't like, I don't give a fuck. It's none of your business

So you won't shoot my dog, so shoot away. Stupid liberals
Look. DAWG, if the shoe doesn't fit, don't wear it. But, judging by your aggressive attitude, if you have a dog it is probably a potential killer. I don't have a problem with you owning a killer dog as long as it does NOT infringe upon community safety and you pick your dog's shit up when you walk it on public trails.

Judging by your aggressive attitude you are a walking mass murder. Got anything else nutter?

I don't have a dog shit head, so you pick up your own shit.
Have you ever heard of an American mass murderer who did the deed after turning 50 years of age? Most mass murderers, lately, have been young males.

YOU DON"T HAVE A DOG? WIth all the bluster and grandstanding one would think you bred and raised pit bulls. You certainly insinuated as much. But I should have known a fat ass bloke like you would rather have a hot dog than a "kind and loving" pit bull.
Bill Maher did a great piece on how all these guys don't get laid.
Shall we kill the pitbulls? They're vicious hate machines. I mean, look at this one, he's coming for you right now.


[Oh my god, he's so fucking cute!]

So please explain how you feel about this. Why is it okay for the government to kill the puppies?

Blaming the breed instead of the owner who trained it is wrong. Equally-trained St. Bernard's a lot scarier ala "Cujo."
If too many consumers misuse a product the country might decide to ban that product. For example in Michigan a man invented powder alcohol and the government banned it because it's too dangerous. Of course it's not if properly used but the government doesn't trust us to properly use it they think it will be misused so they made it illegal. And that was before anyone misused it. pit bulls have been misused for a long time
"Liberals, how do you feel about anti-pitbull legislation?"

Conservatives, how do you feel about straw man fallacies, this failed thread premise being one of many examples.
I am an avid walker/jogger/bicyclist and have seen the darker side of dog ownership up close all too frequently.

1. Dog poop on hiking /fitness trails and walk paths attracts flies and other vermin, not to mention the unsightly mess fresh dog shit makes. Too often dog owners just don't clean up after their pets and, like smokers, screw everyone else as long as your dog gets his exercise. Nothing ruins your breakfast faster than coming u-on a steaming pile of fresh dog shit right in the middle of the walkway on your morning walk.

2.You don't have to be a liberal to be afraid of a furry powerful alligator with a short snout; especially one that bears the name "pit bull." If you fat assed "conservatives" would get off your asses and exercise outside, other than walking your dogs a couple of minutes on walking trails, you might appreciate the angst large dogs and especially pit bulls generate.

When I venture onto a fitness trail, I usually carry a 3ft Iron pipe to defend myself against loose dogs that frequent those areas, sometimes with the owners standing nearby holding a disconnected leash while the dog runs towards you and has to be called back. Usually the whistling sound of a pipe swung through the air or the clanking made while striking one end of it on the ground is enough to thwart any would be attack.

On occasion, I have armed myself with a small pistol just in case I meet a pack of dogs on some isolated part of the long trails I hike. I find that strategy especially reassuring after I read about some jogger or hiker being attacked or killed by several escaped pit bulls. If I ever encounter these "nice animals and one of them happens to be yours...too bad, it is going down if the beast gets too close and threatening and I even THINK it has nefarious intentions.
That is one reason I believe in the 2nd Amendment for self protection. And that includes against your fucking dog if necessary.
All conservatives are fat and don't go out? And you carry a 3' iron pipe? I'd meet your small pistol and raise you a .357 magnum with full house loads if you made a threatening gesture towards one of my dogs.
You are entering into dangerous territory here, Iceweasle. Most humans I know never threaten a dog who is not threatening them. I certainly don't go around threatening animals of any kind, I will, however, defend myself against the aggression of any large animal capable of doing serious damage to me by any means necessary. If your dog attacks me or even a stranger and I see it, that dog is dead. If you are present and the attack happens I guess we will have to see what happens next!

I won't cross that fine line and threaten you as you have me. If your dog is well behaved in public places and you have it under control we would never have a problem. But if you can't control your animal and it is vicious or aggressive, don't take him out in public where you might meet me.
Don't play cute here and pretend I know you or even live in the same part of the country. You are quite obviously extremely thin skinned. My dogs don't attack humans or dogs, you're full of excrement! You pull a gun or metal pipe out on someone's pet and somebody is going to stomp a mudhole in your ass.

You said: "it is going down if the beast gets too close and threatening and I even THINK it has nefarious intentions." Now you are pretending you said if you are attacked. Obviously we all have the right to protect ourselves but killing a dog because you are a fearful twat isn't going to cut it with everybody. Pull your popgun out on me and I will have an answer. Read more, pee less.
I am an avid walker/jogger/bicyclist and have seen the darker side of dog ownership up close all too frequently.

1. Dog poop on hiking /fitness trails and walk paths attracts flies and other vermin, not to mention the unsightly mess fresh dog shit makes. Too often dog owners just don't clean up after their pets and, like smokers, screw everyone else as long as your dog gets his exercise. Nothing ruins your breakfast faster than coming u-on a steaming pile of fresh dog shit right in the middle of the walkway on your morning walk.

2.You don't have to be a liberal to be afraid of a furry powerful alligator with a short snout; especially one that bears the name "pit bull." If you fat assed "conservatives" would get off your asses and exercise outside, other than walking your dogs a couple of minutes on walking trails, you might appreciate the angst large dogs and especially pit bulls generate.

When I venture onto a fitness trail, I usually carry a 3ft Iron pipe to defend myself against loose dogs that frequent those areas, sometimes with the owners standing nearby holding a disconnected leash while the dog runs towards you and has to be called back. Usually the whistling sound of a pipe swung through the air or the clanking made while striking one end of it on the ground is enough to thwart any would be attack.

On occasion, I have armed myself with a small pistol just in case I meet a pack of dogs on some isolated part of the long trails I hike. I find that strategy especially reassuring after I read about some jogger or hiker being attacked or killed by several escaped pit bulls. If I ever encounter these "nice animals and one of them happens to be yours...too bad, it is going down if the beast gets too close and threatening and I even THINK it has nefarious intentions.
That is one reason I believe in the 2nd Amendment for self protection. And that includes against your fucking dog if necessary.


Dumb fuck, I don't own a dog, if a dog attacks you on a trail shoot it. If I owned a dog it would be well behaved like my last dog and wouldn't on your fucking trail bothering your loser ass, dip shit.

Own a dog, own a gun, I don't give a fuck. If I own a gun or a breed of dog you don't like, I don't give a fuck. It's none of your business

So you won't shoot my dog, so shoot away. Stupid liberals
Look. DAWG, if the shoe doesn't fit, don't wear it. But, judging by your aggressive attitude, if you have a dog it is probably a potential killer. I don't have a problem with you owning a killer dog as long as it does NOT infringe upon community safety and you pick your dog's shit up when you walk it on public trails.

Judging by your aggressive attitude you are a walking mass murder. Got anything else nutter?

I don't have a dog shit head, so you pick up your own shit.
Have you ever heard of an American mass murderer who did the deed after turning 50 years of age? Most mass murderers, lately, have been young males.

YOU DON"T HAVE A DOG? WIth all the bluster and grandstanding one would think you bred and raised pit bulls. You certainly insinuated as much. But I should have known a fat ass bloke like you would rather have a hot dog than a "kind and loving" pit bull.
Papag couldn't even walk a pit. It'd yank his arm off. Yea I'm calling him a puss

Coming from a criminal, it doesn't mean a whole lot. Hypocrite.
I am an avid walker/jogger/bicyclist and have seen the darker side of dog ownership up close all too frequently.

1. Dog poop on hiking /fitness trails and walk paths attracts flies and other vermin, not to mention the unsightly mess fresh dog shit makes. Too often dog owners just don't clean up after their pets and, like smokers, screw everyone else as long as your dog gets his exercise. Nothing ruins your breakfast faster than coming u-on a steaming pile of fresh dog shit right in the middle of the walkway on your morning walk.

2.You don't have to be a liberal to be afraid of a furry powerful alligator with a short snout; especially one that bears the name "pit bull." If you fat assed "conservatives" would get off your asses and exercise outside, other than walking your dogs a couple of minutes on walking trails, you might appreciate the angst large dogs and especially pit bulls generate.

When I venture onto a fitness trail, I usually carry a 3ft Iron pipe to defend myself against loose dogs that frequent those areas, sometimes with the owners standing nearby holding a disconnected leash while the dog runs towards you and has to be called back. Usually the whistling sound of a pipe swung through the air or the clanking made while striking one end of it on the ground is enough to thwart any would be attack.

On occasion, I have armed myself with a small pistol just in case I meet a pack of dogs on some isolated part of the long trails I hike. I find that strategy especially reassuring after I read about some jogger or hiker being attacked or killed by several escaped pit bulls. If I ever encounter these "nice animals and one of them happens to be yours...too bad, it is going down if the beast gets too close and threatening and I even THINK it has nefarious intentions.
That is one reason I believe in the 2nd Amendment for self protection. And that includes against your fucking dog if necessary.


Dumb fuck, I don't own a dog, if a dog attacks you on a trail shoot it. If I owned a dog it would be well behaved like my last dog and wouldn't on your fucking trail bothering your loser ass, dip shit.

Own a dog, own a gun, I don't give a fuck. If I own a gun or a breed of dog you don't like, I don't give a fuck. It's none of your business

So you won't shoot my dog, so shoot away. Stupid liberals
Look. DAWG, if the shoe doesn't fit, don't wear it. But, judging by your aggressive attitude, if you have a dog it is probably a potential killer. I don't have a problem with you owning a killer dog as long as it does NOT infringe upon community safety and you pick your dog's shit up when you walk it on public trails.

Judging by your aggressive attitude you are a walking mass murder. Got anything else nutter?

I don't have a dog shit head, so you pick up your own shit.
Have you ever heard of an American mass murderer who did the deed after turning 50 years of age? Most mass murderers, lately, have been young males.

YOU DON"T HAVE A DOG? WIth all the bluster and grandstanding one would think you bred and raised pit bulls. You certainly insinuated as much. But I should have known a fat ass bloke like you would rather have a hot dog than a "kind and loving" pit bull.
Bill Maher did a great piece on how all these guys don't get laid.

Now you are resorting to lies because I told the truth about you and you can't refute any of it. I love how people think they are above the law and make excuses to rationalize their illegal activities.
I just buried my 13 year old pit bull. He was the coolest dog in the world. And I am a liberal.

Despite some notable exceptions, I thought anti-pb legislation was on the decline.

Is Obama now coming to my house to kill grandma, confiscate my guns and take my dog?

Obama Blasts Legislation Targeting Specific Dog Breeds |

Bullshit never sleeps

As I think I mentioned earlier, judging a dog solely by its breed is about as bright as judging a person solely by their skin color, race, creed, nationality, etc.

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